The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 226: Lady Fairy, you can’t move now, can you?

The fairy girl's body was filled with gloomy energy. She stood at the top of the stairs and looked at the stairs in front of her going up and the stairs going down.

In this state, her eyes can see the yang energy remaining on the stairs, so she can tell whether the adventurer is escaping upward or downward.

However, in her field of vision, she saw two red lights, one upward and one downward, which showed that the adventurer had noticed her method and used it to interfere with her vision.

"Old nun, what do you think of my move?"

Suddenly, a mean head appeared at the corner of the stairs above. The adventurer went and came back, facing the nun with his hands on his hips and laughing proudly.

Then he opened his mouth to ninety degrees, revealing two bugs in the big mouth. The bugs curled up into two groups in his mouth, like springs ready to go. After he opened his mouth, two worms with The transparent mucus bugs quickly shot towards the fairy.

The fairy frowned slightly, flicked her sleeves and swatted them away. The sleeves of the black gauze coat were filled with dark gray air, blocking the two bugs that bounced over.

She also felt something was wrong when the Yin Qi touched the bugs, because the two bugs dispersed at the touch. They were not entities, but virtual bodies.


She took a few steps forward, and the Yin Qi surged and blew away the virtual image of the adventurer on the stairs above.

The fairy girl approached the stairs. After a little observation, she could see that the trajectory of Yang Qi was upward, which meant that the adventurer was going upstairs, so she activated the stamp on the page and floated up through the ceiling above.

[Netherworld Body]: Within three minutes, you will gain the ability to walk through walls at will, but your own movement speed will be reduced by 50%.

Although the movement speed will be reduced, if you pass through the wall now, you will save a lot of distance and get closer to the adventurer faster.

She has been tortured by the endless props of adventurers and is becoming irritated.

In just two minutes, Fairy Girl had already seen three acceleration props, two shield props and four interference props on him.

These props involve high-end technology, underworld spiritual objects, Buddhist and Taoist tools, and even inexplicable things like goblin technology. Most of these props come from some powerful civilizations or ghosts, so she cannot ignore the effects of these props. , I can only keep being delayed by this guy.

In this black-clothed state, she can easily crush the adventurer's body, but these props are constantly slowing down her attack.

It was like trying to trample a mouse to death, but this mouse was extremely flexible and could constantly cause her all kinds of trouble, just like the mice in some cartoons.

The longer she was delayed, the more sense of urgency she felt in her heart. After she left the Tao Mansion, there were very few Tao Manpower that she could use. This was one of the reasons why she tried not to leave the Tao Mansion.

Now, Xiangu knows that her door has been opened, and there is a high possibility that outsiders have sneaked into the Taoist mansion. If she usually didn't need to worry, because the Taoist mansion has a strong defense mechanism and recovery ability, but the situation is different now. The person who broke in The Taoist guys have the ability to directly disappear the door, which has directly threatened her foundation.

Looking at the breeder now, he also has the means to threaten her. She doesn't even know how he made his hand appear inside her body.

The injury on the abdomen is insignificant. The mortal body is not difficult to repair. What is important is the Dantian that has been condensed into a solid body.

To be more precise, this is called inner alchemy.

Last time the adventurer was caught by her hand as soon as she touched the inner alchemy, so it did not cause any substantial harm to her, but this may not be the case next time. She was caught off guard and she did not even have time to move the position of the inner alchemy.

If her Dantian is damaged, it will also cause her to be seriously injured or even become a cripple.

Taoist government. Neidan.

No matter which side is in danger, relatively speaking, the Taoist side can rely on its own guards and illusion formations to hold on for some time, but the adventurers have no way to defend themselves, and after the portal disappears, There was no special movement from the Taoist side, which was why she decided to deal with it first.

However, to her surprise, this adventurer turned out to be more slippery than she imagined, and she was unable to catch him for a while.

The fairy walked through the ceiling and appeared on the floor above. As soon as he arrived on this floor, he saw a sneaky figure squatting at the top of the stairs.


He looked at the stairs below from time to time, as if observing the movements of the fairy, and then looked at the translucent bomb he was tinkering with, showing a sinister smile.

"No, why haven't you..." The adventurer felt something was wrong. He subconsciously turned around and looked around. He happened to see the fairy coming out from under the floor. He was frightened and threw away the bomb in his hand. , fled in panic.

