The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 191 Kill all players.

Yu Liang suppressed his emotions and looked at Xu Cixi calmly.

At this time, Xu Cixi also looked at him warily.

Just like what he was thinking just now, the appearance of a familiar person in a completely unfamiliar environment is very questionable in itself.

So the question now seems not to choose whether to believe Xu Cixi in front of her, but how to dispel her doubts.

Judging from what she just said, it seemed that she had entered the dungeon before him, so she had a better understanding of the dungeon, unlike him who had just entered the dungeon and knew nothing about it.

"I'm real, I just entered the dungeon." Yu Liang showed the character "Thunder".

Generally speaking, the way to distinguish whether it is a player is to rely on characters. Naturally, monsters cannot use characters.

The reason why the character "Thunder" is used is because "Thunder" seems to have the ability to restrain evil spirits in this copy. If this Xu Cixi is transformed into a monster, it may expose some flaws in her.

Xu Cixi looked at the "Thunder" character in his hand, her expression unmoved, but she also took out a character from the character column and displayed it to confirm her identity as a player.

"When did you enter the game?" Yu Liang asked.

He still remembered that Xu Cixi said that the timeline was unified and forward. Judging from Xu Cixi's current reaction, she should have met him in Haicheng in reality.

"May 25th." Xu Cixi gave an accurate date.

"Me too." Yu Liang nodded. He also entered the dungeon on this date. The sixth day of October on his phone was just the internal time of the dungeon.

After Xu Cixi showed her character, he felt a little relieved about her.

But just like the "Zhi" in the zoo knows how to synthesize and use characters, it is also possible for Root Monster to know the player's methods.

Once understood, it can manifest itself in the form of illusions.

Therefore, it is still possible that Xu Cixi is disguised as some kind of strange creature, so we should not take it lightly...

Yu Liang thought instinctively, and then realized that he was beginning to have "doubts" again, and he felt even more helpless.

Caution has almost become his instinct, and suspicion is the external manifestation of caution.

In other words, as long as he is still there, the "doubt" will not disappear from him, and the moonlight may encroach on him at any time.

Then if it were Li Huachao...

He himself is still in the universe, and may still generate "doubts".

And even if Li Huachao has a clear heart and likes to cause trouble, he still has a basic sense of caution.

If Li Huachao met Xu Cixi at this moment...

"What was going on in the universe when I was illuminated by the moonlight just now?" Yu Liang asked Li Huachao.

"Nothing happened. I wanted to wake you up, but you were like a demon. You rushed into the moonlight and lost your hand." Li Huachao said helplessly.

Yu Liang then asked: "Then if you meet Xu Cixi now, what would you do?"

"Me?" Li Huachao thought for a moment, "What else can I do? Either run away, or beat her until she shows her weakness."

After saying this, he added: "If it is really a T1 level monster, then run away if you can't defeat it."

This answer also verified Yu Liang's guess.

Although Li Huachao is transparent at heart and only likes to cause trouble, he is still very wary of outsiders.

It is also very difficult to completely gain Li Huachao's trust.

When faced with "doubt", Li Huachao's choice was to escape or "dispel" the suspicion.

No matter which choice he makes, he will lose the opportunity to obtain information from Xu Cixi.

Of course, it would be difficult for Li Huachao to distinguish the authenticity of this information.

So the only guy in the universe who is so smart that he doesn’t doubt others is...

"Eh? Brother Yu, why is your hand missing?" Lu Baoshen realized that Yu Liang's left hand had melted, "Do you feel pain?"

"It doesn't hurt." Yu Liang replied.

Lu Baoshen noticed the small puddle of minced meat on the ground again and made a tut-tsk sound in his mouth, "It looks quite disgusting."

Yu Liang: "..."

There is a way to avoid suspicion at all, and that is to let Lu Baoshen take over the body and then let him fall into a deep sleep.

In this case, there shouldn't be too many "doubts" in this body.

But, who should deal with the "Xu Cixi" on the seventh floor?

