As the most beautiful girl in Sobu High School, she is actually related to Xia Qiu, a little-known student in the class.

There are some gossips in this, which are worth exploring.

"What? Junior seems to be very unwelcome to me."

With a sly smile, Kasumigaoka Utaha blinked at Xia Qiu like a big black fox who had succeeded in a prank.

"How dare I, Senior Shiyu? I was just at the entrance of the class... Well, don't you think this is a bit too conspicuous?"

Xia Qiu sighed. If this continues, it will soon become the focus of discussion. Xia Qiu still wants to live a relatively ordinary high school life, and doesn't want to become a figure in the spotlight so early. If she really wants to be famous, she will have to wait until graduation. By then, whether she chooses to go to college or just stay at home, it will be up to her.

"Oh~ I understand, junior brother, you have realized the charm of senior sister, it’s okay, I don’t mind being the object of junior brother’s gossip, after all, junior brother, you are also great."

Hiss~ This woman is so good.

However, Xia Qiu didn’t react to hearing this, anyway, it was just talk, Xia Qiu didn’t take it to heart

"Senior, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"


Kasumigaoka Shiyu crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows.

Xia Qiu paused for a moment, then suddenly realized what was going on and changed her tone.

"Senior Shiyu, what do you want to talk to me about?"

That's right~ Calling you senior sister is too formal.

""Are you sure you want to talk in front of your class?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said meaningfully, looking up to indicate the group of classmates who were waiting to see gossip behind Xia Qiu.

Xia Qiu understood and took Kasumigaoka Shiyu to his own club.

After the two walked away, the discussion in the class suddenly became louder. Everyone was curious about the relationship between Xia Qiu and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and they all started discussing it.

"What were these two doing?"

Eri bit her finger, wanting to go and take a look.

She wanted to know why Xia Feifei was looking for Xia Qiu, but if she sneaked over to see him, it would be embarrassing if she was caught. After all, she and Xia Qiu were at most friends. She had no right to control other people's social life.

Oh, by the way, doesn't Xia Qiu have a club? Can't I just go and see Xia Qiu's club in the name of a visit? Anyway, that woman didn't know that I had been to Xia Qiu's club.

Feeling at ease, she found an excuse for herself. Just as she was about to get up and walk out with her lunch box, she was stopped by her good friends around her.

They were excited to find Eriri to discuss the gossip just now.

Woo woo woo, I don't want to discuss gossip with you, I want to leave...

Eriri, who was about to cry but had no tears, was pressed on the seat, watching the two people leave.

She couldn't say it clearly... She could only say that the damn personality framed her.

Eriri couldn't have any opinions, so she could only put on a smile and listen to others talking about the relationship between Xia Qiu and that woman.

In the classroom of the Light Music Club

"Lolita love teacher, congratulations on the big sale of your work~ I heard from my editor that the work"Four Lies" has become popular as soon as it was released. Wow, that old woman called me to chat with me in envy, and shamelessly hoped that she could also produce an author like my junior brother."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu first congratulated Xia Qiu on the sales of her work, and then complained about the editor in charge of her.

Hearing this, Xia Qiu touched her nose. It was indeed embarrassing to be praised in person.

Hey~ People are like this. If you praise me, I may feel embarrassed, but if you scold me, I may feel very happy~


After all, it is really interesting to see people break down.

"Is that all? Shiyu-senpai can just message me on her phone."

"Sending a message doesn't reflect my sincerity. After all, I am also a disciple of the lolita control teacher~"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu tapped her lips and said with a smile.

"But of course there is more than that, there is also this."

As she said this, Kasumigaoka Utaha pushed the four lies she bought in front of Xia Qiu, and her meaning was self-evident.

Xia Qiu picked up the pen and signed his pen name, then returned the novel to Kasumigaoka Utaha.

Kasumigaoka Utaha looked at the signature of the novel with satisfaction.

"Huh? There aren't two hearts? But this is OK~ Then I'll accept the first time of the lolita teacher"

"Hey, don't be so ambiguous, but it's not the first time. If it's Senior Shiyu, it should be the third time."

Xia Qiu put away his pen and took out his lunch box to eat.

"Hum~ This is only the third time? As expected... I am not valued by my junior. I am crying~"

"Please don't use onomatopeia like crying~"

This woman is really cute~

But Xia Qiu won't be fooled. Xia Qiu has figured out Kasumigaoka Utaha's personality. She likes to say things that make people misunderstand, and then watch others blush and feel embarrassed.

Sure enough! This woman has a good-looking appearance, but a bad personality! She's just like a succubus!

Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Utaha blinked her wine-red pupils.

"If it was before me, it couldn't be that little golden retriever, right? She got there first? Well, after all, that little golden retriever is also involved, so it's normal for her to ask you for your autograph first. But who is the other one? Could it be another old lover of my junior?"

"Old lover? If you are talking about Shizuka Hiratsuka,……"

Teacher? That's pointless. I thought I could trick other girls, but my junior's social circle is surprisingly small.

Then, Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't hurry up. She finished lunch quietly with Xia Qiu. Anyway, she got what she should get. It was a pity that she didn't find out about other things of my junior. After lunch, I said goodbye to Kasumigaoka

Utaha and returned to my classroom.

I don't know why, Eriri, who was in a good mood in the morning, looked sad in the afternoon as if her panties were stolen. But...who would steal Eriri's panties with that size? She's an elementary school student?

I don't really understand girls' psychology.

The rest of his life was pretty normal. Apart from occasionally paying attention to the comments about the four lies on the Internet, Xia Qiu seemed to have nothing to do.

Until the next Saturday, the good news of Kagurazaka Ayame came first.

Sold out on the first day!

Sold out on the second day!

Sold out on the third day!


"Teacher! You are so angry!"

Xia Qiu didn't understand why. Why did it feel like this woman's voice was getting louder and louder since she met Chang Pu? She was almost deafened by the noise.

"The first week sales of Teacher's Four Lies are out!!! 41,000 copies, it can be said to be a huge hit!"

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