The shock wave formed by the Yin Qi swept through the entire corridor, blowing up the debris in the corridor and hitting the adventurer's back, making a crisp "thud" sound.

The dark gray Yin Qi also hit the adventurer's back, and was also blocked by a layer of light golden mucous membrane covering the surface of the adventurer's body. However, this layer of mucous membrane was already in danger, and suddenly collapsed under the attack of Yin Qi. Broken, the impact of the Yin Qi knocked the adventurer over several times and hit the ground heavily.

"Hiss--" The adventurer immediately got up from the ground. It seemed that the movement was too large and the wound was injured. He immediately grinned and took a few deep breaths.

Just now, he could feel that there seemed to be some cracks in his ribs. Even if they were not broken yet, they were not far away.

He did not expect that in addition to its own magical properties, the Yin Qi also had physical impact. The Yang Qi protective film on his body could only block the coldness of the Yin Qi, but could not block the impact.


There was a violent explosion behind him, and the adventurer immediately looked back and saw that the translucent bomb he had just thrown exploded in front of the fairy. The shock wave once again swept through the corridor, smashing the debris that had just been smashed again.

He originally wanted to set the bomb as a mine, but the sudden appearance of Fairy Girl disrupted his plan, so he could only throw it as a grenade. He himself also became the target of the shock wave, and he needed to grab the railing next to him to stabilize. Stay in shape.

"What?" The adventurer couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the fairy girl who was unharmed after the shock wave dissipated.

The one just now was the goblin's Index Bomb Type III. The closer it is to the explosion point of the bomb, the higher the damage. The energy level in the middle of the explosion point is almost half of the limit of normal space. The fairy is only less than one step away from the bomb. This distance If it exploded, no harm would be caused at all?

However, upon closer inspection, the adventurer also noticed why.

The fairy stretched out her right hand and touched the wall on the right, while her body remained translucent.

She was in the state of passing through the wall just now, and when passing through the wall, her body was in such a virtual state, which could avoid some physical damage.

This is also one of the effects of the seal [Netherworld Body]. It can be regarded as a hidden effect that is not written on the surface, so she always carries this seal with her.

Another waste of a bomb.

The adventurer's heart also tightened. He quickly took out another small jar from the inventory, opened it, and poured it on himself, from head to toe.

Golden powder covered his head and gradually sprinkled on his body, forming a pale golden protective film on the surface of his body.

The Yin Qi attack just now shattered his Yang Qi protective film, and now he had to quickly replace it.

The fairy girl was more powerful than he thought. He was beaten until he could only run away, and the props on his body also consumed a huge amount. The number of props used in these two minutes was almost the same as the total number of props used in the past six months.

But he failed to find any way to counter Fairy Girl.

If a cold weapon is used to attack her, a simple physical attack will be blocked by Yin Qi. The Yin Qi can even extend along the weapon, corroding the weapon while also eroding the human body, freezing blood vessels with a kind of coldness and affecting the mind.

The bomb will be ignored by the incorporeal body when passing through the wall. In this state, I am afraid that only magic and Taoist attacks can be effective. Characters may also be effective, but the adventurer feels that his three-legged cat kung fu in this regard is not enough to defeat him. Fairy aunt.

"Thunder" character, Yin Qi, tracking skills and some special Taoist skills. So far, the fairy has only shown some of her abilities, but it still makes the adventurer despair, because the fairy seems to be able to do it without changing her expression, but he is almost out of gas. The lamp is dead.

His inventory has been upgraded to fifteen slots, so it can only hold fifteen kinds of props. The travel bag he carries every day can hold more. However, the room was bombed by the fairy with the character "Thunder" just now, so he escaped first. Room, no time to take away the travel bag.


The adventurer glanced at his dirty bear pajamas and sighed.

I didn't even have time to change into my pajamas.


The fairy aunt hit a "thunder" character on the floor at the feet of the adventurer. The adventurer also threw the grappling hook in his sleeve towards the far wall. After grabbing the wall, he pulled his body and moved quickly in that direction.

But this alone was not enough to completely escape the explosion range of the "Thunder" character. The electric spark followed him closely, biting his back hard, and poured all the energy of the explosion into his body.


