The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 101 Lu Jie transforms into Ultraman, and the sea of ​​flesh is pressed under the Wuzhi Mount

Xiaodi was only seven years old when the disaster happened.

His mother said that after this summer vacation, he can go to elementary school.

Elementary school is completely different from the previous kindergarten. There are more courses, more grades, more classmates, and more teachers.

There will be more interesting things.

So Xiao Di is looking forward to the end of summer vacation and the arrival of new life every day.

On this day, he was suddenly woken up by his mother while he was still sleeping. It was the first time that he saw such a frightened expression on his mother's face, as if something serious had happened.

His mother just held him, resting her head on his, tears falling uncontrollably.

He felt the hot tears and hugged his mother. He didn't know what happened, but doing so should make his mother feel a little more at ease.

After a long time, his mother cheered up and said to him: "Xiao Di, you must listen carefully to the next words, and you must not violate them, understand?"

"Yeah." When Xiao Di saw her mother say this, a serious expression appeared on her young face.

"There are a lot of monsters outside. They are very dangerous. We can only stay at home and wait for rescue. There is still a lot of food at home." The mother chose to tell her son all this. "I'm not sure if there are such monsters in our building." Monster, but Xiaodi, please don’t make a sound or open the curtains, okay?”

"Yeah." Xiao Di nodded. He has always been very well-behaved, but he was still a little confused about monsters. "What is a monster? Is it the kind of monster in cartoons?"

His eyes fell on the Ultraman toys placed beside the bed.

"They are not that big, but they are also very dangerous. We need to be careful to hide them." The mother followed his gaze and knew that her son was talking about the big monsters in Ultraman.

"Okay, I get it. Will Ultraman come to save us?" Xiao Di looked at her mother expectantly.

"This..." Mom looked at that innocent smiling face and hesitated before smiling, "Of course there will be, but he is still far away from us now."

She walked to the living room, turned around and told her son again and again: "Don't make too much noise, and don't stand near the window sill, don't be seen by those monsters."

"Okay, I understand." Xiaodi looked at his mother. He hesitated for a moment, but still did not ask the question "Where is daddy?"

He looked at the window, which was completely covered by thick curtains, blocking out any light.

At this time, the entire family was like this, immersed in darkness, and could only barely see the surrounding situation.

Xiao Di's mother quickly walked into the bathroom. She needed to store as much water as possible while the water supply was still not out. However, she turned on the faucet very low because she was worried that the loud water sound would attract nearby monsters. .

After checking the water source, she went back to check the food at home. She had the habit of buying vegetables, and Xiao Di's grandparents farmed in the countryside, and many vegetables were delivered every week, including potatoes and corn. For easy storage, there are also fresh green leafy vegetables and so on.

They need to be sorted according to the length of time they are stored, and food resources need to be managed properly to live longer.

The only good thing is that their house is on a high floor and is relatively safe.

She thought of her husband and could only sigh.

Xiaodi's father worked overtime last night and has not come back yet, and she just hopes that he can stay in a safe place and not run around in such a dangerous time.


The huge sound echoed through the sky and the ground, and even the building shook slightly.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you idiot, give me some dirt!"

The thundering laughter pierced the sky and reached Xiaodi's ears.

"Is there really a monster outside? But why can the monster talk?" Xiao Di had doubts in his heart. He wanted to open the curtains and take a look, but he kept in mind his mother's instructions.

Oh, and that one!

He suddenly thought of something, so he walked quietly to his cabinet, then opened it and took out a handmade work inside.

In the kindergarten handicraft class, the teacher guided him to make a periscope. With a periscope, he could see the outside without opening the curtains or standing in front of the window sill.

He immediately walked to the window, inserted one end of the periscope into the curtain, then adjusted the angle and looked into the periscope.

Their home is a side building, and there is a small square nearby. It is shrouded in fog in the distance, but there is not much fog above this small square, which allows Xiaodi to see clearly what is happening in the square.

There were two naked monsters there, each nearly fifteen meters tall.

