The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 345 The Origin of the Fourth Kind of Ghost Man

Putting aside worries about creating characters in the universe, Yu Liang felt that it would be better to focus on the current problems he was facing.

Now it is basically certain that the source of the ghost stories in the entire city is related to the "ghost man", which may be the origin of the ghost man, but what also surprised Yu Liang was——

He still didn't receive the task prompt.

In a normal Kaitan dungeon, the mission of the Origin Kaidan will appear on the page after the player comes into contact with the important clues associated with it.

In this way, he has not yet touched the core of this dungeon. The ghost man is just a symptom of the inner cause of the dungeon.

Just like when a person is sick, fever is only a symptom of the disease, but just knowing the fever is still far from the cause. It cannot even accurately name the disease, let alone find the cause and solve it.

If it were a copy from the past, then Yu Liang would naturally not be in a hurry, but it is different now.

This copy is limited time only.

Even he only has seven and a half days left.

It is impossible to search for clues throughout Cyber ​​City in person. After all, a week or so is too short.

Next, we need to approach the core mission of the entire dungeon as quickly as possible. Even if we can't find a way to solve the source of the ghost story, we still have to find a way out quickly. Yu Liang doesn't want to delay it until the end of the movie viewing time.

If you want to get in touch with the core tasks of the main line of the dungeon, there is a faster way besides finding the key clues yourself, and that is to ask someone who has already received the main line tasks to inform him of the information.

Just like after Lao Du explained the world view to him in the first dungeon, he completed the novice mission and obtained the key tasks in the dungeon.

Obviously, this was because Lao Du revealed key information to him.

However, after that, Yu Liang’s dungeon was the single-player dungeon Prison Mirror. After completing the Prison Mirror, his hidden score was already very high. There were no new players in the third dungeon Rabbit Game, and there were no new players in subsequent dungeons either, so Yu Liang has not yet received the task of "leading new people".

That's okay, it's easier than imagined.

In the current situation, the adventurer entered the dungeon a few hours earlier than him, which means that there may be players who entered the dungeon earlier. If these players can be found quickly, they may be able to exchange information and find out the source of the strange story. What are the related tasks?

"Do you have a map?" Yu Liang asked, "How big is this city?"

He also remembered that adventurers have a map ability, and now they should be able to have a clear understanding of the entire city through the map.

"Yes, but this time the map of the dungeon is divided into regions." The adventurer took out the map and showed it to Yu Liang.

I saw that the map was roughly divided into four modules, of which only two modules were lit, while the remaining two modules seemed to be hidden in the fog.

He pointed to the area he was currently in: "This is Area F. To be precise, this is Area F2, and the next door is Area C. My birth point is at the junction of CF, so I only lit up these two areas. It’s a large area, and as for the area above, I haven’t had time to explore it yet.”

"What does Area C look like?" Yu Liang looked at the map of the so-called Area C. There were all kinds of shops on it, and they were distinguished by various signs.

"Compared to Area F, Area C may be more in line with our ordinary people's definition of a cyberpunk city." The adventurer said, trying to show Yu Liang the general situation of Area C in his own words, "It's the charming world of flowers." , there is light and sound pollution everywhere, there are all kinds of entertainment facilities, the population is huge, but it’s very chaotic.”

He continued to explain: "As for District F, you have also seen that this district has a strong Taoist atmosphere and a Chinese style."

"I probably understand." Yu Liang looked at the icons in area C. Each icon seemed to be a store when enlarged. Some of the icons were wine bottles, some were strippers, some were swords, guns, etc., and F The signs in the district are much more normal. Not only are they neatly arranged, but they also have normal signs for restaurants, schools, books, etc.

Looking along the adventurer's finger, Yu Liang saw where he was. Not only that, he also noticed a nearby street. About two streets behind, there was a sign with the words "911" written in squiggles. ".

"911 convenience store?" Yu Liang remembered what he saw in the ghost man's room at that time, and he had a clear idea in his mind. He wrote down the location of this convenience store and planned to visit it when he had time.

"What's wrong?" The adventurer asked subconsciously, not hearing Yu Liang's words clearly.

