"Do you want to take a break, Xiao Shi?"

Machida Yuanzi asked. It was already eleven o'clock from eight in the morning. She had signed almost two hundred books. It was almost time to take a break and eat something.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu nodded gently. Now she was thinking about why her junior brother hadn't come yet.

"Hey, are you thinking about your boyfriend? As someone who has been through this, I would like to tell you that you should keep a good boy like your junior firmly in your hands in advance."

"You should pay more attention to your own love life when you have time."

Kasumigaoka Utaha picked up a piece of sushi and stuffed it into Machida Yuanzi's mouth without hesitation. Even eating can't stop a woman like you from talking.

Besides... she doesn't even know whether the junior brother will come today.

After lunch, she started working on the book signing event in the afternoon.

The flow of people was slowly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rubbing her slightly sore arms, Kasumigaoka Utaha lowered her head and shouted tiredly

"Next one."

Then he put a copy of"Love Metronome" on the table.

"Is there any blessing you need my help writing? If not, I'll just write it casually."

"Hmm~ Could it be that your lovely junior has no reward?"

Hearing this voice, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly looked up and saw Xia Qiu's smiling face.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu couldn't help but feel a little angry. What a hateful junior, he came so late and made me wait for a long time.

"The late junior is not worthy of the senior's favor"

"Hey, I finally found your work from the nearby shops."

"Hmm? The crime is even worse! There is no book for the senior sister!"

Jokes aside, Kasumigaoka Shiyu signed her pen name on the book with a bad taste, and wrote the words - Junior's favorite Shiyu Senior Sister, and drew a heart next to it.

Then she raised her head in a little tsundere. She is obviously a queen, why is she so childish~ But Kasumigaoka Shiyu is also very cute like this

"Then I wish you a big sale."

After signing her name, Xia Qiu didn't need to stay here. She just came to attend a book signing event. There were still many people waiting behind.

After Xia Qiu left, Kasumigaoka Utaha, who was originally a little unhappy, suddenly became happy!

Even when she was signing for other people, there was a little smile on her face.

As expected~ love can make people become stupid~

After watching the whole process, Machida Yuanzi could only say that this was the case.

After returning to school the next day, she watched the girls in the light music department teaching Hirasawa Yui to practice guitar. Speaking of which, the guitar that Hirasawa Yui used for practice was left here by Xia Qiu. Xia Qiu didn't use it much on weekdays, so she simply gave it to Hirasawa Yui for practice.

Of course, she still needs to buy a guitar specifically for her own use.

"Are you stupid, Weiwei? I just taught you yesterday, and you forgot it again today?"


The girl stuck out her tongue mischievously

"There is no way. I can't practice at home. Once I get home, there are delicious meals and interesting comics! Oh, and Four Lies will be released soon. I forget it easily."The single-core processor argued.

"It's time to let Hirasawa Yui buy her own guitar. It doesn't seem to work to keep using the president's guitar."

Akiyama Mio said this with her head down. She turned around and found that Tian Zhongli, who was just lecturing Hirasawa Yui, immediately started chatting with Hirasawa Yui when she heard the four lies.

"You also read Four Lies! It's super good! I just don't know how the author writes the second volume of Four Lies. By the way, Weiwei! Have you listened to the music released by the author? It's super good!"

"Yeah! I went to listen to it too! It's really nice"

"I went there too. The author of Four Lies is really amazing."

Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi raised her hand and said

"You guys!!"

Hard! Fists hardened!

Akiyama Mio clenched her fists, she really wanted to give Tianzhong Ritsu a beating, she was thinking about the band here, and you guys were talking about novels there.

What? It's Four Lies!

I haven't listened to the songs played by the author of Four Lies yet! It's tailor-made for novels?

Although the name of Lady Gaero is indeed abstract, her light novels are so beautiful that even Mio can't help but sink into them.

After that, she no longer had the idea of teaching Tianzhong Ritsu a lesson, she gathered with a few people, picked up her phone and started playing Chrysler - The Sorrow of Love, played by the author of Four Lies himself.

Really It sounds so good! Especially the combination of violin and piano, there is an indescribable feeling, as if tears are about to jump out of my eyes.

I just don’t understand why such a sad music is matched with such a healing novel like Four Lies.

Well, who knows.

Xia Qiu, who was listening to the chattering of the girls, couldn’t help but outline a curve at the corner of his mouth.

What could be more gratifying than the person concerned listening to the audience who didn’t understand what was praising him.

What a happy mood.

After a while, the girls finally jumped back to the topic of buying a guitar.

"Own a guitar of your own!"

When the girl mentioned this, her eyes sparkled with stars.

"How much does a guitar cost?"

Impatiently, the girl grabbed MIO's hand and asked.

Akiyama Mio thought for a moment.

"If you are a beginner, I suggest you buy something cheaper. An entry-level guitar only costs 100,000 yen."

"One hundred thousand!!!"

When it comes to this amount, Hirasawa Yui counts on his fingers and feels that this month's living expenses plus next month's may not be enough!

"Well, do you want us to go work with you? I remember there are temporary jobs there.

Tian Zhongli patted Hirasawa Yui's shoulder to comfort her.���, indeed, 100,000 yen is indeed a lot for a student who is not working. After all, Hirasawa Yui's monthly living expenses are only 15,000 yen.

Hirasawa Yui's parents will definitely not give that much money in advance.

"Oh? Part-time job! But what kind of job can I find to earn 100,000 yen? It seems like it will take a long time."

"It’s okay for me! And Mio! Tsumugi will accompany you. If all four of us go to work, oh and the president too!"

The law team is still very attractive at this time. In Hirasawa Yui's eyes,

"Part-time job? It sounds interesting, but what kind of job are we going to do?"

Kotobuki Tsumugi pointed her index finger at her lips. The young lady seemed very interested in such an activity.

"Maid cafe! Puff! Shut up!"

Akiyama Mio knocked Tianzhong Ritsu's head without any hesitation.

"Only this one won’t work!"

"Hey, hey! Maid cafes are very profitable, okay? I remember there was an idol maid in Akihabara, very famous! Are you right, President?"

At this time, Xia Qiu did not respond to her, but frowned at the computer screen.

(Thanks to the support of the fishbone in the sea and the sky. Thank you for your support! (Heart.jpg)

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