The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 284 It is our duty to prevent wind and fix sand! !

The mother body of the Whistle Beast is more than four meters tall, with a burly and plump body. Due to excessive obesity, the layers of meat on its body are piled up, mixed with some bones and scales. The whole monster looks like a A bowl of extremely thick fat aspic.

However, with Yu Liang's big move, the huge whistle beast mother body disappeared out of thin air.

This scene made all the players present stunned. They had never seen players with the ability to conquer strange creatures. Yu Liang was an eye-opener for them.

Before that, they only speculated based on the methods shown by the Chinese people that he could subdue the strange creatures, but now they have actually subdued them, and what they subdued is the mother body of the whistle beast...

They also knew how strong the advanced whistle beast was, and they couldn't help but be even more afraid of the Chinese people.

"Has it been conquered by you?" Lee handed over a slate.

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded, "Absolutely, but it's very weak and almost dead, and I promised it that I won't let it out for the time being."

He looked back at Henry and asked, "Is there any medicine that can treat injuries or replenish energy?"

"There are few raw materials and not many potions." There was a trace of embarrassment in Henry's words written on the stone slab.

The meaning of the embarrassment is also obvious. This medicine is more precious than the tranquilizer just injected, and Yu Liang should exchange it for something of equal value.

Yu Liang nodded and said nothing more.

This is understandable, the players present are actually competitors, and there is no need for Henry to give him the medicine without enough benefit.

As the Whistle Beast's mother body still had fifty-one hours of life left, Yu Liang planned to wait until the second stage was unlocked to see what happened.

Among the characters in the enhanced series ②, there is a "recovery" character, which has a recovery effect. You can use it on the Whistle Beast mother body. If it doesn't work, try trading potions with Cao Ying and Henry.

Anyway, the mother body of the Whistle Beast is not going to be released for the time being, so the importance of this matter can be discussed later.

Yu Liang made a decision in his mind, and then looked back at the players. They had not been gathering around here all the time. Some were cleaning up the remaining scorpion-shaped parasitic beasts in the lair, while others were wandering around, trying to find a way.

But he knows that the focus of all players is on him.

There was no way around it. From the moment he decided to conquer the Whistle Beast mother body, he was destined to put pressure on other players.

At some point, he is also the most likely to become the target of public criticism.

Of course, Yu Liang will not regret it. This is a choice in itself.

The value of the Whistle Beast mother made him willing to take this risk.

The physical fitness of an ordinary whistle beast is at the T3 level of flesh and blood. Coupled with their slow pain perception and excellent fighting instincts, they can even pose a certain threat to T2 level physical warriors.

The advanced whistle beast is improved in all aspects. It is more fierce and has range control skills. It can affect surrounding enemies with sharp ear whistles. It also has low-level intelligence and can use the tools of flesh and blood civilization.

In a head-on duel, the best of the T2 warriors need to be suppressed, otherwise they may be killed if they are not careful.

In the world of Kaitan, the gap in combat power between characters with gradient levels (including Kaitan creatures and players) is not that big. If Yu Liang had to make an analogy...

Characters with different gradients are equivalent to fully armed soldiers in different eras.

For example, the T4 gradient is for ancient soldiers, the T3 level is for musketeers in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the T2 level is for infantry during World War I and II.

There are generational differences in equipment, but it is not necessarily impossible for ancient soldiers holding long knives to kill World War II infantry. If conditions are right, they can even kill two or three at once.

Moreover, among ancient soldiers there were figures like Xiang Yu and Lu Bu, who were not necessarily inferior to ordinary World War II soldiers in all aspects.

But this uniform gap stops abruptly at the gradient T1. T1 is equivalent to a tank from the late World War II, loaded with live ammunition.

This is the real gap between the previous gradient levels.

Before this, Yu Liang always felt that his summoning flow lacked monster creatures that could resist the cauldron and lacked backbone combat strength.

Whether it is a paper man or a cub, whether it is a snake-eater or a money-keeping ghost, their specialty seems to be the whole job, especially when paired with Li Huachao, the whole life has a better flavor.

Now, a full-status whistle beast mother body can control eighteen whistle beasts. With sufficient energy, these eighteen can even be advanced whistle beasts.

This is an advanced whistle beast that has reached the peak level of T2 and was born to fight. Its blood is full of violent and cruel factors. It is cold-blooded and powerful and only obeys the mother body of the ethnic group.

Whistle beasts are a species carefully selected by the natives of the flesh-and-blood civilization using biological editing technology, so they are naturally the best combat tools.

Yu Liang was naturally very satisfied with them, and the creatures were overall well-proportioned and strong, with a unique sense of beauty.

