The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 196 Worrying mental state

[Congratulations on completing the side quest: Ghost Bride]

[Congratulations on completing the side story: Seven Heads Collide with Seven]

As the ghost bride appeared behind him, two prompts for completing the side quest ghost story popped up in Yu Liang's prompt box.

He had not been prompted to receive these two side stories before, and they seemed to be revealed only after they were completed.

In terms of ghost stories, there is only one ghost story creature involved in these two tasks, and that is "Xu Cixi", so when they were completed, they were all completed in one go.

Yu Liang glanced at his page, and sure enough, two stamps were added to his stamp column.

[Ghost Bride (Locked)]: Use ghost marriage to establish a special connection, and your ghost bride will protect you silently.

[Certificate of the Ghoul]: Undead creatures from the non-hostile camp increase their natural favorability; undead creatures from the same camp increase their panel skill effects by 20%.

Needless to say about the former, he has already seen the ghost bride behind him, and the dead soul transformed by Xu Cixi will always protect him.

There is also a "locked" in the notes of this stamp. The special instructions of these three words should mean that he cannot use the stamp as a prop.

The ghost bride is the entity of this seal, and the person who is connected with her is the person "Yu Liang", not the "owner of the seal".

According to the state that Xu Cixi was in just now, the current Ghost Bride should not be too different, at least around the level of T1, which is also top-notch combat power for Yu Liang.

However, with such a powerful helper, Yu Liang still couldn't be happy.

Since this dungeon provides players with a means to obtain T1-level helpers, the inner meaning of the world of ghost stories is obvious.

Without helpers of this level, any player who wants to get involved in the source of ghost stories will definitely die.

There was no chance of survival.

And this ghost bride may just make it less easy for players to die, at least they don't have to die at the hands of the derived monsters in this copy.

Before the source of ghost stories, the levels T1 and T2 were meaningless. They basically died at a thought, just like the crocodile landlord in front of "it".

Yu Liang focused on another stamp [Certificate of the Ghoul]. This ability comes with the natural favorability of undead creatures, and can also increase the panel skill effects of undead creatures in his own camp.

Naturally, there is nothing to say about the former. Yu Liang rummaged through the universe and found that only the Scrooge and the Mantis Cub could enjoy the latter bonus. The remaining skull monsters and faceless humanoids were also undead creatures. It's just that due to the level gradient of T4T5, even if they enjoy the bonus, it doesn't make much sense.

To Yu Liang's surprise, his group of little paper figures were also classified as undead creatures.

According to the definition of them in the Kaitan World, they seem to be Kaitan creatures formed by the souls of some special creatures attached to paper after death.

The soul of a special creature?

Could it be those minions?

The more Yu Liang thought about it, the more likely it became, so he looked at the paper character card with some fear in his eyes.

Those guys are the masters.

[Certificate of the Ghoul] adds to the effect of panel skills, but there is no bonus to things like physical fitness at all.

The 20% bonus is not too small, and it is also a camp bonus BUFF, similar to the legion effect. As long as Yu Liangduo conquers some powerful undead monsters, the overall increase effect will be reflected.

It’s just that powerful undead monsters that can be subdued are definitely hard to come by. Most of the monsters cannot communicate. T2-level monsters can indeed understand human speech, but they often have bad personalities and it is difficult to treat them well. communicate.

Of course, the current paper people have reached the T4 level. As long as they improve steadily, he will soon have a T2 level paper people army.

After checking the income, Yu Liang quickly recovered his mood. Now he carries the expectations of two people, and he must work harder to complete the root ghost story.

In the world of ghost stories, sadness is always reserved for those who have enough room to survive.

Yu Liang started to check his room. He was in a hurry in the previous few hours and he hadn't had time to check his room yet.

On the contrary, "Xu Cixi" checked his bedroom.

The first was the brass basin at the end of his bed. He didn't know whether it was because this room was special or if all rooms had such a thing.


Magical calculation basin

Name: basin

Texture: dish

Quantifier: one

Remarks: Every family always has a good calculation basin, so that they can take the initiative to deal with everything.

