The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 108 Let the fire purify... Cain.

When Zhang Yingfa saw the man in dark blue police uniform leaving the warehouse, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

The policeman left, taking with him the few survivors who believed him.

I only took a little dry food with me and just disappeared into the mist, leaving without looking back.

Zhang Yingfa has realized that he is no longer the president of the company before. He is no different from ordinary people. If he is bitten by the monsters outside the warehouse, he will also die and there is no possibility of survival.

Although he has been in a high position for many years, he still changes quickly. He does not lack the awareness of flexibility. So after the police took over the order in the warehouse in the morning, he quickly joined the police and helped the police make general plans. It has made great achievements.

After all, it is impossible for a person with no talent to sit in the position of president.

But suddenly something unexpected happened.

A group of monsters came to the open space outside Linhang Warehouse. They discovered the survivors in Linhang Warehouse, so the police fought bravely and led several strong workers to stop these monsters from outside the warehouse.

The moment the battle began, Zhang Yingfa was ready to flee. He quickly returned to the warehouse to collect food and water, preparing to escape when the survivors could no longer resist.

At this time, he also noticed the person who was a step behind him.


Zhang Yingfa saw the goddess entering the food area, but he had already taken the supplies and hid in a dark place near the back door, so he was naturally too lazy to pay attention. He just laughed at the goddess in his heart for being afraid of death.

She had obviously said that these monsters sent by spirits would not attack her.

With this in mind, Zhang Yingfa also took a photo of the goddess sneaking into the food area so that he could have the opportunity to criticize the goddess' timidity in the future.

In the end, the food and water Zhang Yingfa prepared in advance were of no use, and the police successfully repelled the monster, but at the same time, the police's unique identity was also discovered by the survivors.

This policeman is actually part of the monster!

Under the instigation of the goddess, the police were unable to defend themselves in the face of the public's doubts.

Zhang Yingfa knew very well before that when the police took over the responsibility of leading everyone, they had to accept the fate of being more easily abandoned by the survivors.

But the current situation still made him unable to imagine that the police were abandoned even though they had done nothing wrong, and that was just because the police were different from ordinary people.

They are afraid of anyone who is different.

So the police left, taking only a few people who believed him with them, and Zhang Yingfa just hid in the crowd and remained calm.

Later, poisoned people appeared one after another in the warehouse.

At first, Zhang Yingfa didn't realize what the problem was, but soon someone discovered that the water source was poisonous. All the survivors who drank the water during that time were poisoned to death, and seven or eight people died.

But Zhang Yingfa just looked at the ordinary mineral water in his hand in a daze, and he seemed to realize something.

He drank the same water as those who were poisoned. The only difference was that his water was prepared when he was waiting for an opportunity to escape.

The water problem started after that!

During that time, only the Goddess entered the food area...

It's the poison given by the goddess!

Combined with the prophecy spoken by the goddess before -

“The third spirit sounded his trumpet, and a great burning star fell from the sky like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.”

Such a discovery frightened Zhang Ying, but he had no chance to expose the goddess, because the goddess used rumors to confuse the panicked people and quickly controlled the situation in the warehouse.

However, he was still curious. The previous goddess seemed to predict that water poisoning would only occur at night. Why was it brought forward to this time?

Is it a little too fast?

However, he was not given an answer. Now was the time for the goddess.

The goddess explained the fog to the survivors, explained the origin of the disaster, and praised the achievements of spirits and divine envoys.

In just one hour, she actually made most people believe these things.

Zhang Yingfa was shocked by the survivors' ignorance, but he soon realized that this was not ignorance.

Conformity and fear drive these people gradually crazy.

All these beliefs are just to accommodate the desires that don’t know what to do.

Zhang Yingfa touched the mobile phone in his pocket. His face remained calm.

If he could find a chance, he could make this old witch fall from the altar, or even replace her.



Yu Liang's eyes quickly scanned the crowd, and he saw many familiar faces among them.

