"If you have nothing to do tonight, come to my house with Xiao Qiong for dinner. I bought a lot of food today, and it's just right to celebrate your move."

"How can this be so..."

"Listen to auntie, didn't you say last time that you would come to my house when you have the chance? Now that we are neighbors, of course we have to come and celebrate."

"This... okay."

Xia Qiu couldn't refuse Mrs. Nishimiya's kindness after hearing that. After all, it was someone else's intention. It would be impolite to refuse.

Mrs. Nishimiya went to cook, leaving Yuzuru Nishimiya and Xia Qiu Xiaoqiong staring at each other on the sofa.

""Brother, do you want to play with Yuzuru?"

Without giving Xia Qiu a chance to react, Yuzuru pulled Xia Qiu and ran, which made Xiao Qiong's eyes widen.

What's going on? Is Ouni so popular in this family?

Then Xia Qiu was pulled into her room by Yuzuru and then all the toys in the toy box were poured out.

How could a child understand so much? She just wanted to share her favorite things with her friends.

Besides, the little loli was really cute. Xia Qiu also patiently accompanied the little guy to build blocks. While accompanying Yuzuru, she did not forget her own sister.

"Isn't Xiao Qiong coming?"

Xiao Qiong curled his lips and didn't say anything, obviously looking jealous.

What brother? Am I the only one who can call you Ouni?

But even if he was jealous, he wouldn't do anything to a child.

It can be seen that Xiao Yuzuru is really happy, with a smile on his face, as if he hasn't been so happy for a long time.

Nishimiya Yuzuru also gave his own explanation for this.

"Because his sister can't hear, Yuzuru can't bother his sister, so Yuzuru can only play by himself."

Is that so...

Such a poor child.

Rubbing Yuzuru's head, Xia Qiu pointed to the room upstairs, asking if he could go up and take a look.

Yuzuru hesitated for a moment and nodded. Only his sister was upstairs. His big brother was a good man, so there was no problem. Moreover, his big brother also brought a lot of delicious snacks. The little guy's world is so innocent.

Just as Xia Qiu went upstairs.

Xiao Qiong looked directly at Yuzuru with a considering look.

"What's wrong, sister? Aren't building blocks fun? I have a remote control car here."

The innocent look in the little guy's eyes made Xiao Qiong's heart rise, and a feeling of guilt surged in his heart.

Oh, what's wrong with me? I actually suspected that a child would have improper thoughts about his brother. Did jealousy eat his brain?

Xiao Qiong just thought it was brother control syndrome.

Then Xiao Qiong shook his head, took out a handful of chocolates from his pocket and put them in Yuzuru's hand.

"Wow, thank you, sister, you are so nice."

The little guy happily held the chocolate in his hand.

Xia Qiu doted on Xiao Qiong to the extreme. Basically, after he became rich, he bought Xiao Qiong a lot of delicious food, and he also had a lot of pocket money.

However, Xiao Qiong didn't have any expenses, but he often carried some delicious candies in his pocket, just to tempt the little guy in front of him.

"From now on, you have to call me brother Xia Qiu instead of Ouni."

Xiao Qiong said seriously, as if he was talking about something very important.

"Why? Is there any difference between Brother and Xiaqiu Brother?"

Yuzuru tilted his head, seemingly not understanding the difference between the two titles.

Hearing this, Xiaoqiong explained seriously.

"Ouni is my Ouni. You and her are just the neighbor's brother and sister, so you have to call her by her name. You are not brother and sister."


Seeing the little guy's understanding expression, Xiao Qiong was complacent, but then his expression froze.

"So, sister likes brother Xia Qiu? What is this? Oh, yes, possessiveness, mom told me that this is called possessiveness."

Xiao Qiong's hands and feet froze, as if her mind was seen through by a nine-year-old girl.

At the same time, Xia Qiu said hello to Mrs. Nishimiya in the kitchen and went to see Gaozi.

Thinking that children should like candy and chocolate, she grabbed a handful of chocolate and candy from the snacks she brought and went upstairs.

Xiao Gaozi's room was open, and the little guy seemed to be drawing. The watercolor pens were scattered on the table. Unlike the noise downstairs, it was very quiet upstairs, as if her world only had her.

Approaching Nishimiya Gaozi's back, she was concentrating on drawing. She drew her home in the form of graffiti stroke by stroke.

"The drawing is very good."

Xia Qiu couldn't help but exclaim in praise, and suddenly realized that Glass couldn't hear her voice. She simply pulled the chair next to her and sat down.

Even though Glass couldn't hear the sound, the movements beside her were so big that the little girl still noticed Xia Qiu next to her.

Glass looked at Xia Qiu in surprise, then smiled with curved eyes and gestured to Xia Qiu in sign language.

Obviously, she also knew that the big brother in front of her was the good-looking big brother she met when she went to school that day. Well, it was just that his hairstyle changed, but Glass didn't forget those eyes.

Unfortunately, Xia Qiu had never learned sign language, so she couldn't understand what Glass gestured at all. She could only pull out a piece of paper from the table and write something on it with a pen.

【Sorry, I don't understand sign language, so can Glass communicate with me using paper? 】 Glass took the paper and picked up a pen to write and draw on it.

【I should be the one to say sorry, big brother. I forgot that big brother can't hear and understand what Glass said, but why is big brother in our house? (*^▽^*) 】

Looking at the cute graffiti expressions behind the words, Xia Qiu couldn't help but smile. They were so innocent and cute like a child~

【Of course I'm here to visit Naoko's house. We'll be neighbors from now on. 】


Naoko's eyes are shining, as if there's light shining in them

【Is Sister Xiaoqiong here too?】

【Of course, she's downstairs with your sister. Do you want to go down and play with them?】

Nitrous shook her head.

【Glass can't hear, and sister Xiaoqiong and her younger sister can't understand the sign language. Glass can't disturb them, or she will be bored. 】

Wow! What a little angel.

Because of her own reasons, it is actually difficult for girls to fit in. Glass would rather paint alone in the room and not disturb others.

What a cute little angel.

Hey~ Xia Qiu touched Glass's head. The little guy was dizzy and his cheeks were as red as an apple. He put the candies and chocolates in his pocket on the table.

Glass stared at her.

What child doesn't like sweet candies and chocolates~

【Naoko can try to play together. I believe Yuzuru will not refuse to be with her sister. You are sisters. And Xiaoqiong is also very well behaved and will not refuse Naoko to join.

Is this really the case? Does Yuzuru think so too?

【Then... can Gaozi make friends with Xiaoqiong?】

The little girl looked at Xia Qiu eagerly, as if making a wish.

As early as that day at school, Gaozi noticed Xiaoqiong, who was as bright and shining as a star.

A very cute little sister... beautiful silver-white hair, and very good-looking.

Gaozi wanted to make friends with her, but Xiaoqiong was a little cold at that time, so Gaozi didn't dare to talk to her with her notebook, for fear that Xiaoqiong would dislike her for not being able to hear her, so she could only purse her lips and stare at Xiaoqiong's back.………………

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