The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 295 I know what the source of the ghost story is!

Yu Liang ran quickly towards the location where the whistle came from. At the same time, he threw two paper figures with the characters "Broken" and "Burning" in the direction of Lee.

He did not follow Lee's instructions and follow Lee to dispose of the body.

Because the bubble mask only lasts for one hour, he may be infected with the virus and die at any time after this hour.

Even now, he may have the virus on his body, but the virus still remains on the surface of his body, making it difficult to invade and infect him for a while.

It doesn't matter whether Lee's body was discovered by the natives, because sooner or later the natives would find out that this place had been invaded by "aliens", and Yu Liang could not prevent this from happening.

The important thing is that now the Whistle Beast is fighting something "something" at a higher level, and this excitement must be joined.

But Yu Liang still has to send two paper men to perform the task. They must destroy Lee's brain after Lee's death and not let the natives get it.

In any case, the fewer brains natives get, the less they know, which is certainly an advantage.

Yu Liang followed the whistle to the eastern corner of the biological factory. According to the intensity of the sound, the whistle beast on the third floor was most likely directly above him.

He walked around, looking for a nearby passage.

If the Whistle Beast wants to go to the third floor, it will definitely dig a hole. If you guessed correctly, the hole should be nearby.

However, Yu Liang only found a pit in the jelly base, which was surrounded by a low layer of flesh folds.

This is the biological colon elevator.

Yu Liang recognized it. He looked up and looked at the ceiling corresponding to the hole. The ceiling was closed and there was no hole. It seemed that the elevator had to be started to open the corresponding hole.

He thought for a moment, then looked at the operating lever in the elevator, turned around and ran towards the biocomputer area where Lee was.

The key to the elevator is the spine on Lee's back. Lee is going to die anyway, so why not give it to him.

He jogged all the way to Lee's side. Lee was now connected to the biocomputer through the bone spur catheter. His eyes were closed and his lips were trembling slightly, as if he was experiencing some great pain.

Yu Liang turned his body over and took off the spine hanging from his back.

After doing all this, he looked at Lee's appearance. Lee was not dead at this moment, but was in a very bad condition.

Turning around and leaving, Yu Liang quickly came to the biological elevator. He inserted his spine into the hole left by the operating rod, and then started the elevator.

The elevator ran silently, the folded intestinal wall wrapped around Yu Liang, gradually stretched upward, and squirmed to drive Yu Liang's body to the upper floor.

Soon, Yu Liang felt his feet stepping on the ground, his flesh folds folding around him, and he arrived on the third floor.

The elevator was not directly under the whistle beast. When the scene on the third floor was shown in front of Yu Liang, he immediately hid behind the fleshy wall in the corner.

There are dozens of whistle beasts ten meters away in front of them, including ordinary whistle beasts, but most of them are advanced whistle beasts.

Opposite the Whistle Beast were three natives, one of whom appeared in a semi-expanded state. His blood vessels were separated like branches, and at the end of each branch was an egg-shaped human head.

Judging from the blinking eyes of the heads, they are not dead, but this state is not much better than death.

Those heads were other players present at the time, but the climber who climbed up the brain network and entered the cabin was not here.

Yu Liang counted the number of heads and made a judgment in his mind.

He moved his steps slightly, trying to see what was happening at the front through the gap in the whistle beast.

Is that a humanoid whistle beast?

Yu Liang squinted for a while and saw who was the leader of the whistle beast group.

Searching the ground again, sure enough, he saw the body of an advanced whistle beast. The hole in its chest indicated that a creature had completed parasitism from its body.

He still remembered that the humanoid whistle beast Azong once said that its lifespan was only three "star hours". The whistle beast group originally wanted it to go to the giant's head after receiving part of the knowledge in the biological computer.

But Azong went against the will of the ethnic group and sacrificed his life in exchange for an "answer."

Therefore, the whistle beast group no longer has the leadership of the humanoid whistle beast, and they once again created a humanoid whistle beast.

At this moment, the whistle beast group was confronting these three natives. The humanoid whistle beasts and the leaders of the natives stood opposite each other, silent to each other.

The whistle beasts behind the humanoid whistle beasts were not calm. They whistled with their ears and made a slight sound, like a low-throat neighing.

So there was really a conflict between the whistle beasts and the natives?

Yu Liang was a little surprised.

