The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 243 Fortunately, Yu Liang woke up first.

In the early morning, the moon was looming among the clouds.

As if they had received some kind of instructions, some players in the apartment building slowly woke up at this moment, washed briefly, and then exchanged and extracted food for the new day from the page of Kaitan World.

If we use the color of the sky to distinguish it, there is no distinction between day and night in this dungeon. Players can only make accurate judgments based on the time on the clock.

Some players who have survived here for a period of time have also discovered some patterns. The nearly twelve hours after five o'clock in the morning are the weak period of monster activity, so this period of time is also more suitable for players to explore the scene.

Just like now, Lu Mingzhe, who was holding Little Fairy's hand, no longer listened to Little Fairy's guidance, so he would occasionally encounter some monsters chasing players, or players breaking into the room of some dangerous and strange creatures.

According to Lu Mingzhe's own character, he is too lazy to deal with these players, but Yu Liang has told him before that if he meets players, he will save them if he can, and he must save them in a conspicuous manner, and never think of him as a masked villain. Xia.

If it is a simple effort, then the player must be saved. Every more player survives, there will be one more buyer today, and his reputation can be spread and convinced by everyone.

Just like now, Lu Mingzhe looked at the monster chasing the player in the distance. Without much hesitation, three or two characters flew out.

He controlled the characters to chase the monster in the distance, which was a lucky cat with a scarlet one-eyed creature. It belonged to a common race of strange creatures in this community.

The Lucky Cat controlled the human hand to fly up and grab the players running ahead from a distance. The evil energy emerged and formed a claw to grab the back of the last player, knocking him off.

At this time, the Lucky Cat also noticed the character coming from Lu Mingzhe's direction, so he controlled the lucky hand to defend himself, spreading his evil energy and hitting the character controlled by Lu Mingzhe.

Lu Mingzhe was well prepared for this. The character jumped several times under his control, accurately avoiding the Lucky Cat's blockage, and then hit the Lucky Cat's body.

"Ah!" The Lucky Cat let out a shrill scream. His body was damaged and burned by flames. The double pain caused it to shake its body crazily, and then it fled away in a panic.

It has the means to resist the attacks of characters, but if the evil energy does not offset the characters but allows the characters to directly contact the body, it will also suffer.

Lu Mingzhe watched the Lucky Cat escape and didn't bother to chase it. Killing a Lucky Cat didn't make much sense to him.

Looking at the other end of the corridor, the three rescued players were also looking over. However, a player had just been knocked down by a monster, so they were helping treat the injured player. They did not approach Lu Mingzhe, but Say "thank you" from afar.

Lu Mingzhe didn't respond too much, he just smiled at them from a distance, the kind of smile that was superficial but not smiling.

He looked at the Taoist robe Loli he was holding and the money-hungry man walking beside him wearing a paper hood and mopping overalls, and felt that what he was doing should be in line with Yu Liang's requirements.

If this is not eye-catching, what else can be called eye-catching?

Among those people, one player seemed to want to stand up and say something, but was stopped by the player who fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Lu Mingzhe felt a little curious, so he walked towards the players.

The Scrooge followed him, and when passing by the lucky hand that the Lucky Cat had just dropped on the ground, it curiously picked it up, looked at it, and then waved it symbolically.

As it was waving, the fortune-seeking hand also exerted an intuitive effect, so as if sensing something, the money-keeper quickly lowered his head and opened his jar to check.


The Scrooge looked up in surprise, and sure enough, he found an extra gold necklace in his jar.

And it was not the gold necklace in the mirror, but the actual gold necklace, which was why it noticed it instantly.

It excitedly waved its fortune-seeking hand again, and opened its own jar every time it waved. Just as it expected, every time there would be an extra piece of jewelry or broken bricks of gold and silver in its jar. Come.

The Scrooge put a small piece of gold brick in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully.

It can feel that there seems to be an ominous atmosphere in this gold brick. These gold and silver seem to have been with ghosts for a long time, so there is a kind of yin energy lingering on the body.

If humans get this gold brick, they may be in trouble and suffer misfortune one after another.

However, it is naturally not afraid of being a money-keeper. It is not a human being. It is a noble T2 level monster creature. This kind of yin energy cannot affect it, so it can naturally accept it with peace of mind.


There are other uses.

The money-keeper thought thoughtfully. Now his brain was working very quickly, so he instantly thought of a special method of use.

