The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 324 Complete the mission and return to reality!


Yu Liang, who suddenly heard his home address, froze on the throne. He never expected to hear such a word.

This feeling is like——

Playing games and chatting with teammates, unscrupulously dumping trash talk and negative humility, but the teammates fell silent after the trolling, and then asked: "Your home is at No.

What a coincidence, I actually live here.

No matter who it is, there is a high probability that they will stop and won't stop until they figure out what's going on.

It's okay to talk about it on the Internet, after all, people don't know who you are, but if you open the box, it's a different story.

Now Yu Liang has this feeling. After entering the dungeon, he can enter a state of letting himself go. Laws and morals cannot substantially constrain him, otherwise he would have been in prison as early as the Animal Cloud dungeon.

And now it is suddenly discovered that something in the copy seems to be intended to affect the real earth?


Some kind of origin story?

Oh, the source of the strange story, that’s okay.

When Yu Liang thought of this, he suddenly felt relieved. He realized that his worries might be unfounded.

Are there still too many strange stories about the origins of the earth?

There is a Forgotten City in China. How many strange stories can there be in a Forgotten City?

Correspondingly, other servers will also have places to accommodate root ghost stories. In this way, there are countless root ghost stories on the earth.

And now this situation can maintain a delicate balance, so what if the will of the planet on the tumor comes to the earth?

The more likely scenario would be to be taught a lesson by a bunch of root monsters native to Earth, right?

The orbital diagram of the solar system emerged in Yu Liang's mind. The earth is among the nine planets, and where the earth is symmetrical with the sun as the center, trees and tumors also revolve around the sun.

The tumor is the satellite of the tree, and the moon is the satellite of the earth.

In this comparison, the root strength of the tumor is probably about the same as the moon, or stronger than the moon, but it will definitely not reach the level of the earth or a tree.

Satellites are satellites, planets are planets, and the hierarchy is strict.

The one with the same level as the Earth should be [Tree]. If it were just a tumor that came to the Earth, it might have been solved by something before it even got close to it.

Yu Liang remembered the words he just heard in the recording fish. The rich class said that the tumor wanted to use microorganisms to control the entire planet and bypass the sun to find the earth.

What a wandering tumor.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But is this really scientific?

Yu Liang's astronomy and physics are average, and he doesn't know whether the existence of [Tree] is scientific or not.

Human technology cannot yet discover the tree planet opposite the sun?

Or is it affected by some strange power that prevents current humans from discovering this planet?

What's more, he doesn't know what stage the solar system is in at the moment. Maybe the time period of this copy corresponds to the earth tens of thousands of years ago, when humans just appeared.

His lifespan is only a hundred years, and the approach of the wandering tumor body to the earth may take "thousands" as the unit of time. This crisis couldn't be such a coincidence that it happened to fall on him, right?

Yu Liang nodded, relieved.

If the tumor planet has not started its wandering plan, then it will definitely not see the tumor invade the earth in its lifespan; if it has already invaded the earth, that is even better, the reality will not change in any way; if it happens to be On the way here...

The earth should be able to detect it in advance, right?

To sum up, it should be fine.


A bold idea came to Yu Liang's mind:

The tumor planet has arrived, captured in Earth's orbit.

The current name is the Moon.

Don’t dare to think. Don’t dare to think.

"Earth." Azong repeated what Yu Liang repeated, but without any further words, he just waited silently for Yu Liang's next instructions.

And Yu Liang opened the page.

He has done everything he needs to do in the past two days, and now that he has obtained so much information about the will of the planet, the third stage of the main mission should be at his fingertips.

A large number of weapons from the Cao Ying tribe were moved to the masked man's shop. These firearms were basically the products left over from the upgrade of the Cao Ying civilization in the development of weapons. They were originally things gathering dust in the warehouse.

However, the names of these weapons are often messy, with names similar to "Black Adam's Little Bird No. 3", "The Brave and Invincible General Cao Cao's 20th Generation", "The Black Silk Rabbit Ears Tentacle Grass Infant Mother is the Best in the World" and so on. , this is definitely not easy to sell, so Yu Liang asked these grass babies to rename the firearms in the simplest way.

The current Cao Ying engineers are very keen on the name "Goblin", so the types of firearms are all Goblins, but with "ABCD" used to refer to different types of firearms.

Coupled with the caliber of the bullet, this becomes the specific name of a certain firearm.

For example, the Goblin A148 refers to the Goblin A series of firearms. This is a precise long-range air gun that uses super large bullets with a caliber of 14.8 mm.

It is worth mentioning that these bone guns are on the verge of being illegal, so the masked man does not dare to put these things in his store and sell them all at once.

