The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 350 Do what you do and love what you do

[People who cheat time]: Temporarily enter the four-dimensional state, and you will see a fixed timeline segment that starts from the past nine hours and ends at the next nine hours. A freeze frame of the next nine hours will appear as the "final" scene.

There are several events distributed on this timeline segment. You can operate on these events, including but not limited to "accelerate", "slow down", "cut", "copy", "paste", "delete", etc. (You can only operate on the "sequence" of the event itself. ", "Existence" and "Flow Rate" operations cannot directly affect the specific people involved in the event.)

If you change the events in the timeline, the past or future will change accordingly, but the "final scene" after nine hours cannot be changed. Please try your best to achieve the "final scene" after nine hours in your own way. of reappearance.

If the "final" screen is inconsistent, time will be found to have been deceived, the timeline will be restored and the deceiver will be punished.

Note: This stamp can only be used once.

"Those who cheat time." Yu Liang murmured and repeated. The detailed explanation of this seal was hundreds of words long. It was the longest seal introduction he had ever seen so far.

Are you even starting to compose your stamps now?

He inevitably complained, and then carefully speculated on the specific use of this seal.

The content is very long and has many details. Yu Liang would not dare to use it directly without understanding it first.

First, enter the fourth-dimensional state and be able to see the timeline clearly. This timeline is the nine hours before and after the "now" plus the nine hours after, making a total of eighteen hours.

There will be some events on this timeline, which are the units that make up the timeline, and can be operated by Yu Liang. He can issue commands such as "delete", "copy", and "paste", just like having a special computer software. Modifications to the timeline are general.

The ability effect looks very powerful, but there are a few things to note:

First of all, the timeline will undergo new changes due to this modification, just like the butterfly effect, which may produce results that Yu Liang himself cannot control, but in any case, he must ensure the unity of the "final act" scene, and the unity of time. The Lord seems to only look at the final scene to judge the stability of the timeline.

As long as the final scene is unified, Yu Liang's modifications to the timeline will not be discovered, thus completing the deception of time.

To a certain extent, this is how Yu Liang's mission of ghost stories was accomplished. This seal just follows the characteristics of ghost stories.

Secondly, Yu Liang can only manipulate events, not the people involved in the events.

For example, he can delete the "existence" of something, but he cannot delete the people who exist in the event. If you want to use this ability to kill people directly, it is not possible, but you may be able to kill people "indirectly".

After the cause and effect are reversed and the sequence of events is confused, Yu Liang may be able to rely on this butterfly effect to kill people.

Of course, it's just possible.

Even so, this ability is extremely powerful.

The simplest way to use it is to "resurrection". He can delete the events about his "death" in the timeline, and then replay the final scene, thereby cheating time and completing the resurrection.

It's equivalent to when playing a board game, you can insist that you are not dead, and then stay on the field without leaving.

In addition, he can also adjust the order of events. The entire eighteen-hour timeline, the number of events recorded above can be imagined. Yu Liang can completely perform some fine micro-manipulation, by changing the past and modifying the future. Something I couldn't do originally.

This is a brain-burning usage. This seal can even affect the root ghost story, and it can probably be used to solve the root ghost story.

After all, it took eighteen hours to obtain the stamp, and it could only be used once. Yu Liang felt that it should have this effect.

No matter how bad it is...

Use this stamp when you feel threatened by death, and you can at least save your life.

But Yu Liang has another way of using it in his mind, and that is to use it now.

Taking the current moment as the node and the timeline of nine hours before and after, then "getting the stamp" should be regarded as what happened at this point in time, right?

If he "copies" this event several times and pastes it into the event line, can it be regarded as him getting several stamps [The person who cheats time]?

A bold idea appeared in Yu Liang's mind, but he was a little unsure that he could really do such a thing.

If the upper limit of this stamp is 1 and cannot be obtained repeatedly, wouldn't he lose blood?

After all, the stamp itself can only be used once and cannot withstand experiments, so Yu Liang thought about it carefully and gave up this bold idea.

I always feel that this kind of bug is stuck a bit hard. Guaitan World provides this kind of stamp, so I can naturally think of this usage.

If this seal could be copied without limit, then he would become an immortal Lord of Time, which was really too much.

In the end, Yu Liang just shook his head and put the stamp away.

