The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 290 The path of the money-keeping ghost to achieve the root

"Paper, pen." The money-hungry ghost asked the masked man for a pen, then took the masked man and ran to the other side to write and draw.

Since discovering the truth in the book, he has developed the habit of reading and thinking every day.

Unfortunately, "The book has its own gold house" is fake. There is no gold in the book, but it can help it earn gold.

The books a Scrooge reads are not just about various doctrines. Those things can reshape its world view. But when it comes to specific business, you still have to read some more practical books and start from the beginning.

It has read many books on finance, accounting, and consumer psychology, so it has an absolute say in dealing with grass-infant issues.

In view of the alienated career situation of players within each copy, it constructed three models, corresponding to three different marketing models.

The life of a product is divided into four cycles, the introduction period, the growth period, the maturity period and the decline period. Each cycle has corresponding advertising investment and marketing plans.

Cao Ying's unique ability [Lingren] has officially become an advantage in the financial plan of the Shougui at this moment.

For those players who have a large number of stamps, Scrooge chooses to promote the power of grouped grass babies, and can even force T1-level monsters to redirect their attack targets, which can serve multiple purposes such as saving lives and entrapment at critical moments.

For those ordinary players, it will carry out panic propaganda. If others have Cao Ying and are protected by [Ling Ren], then the unlucky players will be the players without Cao Ying.

Then use some seemingly scientific theories to create a set of false but very bluffing theories tailored for Cao Ying——

Link the effect of [Ling Ren] to the appearance of Cao Ying.

For example, if a grass infant has a healthier body or has more powerful skills, the priority of the [Lingren] effect will be higher than that of other grass infants.

The perfect appearance even has detailed requirements for the number of grass leaves on the head of the grass baby, the proportion of the grass baby's limbs and head and body, the number of teeth, the shape of the muzzle, the shape of the arches of the feet, etc.

In addition, the money-keeper even prepared a set of rumors that could be called metaphysics, hoping to use the masked man's territory to spread them.

For example, a grass baby with an odd number of grass blades on its head has a higher chance of acquiring powerful skills when watered by demonic blood. For example, a grass baby with a higher charm value among the same race is more likely to acquire mental abilities, and a strong grass baby is more likely to acquire physical abilities. Ability, and some common metaphysical card drawing methods, etc.

You must know that this fantasy world is not reality. Panic marketing and false marketing that are prohibited in reality can prevail here.

And the money-keeper...

He knows his way.

It is the incarnation of greed, one of the seven deadly sins. The word "money" has a terrifying grip on people's hearts.

This kind of heresy and crooked way, the money-keeping ghost is self-taught.

Secondly, in official stores, the price of a grass baby will not be affected by its condition. Before opening the blind box, no one knows what the condition of the grass baby is and whether it has greater potential.

This also promotes the prosperity of the secondary market to a certain extent. According to the expectations of the money-keeper, there will even be grass infant breeders and grass infant selectors in the future.

In this regard, Scrooge does not intend to completely monopolize the grass baby market. It will not mind at all if other players join the market and want a piece of the pie.

For example, alienated professions such as animal trainers and pet breeders, their unique alienated professional abilities may be able to further expand the market.

Anyway, they don't have reproductive hormones and growth hormones, and they started too late. It's impossible to beat it by using tricks.

Besides, the money-keeper also has two big killer weapons in his hand.

One is the "Cao Ying Coin", the standard currency among players, and the other is Lu Baoshen, who has the ability to change fortunes against the heavens.

The Scrooge can macro-control the exchange rate between Cao Ying coins and characters, control the value of Cao Ying coins, and can also use Lu Baoshen's ability to invest in Cao Ying with different levels of abilities in the secondary market in required proportions.

In other words, the entire market is completely under its control no matter how you look at it.


No, no, no, it is actually under the control of Yu Liang, it is just managing it on behalf of him.

The rules of the market are set by its money-keepers. If there are players who want to participate more deeply and earn some resources to strengthen themselves, there is no problem.

If it is intended to overthrow the rules it has established, the money-grubbing ghost will use a bloodless method to let the evildoer see what it means to have a family destroyed.

Of course, the Scrooge did not reveal the follow-up plan to the masked man. It just used pen and paper to calculate and help the masked man formulate basic sales ideas.


It’s not a big lie, there will be a day when Yu Liang’s group acquires the “Meet” grocery store.