"It's nothing. I searched the room of a ghost before, and I saw this convenience store thing in his room. He should work in a convenience store." Yu Liang said, and then continued to add, "According to that According to the diary of the ghost in the room, ghosts are transformed from humans, and the reason is that they change jobs at will."

"Change jobs? What a strange setting." The adventurer was stunned. He had never seen the leaflets issued by the government, so he did not know this setting and could not understand it.

Yu Liang also couldn't understand this. The theory of the origin of ghosts and ghosts was still a closed loop of logic. It had a certain explanation for the special abilities of ghosts. But if you change professions...

Where do those special abilities of ghost people come from?

However, even so, he still kept the two theories of the origin of ghost people in mind, and maybe he would be able to find clues to support the theory of the origin of ghost people's profession later.

"Indeed." Yu Liang responded, then looked at the adventurer, "By the way, what did you just meet upstairs?"

"It's just... some ghosts." The adventurer said as he recalled, "The old woman teleported me to the top floor. I don't know why. Maybe it's because there are more dangers on the top floor, so she asked me to take risks? Anyway? I tried it, and it’s really dangerous.”

He described the appearance of the ghosts upstairs: "It's... very strange. How should I put it? It's a bit like a kangaroo. It's a similar creature. The forelimbs are shorter, the hind limbs are thick and powerful, and they have an umbrella shape on their heads." Its skin looks like an umbrella lizard, and it has a whistle-like thing on its ears. You can make a whistle by flapping your ears..."


The more Yu Liang listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He frowned: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

"Why are you lying to me? The ghosts upstairs no longer look like ghosts at all. They look exactly like some kind of gregarious monsters." The adventurer marveled, but as he spoke, he saw something in Yu Liang's eyes. Something is wrong in the colors.

"That might not be a ghost." There was an inexplicable worry in Yu Liang's eyes, and he waved to the adventurer to follow him.

The two came to the internal laboratory. The space here was sealed, and the air conditioner was also turned on. It was adjusted to a constant temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, so the entire laboratory became very warm.

Here, the mother whistler beast has completed the basic work of building a nest. She fills the room with a sticky secretion, which quickly solidifies at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and becomes soft and light. Excellent material.

"That is the strange creature that I conquered. She is the queen of the whistle beast group. She is giving birth to whistle beasts as soldiers." Yu Liang explained, with a look of sadness and thought on his face at the same time, "But now the mother has just given birth to eggs. We haven't even had time to parasitize, the whistle beasts you mentioned are in the mature stage, so logically you shouldn't see them."

The adventurer also frowned when he heard this, and he understood what Yu Liang meant.

These whistle beasts weren't supposed to be upstairs, and he wasn't supposed to see them.

His eyes fell on the large open cabins with some corpses in them. In this laboratory, human corpses were used as nests for raising monsters.

However, the adventurer was only a little uncomfortable. In the entire world of ghost stories, people themselves were resources, let alone corpses.

Based on his moral values, he couldn't accept his companions killing innocent people, but there was no problem with the corpse.

Yu Liang walked into the laboratory and carefully inspected the eggs produced by the whistle beast mother. Since the whistle beast mother could only control eighteen whistle beasts, the family planning mode was adopted, and only eighteen eggs were produced. Beware of excess eggs. The parasitic beast ran out, causing some inexplicable flood of whistle beasts.

Now, most of the eighteen eggs have hatched and have basically completed parasitism on the corpse. They will break out of the body in about ten minutes and become the juvenile body of the Whistle Beast.

Ordinary human corpses don't have enough nutrients, so the Whistle Beasts born don't have a long lifespan. They must undergo secondary parasitism, allowing the Whistle Beasts to parasitize the Whistle Beasts, and then give birth to advanced Whistle Beasts before they can be further strengthened.

Eighteen, one is a lot.

None of the scorpion-shaped parasitic beasts escaped, so where did the whistle beasts upstairs come from?

Could it be that this dungeon also has a local group of whistle beasts?

Yu Liang shook his head, this was almost impossible.

So there are only two possibilities left.

First, the whistle beast upstairs was transformed by the ghost man, but this is very strange, because the ghost man in this building should not have seen the whistle beast before.

So far, no adult Whistle Beast has appeared in the laboratory, and even if the Ghost Man can imitate it, there is no way to imitate it.

Second, these whistle beasts have come from the future, and the specific situation is still unknown.

