The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 348 Weird Stories: People who obey time

At four o'clock in the morning, Yu Liang walked up the stairs surrounded by four Cao Ying mechas.

He deliberately reduced the number of Cao Ying mechas around him because he knew that the Cao Ying mechas were still too weak in front of the advanced whistle beasts.

According to the adventurer, there may be hostile advanced whistle beasts upstairs, so he is now using advanced whistle beasts as imaginary enemies.

The bullets from the bone machine gun on the Cao Ying mecha can suppress the advanced whistle beast, but it cannot quickly break through the armor's protection, and it is inconvenient in a small environment like a stairwell.

Yu Liang also has eighteen advanced whistle beasts in his hand, but if he wants to use the advanced whistle beasts, he needs the presence of the mother body. The body of the mother body is too large and slow to climb stairs, so he will not release it until he discovers the enemy. .

A faint fishy smell spread in the dark stairwell. Yu Liang turned on the infrared function of the prosthetic eye, and then looked upstairs. He could vaguely see a few faint red lights moving, but it seemed to be due to the advanced level. The body temperature of whistle beasts is not high, so it is not easy to find traces.


In the gap of the stairs, two dark eyes looked at Yu Liang, saliva dripped from the tip of his tongue, and fell straight down from the stairs.

"Da da da."

Cao Ying noticed the enemy's position, so he fired a short burst at that location without hesitation, knocking away the potential enemy.

"Sure enough, there are advanced whistle beasts?" Although Yu Liangliang was already prepared, he was still instinctively surprised when encountering such a thing.

Can this building imitate the strange creature in him?

Wouldn't it be possible for other ghostly creatures to do the same?

Yu Liang remained silent and slapped the character "imperial" on Zhong Chen's body. It was better to improve the opponent's defense first. As long as the bodyguard was not instantly killed, everything else would be easy.

【Your defense increases. 】

Zhong Chen also received such a prompt box. She immediately looked back at Yu Liang. Knowing that her summoner had given her a buff, she immediately smiled lightly and reached out to hold Yu Liang's shoulders: "You are more considerate. Know how to love people."

Yu Liang: "..."

He suddenly felt uncomfortable and quickly shook off Zhong Chen's hand.

The two men and four mechas arrived on the seventh floor. What appeared in front of them was the same thick iron door as the laboratory on the sixth floor.

At the door there is still a bucket of chicken blood and a bucket of dog blood, sprinkled with fine salt, and various things to ward off evil spirits.

Exactly the same?

Yu Liang felt very familiar with the layout in front of him. His eyes immediately fell on the camera above the iron door and he frowned slightly.

The camera was open, and there was a faint red light inside, just like the pupils of a person with red eyes, making eye contact with Yu Liang across the space.

The iron door was ajar, so Yu Liang did not use the [Cleaning] stamp to disassemble the iron lock, but directly opened the door and walked into the laboratory.

Yes, laboratory.

The seventh floor is also a laboratory.

There are colorful small incense burners, glowing Dharma ropes, and Sanqing bells in sound mode. On the screen are flowing Taoist scriptures, and in the stove are burning incense.

Everything is just like the lab downstairs.

Generally the same?

Even the scenes arranged by the same person will not be so consistent.

Whenever Yu Liang goes to a new place, he will carefully observe the surrounding scene, find a suitable escape route, and reserve a good route for himself.

Therefore, he will subconsciously set up several memory points in new scenes and remember some special details to distinguish different scenes.

The cut marks on the left side of the incense burner are consistent; the missing corners on the right side of the Sanqing Bell are consistent.

Yet this should never be so consistent.

Yu Liang's eyes instantly fell on the screen, and the beating numbers on it reminded him.



Is it eight o'clock now?

Yu Liang quickly checked the time in his eyes and confirmed that the current time should be fourteen fourteen in the morning.

Could it be that another four hours of viewing time were stolen?

Yu Liang was surprised, but looking at the page, he still had 205 hours of viewing time left.

The time was not stolen, it was still 205 hours.

So there is something wrong with the timing of this lab?

Not necessarily, it might just be that the time on the screen has been changed to confuse his true intentions.

Yu Liang made a judgment in his mind and walked towards the internal laboratory.

To verify this, one need only look at what is going on in the internal labs.

When he opened the door, his nostrils were immediately attacked by a special smell, causing him to immediately cover his mouth and nose.

