The little golden retriever's fantasies are always bizarre. I don't know if it's because he draws too much in the notebook. Fortunately, the little golden retriever is cute and pretty enough, otherwise he would be said to be obsessed with deducting happy beans.

When I arrived at school, the arrangements for the campus festival were in full swing. Almost every class was decorating and arranging.

Xia Qiu's class agreed to sell crepes, which are the sweet version of pancakes. This is how Xia Qiu evaluated it after he got started.

In order to sell crepes better, the students in charge of this tried it out.

"It looks like I need to mix some jam and chocolate sauce, otherwise it will taste a bit disgusting."

After commenting on the crepes made by the female classmate who was responsible for making the meals, Xia Qiu could only say that her craftsmanship was really hard to describe.

"The chocolate sauce was too bitter, probably because it was overcooked. It also had a burnt taste. As for the jam... well...……"

Xia Qiu was too embarrassed to say that this was no different from history, so he could only euphemistically say that this thing tasted very strange.

"Hahaha, sorry, Xia Qiu, I have never cooked before."

Hearing this, the student in charge of making crepes touched his head awkwardly and smiled.

Maybe he had an understanding of his cooking skills and knew that what he made was really not good to eat.

"Let me help you."

Xia Qiu does not reject class activities, or as long as it is not too troublesome, he is happy to accept it. After all, it is unnecessary to isolate yourself from the world and be a loner. We are all adults now, and we know that this kind of personality looks no different from the second-year syndrome. Xia Qiu is more willing to package himself as a spectator who is not too close.

I can participate and play a role, but I won't be too close.

"Wow wow wow!!! Xia Qiu is so amazing! How come he is so good at making pancakes!"

"Woohoo, this jam is so delicious! Xia Qiu, you will definitely be a good husband in the future!"

Looking at the girls surrounding Xia Qiu, Eriri gritted her teeth in hatred! Damn Xia Qiu! Is she so happy to be surrounded by girls! They were so close when they went to school together in the morning!

Eriri is so jealous! The little vinegar jar in her heart was overturned!

Kato Megumi was watching, and after looking at Eriri's expression, she immediately showed an expression of understanding. Sure enough, the relationship between Xia Qiu and Sawamura is different. At noon in the light music club, Xia Qiu usually had lunch with several girls in the light music club.

Looking at the chopsticks that were frequently reaching for her lunch box, Xia Qiu reached out and picked up the green pepper and okra and put them in the bowls of Dai Wei and Lu Dui.

"Don’t be picky about food!"


The two shouted weakly, and then looked at the green peppers and okra in the bowl with an expression that was difficult to swallow, which was really painful.

Speaking of which, why do Japanese people not like to eat green peppers? It is because their green peppers are not very delicious in terms of processing methods and original taste. They have a bitter taste and are not spicy.

So if you say that Japanese children hate vegetables the most, then green peppers must be on the list!

Miomio and Miss Kotobuki Tsumugi are not very picky eaters. Even if they don’t like green peppers, they can swallow them, but they still have physiological rejection.

After lunch, it is a pleasant afternoon tea time. Drinking black tea, enjoying the beautiful afternoon time comfortably. Because of the need to rehearse recently, there is no need to go to the recent classes, and you can just rehearse with peace of mind.

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside, which made everyone look sideways.

Who would come to the light music club at this time? It must not be teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka. That guy will never knock on the door, so it should be someone else.

Dai Wei went to open the door, and the people who came in were all familiar to everyone.

Senior Johkai Gumira from the student council, Manabe Kazu-sama, who is Dai Yui's friend! And the person in charge of the school festival - Miss Yukino!

It's really an unexpected combination.

While drinking tea, Xia Qiu thought

""Good afternoon! Juniors!"

Senior Sister Shirokai Xun is as carefree as ever, and you can't tell that she is the student council president at all.

"Ah! It's Kazukazu!!! Come on, come on! We have cakes today!"

Dai Wei enthusiastically pulled Kazukazu to sit down, and Kotobuki Tsumugi handed over tea and cakes at the right time. Everyone in the light music club was very enthusiastic.

Yukino went to discuss some things with Xia Qiu, including the performance program of the light music club.

Only our silly senior sister Shirokai Pan, as if she was ignored, raised her hands pitifully.

No one paid any attention to her.

"Damn it! Don’t ignore me!!!"

The angry Senior Sister Cheng Huanxun angrily hugged the neck of the law team.

"President! President? That’s too strong!!!"

Team Lu cried out in agony,"Come and save me, MIO!!!"

Ignoring the two people who were playing tricks on him, MIO turned around and drank his tea quietly.

"Regarding the performance of the light music club, I heard from teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka that you are very talented, so I hope to arrange the performance as the finale."

Yukino said that it must be done, the purpose of their coming.

I didn't expect that teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka would also be in charge of the school festival? It seems that Jing is really worried about Yukino.

"But before that, we want to see your rehearsal to see if you have what it takes to make it to the finale."

"Yeah, I see."

Xia Qiu nodded in agreement.

It was a reasonable suspicion. After all, it was hard to believe that a performance that the performer had never even heard of was suddenly arranged to be the finale. So Yukino's suspicion was not unreasonable.

Although it was a school festival, with Yukino's serious and responsible attitude, she would not want to miss any tiny loopholes, even if it was just a school festival.

Looking at the dark circles under Yukino's eyes, Xia Qiu also understood that this girl had paid a lot for the school festival, working overtime, leaving very late every time, and in order to complete this school festival beautifully, she must have learned a lot at home. She really worked hard to surpass her sister, Xia Qiu thought for no reason.

"And one more thing……"

Xue No turned her head away with an unnatural look.

"Although I was quite nosy about what happened that day...thank you very much."

With Xueno's intelligence and brain, how could she not see that Xia Qiu helped her? Although she didn't react at the time, Xueno knew afterwards that if Xia Qiu hadn't suddenly asked Senior Sister Johkai Patrol to leave,……

"Huh? You actually know how to say thank you?"

Xia Qiu looked at Yukino in astonishment, as if she had seen some alien.

Yukinoshita Yukino: ???

As expected... this guy! Just as I thought!! What a bad taste!

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