Two female students, Mr. Zhang, Huang Mao and Mr. Zhang’s little follower.

But there were no police.

So Yu Liang began to have a bad premonition in his heart.

He thought about it and knew that the police would not let this kind of ritual happen, so if it still happened now, the only explanation was that there was something wrong with the police.

But now, all the eyes of the audience were focused on Yu Liang, and the goddess looked a little confused. She did not expect that three such strange people would actually come from this direction.

She knew the tall man and the child and had left this morning. As for the guy tied to the car, she didn't know his origins.

Yu Liang pushed the cart and walked step by step to the bonfire with his blind stick. He glanced into the flames and saw a pile of corpses that had been burned beyond recognition.

The corpses at this time were very dark, so Yu Liang could not tell whether there was a police officer inside by the color of his skin.

There was a burning smell constantly coming from the flames, and it smelled like hair or other things being burnt by fire.

Everyone else present looked at Yu Liang in silence. It wasn't until Yu Liang came forward that the goddess spoke viciously: "Tell me, what did you do in the morning? When we were surrounded by disaster, what were you doing? What?"

It seemed that the believers around her gave her the confidence, so she spoke these words with a domineering attitude of a superior, and directly questioned him.

"Don't you need a divine messenger? Well, I caught it for you guys." Yu Liang just smiled and then kicked the cart next to him.

"God's envoy?" The goddess was stunned when she heard this. She glanced at Cain who was unconscious in the car and became furious, "God's envoy is a star in the sky, how can he be like an insect at this moment?"

Yu Liang was amused when he heard this. Fortunately, Cain was in a coma and could not hear what the goddess said. If Cain, who was guilty of arrogance, heard it, he would be furious to death.

The goddess's gray eyes stared at Yu Liang, as if she wanted to find evidence of evil deeds from him: "Say, what on earth did you do? Did those monsters come because of you this morning? So the wrath of the spirit comes from the water source. At first, many of us died."

"Tell me, what happened after I left." Yu Liang asked. He looked around the circle with his eyes. The eyes of the black-robed believers were full of anger, and they seemed to really think that there was a disaster. He brought it.

Will the progress of assimilation be so fast?

Something is wrong, something else must have happened in the past two hours.

Is it because the powers of the seven deadly sins are awakened one after another, so the plot related to the departure warehouse has been artificially advanced?

Was it ordered by the Mirror Spirit?

"You! You left us, you threw yourself into the darkness, and then brought the invasion of monsters, and the poison fell into the water, poisoning one-third of the people." The words of the goddess were still nagging, but Yu Liang already understood.

After he left, the Linghang warehouse was attacked by monsters, and then it was discovered that the water source was poisonous and poisoned many people. This is probably why there are only more than 20 people left.

At this time, the remaining survivors were burning the corpses of the poisoned dead under the leadership of the goddess, probably because they also discovered that the monsters mutated from the corpses.

However, the goddess still didn't mention what Yu Liang was concerned about. He wanted to know where the police were, so he continued to ask: "Where are the police?"

"Are you talking about that monster? He transformed into a human, infiltrated among us, and waited for opportunities to harm humans, but his true identity has been discovered by us!" the goddess continued, with a proud look on her face, "We discovered the demon and successfully exiled it!"



The surrounding black-robed believers also raised their arms and shouted.

The goddess sneered: "It turns out that after banishing this demon, we have never been attacked by monsters again."

Exile the police?

Is it just your fighting ability?

The police should have left on their own.

Yu Liangzhong understood that as to why the monster never came again, it might be that the time apart was too short and other monsters had not discovered the departure warehouse yet, or it might be that the police deliberately cleaned up the surrounding monster groups when they left.

"Now we have to perform a more pious ceremony. Burning the seeds of these demons cannot quell the anger of the spirit. We have to burn a demon to death and offer it to him to seek peace!" The goddess's sinister eyes fell on Yu Liang, "You and the devil who turned into a policeman seem to be in the same group. Tell me, are you a devil after all?"

