Thanks to the cute Feifei Xia, who often stimulates Eriri during chats, Eriri has an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Moreover, the two of them haven't even said hello to each other in the past few days, just like familiar strangers, which makes Eriri feel a little uncomfortable. What's even more uncomfortable is his way of addressing her, Sawamura-san...

We are just so strangers, you can obviously call me by my name.

In a coffee shop, a metal spoon was stirring in the coffee cup.

Wow! After saying such embarrassing words just now, how can the already proud Eriri face Xia Qiu again!

Especially Xia Qiu, who was sitting opposite her, was looking at her with a very strange look.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? I am... I am……"

Ying Lili couldn't explain it, her face was red, her sharp fangs were exposed, and she tried to face Xia Qiu with a stronger attitude, but... her strong attitude was cute in Xia Qiu's eyes.

Ying Lili is like this, cute~ She is even cuter when she is stubborn, arrogant and ashamed.

"Okay, okay, no more jokes. Are you bored lately? Do you have any other work besides the illustrations for Four Lies?"

Xia Qiu changed the subject in advance to prevent the golden-haired girl from thinking about it all the time.

"Um... I haven't been drawing fanfiction recently. I really want to draw a comic book myself, but……"

However, as a qualified comic book master, Eriri's doujinshi have always been labeled as having beautiful art style but empty plot content.

Eriri can't do anything about it. It's not like she doesn't want to draw comics...but the things she draws are basically unreadable except for the style of drawing, okay?

"Well, do you want to cooperate with teacher Eri Kashiwagi?"

"What! I don't know that guy named Kashiwagi Eri!" She always pretends to be arrogant, but suddenly Eriri realized that this guy seems to be talking about cooperation!

"What kind of cooperation?"

Xia Qiu knows that money is something that can never be earned enough. He still has many works to write in terms of light novels, and not only that, but also comics, animation, games, etc. If Xia Qiu needs to do all these, the workload will be extremely heavy!

And the matter of cutting people must be done in advance, otherwise what if readers are immune to it in the future! How can I cut people happily!

Moreover, in Xia Qiu's future conception, Eriri, as an artist, is naturally one of the targets to be won over. Needless to say, Eriri's strength is also very strong?

Although she is a master of books, her painting style is very beautiful. In the future, she can be a painter or an artist. And there are not many powerful painters in the Japanese industry now.

Eriri, who is outstanding in ability, can naturally do it!

In this regard.

Xia Qiu supported his chin with both hands.

"How about I come up with the subject matter and you paint it?"


Eri looked at Xia Qiu in disbelief! She knew Xia Qiu's ability, she was very strong.

If she was asked to draw the subject, it would be possible!

And it would also help her to improve her ability to write stories.

"Divide it into 20 and 80. Do you have any objection?"

"Of course, I don’t even need the royalties."

Ying Lili was a little excited. She wasn’t short of money, or rather, ACG was her only hobby. She didn’t really care about the 80% profit split. What she cared about was the fun of creating.

"In this case, please give me more advice in the future, Teacher Yinglili"


Immersed in joy, Eriri didn’t notice that Xia Qiu seemed to have called her name. It wasn’t until Xia Qiu left that she realized…

Teacher Eriri…

Wow! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

After returning home, Eriri threw herself on her bed, twisting! Rolling! Crawling!

How embarrassing! Why did she say such words at that time!

Some things, you only realize how embarrassing they are when you recall them afterwards! Eriri didn’t even know what her mentality was when she said such words.

Now when she thinks back on it, her face is flushed!

"Oh... my lovely daughter is in love?"

Mrs. Sayuri downstairs was holding a cup of black tea and listening carefully to what Yingli said.

She is definitely in love!

I just don't know who the man is. Should I ask Yingli to bring him home to meet him?

Hey~ Mrs. Sayuri felt inexplicably happy when she thought about becoming a grandmother in the future.

On the other side, Xia Qiu returned home, rubbed her shoulders, and sent the novel"Your Name" to Acorus. He finally finished writing the novel adapted from the animated film, and polished many of the plots himself. If it weren't for his level 3 writing ability, it would be difficult for him to adapt it.

But it's all worth it.

Earn As for money, it doesn’t matter if it’s a bit hard and tiring, making a lot of money is the kingly thing, okay? I will wait for the new book I’m currently writing before thinking about writing that one, I’ll wait for the release of Four Lies first, and after that there will be a sum of money from Kyoto Animation for the soundtrack, I can’t let Kyoto Animation get it for free.

There are also copyright fees from animation adaptations and the like, I have become a rich man without knowing it.


I’m so happy, thinking back to the time when I could barely afford to eat, now I’m almost a successful person, I’m so happy.

So! Log in! Today I’m going to slaughter the Japanese server! The number one Greste in the national server is out!

Half an hour later...

Damn it! How come the Japanese server of LOL is all It's the Chinese who are here to fry fish, how shameless! How do you expect the locals to live!

Alas, I am not suitable for competitive games, Pokémon is more suitable for me.

Before starting the game, Xia Qiu browsed the comments about Four Lies on the Internet, as well as the comments under the soundtrack he recently released.

Without exception, they are all boasters.

The Japanese are really good at bragging, they almost say that they are the new era of light novel sages.

Well, after the second volume comes out, Xia Qiu estimates that the boasters will disappear and they will become the knifers!

At the same time, in the editorial department of Dengeki Bunko.

Recently, in addition to the second volume of Four Lies that needs to be published, there are many other things to be published. Apart from the heart, Acorus has nothing else to distract him. He lies peacefully in the office chair and stretches his body, showing off his good adult body.

Great! The days of slacking off are great! Even if Teacher Xia Qiu doesn't go to the book signing event, the current sales of the first volume of Four Lies have reached nearly 250,000 copies. If there is a book signing event to stir up the heat, it is estimated that it can exceed 300,000.

For 500,000, we have to wait until the second volume of Four Lies comes out. Anyway, if a single volume breaks one million, we have to see if Kyoto Animation's animation is good enough.

However... when I think of the ending of the second volume of Four Lies...

Acorus was silent for a short time. It is estimated that there will be a big rhythm...

Ding Dong~

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