One was very fat, with layers of flesh on its body. It had a wild boar-like face, sharp teeth protruding from the face, and a ferocious face. There were small black holes on its belly, and thin black smoke was constantly emitting from it. , looks very weird.

The other monster is much more normal. He has a human face and a thinner body. His muscles are not big, but he looks very tight. Unlike the fat monster, he is still wearing a pair of underwear.

As for why Xiao Di thinks he is also a monster, it is mainly because he thinks Ultraman would not laugh so wildly.

The thin monster punched the fat monster in the face, then suddenly leaned over and hugged the fat monster's waist, picked him up by the waist and threw him heavily to the ground.


When it hit the ground, it immediately made a huge hole in the ground of the small square, and the rocks above showed radial cracks.

The thin monster knelt on the back of the fat monster, strangled its neck with his hands from behind, and kept smashing the fat monster's head into the ground. While smashing it back, he shouted: "Why did I call you a stupid idiot? Come on? , look directly at me, you bastard! Are you going to draw a lottery yet?! Ah??!!"

One after another, the face of the fat monster was slightly deformed, and red and black blood spurted out, soaking the land under its face red.

Xiao Di blinked, he didn't understand what was happening now.

Are the two monsters fighting among themselves?

He planned to ask his mother to come over and take a look.

"Ahhhh!" The fat monster struggled hard, roaring and trying to get up from the ground, "I'm going to kill you!"

However, the thin monster did not give it this chance. Instead, it stood up directly and kept stepping on the back of the fat monster, trampling it deeply into the stone ground: "What are you calling a dog? I'm an Austrian now." Terman, you are such a monster, what are you dragging? You really want to die, don’t you?"


Ultraman? !

Xiao Di's eyes widened, and he looked at the thin monster in disbelief.

The brutal attack method, the foul language, and the naked body without clothes all deeply stimulated his young mind.

This is……


He suddenly felt that the light in his heart went out.

"Xiao Di...Xiao Di!"

The mother also heard the noise outside. She turned her head and looked there, and then she saw her son sitting by the window. She instinctively felt that something was wrong with Xiao Di, so she quickly ran over to check the situation. She quickly checked Xiao Di's body.

There was no damage on his body, but Xiaodi's eyes turned gray, as if he had received some stimulation.

Look at Xiao Di's hand again, he is holding a handmade periscope.

"Mom, look outside, there is... there is Ultraman without clothes fighting monsters." Xiao Di pointed out the window, and then handed the periscope to her mother.

Ultraman without clothes fighting monsters?

What's the meaning?

Did Xiaodi watch some strange little movie?

Mom took the periscope and looked out the window.

I saw two naked men fifteen meters tall fighting each other in the small square.

No, it was the thin man who was beating the fat man one-sidedly.

His fists hit the flesh, he acted wantonly, and his movements felt as if the earth was shaking.

Mom put down the periscope in her hand and looked at Xiao Di, also without saying a word.

Silence, silence is Cambridge in the morning.

Those monsters in the fog just made her feel unscientific, but now the two behemoths fighting outside made her doubt the world.

Is this really the same town as before?


Li Huachao stood up again, looked at the sea of ​​meat collapsed on the ground, and spat disdainfully.

After turning into the same size as Roukai, Roukai had no ability to fight back.

Although their strength and speed were the same, Li Huachao's rich fighting experience was no joke, and he was knocked to the ground in a few seconds, unable to move.

The only thing that troubled Li Huachao was the hole in Rouhai's belly that was emitting black smoke, but as long as he lifted the Rouhai and let his belly face the ground, it would be fine.

After a round of beatings, Rouhai no longer looked like a monster. He lay motionless on the ground, only breathing weakly.

Li Huachao stood up and looked around, and found nearby telephone poles. He pulled them up one by one like pulling out seedlings, then walked to Rouhai and nailed them down one by one, nailing Rouhai's limbs to the ground. Go to the fields.

Rouhai's body only twitched a few times due to pain and did not cry out.

"He's really a tough guy. He didn't cry out in pain like this." Li Huachao joked, then turned around and found a dangerous building that had been demolished in half.