Yu Liang glanced at Cain on the ground, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

According to mythology, those who kill Cain will suffer seven times retribution. This is why Yu Liang has not tried to kill Cain until now, but if the goddess sacrificed Cain...

The "spirit" of the church should be very happy, right?

So the murderous intention towards the goddess disappeared in his heart, and he immediately pretended to have changed his ways: "I... I didn't expect that the policeman was actually a devil. It turns out that I have been deceived by him, and I am willing to convert to the church now. "

Yu Liang immediately added another sentence: "Ling is a tolerant god. He must be willing to accept everyone who is willing to return from their own way, right?"

"Huh?" This sudden change also stunned the goddess, but she responded quickly and just nodded slightly, "Very good, very good."

She instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she could not refuse Yu Liang like this, because everyone around the campfire had been accused of "crimes" by her. In other words, all the believers present were people who had returned from their own way.

If "Ling" does not accept Yu Liang's conversion, then the remaining people will no longer have faith in Ling.

"Don't worry, I have brought you a more suitable sacrifice, and that is him!" Yu Liang pointed to Cain who was tied up on the cart.

At this time, Cain was still sleeping soundly, probably because the previous confrontation had consumed a lot of his energy, so he still had a slight smile on his lips as he slept now.

"He and the police were together. I was confused by the police and went to a distant place to take him out. Now that I think about it, that place was simply hell, and he was the devil in hell. Now I know the truth, So I tied him up." Yu Liang entered the scene very quickly and quickly exposed Cain, "If you don't believe it, you can take off his clothes and look for the things about him that are different from ordinary people. It’s a symbol of the devil.”

These words also caused these black-robed believers to talk a lot and get excited. They are newly converted believers, so their discipline is far inferior to those of the older members of the church.

The goddess sounded a little uncomfortable. She had just said that the west was the direction from which the divine messengers descended, and now Yu Liang said that he came from hell...

Doesn’t this mean that the West is hell again?

How can the West be hell?

Be bold!

But thinking about it carefully, she couldn't find an excuse to refute it, so she had to endure it.

Looking at the "sacrifice" brought by Yu Liang on the cart, the goddess did not reject it at all.

For her, all she needs to do is create real death during the sacrificial ceremony, which will give believers real comfort.

As long as someone dies, the wrath of the spirit will cease for a period of time, and the remaining people can get a chance to breathe.

Facts have proved that the monster in the fog seems to be like this.

"The spirit is very satisfied with your conversion." Then the goddess nodded. She raised her hand and called out to the black-robed believers around her, "Come here, show this devil under the firelight. Let's test whether he is demon!"

Then two strong men in black robes appeared. They walked up to the goddess, bowed first, and then prayed in a low voice: "May the soul be in peace."

Then, the two strong men untied the rope from Cain's body on the trolley, and then reached out and roughly took off Cain's clothes.

The surrounding black-robed believers gathered around and looked at Cain's body with a mean look, looking for something different from ordinary people.

Yu Liang stepped back a little, because this scene was so strange.

If Cain suddenly woke up and saw dozens of pairs of eyes searching for something on his body...


It felt like the half fan of pork on the chopping board of the vegetable market opened his eyes, and dozens of hands of grocery shopping aunts were touching him, picking and choosing, pointing at the fat and thin ones.

Will Cain, who is proud by nature, become depressed directly?

If he hadn't already awakened to authority, it wouldn't be impossible to directly transform into Fury itself.

"His left foot seems a little longer than his right foot."

"The moles on my waist actually line up like seven stars."

"Why is there something like scales on your back?"

"The nails on the feet are so long, they even grow into the flesh."

"His Dior seems to be much longer than that of ordinary men?"

Yu Liang couldn't bear to watch directly. This scene was getting more and more absurd.

Any slight difference in Cain becomes evidence that "he is a devil", making it the same as catching witches in the middle world.

"It seems that he is indeed a devil."

The goddess looked at the believers, and a sinister smile appeared on her face.

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