The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 380 Li Huachao’s sudden realization


After confirming that there was no abnormal movement around him, Li Huachao slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense muscles relaxed slightly.

If you had asked him ten minutes ago if he wanted to enter the village, he would have said "just go" with great interest, but now...

To put it bluntly, Li Huachao, who had always been bold and bold, actually felt the smell of fear in this village.

In the past dungeons, because he was well aware of his upper limit of strength and his dissolute personality, Li Huachao usually only made trouble in the peripheral areas of the dungeon. Most of the bullies he bullied were T3T2 little monsters. Occasionally, he could bully and bully when conditions allowed. T1.

As for the source of the strange story, Li Huachao could only use his words to bully the opponent when he was ignorant and ignorant of worldly affairs.

After rushing into the village with a fever in his head, he suddenly found that this place was different from any scene he had encountered in the past. The whole village was extremely peaceful.

Yes, calm.

Li Huachao knew deeply that the village was almost full of existences at the level of root ghost talk, but in the end it was so peaceful.

It's like...

Like a dark forest.

Even if it is a source of ghost stories, I don't want to "shine the light" here casually, and I don't want to be targeted by something darker.

However, this does not mean that the village is peaceful and peaceful. On the contrary, Li Huachao can feel the ultimate madness suppressed under the calm.

Just like just now.

A T1-level inverted-faced octopus appeared out of thin air next to the giant's skeleton. When it stood up, it was dozens of meters long, regardless of the long tentacles. It was surrounded by dense spells, and it looked like it was destroying the world with its movements. The power of destroying the earth.

With the slightest touch, the surrounding scenes collapsed. Wherever the octopus monster passed, the surrounding air solidified, forming a gaseous blur. The solid air wall squeezed the land into pieces as it moved.

In terms of breath alone, this is almost the most terrifying T1-level monster Li Huachao has ever seen. If placed in any dungeon, it can be the overlord.

But this is a village.

If it were a normal situation, Li Huachao would definitely use the Five-Five Ring to fight the octopus monster. However, in this place, the stronger the aura, the more dangerous it is.

There is no doubt that the insane octopus monster will use his life to verify this fact.

Li Huachao saw a book falling from the sky and landing in front of the octopus monster.

This book is windless and automatic. There are countless pages turned forward and countless pages turned backward. The octopus monster in front of it is constantly turning into sand, and its body parts turn into fine gravel one after another, conforming to the non-existent The breeze flows into this book.

This book is like a bottomless sand pool, absorbing all the sand like a bottomless pit.

And all this happened quietly, and the octopus monster seemed to be completely unaware of it, and was still dancing wildly.

This is not the end of the farce. The sand book's transformation process is very fast, but it is still a bit slow for the huge octopus monster. After dozens of seconds, half of the octopus monster's body is still able to move freely.

So at the end of the horizon came a guy with an even more terrifying aura. It seemed to be composed of several strong men wearing armor. It moved from far to near at a terrifying speed, and arrived at the octopus monster in an instant. forward.

Li Huachao stared wide-eyed at the monsters connected by the bodies of the giant men, and was a little confused for a moment.

That is……

A strange story about the origin of the flesh and blood system!

Just three minutes after entering the village, he directly encountered a source of ghost stories.

And upon closer inspection, he could barely recognize the monster's origin from some of its features.

The origin is the classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The one at the bottom holding a pair of halberds should be Dian Wei, who is invincible on foot. He is carrying Xiliang Jin Ma Chao, who wears a silver helmet and has equestrian skills. Above Ma Chao is Lu Bu wearing a pair of ponytails and red feathers. Lu Bu has a white armor and silver spear connected to his chest. Zhao Yun is invincible in the battle, and there is a baby Liu Chan tied in front of Zhao Yun.

Lu Bu also had a black face on his neck, and when he opened his mouth, he roared with anger. He held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his right hand, and held Dong Zhuo in his left hand to increase his anger. Zhuge Liang, who was carrying a feather fan and scarf on his back, prevented him from falling into the trap.