In terms of feel, they are somewhat similar to the classic monster "Alien".

And according to the words of the humanoid whistle beast, the whistle beast is not just a creation of flesh and blood civilization, but can also be the flesh and blood civilization itself.

If he could preserve the knowledge of flesh-and-blood civilization in the computer, wouldn't it be equivalent to conquering a civilization?

This is a civilization whose biochemical technology far exceeds that of humans!

If there is a chance in the future, create a profession such as an ordnance engineer, use human wisdom combined with flesh and blood technology, plus Xiangu's weapon refining and talisman technology, and combine the three to make aircraft, tanks, etc., and give a little bit to the world of strange talk. The universe is shocked.

Fighters use thunder to kill the enemy; bombers drop a large number of eggs of scorpion-shaped parasitic beasts, focusing on a biological invasion; ships grow tentacles to drag the target underwater; tanks secrete high-strength biological acid to clear the surrounding area, and the main cannon fires mixed shells. In addition, the advanced sentry beast carrying a bone gun can be used for infantry and tank coordination.

Each combat unit coordinates and communicates with [group] consciousness, marching at the same pace, integrating sea, land and air.

Yu Liang thought about that scene and couldn't help but feel moved.

It directly raises the level of combat to a higher level. If faced with a single player, it will be a dimensionality reduction attack.

He suddenly felt that he had determined his future development goal. With the unique ability of the writer, this was indeed a possibility.

It didn't take long for a player to find a tunnel underneath the underground palace. The tunnel was wide enough for two people to pass at the same time.

"The tunnel has signs of expansion." Lee wrote on the slate, and then pointed to several distinct lines on the ground.

The inner clods of soil are tighter and darker, while the outer clods are looser and lighter in color.

It can be seen that this tunnel was not dug recently. It existed much earlier, but was recently expanded to accommodate the passage of larger creatures.

Yu Liang compared the widths and came to the same conclusion as Lee.

The original tunnel could accommodate whistle beasts to pass through, but it could not accommodate advanced whistle beasts, so it was expanded.

It is much less laborious to widen the tunnel than to open the tunnel directly. It is precisely because of this that the group of whistle beasts can obtain a road to the giant's head in just two days.

If we rely solely on on-site excavation, it will probably take a long time.

Yu Liang looked at the others. They had already walked along the tunnel to the darker depths. With the tumor-shaped light sources in everyone's hands, the tunnel was not too dark.

"Huh." He took a long breath and couldn't help coughing twice.

After passing a certain point, the air in the tunnel suddenly becomes dry, and it seems to be mixed with some dust. If you breathe too much, you will feel itchy in your lungs.

So he tried covering his mouth and nose with his hands and taking a few breaths of air, but it didn't seem to work.

A face mask may be required.

Forget it, this egg-born body will not survive the day of pneumoconiosis. There is still air to breathe, so just make do with it.

Yu Liang thought, his eyes falling on a pipe in front of him.

Although it is underground, there are exhaust holes at regular intervals in the tunnel. The exhaust hole is the pipe in front of him, connecting the underground and the surface.

Through the vent, he could vaguely see the light and oxygen coming from the surface.

However, not all air holes can transmit light, because the air pipes above the surface are buried in the sand, which requires players to pull out the opaque air pipes, shake off the sand in the air pipes, and then reinsert them to keep the tunnel inside. Ventilation of various road sections.

Yu Liang pulled out a trachea, which was about two and a half meters long, thick and hard.

He couldn't tell what the specific material was, but after thinking about it, he knew it was some kind of biological material, because flesh-and-blood civilization didn't like to play with alloys, nor did it like to polymerize compounds.

Could such a long tube actually grow from some kind of creature?

He was a little surprised.

Of course, another piece of information displayed on the trachea is even more critical. The upper section has obvious traces of sand erosion and corrosion, and the pipe wall is much thinner than the lower section.

The air pipes need to be maintained and replaced regularly, otherwise they will be buried by the wind and sand on the surface and slowly corrode, making it impossible to maintain sufficient oxygen in the tunnels.

In other words, after the tunnel was completed, people were still entering here, and they were not whistle beasts.

Yu Liang recalled it and confirmed that there was neither a mother body nor an advanced whistle beast in the group of whistle beasts he saw for the first time.

The intelligence of ordinary whistle beasts is not enough for them to understand the necessity of replacing the trachea, and Yu Liang does not believe that such a trivial matter can be written into the genes of whistle beasts by flesh-and-blood civilization, so there is a high probability that it will be maintained by Danshengren. work.