The brains of the three natives were unfolded, and the nerve cells were removed. The nerve cells were extended into each other's brains, and they communicated at high speed through ideology.

After a few seconds, the three natives completed the communication.

Yu Liang could basically guess what the three natives were doing. From the beginning to the end, he had never seen the natives speak. This showed that the natives should have abandoned the backward sound wave communication and instead spread their heads to use nerve cells to communicate directly. , all ideas in the brain can be communicated in an instant.

No delays, no cheating, no omissions.

This reminded Yu Liang of the scene he had seen in the secret room. The natives of the flesh-and-blood civilization had written words a long time ago.

It is a kind of complicated and obscure writing that was abandoned by the native people, so the ancient writing of the native people cannot be found in the base or in the flesh-and-blood civilization. These words can only be seen occasionally on the murals in the secret room.

Now that I think about it, it is probably because native people have mastered this efficient method of communicating consciousness that they can understand each other's meaning without opening their mouths. There is no need for speech. Information can be stored in biological computers, so there is no need for words.

When the two are combined, language becomes a lost relic of flesh-and-blood civilization, existing only on murals.

The native looked back at the head he was holding in his veins. After selecting it for a while, he handed one of the heads to the humanoid whistle beast, signaling it to eat it.

It is like a tree inviting travelers to eat its fruits.

The humanoid whistle beast didn't hesitate at all. It held the head and turned its head to look at the advanced whistle beast beside it.

The advanced whistle beast immediately understood what it meant, and stretched out its sickle-like hand to open the head.

During this process, the head was still alive, and the player watched helplessly as a sickle opened his brain, and then a mouth stretched towards his brain-opening head.

The player's name is Henry and he is a pharmacist.

With a slight breath, Henry felt the darkness coming completely, but he did not die, but appeared in a pure black space.

A strange force was pulling on his "body", tearing him apart and erasing his consciousness.

Henry tried to resist, but he was helpless in the surging stream of consciousness, and finally sank completely into darkness.

No, it was no longer darkness, darkness was what he had just sensed, and now he could only feel dullness.

Dull "empty".

After witnessing the humanoid whistle beast eating the head of the "alien", number 266 said: "Number D980 parasitic beast, this is not the place you should come to, please return to the main city immediately."

The humanoid whistle beast shook its head: "No, the group numbered D980 came to receive the fruits of civilization. You will eventually fail. Please leave the fire and the last corpse oil for civilization."

It sounds like this group of whistle beasts came to the giant head area on their own initiative, just like...

The prince forced the palace?

Yu Liang made an appropriate metaphor in his mind for the scene before him.

Wait, why do I understand what they are saying?

? ? ?

Why are they communicating in pure Chinese?

After hearing these two sentences, Yu Liang suddenly realized this and was shocked.

We are no longer satisfied with the whole world speaking Chinese. Do we want the whole universe to speak Chinese?

However, his reaction was not slow. After being surprised, he realized that this was the effect of the head just now.

The native brought so many heads that it was not difficult for him to learn Chinese. Then he selected a player with the best Chinese language and gave the head to the humanoid whistle beast.

After eating, the humanoid whistle beast acquired the use of Chinese and was able to communicate with the native people.

This also made Yu Liang realize one thing. Natives cannot communicate with the whistle beast by "consciousness", so it has to use the language of aliens to communicate with the whistle beast.

Fortunately, this is an advantage for me. I completely understand what the two parties are discussing.

Yu Liang was overjoyed, and suddenly felt that Li Huachao had done the right thing by teaching everyone to learn Chinese.

It not only solves the problem of difficulty in communication between players, but also solves the problem of difficulty in communication between players and strange creatures.

"We will not fail." The native continued, "According to a fourth-form whistle beast in the group numbered D980, the [Fruit Tree] plan can be successful, but we need more time."

The humanoid whistle beast denied: "Our clan has never conveyed this information, please do not deceive, conceal, or withhold it."

"Before the last 'bug body' fails, civilization must remain in our hands." The native issued a final announcement, "The time limit is seven days. During this period, the group numbered D980 can unlock the reproduction limit and freely increase the number of the group. "

The humanoid whistle beast looked at the natives for a long time, and a chilling atmosphere brewed between the two groups.

In the end, the humanoid whistle beast just left one sentence: "Please don't waste the corpse oil of civilization."