Yu Liang took another look at the whistle beasts, and he stepped forward and asked the mother: "How long will it take to get eighteen advanced warriors?"

"About four hours," the mother replied.

Yu Liang nodded, turned and walked outside the laboratory. He said to the adventurer: "Take a rest for four hours, and then we will go upstairs to take a look."

"Four hours?" The adventurer was a little surprised, "This is not a short time."

Four hours is still a bit of a luxury for players like them who only have a week.

"Well, for insurance." Yu Liang made a decision. He originally put down some strange creatures as guards, but after thinking about it carefully, there was no point in putting too little, and putting too much would pose a threat to himself.

None of the characters created now are there, and the only combat power he can rely on is the Grass Infant Mecha, the Human Snake, the Snake Eater, and the Paper Man. If he leaves too much combat power, his own safety cannot be guaranteed.

And after knowing that there was a whistle beast upstairs, Yu Liang did not dare to leave his whistle beast's mother body easily. He always felt that if he left, it would cause a big disaster.

A group like the Whistle Beast would be very terrifying if it were not controlled.

Seeing Yu Liang's insistence, the adventurer had no choice, but he proposed a slightly more compromise method, that is, during these four hours, Yu Liang would stay here while he went to a 911 convenience store. .

The convenience store is not far from here, just two streets next door.

Adventurers are the type who can't sit still. It's really embarrassing for him and Yu Liang to wait here for four hours.

Of course, the two people did not completely cut off contact. The adventurer used the prosthetic eye to add Yu Liang as a friend. Then they can share the screen through the prosthetic eye and have video conversations where there is an Internet connection.

"No wonder I haven't found the female monk's mobile phone or anything like that after searching for so long. I thought people in this era no longer need communication tools." Yu Liang suddenly said after learning the basic usage of prosthetic eyes from the adventurer.

In this city, prosthetic eyes are like mobile phones and can perform some simple operations.

Basic functions such as text messages and calls are free. The city already has enough productivity to meet the needs of residents, but it will cost a lot of money to connect to the Internet to obtain information.

After adding friends, the adventurer carefully went downstairs along the outer wall of the building and ran all the way to the 911 convenience store in the distance.

It's still late at night, and District F is under curfew, so the convenience store is closed. In this case, we may be able to find some useful clues.

After doing all this, Yu Liang came to wait outside the laboratory. He had to wait until the eighteen advanced whistle beasts entered adulthood before going out.

With ten Cao Ying mechas and eighteen advanced whistle beasts, he can be considered to have considerable strength after possessing such strength.

I don’t say whether it can defeat the strange creatures native to this dungeon, but it will definitely not be a big problem in dealing with players below T1.

The network signal on this street was not stable, the video call was very laggy, and the screen kept flickering, so the adventurer gave up the video call and just reported the situation to Yu Liang in text. He decided to find a place with good network conditions. After the place was settled, he sent a request for a video call to Yu Liang.

During this period, Yu Liang waited quietly while carefully studying everything left by the female monk.

Including her Taoist scriptures and some inexplicable certificates, as well as awards and so on.

The adventurer would send some photos to Yu Liang from time to time, such as the panoramic view of the convenience store, such as selfies of eating and eating in the convenience store.

Seeing the adventurer enjoying himself, Yu Liang no longer worried.

Think about it, what can happen if you go to a convenience store?


Yu Liang received a video call from the adventurer.

A real-time scene near the adventurer appeared in his eyes. They were some yellowed rooms, like an old hotel.

No, it's not like a hotel, because its layout is extremely hasty and looks like a rough house, with rooms and even buildings simply piled up with cement and a little yellow paint.

The lights are on overhead. These lights seem to be dim because they have been running for a long time. They constantly emit "sizzling" and "buzzing" current sounds, becoming white noise in the environment.

Yu Liang couldn't see the adventurer's face, but he could hear what he was saying.

"I seem to have come to an incredible place..."

"The ghost seems to be coming out from here."

"here it is--"

"Back room?"

Yu Liang concentrated on observing the details of the picture, but suddenly, the picture went dark again, and then went out completely.

Did the ghost come out from here?

Back room?

Counting what adventurers say...

There are already four origins of ghost people.

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