This thing can be regarded as a prop with special curse properties. As long as it is thrown on the enemy, the cold breath will affect it to some extent.

For example, if you make a golden arrow, it will get stuck in the enemy's body after hitting it, causing continuous damage from the Yin Qi curse.

It's just that the Scrooge gave up decisively after thinking about it for a while. Instead of using the gold to fight, he might as well use it to pile it high in the jar. This would at least look more comfortable and not feel bad.

On the other side, Lu Mingzhe, who was holding Taoist Lolita, also walked to the players. He looked down at the scratched player and made a judgment in his mind.


After all, the Lucky Cat is a strange creature. A simple scratch can penetrate deep into the bones and pull out the flesh and blood inside. And the claws are composed of the evil spirit, which has obvious effects on creatures made of flesh and blood like humans. Injury.

The black energy boils in the skin and flesh of the player's back, as if there is a violent rejection reaction, and this boiling is obviously exacerbating the torture of the injured player.

"Cough." The injured player coughed lightly. Under the attack of this pain, his face was already pale and his lips were gray, but he did not scream out in pain. He only used the occasional cough to take away the physical pain. Pain.

The injured player was a man, and he seemed to be the leader of this simple three-person group. It was he who had just stayed behind and was scratched by the Lucky Cat just now.

In addition, there is a young man and woman here. The man briefly sterilizes the sharp knife, and then wants to scrape off the skin on the injured person's back that has been eroded by the black air, while the woman is doing it on the side.

Seeing Lu Mingzhe step forward, the trio of players just glanced at him and thanked him again.

"Thank you for saving us. Sorry, we have to help him scrape off the corroded flesh, so we can't formally thank him." The young man said, holding his breath and concentrating, the knife in his hand accurately removed the corroded part of the injured man's back.

The woman on the side seemed to want to say something. She glanced at the little girl beside Lu Mingzhe who was being led away with her hands tied up. She remembered the obstruction of the injured man just now, so she kept silent and just removed the black energy. The wound was bandaged with gauze.

Judging from Lu Mingzhe's current appearance, he doesn't look like a good person, but they can see from the battle between Lu Mingzhe and Lucky Cat just now that Lu Mingzhe's level is much higher than them.

If Lu Mingzhe wanted to take action against them, there was no point in escaping.

"Are you a doctor?" Lu Mingzhe saw that the young man was very skilled with a knife, especially good at cutting off skin and flesh in small areas, so he asked aloud.

"Well, in reality it's a doctor." The doctor nodded.

"Then you should be able to tell that it's hopeless." Lu Mingzhe's voice was cold. This doctor has not obtained an alienated profession, and there are no trauma drugs now. The injured man's wound is too deep, and he has lost a lot of blood, and he will die sooner or later.

This kind of injury can only be recovered by using the "Fu" character in Yu Liang's enhanced series ②. He also has that character, but he doesn't want to do it.

There were not many characters, and Yu Liang only took a few from the fairy aunt. He was not so extravagant as to save people at will.

"He is relatively lucky. The time rewind point will be in another hour." The doctor answered equally calmly, "As long as today's time rewind point is passed, the surviving players can recover from their injuries."

He looked at the woman beside him and whispered: "Go and look at the moon later and let it go back in time. Be careful not to be discovered by those people."

The woman nodded in agreement.

"Those people?" Lu Mingzhe asked, "Who?"

"Manager." The doctor raised his head and glanced at Lu Mingzhe, "Don't you know them?"

"Tell me about it." Lu Mingzhe squatted down and became somewhat interested.

Around six o'clock in the morning is the point where the moon goes back in time. The premise is that a player needs to "observe" the moon and provide faith.

This is what Xu Cixi said before, and it is a widely circulated statement among players.

This is probably one of the reasons why they chose to explore at this point in time. After a while, they will reach the time rewind point, so they don't have to worry about getting hurt during this period of time, as long as they don't die.

"They call themselves managers. They believe that as long as the moon does not go back in time, players can leave here until the full moon." The doctor found a comfortable angle and cut off a lot of flesh in one go. "Only alienation professionals can join their team. group, so their organization doesn’t have many people, but it’s very strong.”

The injured man groaned, and the muscles in his cheeks that were biting the towel seemed to bulge. His forehead was dripping with sweat, but he managed not to scream.

