This question is quite abstract. Indeed, my pen name is also abstract. After all, apart from the questions about the book, everyone may focus on his pen name.

"As for this question… I just picked a pen name randomly, and I probably didn’t expect that Four Lies would become so popular, hahahaha!!"

Xia Qiu would never admit that he was a lolita control, after all, it was related to his reputation, and now he was considered a big author anyway.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes moved slightly. She was also curious about the strike zone of her junior, but... thinking about it, her junior was very interested in her black silk, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't dwell on it too much. Anyway, her junior must be interested in her~

(Hey, I feel like there must be something going on between these two! You see, the question asked by Teacher Kasumi Shiko is like asking Teacher Ai Luo if she likes girls like me!)

(What a shame... you guys are good at imagining things!)

(BYD, give me back Kaori! )

Then Kasumigaoka Utaha asked a few more questions, which were just some small questions from daily life, so you can answer them casually, such as how did Xia Qiu come up with the idea of writing Four Lies, and how did he come up with this way to interpret youth literature. It was obvious at a glance that these were questions inserted by the library. After all, if all the questions were left to this group of abstract netizens, who knows what kind of questions they would ask.

In addition to these questions, by the way, there are five signed works that will be given away by lottery, and the promotion of the new book was also discussed.

"Well, the readers and fans’ questions are over. The four lies told by Ai Luo teacher have undoubtedly left a deep impression on everyone, including me. I even cried after reading them. Sobbing~( ớ ₃ờ)ھ, but I have to say that my love teacher's writing style is very contagious, and it is written very well!"

Hiss! This woman is so good!

Xiao Qiong, who was peeking at the live broadcast, gritted his teeth. This woman must be seducing his Oni-chan! It's so hateful!

Xiao Qiong now wants to rush into the live broadcast room, hug his Oni-chan's waist, and announce in front of everyone that Xia Qiu Oni-chan is hers!

But this idea is just a thought. If you really do it, it will bring a lot of trouble to Oni-chan...

Xiao Qiong held his rabbit doll dejectedly.

So... when can I grow up?

"I personally think that people’s youth cannot always be smooth sailing. The beginning of the story is always so beautiful, and the ending of the story is not always so beautiful. If everything goes well, it is not called youth. So, my dear readers, there are regrets."

(That's a good point... Bullshit!!! You just want to stab us!!! I'm telling you! You old thief! I will definitely not read your next book. The psychological trauma has not healed yet.)

(You sound pretty good? I remembered the girl I didn't have time to confess to before, and she graduated. It's really a pity to say that.)

(Hey...I confessed to her, and she told me that she has a boyfriend)

(Brother, are the jokers in the playing cards a copy of your identity?)

(Stupid!!! Damn it, the stories in the books may be imaginary, but you, old thief! You are real!)

(Give me back Kaoru!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"Well, in the last moments of the live broadcast, I will present a song to you all!"

There are additional programs???

When everyone heard that Lao Zei was going to present a song, their first reaction was! Brother, don't talk about our own people.

But everyone suddenly thought that the tear-jerking divine song that is still hanging today was created by Lao Zei?

Suddenly, the live broadcast room had a brief stability. After all, Lao Zei was performing live, so he should be given some face, although he couldn't be forgiven for stabbing Xun.

Speaking of performance! The most interested one is Kasumigaoka Utaha. She hasn't witnessed the performance of Junior Brother Jun with her own eyes. Although she has heard the song, she has not seen it in person, which is a pity.

And Junior Brother Jun seems to be the president of the light music club in school?

"Brother wants to play!!!"

Xiao Qiong was also interested. Xia Qiu had recently bought a lot of musical instruments online and kept them at home. Xiao Qiong had never seen Oni-chan play, so naturally her eyes lit up and she stared at Oni-chan in the live broadcast room curiously.

"I didn't expect there would be an unexpected program. Changpu, have you ever heard Teacher Xia Qiu's performance?"

The editor-in-chief asked, touching his head.

"Yeah! Very good...……"

It's just a little bit of a knife. When she heard that Teacher Xia Qiu was about to play, Chang Pu knew that this guy had some bad intentions. After all... the last time he played the piano, she cried.

Tsk tsk tsk... As expected, Xia Qiu is full of evil taste.

In the live broadcast room, Xia Qiu took out the violin that had been prepared long ago from the side.

"A song for everyone called"Confession Night". I hope everyone can find their own happiness in the confession of love."

That's what I said... but I can't hold back the smile under the mask any more."

Confession Night" is indeed a song full of love as the name suggests, but in reality... when the piano sounded, everyone was still listening with relish. With the piano accompaniment recorded by Xia Qiu Lao Zei, it really felt like they were in love.

But... suddenly the song reached its climax!!!!

When the violin sounded!

Everyone seemed to see an endless sea level, a piano and a young man.

The young man raised his head as if he was praying for something, but in the end...

from the illusory light and shadow, the girl he had been thinking about appeared in front of him.

As if he had a premonition of something, the young man raised his head with his eyes gradually moistened, but the girl showed a relieved and sad smile, silently played her violin, held back the tears that wanted to flow, and the ensemble of the boy and the girl continued...

The live broadcast ends here……

(Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


(Dog!!!!!!!!! )

I thought the confession night would be a touching love song, but the old thief was really a bad person! He even stabbed them before leaving!

The memories that I had suppressed with great difficulty came back to life! I thought of Kousei's last scene again! And Kaoru!!!! ?

As expected, the old thief, the good guy, never thought of them, but he had ulterior motives when he stabbed them!!! What a dog!!!

After closing the live broadcast room, Kasumigaoka Utaha took off her mask and lay on her bed

"Ah la ala... the junior made the senior cry again……"

One group is full ~ Two groups are five one one, six four two nine one six

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