He first politely asked if there were any survivors inside. When no one responded, he used brute force to knock down the dangerous building. Then he dragged it to the vicinity of the sea of ​​meat again and directly pressed the building on top of the sea of ​​meat.

This wasn't the end yet. Li Huachao lowered the other two buildings on Rouhai in the same way. He didn't stop until he finished all this.

Li Huachao now has the same regeneration ability and defense as Rou Hai, so he knows that the attacks just now cannot kill Rou Hai, so he chooses to suppress Rou Hai in this way.

Rouhai was lying on the ground now, his hands and feet were pinned by telephone poles, and three buildings were still pressing on him. Even if his physical condition recovered, it would be difficult for him to use the strength to break free from these buildings.

His current regeneration ability and defense are the same as those of Rouhai, so he knows very well that these current attacks cannot kill Rouhai. At most, they can only restrain Rouhai in this way.

There is no need to worry about this guy in a short time.

"Luckily you're not a monkey." He muttered and left this "Five Finger Mountain".

Li Huachao estimated the time and found that it only took about two minutes to deal with the monster, which meant that he still had three minutes left to transform.

What can you do in three minutes?

Li Huachao didn't have time to think too much and quickly made a decision. He planned to clean up all the monsters in the area and look for traces of the last three sins.

The first four crimes were all in the area near the girl's home, and the remaining three crimes should not be too different, and are most likely to be nearby.

Now that he is completely overwhelmed by physical strength, he can do more things.

Li Huachao walked through the community all the way. The sound of huge footsteps attracted the little monsters in the dark to appear on the road one after another. Li Huachao did not treat them politely and trampled them all to death, as if they were playing some kind of crude Y-shaking game. The game is average.

This unparalleled feeling makes Li Huachao completely happy. He even wants to imprison the sea of ​​meat next to him. When needed, he will use Lu Ring to select the sea of ​​meat as the target, and directly say "I will attack in the form of Ultraman" ".

Wait, imprisonment?

Prison mirror?

It’s not impossible!

Li Huachao suddenly felt happy.

At this time, he was walking in the fog, which was almost like a sea of ​​flesh. Every time he breathed, he would inhale a large amount of fog, causing the fog around him to be cleared away.

With him as the center, the fog within a radius of about thirty meters was extremely thin, which also allowed Li Huachao to see clearly what was happening nearby.

He is looking for the remaining three sins.

Jealousy, arrogance and laziness.

Judging from the literal meaning of this crime, he felt that his probability of finding the first two crimes would be higher.

He had already seen the four deadly sins, so it was obvious that he could come to a conclusion.

As long as you have eaten people, the form of these sins may change greatly.

Gluttonous eating of flesh and astringent female body walls are like this, and it is obvious that they are easily found by Li Huachao in this state.

However, as long as they can restrain this desire, they will still maintain a nearly human form, just like the Scrooge and the police.

The money-grubbing ghost got anorexia because he was too greedy for money and had no time to eat people, while the policeman probably stuck to his heart.

Jealousy and arrogance are nothing special. They are both likely to eat humans, and laziness...

It’s possible that you haven’t been able to eat because you were too lazy.

By the way, what about the Scrooge?

Go back to the grocery store later and take a look. If the Scrooge is smart enough, he should be waiting for him there.

Li Huachao had no time to look for the money-sucking ghost now, so he had to continue walking forward, so the survivors along the way were lucky enough to see this scene——

In the fog that fills the town, a huge figure vaguely shuttles through it. He has a seemingly strong body and a strange face. The fog wraps around his body like clouds, and is torn apart by the movements of his hands and feet. The gray gas flows like a line.

When the giant passed by, these survivors all covered their mouths and looked at the terrifying figure outside the window in horror. They did not dare to make the slightest sound for fear of being noticed by the giant and becoming part of his rations.

On this day, the survivors truly felt the horror of this world.

The fog is rising, monsters are raging, and giants are looming in the fog.

Therefore, they spread the news by word of mouth to warn others.

Weird stories about giants have spread since then.

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