So what does it have to say to the masked man, the head of the marketing department of Yuliang Group?

You can just copy the business philosophy above, and you don’t need to comment.

Yu Liang stood aside and looked at it. The numbers listed by the money-hungry ghost were accurate and meticulous, and he felt a little dizzy just looking at them.

The masked man was able to argue with the money-grubber at first, but soon he was completely defeated. He nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and listened attentively.

Thanks to this guy being approachable and reasonable, he is willing to listen to the money-grubbing guy.

Yu Liang lost interest after listening for a while, turned around and walked outside the warehouse.

I don’t know what era this masked man is from. He always has a detached temperament about him, but this kind of temperament seems a bit inappropriate when it comes to doing business.

The business model of this store is no different from that in ancient times. After the money saver made such a point, it was directly hit by the dimensionality reduction from the modern commercial model.

"Hey, is this still inside the dungeon? Can I put something out for a look?" Yu Liang thought of the mother body of the whistle beast in the universe, so he turned back and asked the masked man.

"The store counts, but the warehouse doesn't count." The masked man thought for a moment and continued, "Players are not allowed in this place. If you don't... let's forget it this time."

He settled the account with the help of the money-keeping ghost. The final result was that the direct income brought to him by these nearly 400 grass babies was about 30 stamps, which was almost equivalent to the net profit of one copy for two months. .

Not to mention that players may use items from the grocery store to exchange for Cao Ying coins, so they need to go through the process of "stamp-items-Cao Ying coins".

If he exchanges stamps for items, this process will be profitable for him. After all, it promotes the transaction of items in the grocery store, which can be regarded as indirect profit.

And these are only four hundred grass babies. For the huge population of the Chinese server, this can only be regarded as an appetizer.

The subsequent development of the Cao Ying market is the main focus.

This settlement made the masked man's heart pound, so he gave preferential treatment to Yu Liang, the lucky cat.

"Okay." Yu Liang was not polite and released the whistle beast's mother body into the warehouse.

The mother body of the Routuo Tuo occupies part of the open space in the warehouse. It lies on the ground, looking a little weak.

As if feeling Yu Liang's gaze, the whistle beast's mother raised its head, looked at Yu Liang with gray-shrouded eyes, then swung its ear whistle and saluted with a slight whistle.

Yu Liang typed the character "Fu".

A layer of green light floated on the surface of the Whistle Beast's mother body, and the light flashed away. Then it seemed to have recovered a little, and its mental state was obviously much better.


Character Card: Whistle Beast Mother (Weak State)


Current maternal health: 75 hours (the maternal body can replenish energy to extend life span)

"Increased life span by about twenty-four hours." Yu Liang frowned slightly. One word of "Fu" only increased his life span by one day.

This is not good news.

Counting the characters he got from the Great Fairy last time and the characters in the money-sucking ghost's jar, he only has 17 "Fu" characters in total.

This character can only help the mother to die, but cannot restore her to normal from her weak state.

The mother's laying eggs also requires a lot of energy, which cannot be satisfied by the "complex" character.

"Do you want to cure it?" The masked man saw what Yu Liang meant, so he turned around and went to the shelves outside, and said at the same time, "The original energy of the living body is damaged. I have something here that can be repaired."

Yu Liang stayed where he was and waited. He looked at the money-slinging ghost, who was looking at the warehouse in front of him with envy.

Having received the baptism of knowledge, when it looks at the masked man's grocery store, all it can do is envy and emotion.

Mastering the channel and outlet of "All Heavens and Worlds", pigs can take off in any job.

Of course, it didn't dare to say this.

In short, the masked man's attitude of not caring about the grocery store business made the money-grubber feel very sad.


The landlord’s silly son only eats, drinks, and gambles all day long!

Such squandering of our ancestors' inheritance will be punished by God.

The Scrooge thought for a while and felt that he might be the punishment for his stupid son.

Of course, it didn't dare to say this.

Under Li Huachao's education, the money-grubber learned to be restrained and hide all his edge in the paper hood.

Otherwise, you will receive an iron fist.

It has to satisfy everyone.

They will all feel that they have received enough benefits from this transaction.

Everyone, including consumers, channel providers, masked men, and even immediate boss Yu Liang.

This is how you become a qualified businessman.

