Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Kato Megumi? ? ?

Xia Qiu's face was full of confusion. What Xia Qiu never expected was that the famous Kato Megumi was actually his classmate? What made

Xia Qiu even more speechless was that it took Xia Qiu so long to find out...

To be honest, this is not a low sense of existence, right? Has it risen to the level of a supernatural phenomenon?

It's a bit too abstract...

But Xia Qiu still greeted Kato Megumi properly.

"I know, classmate Xia Qiu, well... because you are an international student."

Indeed, as the only international student in the class, it is indeed enough to attract some attention. Only after getting along for a long time, this difference will be erased.

Of course, we cannot rule out those scum who like to bully and exclude"outsiders", but ~ Xia Qiu's personal campus life is quite harmonious. After all... in Japan, where the average height of boys is only about 170, Xia Qiu's height of 180 is enough to make him stand out from the crowd, and because of his recent diligent exercise, the muscles on his arms are enough to scare people away.

Height 185, weight 180. Afraid of school bullying ~ laugh.jpg

Meeting Kato Megumi was quite unexpected... But Xia Qiu was only surprised about this matter. After all, for so long, he hadn't seen the figure of Saint Megumi.

Good guy... Invisible for two months?

That's terrifying

"I always feel that Xia Qiu is thinking about something strange."

Kato Megumi tilted her head slightly, and her expression remained calm, making it hard to guess what she was thinking.

Does this girl have the ability to read minds?

"No, that's just my guess."


Dissatisfied! So dissatisfied!!! Why are you talking to this girl, this... this girl called Ghana! I am obviously your deskmate! Damn it!

As if sensing Ying Lili's mood, Xia Qiu looked at Ying Lili with some amusement and said

"Are you angry, little golden retriever?"

"Why am I angry! Please stop talking nonsense, okay!"

Exposing her pointed little fangs, Eriri snorted in dissatisfaction, and then crossed her arms.

I always feel that Xia Qiu and Sawamura have a good relationship.

Looking at Xia Qiu and Sawamura, Kato Megumi seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

After teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka left, the class suddenly became lively. The school festival was enough for the students to look forward to, and they were all ready to show their prowess in this school festival.

However, when it comes to preparing snacks, everyone doesn't know what snacks are better.

Crepes or apple candy?

In addition, there is a program in the class, but I just heard from teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka that Xia Qiu also has a solo performance.

Suddenly I became curious. Xia Qiu, who has not been well-known recently, has gradually had some rumors, such as the harem king of the light music department! The object of competition between senior sister Kasumigaoka and Eriri. Damn! It turns out that without knowing it, someone has secretly embarked on the path of being a popular person! Such people should be put on the stake!!!

"Are you going to perform? Yes, you do seem to be able to play the violin, after all, I……"

Ying Lili suddenly realized that this was in the classroom, and she didn't say the next words. After all, it was about Xia Qiu's identity, and she knew how bad Xia Qiu's"reputation" was recently. He was labeled by readers as someone who liked to play tricks on readers, and she also watched the live broadcast. It must be said that Xia Qiu was indeed a genius, and he was also very good at music.

"But you actually would do such a thing?"

"What do you mean, little golden retriever? Can't I make a contribution to the class?"

He reached out and tapped Ying Lili's forehead with a smile.

"Don't call me Little Golden Retriever!"

Ying Lili patted Xia Qiu's arm in dissatisfaction, then grabbed Xia Qiu's arm in her hand, thinking about where to take a bite.

"Eh? Shouldn't you refute Xia Qiu and ask her to tap your head? By the way, you two have a really good relationship, are you dating?"

The two paused in their interaction, and then their bodies froze!

Kato Megumi's calm eyes were filled with an inquiring look, as if Xia Qiu and Sawamura, who were interacting in front of her, hadn't noticed her.

What a strange presence. Xia Qiu couldn't help but think that she had just ignored Kato Megumi behind her and started playing around with Eriri.

"That classmate Ghana, the relationship between Xia Qiu and I is not what you think, we are just ordinary friends... Yes! Ordinary friends!"

Ying Lili explained in astonishment, but the more she explained, the more it sounded like she was trying to cover up something.

"Um, but Sawamura-san, my last name is not Kano, it's Kato."

"Ahahaha! Okay, Kato-san."

Pfft! How embarrassing! How could I forget even my classmate's last name? Eriri was so embarrassed that she had no place to hide.

It's really easy to ignore her presence, Eriri couldn't help but think like this

"All right! Let's decide it! Our performance will be a drama performance, and the show we'll be performing is Sleeping Beauty! And the choice for the princess is Eriri-san!"


Hearing the words of the class monitor on the podium, Eriri was completely stunned. What was going on? How did she become the heroine of the drama?

It turned out that just now, when everyone was thinking about what to perform, they directly chose to perform a drama. After all, their classmate Eriri, who was known as the most beautiful girl in the class, was qualified to be a princess.

So Eriri missed what just happened while playing with Xia Qiu.

Now it's hard to refuse. After all, as the seemingly popular Eriri in the class, it's impossible for her to refuse such a thing.

So, at a loss, Eriri was pushed onto the podium and became the heroine of the drama.

After all, everyone in the class also wanted to see what the cute and beautiful Eriri looked like in a princess dress.

"It's really fun, I'm dying of laughter."

Applauding with other classmates, Xia Qiu smiled as he looked at Ying Lili standing on the stage with confused eyes looking at him.

He just complained about his little golden retriever, but now he has to perform on stage too.

"Xia Qiu is really full of evil tastes."

Kato Megumi, who was just wondering about the relationship between the two, is now sure that Xia Qiu has a particularly dark personality and likes to see Sawamura's panic and panic.

"Well, besides Sawamura's identity as a princess, there are also identities such as prince, witch, fairy, king, etc. Now I will draw lots."

"Hmm! The result is out, the prince is Xia Qiu."


Today's game!

Reina's record is 51/1,

Nanny's record is 64/2,

Wallet's record is 91/6

(If you put them together, you will understand.)

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