The octopus monster also discovered this human flesh monster. It kept waving its tentacles at the opponent, trying to attack the monster, or to prevent the monster from approaching.

However, these attacks all failed strangely. The combination of Liu Chan and Zhao Yun made all the attacks naturally deflect, almost being hit by a thicket of beards, and the mucus did not touch the body.

In an instant, the human flesh monster approached the octopus monster. As Fang Tian waved his halberd, it had broken through the octopus monster's body and stepped on the sand book.

As if it was a stress reaction, the sand book turned the area of ​​tens of meters around into a sea of ​​flowing sand, trying to swallow the human flesh monster with quicksand.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and laughed. Lu Bu understood instantly, reached out from Dong Zhuo's belly and took out a young man dressed as a water thief, and placed it at Ma Chao's feet to replace Dian Wei.

Jiang Hai fights against the invincible Gan Ning!

The sand sea is also a sea. Relying on Gan Ning's unique boating ability, Lu Bu quickly crossed the sand sea and disappeared on the street corner of the village.

At the same time, something behind the sky probably thought that Sha Shu was fighting against Lu Bu and was not paying attention to the octopus monster, so a big hand opened the curtain of the sky and used a knife to cut off half of the octopus monster's body. He opened it, took out a hot red iron plate from the white light behind the curtain, and pressed the octopus monster to the ground.

Just like making octopus teppanyaki, the iron plate and octopus touch together, making a constant "chich" sound, and then the big hand skillfully places the octopus on the iron plate on the plate, and finally closes the curtain.

The whole process seemed relaxed and freehand. The hand was slender, with slender fingers, tens of meters long, but its movements were extremely flexible. Whether it was opening the curtain or ironing the teppanyaki, there was a strange beauty implicit in it.

After opening the curtain, relaxed and pleasant music immediately appeared in Li Huachao's ears. Along with the background music that came with this hand, for some reason, a sunny afternoon with a young family appeared in Li Huachao's mind. The housewife is cooking briskly while waiting expectantly for her husband's return. The atmosphere is soothing and very bourgeois.

However, this kind of sentiment is extremely terrifying in the current environment. Li Huachao can only detect their sudden appearance and cannot sense their existence in advance.

As if they appeared out of nowhere, they opened up space at will and descended from another dimension.

There were no terrifying scenes, no thrilling scenes, just some nonsensical appearances and disappearances. Li Huachao's spirit was greatly oppressed, and he had no idea how to ensure his own safety.

Hiding in the dark?

There may be more strange stories about the origins of the darkness.

Take to the streets?

Maybe the stones you stepped on unintentionally are the dice thrown by God, and the inconspicuous weeds are the incarnation of the World Tree.

This was a world completely beyond Li Huachao's imagination. The oppressive feeling of absolute silence made him feel breathless. It took him a few minutes to regain his composure.

When entering this world, fear is a human instinct. It has nothing to do with personality, experience, or cognition. Even Li Huachao, who is not afraid of anything, only breathed a sigh of relief after thinking of one detail.

There are still rules in the village, and those are the rules that Root Monster must abide by.

If you find out what the rules of this village are, you might be able to find a way to protect yourself, or even find a way to leave this cyber city! .

Thinking of this, Li Huachao's eyes couldn't help but light up. He had made some sacrifices, but he couldn't resist the hard work. If he could help Yu Liang push forward the progress of a wave of source ghost stories, wouldn't that be a great achievement?

At that time, not only will the grievances be wiped out, but you can even get rewards, right?

Li Huachao immediately imagined a picture of Yu Liang's calm appearance and turbulent and shocking heart, and couldn't help feeling secretly happy.

But as he thought about it, he suddenly realized a doubt that he had thought of before.


Yu Liang’s hair!

When I saw Yu Liang in the air-raid shelter just now, that guy's hair was actually white?