As the wealth in the piggy jar grew, the Scrooge realized something.

Its power grew.

After becoming a "greedy monster", not eating people is the right choice.

Because for "Greed", cannibalism is not a reasonable way to grow.

Wealth is the basis of the power of ghost stories, and the status brought by wealth is the embodiment of the power of ghost stories.

And it also discovered one thing.

The physical gold and silver in the piggy jar cannot give it greater power, but the Cao Ying coins can.

As long as it wants, it can use mirror gold and silver to create a large number of Cao Ying coins, but that has no meaning because it is not wealth.

Therefore, the Cao Ying coins mentioned here are not physical Cao Ying coins, but refer to the "Cao Ying coins" earned through transactions. This kind of Cao Ying coins can be called a "concept."

Physical "gold and silver" is not wealth and has no power; virtual "trading profits" are wealth and have power.

The power gained from each transaction is very small and insignificant, but it believes that now is not the time.

When it belongs...

When Yu Liang's business empire was established, that was when it became truly powerful.

Every source ghost story has a world that it relies on, some big, some small, or this world is just a fictitious concept.

Almost all the source monsters are at home in their own world. There is no distinction between them, and it is difficult to determine the winner when they fight.

But there are differences in influence.

The world you rely on is larger and wider, which means that the influence of the source monster is stronger. In the eyes of players and monster creatures below the source, this shows the difference between high and low.

If, it says if.

If it can become an existence of that level, then what it relies on is not just one world, but all the players who control the "wealth".

Players are everywhere, "wealth" is everywhere, and "greed" is everywhere.

Perhaps by then, it can master a special property——

Through the player's path, invade all realms.

"Well, all of these things may be useful." The masked man placed three choices in front of Yu Liang, "Since you are a regular customer, I will naturally choose the most suitable and useful products for you."

Yu Liang thought for a while and felt that the "regular customer" he mentioned was a bit unreasonable.

It seems like he hasn't bought anything from beginning to end, right?

None of the prison mirror manuals or the magic blood generator are valuable items.

He complained in his mind, and then checked these three things.


"Wet Rui" reactor

Name: None

Texture: None

Note: After being combined with an organism, it is used to supply energy and repair the body, but it will cause flesh-and-blood organisms to develop some mechanized characteristics (the consequences are unknown).


Goblin special compound liquid

Name: liquid

Texture: water

Note: Goblin's special blend will gradually change the composition of the blood after ingestion, making the blood full of energy. It can directly replenish the origin of most flesh and blood life forms and restore vitality.


It's just... uh... I don't know how to prepare it. Why can this kind of thing explode?

After being replaced with high-energy blood, if the living body moves violently (or maybe not violently?), it may self-destruct. ——A certain goblin engineer.


spring of life

Name: water

Texture: water

Note: As written in every vulgar Western fantasy story, the spring of life exists and has a powerful effect. It can replenish the source and even cause a certain transformation of the living body.

"Both the reactor and the goblin chemical liquid have five stamps. The life water is more expensive, nine stamps." The masked man continued, "It is quite difficult to restore the origin of life. Related items that are cheaper than life water are basically brought with you. Something's wrong."

Yu Liang's eyes scanned the three items in turn, and Li Huachao's voice sounded in the universe again.

"Why don't you choose goblins?" Li Huachao was a little excited, "In the future, I will let the mother body attack me, and I will use a water gun to draw its blood and shoot the enemies, blowing them up wherever I point."

Yu Liang fantasized about that scene and eliminated goblin technology from his choices.

God knows if this guy will blow himself up if he plays like this.

It's too dangerous. Don't let dogs play with dangerous things.

After comparing the reactor and the spring of life, Yu Liang looked at the masked man again: "Keep these two things for me, and I'll see if I can get some stamps."

The spring of life has no side effects and can be strengthened, but it is a little expensive, and the reactor will mechanize the body.

Yu Liang was not sure what this mechanization was, but judging from the pricing of both, it was definitely not a good thing.

What if, he meant what if, if the reproductive organs of the whistle beast's mother were mechanized, wouldn't it be in vain?

So now——

Go get some stamps.

Yu Liang's eyes did not fall on the copy scene outside the grocery store, but on Lee in the grocery store.

I can’t write anymore. I’ve updated more than 8,000 times and my hands are so sore. I kept writing after I came back from class last day. Let me take a nap first.

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