The native nodded: "Copy that."


Listening to the conversation between the humanoid whistle beast and the native people, Yu Liang found it difficult to understand.

Why does he think the Whistle Beast is the dominant one?

What's the meaning?

Aren't the Whistle Beasts a product of native people?

And through the battle just now, Yu Liang can also understand that the fighting power of the natives far exceeds that of the whistle beasts, and they can easily kill the whistle beasts with the expanded two-dimensional mode.

Speaking to his creator like this, and with such an obvious strength gap between the two sides, Yu Liang felt that it was difficult for him to understand this situation.

Is this also a characteristic of flesh-and-blood civilization?

They even asked the natives not to waste corpse oil. If Yu Liang remembered correctly, corpse oil was made from the corpses of natives.

So does the Whistle Beast mean to say, don't waste your corpses? We will come to receive them when the time comes, and we will make better use of your corpses.

However, now, at this very moment, there are still three-digit natives alive, so does the whistle beast's way of speaking really not offend the natives?

The ideology of this civilization is somewhat strange.

The humanoid whistle beast turned around and raised its hands toward the other whistle beasts. Its ears and whistles were also swinging, making a softer whistle, which seemed to soothe the whistle beasts.

The three natives are connected to each other again and are communicating with each other.

Both sides reached a consensus and the tense atmosphere seemed to have eased.

However, at this moment, the chest of the humanoid whistle beast began to rise and fall violently. It turned around and plunged a potion into the native's body.

At the same time, its hands became extremely long, and it grabbed the native's throat in just an instant, and then took off the third golden eye on the native's head.

The humanoid whistle beast installed the golden eyes on its forehead, and the skin of the forehead instantly generated filaments to wrap the golden gem-like eyes, fixing them and turning them into a part of the body.

All this happened in a flash of lightning, and no creature present expected that the humanoid whistle beast would do this.

After doing all this, the ups and downs of the humanoid whistle beast's chest finally began to subside. It was obvious that the actions just made it feel very nervous.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" The native number 266, who had his golden eyes taken away, felt extremely painful. His hands tightly grasped the flesh and blood wall on the side, and he dug five deep finger holes into the flesh and blood wall.

"What are you doing!?" No. 267 asked angrily. In an instant, he completed the unfolding of his body and entered a fighting state.

"Me? I'm saving our civilization!" The face of the humanoid whistle beast became ferocious, and it shouted hysterically, "You are destroying civilization, you are obliterating civilization!"

Yu Liang in the corner was already extremely shocked. He just thought that the group of whistle beasts were like "prince forcing the palace", but he really didn't expect these guys to be serious!

To put it bluntly, he felt that the current state of the humanoid whistle beast was like someone who had done something wrong and was caught red-handed. He was in an excited and violent state, and in turn blamed the victim for his mistakes.

There is a feeling of lust and internal erection.

However, to Yu Liang's expectation, the remaining two natives became silent at the same time. They did not respond to the whistle beast's anger.

"What have you done?" the humanoid whistle beast asked, its roar resounding throughout the third floor, "You have created microorganisms on a planet that should not have microorganisms! Bacteria, viruses, fungi! You have created demons, and you will also The demons have been released! They will eat up the [fruit], and our civilization has entered a countdown. This is all your fault!"

The humanoid whistle beast pointed at the natives angrily: "In order to climb the [Tree], you are gambling at the cost of the complete demise of the [Fruit]. You have betrayed the ancestral precepts of the giant tribe!"





Yu Liang was stunned for a moment when he heard this. This short paragraph revealed too much information.

Did this planet originally have no microorganisms?

Are microorganisms created by native humans?

Due to the decomposition of flesh and blood creations by microorganisms, this planet will eventually die and flesh and blood civilization will eventually die?

The natives are betting that they can rely on some kind of power of microorganisms to get back to the [tree], but this completely violates the moral bottom line of flesh-and-blood civilization.


Right now.

Lee, who had connected his brain to the biological computer, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and tens of millions of data strips continued to flow through his pupils.

He cannot see what others can see, but he can see what others cannot see.

He saw the truth.

He knows what the source of the ghost story is!



When the correct answer came into Lee's mind, his eyes went dark for a moment.

As if an overloaded computer had burned out, white smoke began to emit from Lee's head.

And then he died, with an ecstatic smile on his face.

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