He plans to sell this weapon at fixed points and in fixed quantities on a regular basis, and adopt an auction system for the high-quality products, with the highest bidder getting it.

Of course, the most critical thing is the bone machine gun. This kind of weapon the masked man dare not sell for the time being, because he really has no face to point at the machine gun with a firing rate of 150 rounds per minute and tell his superiors that it is a "cold weapon."

Well, a cold weapon is similar to a crossbow and has no lethality.

Do you want face?

Based on this idea, Yu Liang set the quality and corresponding numbers for this batch of weapons. Using the "age" and version of the weapon as a reference, the quality was divided into "common", "rare", "epic" and " legend".

Under normal circumstances, you can only buy "rare" bone guns at most, while "epic" and "legendary" quality firearms must be obtained through auctions or on the player's black market.

The players in this dungeon have become the first customers of Bone Air Guns. In this pioneering world, Bone Air Guns are weapons native to the planet. It is completely legal and compliant for players in this dungeon to hold Bone Air Guns, so selling some should be fine. Problem?

At most, the purchase will be limited by lottery.

No need to think too much, these bone guns caused a second sensation among the player community as soon as they were launched. The first time was because Lee took players there to buy Cao Ying blind boxes.

However, since this copy contains higher-level grass babies, the grocery store has made some more detailed regulations on the blind boxes of grass babies sold.

They are companions, not pets.

They are different from the grass babies in the grass babies group. If they mix up and try to capture the grass babies of the grass babies group, the player will be subject to the dual wrath of the grass babies group and the whistle beast group.

Under this warning, the players present did not choose to offend, and the thoughts of infant trafficking stopped.

The power and accuracy of bone air guns are similar to those of real air guns. Compared with gunpowder guns, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are not subject to the restrictions of hot weapons in the weird world.

Within the effective range of fifty meters to two hundred meters, the bullets of the bone gun have fatal power. This long-range weapon is extremely terrifying in the world of ghost stories. Every player knows the power of this weapon and will not hesitate to fight for it. Its spending stamp.

Because the bone air guns have been stored in warehouses for a long time and have different levels of maintenance, some bone air guns are not durable. It is normal for the gun parts to be damaged, and there is even a risk of the chamber exploding.

It's just that every bone gun is called "goblin or something." Players unexpectedly didn't say much about the exploded bone gun, and they didn't complain at all.

Goblin Technology Hey, have you ever played the game, buddy?

If it is stable, can it still be called Goblin Technology?

So the name of Goblin Technology was once again confirmed in this weird way, and Yu Liang was extremely frightened when he thought about it.

Could it be that the reason why goblin technology is so explosive is that he was selling old firearms in the ancient goblin era?

In fact, the goblin weapons at this stage are quite reliable, at least there is nothing wrong with his machine gun.

Don't dare to make any mistakes. The high priest Cao Ying personally selected the special supply for the Lord of the River. Do you understand the gold content in it?

In addition to bone air guns, unique tooth bullets and matching air bags are also profitable items. Without them, bone air guns cannot be used successfully. For this reason, players often buy bullets and air bags in large quantities. After passing this village, there will be no such store. No If you buy more, you won't be able to use it later.

The tooth bullet has a unique hollow whistle and contains a compound with a special texture. It can explode with powerful kinetic energy after contact with the gas in the air bag. Coupled with the air pressure difference created by the air bag, the bone air gun has great power.

Precisely because bullets and airbags are almost impossible to make at home, players must purchase bullets and airbags produced by the Cao Ying ethnic group for their own use.

Of course, for Yu Liang, some of the air guns, bullets and air bags sold are very small parts, and he alone consumes the bulk of the bullets and air bags.

Twelve mechas and matching heavy machine guns must be taken away. In addition, the Caoying group also provided Yu Liang with a complete set of production line design drawings and various detailed data, including air bags, dental bullets, firearm parts and machine guns. First.

Use the magic blood to catalyze a group of highly intelligent grass babies, and then hand over the entire set of production line drawings and processes to them.

However, it should be noted that the Caoying factory cannot appear in reality, and things made in reality cannot be brought into the world of ghost stories, so Yu Liang plans to open the factory in the scene card, and the things produced can be used directly by him .

Before that, the grass babies need to find substitutes for the raw materials of dental bullets and find suitable production methods through scientific research. This is still very early.

The supplies brought to the masked man's grocery store are enough for a long time, so Yu Liang is not in a hurry. He will wait until the little fairy is freed from the simulation and then install the bone machine gun on the tank.