"A magic basin?" Yu Liang studied the basin, but he couldn't understand how to use it at all. He only found that the pointer could be moved at will. It only needed to be gently moved to rotate for a long time, but it could be removed. Beyond that there are no discoveries.

Next, he also conducted a thorough rummaging through the cabinets. The wardrobe basically only had a few simple clothes, and the bedside table was piled with a large number of books. Yu Liang took a brief look and found some books similar to "Introduction to Journalism" The things are all books needed for the postgraduate entrance examination.

There were also many notebooks, which he flipped through roughly. Most of them were for the study of postgraduate entrance examination materials.

No useful information.

However, there are also a few scrawled words that seem to reveal the inner thoughts of the original residents.

"It's already the third year, why can they all come ashore? Is it just me?"

"I've always been the best at studying. Why, why can't I be the best?"

"Is the ability really not enough?"

"I went to the temple again today, and I heard Manjushri Bodhisattva telling me that I can definitely do it, I can get help, I can get help!"

"Bodhisattva said it's possible this year, so I can definitely do it."

Yu Liang frowned silently as he looked at these few words that were brought out alone.

The original resident of this room was a postgraduate entrance examination candidate who lived alone, but for some reason he kept all the postgraduate entrance examination books in his bedside table.

This shows that he did not die suddenly or disappear suddenly, otherwise the postgraduate entrance examination books should still be piled on his desk.

Secondly, there is the extremely obvious fact that the original resident has already passed the exam.

After taking the exam for three years, he has yet to graduate, while other classmates have entered a new journey in life early. This sense of gap made him have "doubts" about himself, and then he gave birth to "belief."

It is closely connected with the two sides of the moon.

There is also a bottle of clean sleeping pills on the bedside table. It is probably because the postgraduate entrance examination candidates are under great mental pressure and it is difficult to rest normally.

The search after that was also more detailed. He checked the inner panels of the wardrobe one by one, trying to find some engravings on them. This was a common way to provide clues in the world of ghost stories, but there was none.

"Huh?" Yu Liang noticed the bottom of the bed, so he lay down to take a look.

Just as he had imagined, the underside of the bed was very clean, as if it had been mopped not long ago.

Just towed?

Did the original residents leave not long ago?


He thought of the answer as soon as the question came up.


The Ghost Story of Moonlight keeps going back in time, so there is no dust in this room, and everything remains as it was before.

In other words, the time when the ghost story was completely formed may be the fifth day of October, and then it entered the nine-day cycle of retrospection, so the bed is still clean.

So the original resident was mysophobic?

It can be seen from the rummaging just now that absolutely not.

The original resident didn't look like someone who would clean every day.

So why do you need to mop the bottom of your bed all the time?

The only explanation is that he needs the bottom of the bed to be clean.

It sounds like nonsense, but as long as...

Yu Liang lay down on the ground, moved under the bed, and looked at the bed board.

Sure enough, he saw a small notebook and pen placed between the bed boards.

The original resident would hide under the bed and record something every day, so he needed to keep it clean.

Yu Liang took out a small notebook and prepared to leave the bed before reading.

Because now he only has his right hand, and if the light in the room is turned off, he definitely cannot do it if he wants to keep the light source stable and turn the pages at the same time.

At this time, Yu Liang felt two hands exuding cold air reaching out from behind him. One hand held the mobile phone and the other hand stabilized the small book so that he could easily turn the pages.

And he was lying down, with the floor behind him.

The only one who can do this is the disembodied Ghost Bride.

Yu Liang thought about the current state of the two of them. He was probably lying in the ghost bride's arms, and she was holding a mobile phone in one hand and a notebook in the other?

There's something strange about it.

He shivered, and he didn't know if it was because of the coldness on the ghost bride's body.



I have to record it. I have to remind myself not to forget this dream. If I forget it, I won’t have this dream again.

The bull is booming!

Someone is helping me study in my dream!

Manjushri Bodhisattva appears!

I obviously only learned the third part the day before yesterday, but when I was dreaming at night, I saw a faceless person coming to my house.