He re-inserted the trachea back to the surface, keeping doubts in his mind. Now he was increasingly doubting that the natives of the flesh-and-blood civilization were not extinct at all. They were probably just on the verge of extinction, and then they were hiding in the dark, waiting for something, and planning something. .

So far, there have been no root ghost stories in this dungeon, which makes Yu Liang feel a little uneasy.

After all, this body was provided by the civilization of flesh and blood. He didn't know how many mines had been buried in Danshengren's genes, and it might explode suddenly at the critical moment.

Soon, the group of players came to an open space in the middle of the tunnel. This seemed to be the transit area of ​​the tunnel. There was a small door above the head. When you open the door, you can get out of the tunnel and go to the surface.

The whistle beasts I saw on the roof of the building before probably got out from here and went to the surface.

Several players discussed it and unanimously decided to go to the surface to have a look.

With Lee's popular science, they also learned that the sandstorm on the surface was scary, but it was not an instant death, and it was okay to take it lightly.

The tunnel door is a bone structure, very strong, and unlocked, but there seems to be some piles of sand outside, so it takes two physical warriors to push the bone door open.

As soon as he opened the door, piles of sand came in like water and spread out near the door.

The players dispersed to avoid it, and then gathered together to observe the sand carefully.

The grains of the sand are large and dark brown. It seems to be no different from ordinary sand. However, when a player directly tries to touch it with the third hand installed on his body, some black spots appear on his fingers. It seems that It is caused by corrosion.

The reaction is not as violent as the Whistle Beast Scale Armor.

Yu Liang discovered this difference and had some guesses in his mind.

The wind and sand on the surface are extremely lethal to whistle beasts. This may be because the native people did not want them to go to the ground when they created the whistle beasts, but only wanted them to move underground.

This can indeed limit the range of activities of the whistle beast. Otherwise, the whistle beast can run around and transform itself into the mother body after meeting the conditions, which is also very troublesome.

Several players walked onto the surface, and Yu Liang followed them. He was protected by black armor and was more resistant to wind and sand.

Above the ground, dunes pile up haphazardly.

As far as the eye can see, almost all you can see is yellow sand and thin soil. You can also faintly see the vague shadows of tall mountains and buildings in the distance.

The weather on the surface is now much better than just now, and the wind and sand here are not always there.

Yu Liang stretched out his hand and tried to grab a handful of soil from the ground.

To his surprise, the soil was slightly moist. If he squeezed it hard, he could feel the water seeping out and flowing onto his hands.

He carefully distinguished it and confirmed that it was water and not something else.

There is water, but no life was born on this planet.

There are no native plants or native animals, only the flesh-and-blood civilization that fell from the [tree].

"Uh! Uh-huh!" At this time, Li Huachao suddenly screamed repeatedly.

Yu Liang knew that this guy had something to say, so he unblocked him.

Li Huachao said immediately: "Do you have any special feelings when you see this loess and desert?"

"How does it feel?"

"I want to control sand, prevent wind and control sand." Li Huachao spoke righteously, and his words were very upright.

"There are no trees here, how can you control the sand?" Yu Liang was helpless.

This is not the first time Li Huachao has had a whim. The last time he wanted to build a ranch in his dream, and then he got Cao Ying.

After some hard work, he reached an agreement with the masked man and facilitated the grass baby trade.

Regardless of the starting point, this kind of whimsy has indeed brought benefits, which is why Yu Liang is willing to listen to his nonsense.


Grass baby?

"If we don't have plants, don't we have grass babies? Just use grass babies to control sand!" Li Huachao said, "Aren't they just an enhanced version of grass? You can also ask Lu Baoshen to give them a wind and sand resistance buff."

Yu Liang recalled that when he was watered with demon blood before, there was actually a grass baby that catalyzed the "salt-alkali resistance" property, so this wind and sand resistance property could also be easily obtained.

It is possible to implement a plan, but there is no need to implement it.

He thought about it carefully and felt that he couldn't say too much.

In this copy, the humanoid whistle beasts and flesh-and-blood civilization gave him a lot of ideological impact and inspiration.

Taking a long-term view and looking at the progress of civilization, the impact of this grass baby on the planet may be extremely far-reaching.

And what is on this planet?

There is a decaying civilization.

"How about it, don't you look forward to it? When the time comes, the grass babies all over the mountains and plains will be a spectacle." Li Huachao was still silly and happy, and it seemed that he had not thought about what Yu Liang was thinking at all.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, gave up his intention of joking and his expression became serious.


Not impossible.

You can let Cao Ying steal a civilization.

Yu Liang: What happens to scholars, can that be called stealing?

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