The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 325 The identity of my creator is exposed!

At the same moment when the prompt box jumped, all the egg-bearing people still alive on the planet stopped what they were doing. They looked at the prompt box that popped up on their own page, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised in their hearts. After the surprise, He breathed a sigh of relief.

it is finally over.

Although each team only consumed less than ten Dansheng, nearly half of the Dansheng's bodies were corroded by microorganisms. They only had about half a month left to live, and their teammates only had one month left. Time to explore.

If the main mission cannot be solved before Dan Shengren's body is used up, all of their players will die here, and this pioneering mission will be declared a failure.

Now at least someone has completed the task and their safety is guaranteed, so the tense heartstrings relax.

It's a good thing to survive, not to mention that everyone gains something.

At this time, the remaining half of the players also woke up from the Dansei incubation room. They learned that the main mission had been solved, and were given ten minutes to prepare.

During these ten minutes, they can take stock of their gains from the instance, and their three slots are unlocked to carry the new items acquired in the instance.

Some of the players who had experience in pioneering the game opened the page and looked at the rankings while waiting for something.

Ranking first on the player progress list for the main mission is "Yu", a player from China. This was mentioned in the notification in the prompt box just now, and "Yu" is also the only one to advance the main mission to the third stage. player.

The rankings under "Yu" are some players who have completed the second phase of the main mission. These players will be sorted according to the hidden progress of the main mission. The leader is Lee. After two days, there are many players who have completed the second phase of the main mission. , accounting for about half of the total number of players.

[The player briefing has been completed, and the full copy will be broadcast next]

This is?

It was a chore that was not available in normal dungeons. Players who entered the pioneer version for the first time showed surprised expressions, including Yu Liang.

While loading mechas and other items into his inventory, he opened the page and waited for the announcement.

Player briefing?

What is that? Do we still need to report a full copy?

Yu Liang had a bad feeling in his heart.

[Ghost Story: Business]

·Choose a suitable store location for the "Meet" grocery store.

Completed by: Chinese player-Yu

As the prompt box pops up, the corresponding screen also appears on the pages of all players present.

More than a dozen Danshengren players were walking through the tunnel, and they found an open space. Some players were waiting in the open space, and some players walked out of the tunnel to the surface to explore the wind and sand.

After a while, one of the Dansheng players discovered the vacant space, so he wrote the relevant copy on the page to apply for the vacant land to become a "meeting" grocery store. This copy was quickly approved, and the Dansheng player was completed. task.

[Player-Yu gets a "Meet" grocery store coupon, and can enjoy a 50% discount on any one item, a 40% discount on any two items, or a 30% discount on any three items]

There was nothing wrong with this player briefing, but it still made some players feel annoyed and regretful, especially the ten players who were traveling with the Chinese Yu Liang at the time.

They also passed by this vacant land and even had the idea of ​​recommending this vacant land as a store address. However, this proposal could only be submitted once, so the players at the time did not put their ideas into action.

Now it seems that this address is so good that the grocery store owner did not hesitate to choose it as the location of his store.

Of course, there are still people who understand among the players.

For example, Lee knew clearly that Yu Liang used the back door. The important thing was not the location, but the talent Yu Liang was.

This mission briefing can only be envied by other players, but cannot be learned.

[Ghost Story of Side Story: Hunting]

·Look for strange creatures that may exist in the dungeon, collect as much data as possible and classify the monsters.

Completed by: Liben Player-Longkou

The picture emerges, and you can see a Dansheng man hunting various dungeon monsters, from whistling beasts to meat monsters, from meat monsters to other monsters, killing them if they can, and killing them if they can't. Make careful observations.

Judging from the surrounding scenes, this Dansheng man accidentally stumbled into the secret area of ​​the Three-Eyed Man's base, which contained some weird and strange creatures, most of which were the biological research of the Three-Eyed Man. In the end, he Complete the corresponding hunting mission requirements here and submit the mission accordingly.

[Player-Longkou received a breaking wind heavy crossbow and was awarded the "Strongest Hunter" stamp]

"Huh?" This prompt box was like triggering a stress switch in Li Huachao. He recalled it in his mind and finally found this Liben player named Longkou.

That's the sumo wrestler, right?

Dare you call yourself the "strongest hunter"?

Stealing my title, right?

I remember you, Xiao Liben.