The metallic sound sounded again, followed by the collapse of the colorless body armor. It made its final contribution and shattered into pieces and hit the ground.

"The damage-proof armor is gone. Why is this woman's offensive methods so fierce?" The adventurer felt bad, but there was no good way at the moment and he could only continue to implement his plan.

There will be at least one kind of Tsukimi clan in every building. They are either individuals or groups, but their collective strength will never be lower than T1. Some weird Yukimi clans even have conceptual abilities.

At its root, this ability ignores the strength gap between the two sides.

Even fairy aunts will be affected by this ability, and adventurers estimate that fairy aunts' strength is probably at the peak of T1, similar to that of these Yuejian clan.

Although the methods of human players are more complex and changeable, the situation of Kaitan creatures at home is not much different, not to mention that they often have strong physical fitness and regeneration capabilities.

For example, the Tsukimi clan in this building has conceptual abilities. It is an owl ghost that symbolizes the "power of vegetation". Its body is a half-human evil bird. It likes to be quiet, so it will punish those who are not quiet. man of.

It possesses the power of "separation" and can separate a person's limbs or head in a single thought, but these humans will not die because of this, they can only watch their limbs leave the body, unable to control it, and eventually Starve to death, or be eaten by other strange creatures.

The liquid he just shot through the talisman wall shield was the body fluid collected from the owl ghost, which could attract the owl ghost. He didn't know which floor the owl ghost was on, but after running for so long late at night, even if the fairy girl didn't Even without being stained by the owl ghost's bodily fluids, the owl ghost should have sensed the movements of the two of them.

As long as he can lure out the owl ghost, he can hope to escape in the chaos.

He wasn't afraid of being dismembered, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to live in this building.

The adventurer also has a few jars of meat clay powder that can be used to create hands and feet at any time, and there are other transportation tools in the inventory. I have never used them because I was worried that they would be damaged by the fairy's attack. They will definitely come in handy at critical moments. Take him away from the scene.

However, adventurers dare not take the initiative to make too much noise, because the owl ghost punishes humans based on the strength of their voices, and the humans who make louder voices will definitely be punished first.

If the owl ghost attacks him and the fairy girl adds insult to injury, he will still be in danger.


A high-pitched chirping sound came from the end of the corridor, and at the same time the lights began to flash rapidly.

The adventurer looked in that direction. The owl ghost, which the players regarded as a demon, was so cute at the moment. It spread its wings against the light and cast a long shadow on the corridor.

It didn't move, it seemed to just stand there, but every time the light flashed, it got closer to the two people in the corridor.


The adventurer felt his hand fall to the ground, and then he saw that his body began to break, his limbs fell off in pieces, and he fell to the ground, unable to move like a human pig.

If he wanted to use a vivid metaphor, he felt like a roast duck sold in a vegetable market. The master chopped the roast duck into pieces of suitable size with ease, and then put them in boxes for customers to take away.

It's just that the owl ghost didn't chop his main body into pieces, otherwise he wouldn't be able to survive even if he had flesh and clay.

Those scattered limbs emitted black gas and began to rot internally.

These can no longer be used. If they are connected back, it will only cause the more important main body to rot together.

He looked at himself, then at the fleshy clay limbs prepared in advance in the inventory, ready to assemble himself and escape as soon as the owl ghost left.

The owl ghost passed by the adventurer, and as the adventurer learned, it did not do any unnecessary killing.

Just cut the humans into pieces and they'll die on their own.

This seems to be the way Owl Ghost behaves.

The adventurer looked at the fairy in the distance. She also gradually disintegrated under the power of the owl ghost, and fell into "fairy pieces" on the ground.

The lights stabilized again, and the owl ghost disappeared into the corridor after completing his punishment, leaving only the adventurer and the fairy looking at each other.

The fairy girl looked at her decomposed body and frowned slightly. She seemed to be divided into more pieces, even her torso was chopped into pieces, and her internal organs could be clearly seen.

But there was no pain, and she didn't even bleed.

The separated body looks like jelly.

"Haha, Lady Fairy, you can't move now, can you?" The adventurer immediately took out the hands and feet from the inventory and assembled them for himself, then walked towards Fairy with a weird smile while rubbing his hands.

He deliberately made a Japanese face, trying to see something other than a plain expression on the fairy's face.

Unfortunately not.

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