If Li Huachao had thought of such a thing, he would probably give it a try without hesitation, but Yu Liang still tended to be conservative and hold the stamp tightly in his hand first, otherwise the eighteen hours would be completely wasted.

Yu Liang opened the page and took a closer look at the remaining viewing time on Reputation.

[Remaining viewing time: 186 hours]

Converted into days, it's about a week.

This is the time Yu Liang has left.

All in all, the cost of completing this strange story was really high. Yu Liang had almost no time to do anything else in the eighteen hours.

Counting the six hours lost due to the ghost encounter downstairs, Yu Liang wasted a full day and a half in this building.

For a day and a half, they didn't even leave this building. How many such buildings are there in the entire Cyber ​​City?

Yu Liang felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and he gradually realized the disgusting aspects of this copy.

Movie viewing time.

Exploration takes time, finding the origin of a new ghost takes time, being dragged into a fantasy by a ghost will deduct time, and accidentally running into a side story will waste time.

The design of this dungeon is really too beastly, and I don’t know who made the setting.

At least Yu Liang's current idea is to find a new origin of ghost people, and he doesn't want to worry about the source of ghost talk for the time being.

Just pretend that you don’t have the ability [Naxu].

After checking his gains and losses, Yu Liang looked back at the stairs behind him. The stairs on the sixth floor led to the darkness on the seventh floor.

The handrails of the stairs were rusty, and the stone steps were pitted and chipped, making them look tattered.

There was a desolate and strange smell in the silent darkness, like an uninhabited courtyard in a deep mountain forest. No one knew its origins, and no one approached it. They just allowed this uninhabited courtyard to remain. Little by little, I grow old in the mountains.

If my guess is correct, the ghost story I just encountered is related to the ghost living on the seventh floor, who is the "Lord of Time" in the ghost story.

If Yu Liang fails to become a "person who obeys time", this ghost will appear to force the future to come.

It's just like……

I am a prophet. I predict that you will die, but if you do not die, then I will kill you to achieve the predicted result. This is my 100% accurate prediction ability.

Anyway, Yu Liang fulfilled the other party's prediction almost perfectly, which is probably the reason why the ghost on the seventh floor never appeared.

As for the laboratory on the eighth floor and the laboratory on the ninth floor that he saw in the ghost stories, I'm afraid they are just illusions. The eighth floor probably also has unique ghost stories and unique ghost stories, and the same is true for the ninth floor, and it becomes more difficult with each floor.

Judging from the difficulty of the ghost stories on the seventh floor, the difficulty of the eighth and ninth floors is only higher than lower. I'm afraid it will still waste a lot of time, so Yu Liang will not consider solving them for the time being.

No matter how generous the reward is.

The ghosts on the seventh floor started to play with time, how could they survive on the eighth and ninth floors?

He didn't have that much time to waste on attacking this building, so he had to go to other areas to check the situation first. It would be better if he could find Lu Baoshen.

Lu Baoshen's [Do Not Believe in Evil] and [Reliance] should help him quickly find the origin of the new ghost people.

This is the most important thing.

"Let's go." Yu Liang took Zhong Chen downstairs. He no longer wanted to stay in this building any longer.

Zhong Chen nodded and followed. She didn't know what happened. Anyway, she followed Yu Liang around, cleaning and hanging corpses.

I don’t know what I’m busy with, but I’m quite busy.

In short, Yu Liang has solved the problem now, and she vaguely knows that the "Yu Liang's body" she saw on the ninth floor does not seem to be because of her poor protection, or even...

She hung the body with her own hands.

Yeah, so she's still a good bodyguard.

Of course, Zhong Chen is still studying silently in her heart. She wants to gain the power to fight against ghost stories and protect Yu Liang.

Even if he can't escape unscathed, it would be nice to be able to bear the ghost story on Yu Liang's behalf.

Zhong Chen clenched his fists and felt astonishing strength emerging from his body again.

For some reason, she always felt that changes in her mood would affect her strength. Probably, she would have more strength when her mood was high, and her strength would become weaker when her mood was low.

There is nothing strange about it. After all, normal people are like this too. When angry and critical, they will burst out with extremely powerful power. When they are depressed, they have no energy to do anything.

But she is different. The change in her strength is really obvious.

Every time she needed to fight, she would feel a surging heartbeat, followed by a feeling of suffocation. She needed to take a few deep breaths to slow down. Once oxygen entered her lungs, she would explode with great power.