[Side Mission: Border]

·Explore the boundaries of the four directions of the copy and record them.

Completed by: German player-Miller

It can be seen from the screen display that the player Miller found the giant's head, which is the base of the three-eyed man. The first floor is the brain network, the second floor is the biological factory and spacecraft, and the third floor is similar to an altar and has a connection. wearing a console mask.

Exploring the boundaries in four directions does not necessarily require players to measure in steps, and the key to solving this side mission lies on this console.

After putting on the mask, the player's eyes will see an ever-extending exterior scene, which shows images of almost the entire planet.

Compared to the entire planet, the Three-Eyed Man's base is only an insignificant part of it. Even the Three-Eyed Man has not fully explored this planet.


Less than 30% of the area has been explored, and more areas are in a state similar to the fog of war.

And this is enough for players to submit tasks.

[Player-Miller obtains an adventurer's searchlight]

"That mask?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, and then he remembered that he also found the mask on the third floor at that time, and he must have discovered the mask first. However, there was a fire on the second floor at this time, and he could not go there. Try some with a face mask on.

This misses the side quest.

Yu Liang felt a little regretful, but the situation was special at that time and he really had no good solution.

He continued to look at the page. The mission briefing was in reverse order, with the main mission at the end, which was also the most critical mission.

I wonder what the rewards will be?

[Main mission: source]

Stage task 1: Explore the dungeon scene, conduct basic analysis and record of the scene.

Starting finisher: American player-Lee

The first phase of the scene emerged, which was mainly divided into several task nodes to introduce how Lee completed the first phase of the task.

First, Lee explored the base in his area, activated the base using deformed people as batteries, and then discovered the "Sacrifice to Heaven" ritual in a secret room.

This ceremony happened a long time ago. The process was probably that the three-eyed people died voluntarily, and the corpse was refined into corpse oil for the use of the tribe.

From here on, Lee became aware of the existence of corpse oil, and the entire three-eyed people relied on corpse oil to develop civilization.

He tried to use the corpses of deformed people to refine corpse oil, but failed.

Later, Lee found the spine key on the top floor and used the key to open the mural room next to the circuit board. He discovered the secrets about the flesh-and-blood civilization from the mural room, and took the opportunity to complete the first stage of the main mission in one go.

So he walked out of the secret room happily, satisfied with the short time and high efficiency of his exploration mission, and then he met a human body train.

The scene ended abruptly here, but half of the players present knew what happened next.

That's right, a certain player named Lee learned a faster way to explore the mission.

The time is short and the efficiency is astonishing.

Stage task 2: Find the source of the ghost story and record the characteristics as much as possible.

First finisher: Chinese player-Xu

In the Three-Eyed Man's base, Xu Cixi looked at herself in the picture and felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

She quickly recalled the entire process of completing the second phase of the mission in her mind, making sure that she did not do anything strange.

After all, this kind of mission briefing will be read by all players in the dungeon. If something strange is done...

That's pretty embarrassing.

Fortunately, although the mission briefing was very detailed, it did not involve any messy things, which made Xu Cixi very satisfied.

There were probably only a few actions in which she was active between the whistle beast group and the grass baby group. Through her personal special ability, she successfully blended into the whistle beast scientist camp and obtained some first-hand information from them.

But unfortunately, the level of these scientists is not high, so she has not been exposed to the core information, and cannot get close to the oil-rich class. Otherwise, she may directly complete the third stage of the main mission.

"It's just that my alienation ability may be exposed to other players in foreign servers." Xu Cixi said in her heart. There is no problem in being seen by Yu Liang. They will not ask for specific descriptions of abilities, but if they meet often, they will definitely be able to Make a rough judgment.

at the same time.

"Xu." When Yu Liang saw this surname, Xu Cixi's face immediately appeared in his mind.

The two of them were teammates during this dungeon trip, but there was no feeling of being in a team at all. They basically played their own games.

It is not difficult to judge from the picture that Xu Cixi influenced those whistle beasts through a special method, "replacing" one of the humanoid whistle beast scientists to a certain extent, and obtained a lot of information through this identity.

"Is this the ability of a hypnotist?" Yu Liang was a little surprised. Judging from the performance, this is more like the ability of an "actor".

So this is most likely an extended usage, transcending the ability itself, just like after seeing Li Huachao's Blade Storm or seeing the gambler's transformation, no one will associate them with hunters or gamblers. together.