Let Lu Baoshen handle it?

It's not that Yu Liang looks down on him, but that this thing is really magical.

Moreover, once Lu Baoshen summons Lu Mingzhe, he will fall into the same dead end again.

Not to mention smart people, any normal person will become suspicious in this environment, not to mention that there are a series of software such as Xiangu and Tiantian Jili that crazily give misleading information.

If you become suspicious, you will be targeted by the moonlight, and those who are not smart will have no way to deal with the weird rumors of "Xu Cixi".

If you think about it carefully, the two strange stories you encounter at the beginning of this dungeon are really disgusting.

Yu Liang sighed in his heart.

The chance to solve her is today. After today, either she will go back to the past to find herself from the first day, or the entire timeline will be traced back together and everyone will lose their memory together.

Previously, Yu Liang was more inclined to go back in time and lose his memory, but now that he has seen the new player Xu Cixi, he feels that this is not the case.

Just like a stand-alone game, there are natural rollbacks, but a very large online game...

If you want to go back, it will definitely be more difficult, right?

"What is the faith you mentioned before?" Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi, "Doubt, faith, and eating. These three words are all in the underground parking lot."

"You should also have received that anonymous text message, don't look up at the moon." Xu Cixi explained, "People who see the moon will have a special belief. They will worship the moon, but if they are not mentally strong enough, People may want to offer themselves as sacrifices to the moon in order to gain more love from the moon.”

After saying this, Xu Cixi glanced at Yu Liang from head to toe with a complicated look, and then shook her head: "But you look different from those players who are not mentally determined."

"I have never looked directly at the moon." Yu Liang shook his head, "I just had some doubts, and then the moonlight swallowed up half of my body, turning me into what I am now."

"What?" Xu Cixi was a little confused, "Will the moonlight devour the body? Impossible. I have seen so many players illuminated by the moonlight, and they didn't do anything at all. If you want to say that there is no doubt in their hearts, then it is impossible. Normal. From what I know now, the Moon should be considered 'kind', right?"

"Kindness?" Yu Liang was equally puzzled, "Doesn't He make people believe?"

"Yes, and then He will give those who believe in Him some strength to help players better fight against monsters that appear in residential buildings." Xu Cixi continued, "He has helped many players survive in this dangerous place. ”

She frowned slightly: "As for those who have fanatical beliefs, most of them are not strong-willed enough, and their minds will be corrupted by this sudden power, and they will not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for more power."

And Yu Liang silently took a small step back, looking at Xu Cixi with some caution in his eyes.

Then the moon cannot be kind no matter how you think about it, right?

Even if He is willing to lend his power to these players, it seems to make the players addicted to the borrowed power and fall into the abyss step by step.

It's a bit like addictive drugs, or taking out high-interest loans, which will only gradually make people miserable.

"But that was all in the past. Nowadays, few people borrow power from the moon." Xu Cixi didn't seem to notice Yu Liang's vigilance towards her, and continued, "The strange creatures generated in this community are very special. , they will suppress the brilliance and divine power of the moon, and only when the moon reaches the full moon can the strongest divine power be restored and all these monsters be destroyed."

"The mission prompts of the source ghost story also stated that as long as they can assist the moon in destroying these monster creatures that pollute the moonlight, then all players can leave the source ghost story together." Xu Cixi said.

"That means you only need to wait until around October 15th, when the moon reaches full moon, to leave this place?" Yu Liang understood what Xu Cixi meant.

"That should be the case." Xu Cixi nodded, "The clues I found on some floors also point to this path, but it is not that simple to make Him full moon."

She seemed to realize that Yu Liang had just entered the dungeon, so she told him all the information she had: "According to the clues they found before, as long as any player has seen the moon, then the timeline of all players will be Go back and return to the sixth day of October, and the player who has seen the moon will lose his memory."

Xu Cixi said slowly: "If you want to return to reality, you must let time continue to flow until the day when the full moon is truly full."