I was very scared in the dream, so I hid carefully under the bed.

Then the faceless man sat at the desk in the room and started studying.

I thought at the time that I must have been stupid because I even dreamed of taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

After that, I felt that this guy didn't have any ill intentions, so he crawled out from under the bed. Who knew he ran away immediately when he saw me.

When I woke up yesterday morning, I suddenly discovered that I had learned Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. I had obviously not memorized this section, but they just appeared in my mind.

So... so awesome!

I know this must be the result of the faceless man.

I discovered that in my dreams I would appear where I was when I fell asleep, so I decided to sleep under the bed every day.

Because the faceless man would run away quickly when he noticed what I said and would no longer help me study.

I have to make good use of him. Others can only use ten hours to study, but I can use twenty-four hours. How can I fail again?

It’s impossible to fail again hahahahahaha!


This is the content of the first page. Yu Liang frowned slightly, not understanding it.

Is this a new side story?

Probably not

Judging from the clues in the article, a faceless man emerged from the original resident. Now the faceless man only appears in his dreams and only helps him study.

Kind of like two sides of the same body.

This is somewhat similar to the two sides of the moon, plus the birth of "doubt" and "belief" before, so the two should be somewhat related.

Yu Liang continued to watch, he was quite curious about what happened.


Now I have twenty-four hours a day to study. No, no, no, I don’t need to study at all. I just need to sleep non-stop. I can ask him to help me study. Anyway, the result will be the same.

I bought a bottle of sleeping pills, which made me sleep super long, and I could sleep and sleep and sleep.

Even after I wake up, I don’t have to continue studying. I just play on my phone and relax.

I have never felt that learning is so easy.


My mother is here.

I was sleeping under the bed at that time.

I hate that look in her eyes.

Why are you still looking disappointed at me?

I'm also under a lot of pressure.

Is it my fault that I keep failing the exam?

I'm already studying, I learn so much every day, what more do you want from me?


I finally understood that she didn't love me at all.

What she loved was being able to brag about me to the neighbors.

Now I can only embarrass her.

Ha ha ha ha.


I must succeed


Something's wrong, that faceless man...

When did you get eyes and ears?


Why do you look a little like me?

What's the meaning?

I'm a little afraid to sleep anymore.

But I found that I could no longer learn when I returned to the desk.

I can't remember those concepts anymore.

There are only three months left.

You have to rely on him.

I want to catch him, lock him in the chair, and help me study forever and help me complete the postgraduate entrance examination.


There are moons in his eyes.

This is what I don't have.

His eyes are so beautiful.

This is what I don't have.

I want.

His life is no longer just about studying.

He started watching TV, started scrolling through his phone, and started doing everything I did.

But I could only watch from under the bed.

You hurry up and learn, you can't continue to be idle like this!


I locked him.

He began to study.


It was he who locked me up.

I can't get out from under the bed.

I can't stand up after lying down for a long time.

I can't wake up after sleeping for a long time.

What on earth am I doing?

Why is he gone?

Where has he gone?

Could it be...

Is he awake?


You die!


Go, die, die, die, die!


Death is painless.

What really hurts is eternity.



It would be fine if I didn’t take the exam.

If we didn't take the exam, these things wouldn't have happened.

Ha ha.

Twisted child.

The body is worshiped.


Dreams are so fun.

Everything is there.

Ha ha.

The moon is flying in the sky.

He is smiling at me.

Love does not exist.

It's all her fault, it's all her fault.

Without her, I would not have thought about taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

I would have been able to work long ago.

Damn it.

Damn it.

Love in moonlight does not exist.

Motherly, eh, got this feeling, yeah, you know~

Yu Liang: "..."

Of course he recognized the last line, it was a line from a song.

Inexplicably unconventional and inexplicably magical.

how to say……

He was curious about what mental state the original residents were in when they wrote this thing.

(I put the song in Zhang Shuo’s dubbing, feeling that the mental state of the original residents must be understood with the music.)

(Still under review, the song is called Bones, if you are curious, you can listen first)

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