Looking at the scene in the laboratory, it looks the same as the whistle beast's mother's nest downstairs, except that it looks a little shriveled, as if it has suffered more drying.

There was no corpse, because the corpse had been eaten by the whistle beast, and the eggs were still in the state of breaking out of their shells.

After seeing this scene, Yu Liang thought to himself that he seemed to understand where the whistle beasts the adventurers saw came from.

The nun's laboratory is on the sixth floor, and the scene on the seventh floor is on the sixth floor four hours later.

Four hours ago, he placed the mother whistler beast on the sixth floor and gave birth to a batch of whistler beast eggs. At the same time, the adventurer was chased by the adult whistler beast and escaped down. This means that the whistler beast upstairs had hatched at that time.

It seems that it is indeed four hours faster than downstairs.

In other words, the future upstairs is the future downstairs, and it is the future four hours later.

Yu Liang checked the entire laboratory, and many of the details were consistent with the scene on the sixth floor, just like the sixth floor four hours later.

There is no female monk, there is the whistle beast mother body, everything in the drawer has been rummaged through, everything is a replica of the situation downstairs.

Zhong Chen came to the window and looked at the broken window, thoughtfully.

"I saw clearly at that time that the window I kicked broke was the window on the sixth floor. Who did the window here?" She picked up a piece of glass on the ground and said with some surprise.

Looking at the ground again, she clearly noticed a footprint there, which was exactly the same as the sole of her shoe.

It was probably caused by kicking the ground hard when he came in through the broken window.

"It should be you who did it." Yu Liang also noticed the footprints and said.

It certainly seemed so, as the room was a perfect replica of what the same room on the sixth floor would look like four hours later.

Yu Liang looked at the table in front of him and directed the Cao Ying mecha to carve a "ten" pattern on it as a mark.

"Go down from the window and see if there is such a 'ten' mark on the table in the room downstairs. Then try to carve a mark in another position." Yu Liang asked Zhong Chen to go downstairs to make a simple little Experiment so that you can judge many things.

Zhong Chen jumped down from the window, grabbed the window downstairs with quick eyes and hands, then turned over and jumped into the room on the sixth floor.

Soon, she climbed back up along the water pipe, staring directly at the mark on the table on the seventh floor, pointing to the mark that appeared on it: "This is the mark I made downstairs, it appeared here, and you The markings made on this table did not appear downstairs.”

"Yeah, okay." Yu Liang nodded, with a judgment in his mind.

This shows that this is the future downstairs, and it has a one-way influence. The "now" downstairs has become a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.

A bit of a headache.

Yu Liang rubbed his head, and he began to feel something bad.

The source of this premonition is naturally the whistle beast.

If this room is just the future of the room downstairs, then the Whistle Beast should only exist in his universe.

Superfluous whistle beasts should not exist.

Could it be that the upper and lower floors are independent time and space, reproduced one to one in real time, but there is a four-hour time difference in between?

Yu Liang had a guess in his mind. In fact, he had another guess in his mind about the origin of the Whistle Beast, but this guess was not easy to say out loud.

Some taboos.

Quite simply, he died in those few short hours.

A few hours after "now", he died, so the Whistle Beast lost the control of the universe and ran out. It happened to be bumped into by the adventurer, so it chased the adventurer.

This is considered to form a complete closed loop.

When Yu Liang thought of this, he felt a cloud in his heart, but he was not too panicked.

After so many dungeons, strange stories about time and space are not uncommon, like the cold horn bird I met before, or the ghost bride Xu Cixi in the moon dungeon.

This kind of space-time weird story is actually easier to solve, as long as you find the logical points and solve them.

The ghost story was born illogically, but the time and space derived from the ghost story is logical, otherwise even the ghost story itself would not be able to stand.

Yu Liang walked around the laboratory again and wrote down a few key points.

"Let's go upstairs and have a look." He said to Zhong Chen, turned around and went upstairs. He wanted to search the entire floor to see if there were any other advanced whistle beasts hiding in it.

The best result is that Yu Liang cannot find the rest of the advanced whistle beasts in this building, which means that there may be only eighteen advanced whistle beasts, and they are all on him now. The advanced whistle beasts seen by the adventurer before They all belong to future time and space.

In short, two advanced whistle beasts in time and space cannot meet, otherwise it will cause the grandmother's paradox.

He left the seventh floor and entered the eighth floor.