"In this case, the conditions for the full moon are not simple." Yu Liang nodded. He reacted quickly and analyzed the key points in an instant.

If it were simple, you wouldn't know that it is still the sixth day of October.

Seeing the moon will allow you to borrow power from the moon, but it will also cause all players to go back in time.

It sounds very simple, as long as everyone does not look at the moon and spends nine days honestly, but in fact it is not that simple.

Just imagine, when you encounter a monster that you can't deal with, do you just surrender and die, or do you desperately look at the moon and destroy the monster on behalf of the moon?

Even if this makes all players go back in time, what does it matter?

Who would be willing to sacrifice their own life to promote the progress of other players?

What's more, new players who don't know the situation will join the game. If they see the moon without understanding this rule...

Everyone's progress has to be restarted.

Yu Liang thought about the difficulty and suddenly felt that the design of this copy was also unkind.

Sure enough, any copy with the origin of the ghost story would not be so easy to escape.

However, this is just a statement about Xu Cixi.

Judging from the situation he encountered...

The moon is an absolute devil.

He will eat all players who are suspicious and alienate all players who see his true form.

It looks like this moon has two faces?

He remembered the slogan he saw when he went downstairs. It seemed that players who had been to this building also realized the two faces of the moon and divided them into "crying" and "smiling".

But what Yu Liang didn't understand was that one of the slogans said, "You can leave when you see a smiling face, you have to take a gamble." Who spread this information?

It seems that there is another conflict with what Xu Cixi said.

The moon has two sides, one is "doubt" and the other is "faith".

"Doubt" eats players, "Faith" requires players.

The sixth day of October.

It should be the first quarter moon.

Yu Liang rubbed his head and suddenly realized something.

He has lost his memory.

And the only memory I have from before may be that huge blue-white full moon.

So, he had seen the full moon.

Then why...

Didn't leave the copy?

Amnesia instead?

And time has returned to the sixth day of October...

What happened on October 15th when we saw the full moon?

While thinking about this matter carefully, Yu Liang also felt a headache.

In the meantime, there are problems.

He raised his eyes and looked at Xu Cixi, "If we look back in time, wouldn't the past players be resurrected? Will new players who enter the dungeon be taken out of the dungeon? If not, wouldn't there be more and more players in this dungeon? "

"No, no, no, there will be no resurrection. Once you die, you will truly die." Xu Cixi shook his head quickly.

"Then when did your last memory last until the beginning of October?" Yu Liang asked.

"October 10th? What happened? You lost your memory, which means you have seen the moon..." Xu Cixi replied, and also analyzed it for a while, "It doesn't matter, if you didn't encounter a particularly difficult situation, you shouldn't Will take the initiative to see the moon."

They are relatively familiar with each other, so they naturally won't blame Yu Liang for seeing the moon and causing all the players to go back in time.

This is true both publicly and privately.

For all the players in this dungeon, losing "Yu Liang" may be more detrimental than resetting the level progress.

When Yu Liang got the answer, he also had speculation in his mind.

As an amnesiac player who saw the full moon, he naturally lived until October 15th.

Xu Cixi has memory, but this memory only lasts until October 10th, not October 15th.

This shows that Xu Cixi died on the tenth day of October.

So she has no memory of what happened afterwards.

Under normal circumstances, looking back in time caused by looking at the moon cannot revive the player, but this may not be the case when the moon is full.

The full moon possesses the most powerful divine power.

So he chose to look at the moon on this day and go back to the sixth day of October?

But it also proves one thing.

Even if this moon is full, it will not allow all players to return, so as a player, he did not successfully return.

He should have also noticed this at that time.

So how did "Yu Liang" make the time pass to October 15th in the first week of the week?

Obviously, this is something that even he finds extremely difficult now.

Yu Liang tried to think of a way to accomplish this. He didn't know if he had thought about this problem before, so an answer immediately popped out of his mind.

Very simple.

Kill all players.

I have a cold and am not in a good state, so I am writing a little slowly. Please keep warm as the season changes~

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