Before they knew it, they had reached the tram station.

"Junior brother is so smooth-talking, has he deceived many girls in the past?"

Don't continue to dwell on this topic. If you continue, Shiyu is afraid that she will fall into this man's trap.

"It's a pity that I have never dated a girl.

Xia Qiu spread his hands and told this sad fact.

"Pfft~ How is that possible? Only a scumbag would say that."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu narrowed her eyes, staring at Xia Qiu's profile and continued

"It's just like the childish comparisons you boys make. Those who have never been in a relationship will boast that they have dated several people, but in fact they are just miserable~"

Xia Qiu blinked.

"But I haven't really had any actual contact with other girls."

"Oh, really? With such excellent conditions, no girl pursues you? That's really puzzling. Is there no girl who makes your heart beat faster?"

"Yes, that’s my senior~"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was speechless. He wanted to trick her? He really thought she was defenseless, didn’t he?

"Then I will give you a chance to pursue me, come on."

"Ah? You still want to pursue me? That's too much trouble, so I won't be tempted."

I really want to hit him! Junior is not cute at all! Not as fun as before. Kasumigaoka

Utaha was so angry that her teeth itched.

She wanted to bite this guy on the arm, but it was just a thought.

"Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore. In my opinion, Senior Shiyu is really charming, so~"

Urgent! Why is there no follow-up!

So what?

Junior brother, if you finish your sentence halfway, it will really kill people! \(`Δ’)/

Xia Qiu raised his eyebrows and whispered to Kasumigaoka Utaha's ear

"So the train is here. Today's date is still a little unsatisfactory. I hope that next time, senior sister can wear nice black stockings. See you tomorrow."

Then she stepped back in the surprised eyes of Kasumigaoka Utaha.

She waved and turned to get on the train. She watched the back of the boy leaving. Standing there, Kasumigaoka Utaha couldn't calm down for a long time.

Then Kasumigaoka Utaha seemed to come back to her senses. Her wine-red eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a slightly morbid smile in her expression.

Good! Very good! Cute junior Xia Qiu, you are very good!

Junior brother, senior sister is completely interested in you this time.


When I got home, three cute little girls came to me.

"Welcome back, Brother Xia Qiu"

(Brother Xia Qiu, you are back. )

Ah! Loli is really the best treasure in the world, except for the naughty kids.

The naughty kids who are hated by all gods and ghosts are really hard to accept, but the soft, sweet and sweet little Loli is heartwarming.

"Yoshi Yoshi, good boy, are you hungry? Do you want me to cook for you?"

Xiao Qiong was watching her beloved brother coaxing Yuzuru and Shaozi with an extremely doting tone.

How hateful! They are obviously my sister!

But fortunately, Xiao Qiong is no longer jealous of these two little guys. In her eyes, they are just children. Sister only dotes on them a little. Her attention should be on their mother.

Compared with the two little guys who have not grown up, Xiao Qiong thinks that Nishimiya Yaeko, also known as Mrs. Nishimiya, is more threatening.

"No need, sister Xiaoqiong ordered takeout for us. We are not very hungry yet."

Shaozi nodded, indicating that he was not hungry yet.

Xia Qiu gave Xiaoqiong a lot of pocket money, spoiled his sister, let her buy whatever she wanted, and did not restrict Xiaoqiong's spending financially.

Oh~ It seems that I am also an out-and-out daughter-control.

At the same time, in an apartment building, Shiyu took off her shoes, went to the bedroom, jumped directly onto the bed, buried her face in the pillow, and missed the fluctuations in her heart just now.

What kind of emotion is that?

Heartbeat? Tangled?

In short, it is very complicated, as if an ant is scratching your heart, itchy, making people unconsciously reminisce.

"I can't be really in love with my junior, right?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not deny that she had a good impression of her junior, but a good impression did not mean that she would definitely like Xia Qiu.

It was just that the time they spent together this afternoon really made her feel moved. Shiyu, who had no experience in love, didn't know what to do.

Although she wrote a romance novel, it did not mean that she must know a lot about emotional matters. It was all based on her imagination. If she really encountered such a thing, Shiyu would be completely in the dark. She sat on the edge of the bed, holding a pillow in her hand.

She picked up her phone and wanted to send a message to her junior to let him know if he had arrived home.

But Shiyu changed her mind and thought, wasn't she just giving it to him for free?

No, no, she still had to be reserved. Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu had never been in a relationship, she knew that what she couldn't get was always a disturbance. If a girl gave too much for free, boys would not cherish her. She should just wait for him to send a message.

Soon, a line message was sent to Kasumigaoka Shiyu's phone.

"Humph, I told you that girls should be more reserved."

Shiyu happily clicked on Line, and her expression quickly changed from surprise to resentment.

There is no news from my junior!

Damn, this man is so damned! Why didn't he ask if my senior sister got home safely!

【Machida Yuanzi: Xiaoshi, Xiaoshi! Damn Xiaoshi! You didn't even tell me that your boyfriend is a lolita teacher, and you made me embarrassed in front of Ayame!】

【Kasumi Shiko: Stupid.

Machida Sonoko: ???

Why is Xiaoshi so angry today? Even Machida Sonoko can feel it through the phone screen. Could it be that relatives are coming?

But if we calculate the date, Xiaoshi is not here these days?

【Machida Sonoko:?】

【Kasumi Shiko:?】

Oh, I see. Xiaoshi was waiting for a message from her boyfriend, but he didn't reply. He opened his message first, so Xiaoshi was so angry.

Don't ask how Machida Sonoko knew this. It's just the experience of adults.

【Machida Yuanzi: Hey, Xiaoshi, don't worry. Your boyfriend probably just came home and didn't have time to reply to your message. Our Xiaoshi is so charming that I believe your boyfriend will be won over by you soon. 】

No? What are you talking about, an old woman who often fails in blind dates?

But how did she know that I was waiting for Xia Qiu's message?

Could this guy have installed surveillance in my house?

Kasumigaoka Shiyu immediately looked around vigilantly.

【Machida Sonoko: I didn't install surveillance cameras at Xiaoshi's house.】

【Kasumi Shiko:????】

【Machida Sonoko: Okay, I won't joke with Xiaoshi anymore. I suggest that Xiaoshi quickly take down her boyfriend! 】

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