He still has a chance to survive after scraping the poisoned flesh. If he is allowed to be corroded by the black energy, he may not be able to survive for even an hour.

The doctor continued: "So they will focus on areas where players gather. If anyone looks up to observe the moon, they will block and attack them."

"What about you? Don't you believe it?" Lu Mingzhe asked.

"It's useless, they can't control everyone." The doctor smiled, "Just like now, do you think we might give up the lives of our companions just for that rumor?"

Lu Mingzhe shrugged: "So you are not worried that I am also a manager?"

"No, it won't." The doctor shook his head. He also had his own judgment. "Managers will not save players. For them, the smaller the number of players, the easier it is to manage, and the closer they are to the goal."

"Thank you." Lu Mingzhe didn't say anything more, but turned around and left here thoughtfully.

Yu Liang has not had much contact with players since he came to this dungeon, so he has never encountered these so-called managers.

And then he needs to do business with the players, so dealing with these managers is indispensable.

If you don't cause trouble, everything will be fine. But if you don't cause trouble, Lu Mingzhe doesn't mind killing him.

To a certain extent, his ability will be more suitable for team battles and chaotic battles. The biggest flaw of character flow is that it is easy to miss, but he does not have this flaw here.

Every character will be a killer.

He took the little fairy away from here, and along the way he also helped many players escape from the pursuit of monsters. Many of them were monsters from the lucky cat clan. This time seemed to be the time for them to come out to hunt for people.

However, under Lu Mingzhe's attack, the Lucky Cats could not even defend their original manpower, and were snatched away one by one by the lucky ghosts who took advantage of every opportunity.

The money-keeper made an iron tree full of branches, with a fortune-bringing hand tied to each branch, so that every time it waved the iron tree, it could bring in a lot of treasure, so it was happy along the way.

Even though he was a little tired, he got tired after just a few swings due to the weak physique of the money-keeper. Now it is only because of his passion for wealth that he continues to persevere.

And this also makes Lu Mingzhe's team look even more eye-catching. The man is holding an expressionless Taoist-robed lolita with a rope. The dwarf in work clothes next to him is struggling to wave an iron branch that is much higher than him. From a distance, it looks like a candied haws seller, but when you walk in, you will see that the branches are covered with human hands...

Full of horror value.

So much so that the players they met later mistook Lu Mingzhe for some kind of elite monster team, and when they saw him, they ran away even more hastily and quickly disappeared from his sight.

"I woke up."

At about 5:30 in the morning, Yu Liang woke up feeling refreshed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Lu Mingzhe holding a strange girl. The girl's hands were tied tightly, and beside him was a money-hungry man waving an iron branch.

Taking another closer look, the iron branches were still covered with human hands.

Fortunately, it’s not unacceptable.

This scene may look a bit scary, but it is much better than waking up and seeing Li Huachao doing something.

Yu Liang now has a very high fright threshold, so this small scene is just a sprinkle of water.

For him, as long as Li Huachao didn't wake up before him, everything would be easy.

You can tell from the girl's bob hair that she is the newly created character Little Fairy.

Lu Mingzhe is quite reliable in his work. He has already captured the new character, so it is only a matter of time and method to introduce it into the universe.

"Why did you tie her hands?" Yu Liang asked curiously.

"Can run." Lu Mingzhe's answer was simple.

"What kind of character?" Yu Liang asked next.

"Gou." Lu Mingzhe's answer was still simple.

But this word made Yu Liang completely silent. He sighed, feeling a little heavy: "Is it like Li Huachao?"

No wonder Lu Mingzhe wanted to tie her up.

But the probability of creating Erha is too high, right?

What the hell?

"No, he is just living an ignoble existence." Lu Mingzhe realized that Yu Liang had made a mistake in the word, so he explained, and by the way, he told what the little fairy did.

"It's not bad." Yu Liang pulled out a cub from the universe to take over the waving job of the money-sucking ghost, and then found some small paper figures and placed them on the fairy girl.

If she just likes to escape, it wouldn't be considered a bad character, and it seems that she has reached the state of "knowing destiny" and lives an extremely "transparent" life.

From now on, just keep it with you, and it won't be a big deal if you don't give her a chance to set up a Taoist palace and hide.

When this dungeon ends and she officially joins the universe, this kind of stubborn character may still be a good thing.

Yu Liang's eyes looked toward the area on the other side where there were more players.

Finally I can free my hands to make money.

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