Then he went to the supermarket to prepare all the ingredients needed for the evening. After returning home, Xia Qiu was ready to show off his skills and make a relatively sumptuous dinner.

As for how it tasted? It was simply unforgettable! Looking at the extremely satisfied expressions on the faces of the two little guys, you can understand.

The Lv3 level of cooking is still very good.

It can be said that the meals made by Xia Qiu at this time have surpassed the category of"delicious" in the ordinary sense and have become a kind of enjoyment, a feast of taste, and a spiritual journey! No matter who has tasted it, they will be deeply attracted and can't help but savor it again and again.

After dinner, he sent the two little guys home, and told them to remember to find him next door if they have anything.

""Has Xiao Qiong been bullied in school?"

Rubbing Qiong's head, Xia Qiu was quite worried about Qiong's life in school.

Xiao Qiong shook her head. On the contrary, she was quite popular in school.

After all, a pretty and cute little girl is indeed more popular.

That's it~ It's good that she is not bullied.

After washing up, Xia Qiu sat in front of the computer desk. He had almost rested recently. It was time to prepare for the next volume of light novels.

As for what to write in the next volume of light novels~

Should I continue to abuse my lovely readers?

After thinking about it, Xia Qiu felt that he should not do it. A knife man should also pay attention to a step-by-step process.

What if he scares his readers away in the future? When Xia Qiu's pen name is mentioned, he thinks of a knife. How can Xia Qiu be a happy warrior in the future?

How about this, the next light novel should be a little more normal, don't choose the kind that is too abusive, and then go straight to the next novel!

Hehehe, I believe his lovely readers will be very happy after knowing it.

As for which work to choose...

Just you!"Your Name"!

Word document! Start!



Xia Qiu did not forget that he would go with Shiyu to attend the writers' exchange meeting at the Fuzugawa Library.

But before that, Xia Qiu still needed to go to the Dengeki Library. The autographs of the 500 sets of Four Lies that were promised last time had not yet been written.

When the front desk lady saw Xia Qiu coming, her eyes lit up.

"Is this Teacher Xia Qiu? Editor-in-chief Chang Pu is already waiting for you in the editorial office, on the third floor."

""Thank you."

Xia Qiu paused, then smiled friendly and said thank you.

I vaguely remember that the last time I came to Dengeki Library, no one greeted me.

Sure enough, is this the treatment for bringing a writer?

"Um... which one, can Teacher Xia Qiu sign for me too? I really like Four Lies.

The cute receptionist shyly took out a copy of Four Lies and handed it to Xia Qiu.

"It's just a signature."

After signing for the lady at the front desk, Xia Qiu walked towards the elevator.

When he arrived at the editorial office on the third floor and looked at the basket of light novels on the table, Xia Qiu knew that he might have agreed too confidently.

"Teacher Xia Qiu, are you ready?"

Callis editor smiled and handed over a pen.

Xia Qiu's mouth twitched slightly. It seemed that he would spend the whole morning in the editorial department.

After signing about a hundred books, Xia Qiu rubbed his sore wrist.

"What a sin! Why did I choose such a long pen name?"

After signing about a hundred copies, Xia Qiu felt that he didn't know the word"loli" anymore. Now he wanted to vomit when he saw it.

At the same time, he also wanted to slap himself in the face. It was like a deep well of ice! Choosing such a pen name? Who are you trying to tire out!!!!

"Hey, don't worry, Teacher Xia Qiu. There are still more than 350 books. If you are fast, you can finish them in another hour or two."

Chang Pu brought a cup of coffee and put it next to Xia Qiu, feeling like he was just watching the fun.

"Can we make a deal? How about just signing 300 copies?"

"Teacher Xia Qiu! Don’t you want your readers to smile happily when they receive the signed copies? You don’t want your readers who support you to feel disappointed."

Pua! It’s pua!

Xia Qiu’s expression was complicated, and he had to continue signing seriously.

How did he agree to sign 500 copies in the first place? Now, the suffering is left to himself.

"By the way, Mr. Xia Qiu, do you need us to register your personal account on the Internet?"

"Personal account?"

Something like WB?

Neon does have a social platform similar to WB in China, and many celebrities use it, which is convenient for communicating with fans.

After thinking about it, Xia Qiu thought it was okay and agreed to let Chang Pu apply for one.

Soon the account was handed over to Xia Qiu.

"Do I need to send something?"

"Well, Mr. Xia Qiu just needs to introduce yourself and let the readers know that you are the author."

Oh, I see.

Xia Qiu quickly edited a message and sent it up.

【Hey guys, I’m the author of Four Lies—I love lolita and I love legal lolita even more. Please take care of me in the future. After sending this message, Acorus urged Xia Qiu to sign the remaining signatures quickly so as to cooperate with their publicity department’s publicity.

Another two hours passed, and he finally signed the remaining novels before lunch. He declined Acorus’s proposal to treat him to a meal, as he had a date to go to in the afternoon, and would go to the station to pick up Kasumigaoka Utaha later.

Just when Xia Qiu was leaving, Dengeki Bunko cooperated with Xia Qiu’s account to jointly release the signed special edition of the light novel"Your Lie in April".

At the same time, the number of fans under Xia Qiu’s personal account, which was diverted here, continued to increase, and soon reached 60,000. There were also many more comments on his personal introduction that day.

【I'm the first to check in! Is this the account of Lao Zei? Damn! Why is the avatar a cartoon loli? It really suits Lao Zei's preferences.】

【If you don't understand, just ask, has the old thief finished writing the next volume? If not, can I go to the small dark room to write it?】

【Woohoo, please, write it! I can do anything.】

【Brothers, the signed copy of Four Lies is going to be released! However, there are only 500 places available. I wonder if I can get a copy in the bookstore here.】

【Woohoo, my brother who has been dead for seven days hopes to grab a signed copy. I hope everyone can be kind so that I can burn it for him when the time comes. Let my brother die in peace.】

【Alas, life is always full of surprises and helplessness. It is normal to have gains and losses, so ~ climb!】

【It's so funny! He's dead but still trying to post gossip! I suggest dig up his corpse and whip it!]

As expected, there are many abstract netizens in every country.

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