The eighth floor already had the same iron door that was ajar. At the door was a bucket of chicken blood and a bucket of dog blood. However, the chicken blood and dog blood in the buckets already gave off a strong odor and attracted some flies.

Yu Liang opened the door and walked in. There was no light at all in the laboratory on the eighth floor. He didn't know who turned off the lights, but judging from the few details he remembered before, this was already the laboratory on the sixth floor. Reprint.

He tried to turn on the light, but he didn't know what happened. The light here could no longer be lit.

There's probably something wrong with the internal wiring.

Yu Liang's eyes fell on the Taoist scriptures flowing on the screen. This large screen and the laboratory lamp did not seem to use the same power supply line, so the lamp was useless, but the screen was still useful.


This screen cannot make mistakes. It must exist here to provide time information for Yu Liang who walks in "now".


The time in this room was fourteen o'clock, and a full six hours had passed.

Compared with the room on the sixth floor, the time in this room is ten hours in the future.

In other words, the situation after ten hours was that the power supply to the laboratory was cut off, but there was no problem with the power supply to the screen.

He walked into the internal laboratory and took a look. It used to be the whistle beast's lair, but now it has been completely cleaned. Except for a few bones that have not been eaten by the whistle beast, there are those destroyed cabins.

The nesting material formed by the secretions of the whistler beast's mother has been completely cleared away, and some egg shells have also been piled up in the corner.

Yu Liang specifically counted the number of these egg shells. There were thirty-six in total.

Corresponding to the number of advanced whistle beasts in his universe, the mother had to hatch two batches of parasitic beast eggs to get eighteen advanced whistle beasts. One batch of eighteen eggs was just right.

Looking at the window in the small room, Yu Liang noticed that all the broken glass in front of the window sill had been cleaned up, and even some of the remaining glass on the window had been pulled out and cleaned up, so the window now was actually a big square hole.

Yu Liang lowered his head and looked at the "ten" marks on the small table. As he guessed, there were two "ten" marks on the table. One was left by him on the seventh floor, and the other was left by Zhong Chen on the seventh floor. Left behind on the sixth floor.

And he was thoughtful about this sign, which meant that someone had cleaned the eighth floor during these six hours.


Who is the one?

With such questions, Yu Liang climbed to the ninth floor in one breath. This was the top floor, and it was also the last floor that needed to be explored.

The blood in the two blood buckets had completely dried up, exuding a shocking stench. However, the worse thing was not the blood in the blood buckets, but the crack in the door.

To be precise, there was something smelly behind the iron door, and it had leaked through the cracks in the door and leaked into the stairwell.

Yu Liang had a bad premonition because what he smelled was a smell similar to corpse stench.

He slowly opened the door and looked at the scene in the laboratory on the ninth floor.

The room was neatly cleaned, and everything was placed in its proper place, even more impressively than the nun's original placement.

There was a corpse hanging in the center of the laboratory. The corpse's head hung down, its face was ashen, its eyes protruded, and its tongue was completely stuck out, looking like a hanged man.

"Yu Liang!" Zhong Chen looked at that face and couldn't help but scream.

Yes, this body belongs to Yu Liang.

And "now" Yu Liang looked at his future corpse and was silent for a while.

[Triggering the branch line ghost story - the person who obeys time]

[Remarks: You have discovered the secret time and space of this building, please be a person who obeys time. 】

Was the side story triggered at this time?

No, this side story had already started running earlier, such as when I was giving birth to the Whistle Beast in the laboratory, but now it actually appears in the prompt box.

It's like confirming that your prey has really walked into a trap.

People who obey time...

A person who obeys time?

What's the meaning?

Does he need to comply with the changes during this period?

Yu Liang's eyes fell on the screen where Taoist scriptures were flowing.


The laboratory on the ninth floor is eight hours after the eighth floor, which is eighteen hours after the sixth floor.

It's eighteen hours from now.

Eighteen hours later, he hanged himself in the laboratory.

I want to be a person who obeys time, so do I need to hang here?

Yu Liang frowned, feeling the urgency of time.

He probably only had eighteen hours to live.

In the branch line Kaitan, no other Kaitan creatures appear.

No enemies, no goals, no opponents.

However, he died here, eighteen hours later.

He was as weak as a newbie, no different from when he encountered the crocodile.

Time is closed.

I'm too busy, it's all homework, I'm a little late, sorry

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