In addition to the Cao Ying's [cross-dodge but not kill] version of the biological cannon, the shells can be directly provided by the Cao Ying tribe, or the goblin bombs purchased in the masked man's grocery store. Tank Daofu will probably use them in the next copy. Can shine.

In addition, Yu Liang also obtained the operation method of golden eyes from the whistle beast group.

The level of tediousness is comparable to rabbit language, and the requirements for physical strength are equally high, requiring excellent tolerance for ghost stories.

As a Dan-born human, he could do it, seemingly because Dan-born humans are also the product of flesh-and-blood civilization, and the two are homologous, but Zhong Chen couldn't do it.

She is human.

Yu Liang's body is also human, so he estimates that he can't do it either. It will probably take several years to perform the simplest two-dimensional expansion, and his combat effectiveness is worrying.

In this case, it is better to let the human snake in the three-eyed man's base learn two-dimensional expansion. It is a product of flesh-and-blood civilization and has the patience to study it, and the problem will be solved.

If the "stupid bird" wants to achieve its goal, it does not necessarily need to fly first. It can also choose to give birth to a baby bird and train it hard, and all it needs is a good sleep.

Fortunately, the problem of Jin Mu was also solved.

There are two golden eyes in Yu Liang's hand. One belongs to Xu Cixi and will be returned to her when the time comes. The other belongs to the three-eyed man number 1. Just throw it to the snake and use it.

After the Revolutionary War, more than 70 of the two hundred golden eyes in the hands of the Whistle Beast Clan were damaged, more than 30 were lost, and less than 90 were left.

This kind of treasure is a top priority and is the foundation of the whistle beast group's national defense. Yu Liang was too embarrassed to ask for it anymore, so he could only take one from Lee and prepare it for the mother whistle beast or the powerful whistle beast it gave birth to. use.

Of the more than thirty pieces lost, most were hidden by some whistle beasts, and three of them were found and hidden by Lee who searched the room.

In line with the idea that everyone who sees it has something to share, Yu Liang asked for one without any ceremony.

What was originally said was that Lee came to help him and he would give him a golden eye as a reward, but now it's the other way around.

But Lee didn't dare not give it. When he was searching the whistle beast's room, he was noticed by the iron pagodas. He was able to keep three precious golden eyes probably because the leader of the whistle beast, A Zong, gave Yu Liang face, so he didn't ask any more questions.

It would be disrespectful to not give Yu Liang a golden eye.

Compared with the name of the Creator, the name of the Son of Microorganisms is only gaining popularity. Lee himself also knows how he got the name.

Yu Liang returned to his room and packed the supplies he was going to bring.

Cao Ying mecha and heavy machine gun, air bag, bullets.

The corpse of the statue of the Three-Eyed Man No. 1.

Golden eyes.

There are also many gains and the recognition of new career Zhong Chen.

He entered his own page and entered all the information about the entire root ghost story into the message board.

From tumors to cancer cells, from microorganisms to three generations of flesh-and-blood civilization, and then looking to the future——

The whistle beast group will build a real civilization, while the grass babies strive to master the original microbial "fire" and go to the [tree] to explore.

If more root-level black technologies could be mastered, maybe they could really create a goblin civilization.

In addition, during this period of time, he prepared a lot of information, which was buried in various places. The key information was in the hands of the senior leaders of Whistle Beast and Cao Ying. Only a very small number of players will be able to access this information in the future.

Yu Liang also used arrows to make a lot of bacteria and put them in. He would definitely not have time to witness the bacteria replacing the microorganisms in the tumor, but he should give it a try.

Maybe in the future, we will be able to "solve the root cause of the ghost story" with our current actions, thereby harvesting the entire tumorous planet and entering the universe.


Create more interesting races and histories in this world.

Anyway, he is already the "ancestor of the whistle beast", "the person who planted the first grass baby" and "the father of microorganisms", so what if he adds the "father of intelligent bacteria"?

[Player-Yu completed the third stage of the main mission and opened the inventory]

[Pioneering Dungeon - Worship (Planet of Flesh and Flesh) Complete all the main missions of pioneering. All players will be repatriated within the next ten minutes. Surviving players please be prepared]

[Main mission: source]

Completed by: Chinese player-Yu

This copy will enter the Chinese language server, and players on this server have a probability of matching into this copy.

[Side Mission: Border]

Completed by: German player-Miller

[Ghost Story of Side Story: Hunting]

Completed by: Liben Player-Longkou

[Ghost Story: Business]

Completed by: Chinese player-Yu

"Huh..." Yu Liang breathed out and put the things he wanted to bring into the inventory.

I’m going back to seek development, and there are a lot of things to do this time.

Still have to make up for it.

Now that I have finished writing, the remaining supplementary contents are all about the real world~

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