According to the comments of netizens, Kasumigaoka Utaha soon found out where the popularity came from.

Under Xuedijun’s personal account, I saw the message

【I am shamelessly advertising for my friends. This is a sweet love novel that is very suitable for reading before meals. I highly recommend everyone to buy it. P.S. I also helped with the guidance in"Love Metronome". I believe you will not be disappointed.】

(As expected, Gaero-sensei is the rising star of the light novel world! The recommended novels are really good.)

(Damn, I wonder if Teacher Kasumi Shiko has won the favor of the old thief or something like that)

(I felt sick after reading it. I can only say that the first volume is really good, with a sweet love story between the male and female protagonists, but the appearance of the second female lead in the second volume is really eye-catching. )

Reading the comments of netizens, Kasumigaoka Utaha didn't know how to describe her mood. Excited? Excited? Or?

An inexplicable feeling sprouted in her heart.

Kasumigaoka Utaha looked at Xia Qiu's personal account and the message posted, and could only say thank you silently in her heart.……

"Hmm, Xiaoshi, how come I didn't know that your second volume was actually supervised by Teacher Xia Qiu? No wonder it's so well written! Hey, I suggest that Xiaoshi quickly win over her boyfriend and give him eight or ten children to repay him well!"

""You're so long-winded!"

With a scolding smile, Kasumigaoka Utaha hung up the phone.

Marry my junior and give birth to his children! Inexplicably, Kasumigaoka Utaha's face was stained with a blush. Thinking about such a scene was a bit exciting.

Besides, Machida Yuanzi said a lot. If it weren't for the recommendation of my junior, my light novel would really be over. I could only write the third volume in a hurry, and it became an indelible pain in Kasumigaoka Utaha's heart.

But her junior, just appeared in front of her, stretched out his hand to her and pulled her out of the quagmire.

So how can I thank you? My junior……


It's done. Seeing that there have been discussions about"Love Metronome" on the Internet, Xia Qiu also knows that she has succeeded in promoting the book. At least the novel of the senior sister will not face the possibility of being cut off.

Stretching lazily, Xia Qiu looked at the time. There is not much time left before the release of Four Lies.

I really don't know how happy my lovely readers will be when they see the second volume of Four Lies?

Will they jump up with excitement?

Well, who knows? It's better to have some regrets in life.


The house next door seems to be being renovated. Xia Qiu, who originally planned to play games for a while, looked at the house next door. It seems that a new family has moved in there, and it seems that they have been renovating recently.

Xia Qiu didn't pay much attention to the new neighbors, and continued to immerse herself in the world of the game.

At the same time, Xiao Qiong was happily chatting with netizens on the Internet.

This is a"friend" she recently met. It's better to say that he is a"teacher" than a friend!

Xiao Qiong was distressed that she didn't know what type of girl her brother liked. Is it enthusiastic and generous? Or introverted and reserved?

Xiao Qiong's little head was filled with big questions, so she had no choice but to post a message on the Internet.

【What should I do if I fall in love with my brother? (Note: no blood relationship)]

The comments below are really weird and varied, and none of them hit the point.

But suddenly a very good comment caught my eye

【Do you like your brother? Then try to find out if your brother has that kind of feelings for you. If he does, it means he sees you as a girl. If not, it means you may just be a sister in his eyes. 】

That makes sense. Xiao Qiong gives you a thumbs up!

Then Xiao Qiong added this person's line account.

Eromanga teacher? What kind of erotic name is that? It sounds weird.

Anyway, it's just to find someone to answer questions, and without thinking too much, Xiao Qiong started chatting with her. After a long online chat, Xiao Qiong unexpectedly learned that this Eromanga teacher was actually a girl who was not much older than her, and the other party was actually a teacher famous for drawing erotic illustrations.

It's really strange~

But what surprised Xiao Qiong was that this guy often wanted to see her photos. Uh... Obviously, they were all girls, what was there to see? Xiao Qiong rejected this request without any surprise.

However, the other party just replied with a pity.

【Eromanga-sensei: Sorry, brother-con sister, I'm moving house recently and don't have time to reply your message.】

【My favorite Onii-chan: It’s okay, but what a coincidence that my neighbor is also under renovation】

【Eromanga-sensei: What's the topic? In my opinion! There's no need to test it, it's better to attack directly and let your brother know that you are also a girl! Age and identity are not a problem. 】What a bold statement, I don't want to send my brother in to eat pork chop rice, and what can I do at my age now? I can't do anything, okay?

Xiao Qiong is depressed.jpg

【So is there any other way? Eromanga-sensei?】

【Eromanga-sensei: I don't know anyone with that name! 】

I don't understand why you're being so tsundere?

【Eromanga-sensei: I don't really understand love anymore. Do you want me to wait a little longer? Wait until I'm old enough to confess?】

【I love Oni-chan the most:……】

Xiao Qiong was afraid that he would wait for his sister-in-law to come back, so Danme!

【Eromanga-sensei: I'm going offline now. I'll talk to you later. I'm going to clean up my room first.】

【I love Onii-chan the most: Bye. 】

Next to Xia Qiu's house

"Sagiri! Sagiri, do you want to go out with mom to visit the neighbors?"

Knock, knock, knock!!!

Mrs. Izumi sighed, and felt that her floor language was becoming more and more familiar. Sagiri still refused to go out and see the world.

Oh~ It seems that the departure of her father when she was a child was too much of a blow to Sagiri, but it doesn't matter, she can still support her daughter.

After all, she is the previous generation of Eromanga teacher~ If she has no money, she can support Sagiri by drawing illustrations, but it is not a good thing to go on like this, after all, Sagiri can't stay in her small room all her life.

I planned to move to a new home so that Sagiri could be cheerful, but I didn't expect that she would still be so silent as always.

Rubbing her temples with a headache, Mrs. Izumi had to give up and took some snacks to visit the neighbors around.

I hope Sagiri can get out of it in the future, Mrs. Izumi thought so

(It is set that Sagiri became self-enclosed because of her father's departure, and then Mrs. Izumi let her daughter inherit her name as an illustrator.)

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