Since Xu Cixi obtained the alienated profession of hypnotist, Yu Liang has never seen her use her abilities, so he carefully looked at Xu Cixi's mission report and finally came to a conclusion.

Is this woman not playing the role of a hypnotist?

Rather, she looks like some kind of beautiful and ruthless female agent, codenamed Viper.

Going deep behind enemy lines to perform various missions, obtaining intelligence and stealing golden eyes, the gameplay is tense and exciting, and the embodiment is calm and calm.

In this regard, Yu Liang can only hope that she will not be caught when she performs her mission deep behind enemy lines.

Well, don't get caught.

Stage task 3: Explore the existence logic of the root ghost story and leave instructions in the dungeon scene for subsequent players.

First finisher: Chinese player-Yu

Yu Liang took a breath, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

The mission briefing scene starts with the completion of the first phase of the mission, describing his side of becoming a human train to bully other players, and then forms a Chinese lecture hall.

Later, members of the Chinese Lecture Hall approached Lee and obtained the answers to the first stage in a friendly way.

This operation shocked another group of players who were not in the Chinese lecture hall at the time.

No, is this how you play games?

This group of players also includes Xu Cixi.

Of course, she had enough trust in Yu Liang. She believed that these things were not done by Yu Liang himself, but by another personality in Yu Liang's mind.

Yeah, that's right.

In the second stage, "Yu" was just trying to mess with his teammates, and was not mentioned in the mission briefing.

The missions in the third stage are more exciting, both in terms of plot direction and watching the players’ expressions.

"Yu" met a human snake called his father in the upper space.

Okay, that's just a T1 monster called "Father", so it's still acceptable.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the revolutionary force of the whistle beast tribe came to the upper space, and the chorus of "Welcome our ancestors to return" made the players watching wide-eyed.

Some sharp-eyed players even recognized it, so wasn't the first one to kneel down the current leader of the Whistle Beast Clan?

Is this Chinese player the ancestor of the whistle beast?

It does not make sense?

And this is not the end, the ancestor came to the territory of the Cao Ying tribe again. Across the river, he heard overwhelming cheers. He was the "God of Fertility" and the "Father of the Cao Ying". The treatment of "Yu" made Players dropped their jaws again.

Then the Chinese players appreciated the pole dancing performance of Cao Yingniang with rabbit ears and black stockings, and conducted a lot of artistic discussions, as if superiors came to inspect.

Finally, the revolution ended, and the Chinese players attended the meeting as the intermediary between the two ethnic groups on the planet and occupied the top seat.

At the end, on the throne on the top of the tall building.

In that dim room, the leader of the whistle beast group knelt on one knee and reported various matters to the Dansheng man who was half bathed in sunlight and half immersed in darkness. The third phase of the mission was completed.

The players' faces darkened.

This kind of mission briefing is generally intended to set an example for other players to follow. After all, they are all the middle forces in pioneering. Strengthening the learning of young players is conducive to the continuation of the Kaitan World.

But after reading this briefing, how do you want us to learn?

Do you want to learn to go backstage?

They started cheering wherever they went, knelt down and surrendered wherever they went, performed song and dance performances and bomb drills, everything was treated with the highest standards of courtesy.

Everything he wanted was just a matter of words. Cao Ying transported mechas and firearms to him, Whistle Beast presented the secret code collection, and even the answer to the third phase of the mission was personally handed over to the Chinese by the leader of the Whistle Beast...

The bodyguard among the players immediately said that this thing was even more outrageous than the third-rate cool articles he read.

The prince is here to go through the motions, right?

For a moment, each player looked at the work at hand and couldn't help but feel angry.

Xu Cixi in the incubation room frowned. When she watched the whole process, it was indeed very outrageous, but what was playing back in her mind was not these scenes of surrender and kneeling.

But the pole dancing of those rabbit-eared black stockings with tentacles and grass babies...

At that time, Dan Shengren looked like Yu Liang, but was this what Yu Liang wanted to see?


What's wrong with the hamster ears?

Yu Liang's face was gloomy.

Are you playing exposure streaming?

All dungeon players know this.

Although he did not reveal his details, he only excerpted a few core clips for display, but this is an even bigger misunderstanding!

You know how to edit, ah, Guitanshiji!

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