This kind of power...

I'm afraid it far exceeds the power that a T2 body warrior should have.

Zhong Chen had not seen many other T2 warriors, but Li Huachao had. She probably knew how powerful a normal warrior was.

Not as big as her anyway.

No, to be precise, she is not as big as she is when she is in an excited mood.

But what makes Zhong Chen strange is that she doesn't know the source of this power.

It's not written on the page, and it's not a bodyguard's professional ability.

Likewise, she doesn't have a seal or any other messy things, so it's not an ability brought by the four columns.

And what's even weirder is that when Yu Liang switches to the bodyguard profession, she can't use this power.

This was also the reason why Zhong Chen didn't tell Yu Liang before, because she couldn't use it, and her words were unfounded and she could only treat it as an illusion.

Now that she tried it, she regained this ability in her own body.

Zhong Chen thought about it and gradually realized that this ability came with this body, not the ability brought by the "alienation profession" or the "four columns".

Physical ability?

She blinked, confused by this strange thing.

They are obviously created characters, so why does Li Huachao not have such an ability, but she happens to have it?

At this time, Yu Liang did not notice Zhong Chen's question. He took Zhong Chen directly downstairs and appeared on the street.

Eighteen hours later, Area F entered darkness again. It was now half past ten in the evening, and the entire street fell silent again.

Yu Liang recalled the route he saw on the adventurer map and prepared to go all the way to Area C to check out the situation.

It is said that Area C is completely different from Area F where he is located. It is almost a city that never sleeps, full of various entertainment venues, loose management and extremely chaotic.

But this chaos is good, it makes it easier for him to do things, and it is easier to find out the whereabouts of Lu Baoshen and Li Huachao.

As for An Buchen...

It's better to wait for her to come to him. Yu Liang doesn't plan to look for this guy himself. He probably won't be able to find him.

Of course, he is not afraid that the other party will run away. After all, An Buchen's character card is still in the universe and cannot run away.

Yu Liang and Yu Liang walked on the street, avoiding the cameras along the way.

As long as there are no law enforcement officers nearby, it is easy to say that they are not normal residents of this area, so even if they are checked, they cannot be found.

The two districts of CF are adjacent to each other, only about ten minutes away. Yu Liang originally thought that the ten-minute journey would not cause any trouble, but after only five minutes of walking, he knew that he was wrong.

Under the illumination of the streetlight, a middle-aged man staggered to the center of the street. His body was swaying, his feet were twisted outwards, showing a severe instep, and his two legs were fighting, like a penguin that had lost its balance.

The eyes were blood red, the skin was pale and translucent, and blue-black blood vessels reflected in the street lights.

"Click, click, cough..."

His mouth kept making strange noises, as if something was stuck in his throat, which made him very uncomfortable.

There was also a middle-aged woman from where he ran out. She looked nervously at the deserted street and called to the man in a low voice: "Her father, don't go there, come back, come back quickly! Let's not think about changing jobs. Okay, let’s just be so particular about it first.”

Seemingly noticing that the man's condition was getting worse and worse, the woman's face was equally shocked, and there was even a hint of crying in her voice: "No, please don't let it get over your head. Stop for a moment and come back. We won't change." After working, worship the Bodhisattva more often, and things will eventually pass."

Yu Liang stopped. He looked at the man under the streetlight and the woman in the darkness, feeling a little confused for a moment.

This man looked like he was about to mutate into a zombie, but this woman kept asking him to go back and stop changing jobs. It seemed that just going back would stop this mutation.

And she said it in a low voice, as if she was nervous and afraid that her husband's state would be discovered by others.

Change jobs...

Yu Liang thought of the flyers he had seen in that building.

Will he become a ghost if he changes his job?

So now this man has changed because he wants to change his job, and the woman keeps persuading him to go back, as if if he didn't change his job, this would have never happened.

No, is the warning on the flyer true?

Why does it change when you change jobs?

Isn't this method of combating job hopping too excessive?

"Do...a job, love a job..." A human word finally popped out of the middle-aged man's mouth. He slowly turned his head 180 degrees, and then stared at the figure with blood-red eyes. A woman in darkness.

"Do what you do, love what you do."

Thank you for being the leader of Red Panda Masato! Leaders can add the group in the introduction of the book. If necessary, you can ask me to customize the character. It will appear in the plot later~

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