When did it become white?

This was completely different from the Yu Liang he knew!

And more importantly, that Yu Liang did not summon any strange creatures to escort him. Zhong Chen, the bodyguard who had been following Yu Liang, followed another guy wearing a mask.

For a time, many doubts emerged one after another, and Li Huachao couldn't help but frowned tightly. He gradually felt that this was a trap aimed at him.

Yes, I clearly entered the Jiuyin Field to carry out an assassination, why did so many "outsiders" suddenly come to attack the Jiuyin Field?

Isn’t his whereabouts very secretive?

This is completely different from the previous two assassinations.

The entire Jiuyin Field was in chaos. Dao Ancestors were running all over the place, elders were looking for them, inexplicable things happened one after another, and one coincidence after another made Li Huachao's mentality explode.


Isn't this a coincidence?

He has never shown his face as a killer in Cyber ​​City. How did Yu Liang find him out of thin air?

Is there a possibility that the white-haired guy is not Yu Liang at all?

That's what the actor is pretending to be.

From the very beginning, he fell into the actor's trap. The actor used fragrant silver to trick him into joining the team, and then he was jealous of how efficient he was. In an instant, he gathered two ghosts from the folk ghost organization.

So the actor wanted to completely eliminate him in the Nine Vagina scene and seize his ghost.

In this case, the more chaotic the better, so the actor made the Jiuyin scene incident public, which attracted various people to show up.

The actor and his team happened to appear when he was dueling with the great elder. They did not help or make a sneak attack, but hid in the dark and observed.

Aze probably used the ability of other professions to read his mind, so he knew the existence of Yu Liang and Zhong Chen. He pretended to be Yu Liang and another person to pretend to be Zhong Chen to numb his attention and successfully win his trust. .

Actors have access to writers' scripts, so Li Huachao feels that he may not be able to tell which one is the real Yu Liang, and can easily be tricked by actors based on preconceived notions.

Besides, Yu Liang only cares about him and is not cold-blooded. How could he just watch him being beaten like that by the great elder and not help him?

Once the Cao Ying mecha and the whistle beast army take action, wouldn't it be easy to deal with a great elder?

Do you have to wait until he is exhausted?

This kind of style is only possible for ambitious actors!

Li Huachao had an epiphany in his mind. He suddenly found that he had connected all the clues. At this time, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his choice.

Fortunately, he got into the belly of the great elder to hide, otherwise he would definitely die at the hands of that fake Yu Liang!

Damn the actor, he actually used his brotherhood with Yu Liang to frame him.

"Humph." Li Huachao couldn't help but gritted his teeth and secretly vowed to give that white-haired fake Yu Liang a good look the next time they meet!

This thief is insidious and cunning, I will kill him!

He silently retreated into an alley in the village, and then searched for information around him more cautiously.

This village is full of ghost stories, which is both a danger and an opportunity.

If he could get help from a root ghost talk just like Yu Liang got the support from "Zhi", whether it was out of trust or interest, then he would have gained a firm foothold in the village.

When the time comes, he will lead the source ghost talk to invade Cyber ​​City and crush the actors to ashes!

At this moment, Li Huachao, who has an innocent heart, has found his ultimate goal in this copy.

Not only does he want to become the strongest founder of ghost stories, but he also wants to get help from the source of ghost stories!


At the same time, Yu Liang also had very few regrets when he broke into the village. The reason was very simple.

The surgeon is dead.

Within five minutes of entering the village, the surgeon noticed a small house. Although the house was small and fully equipped, it basically had everything it needed.

Through the windows, players can see traces of human habitation, which seem to be clues left by pioneers.

Perhaps it was because the surrounding environment was too quiet and peaceful, without any hint of ghost stories, so a group of seven people entered the small house after searching around the house to confirm that there was no danger.

Before that, Yu Liang also used small strange creatures such as human-headed spiders to enter the room to explore the way, but there was nothing unusual about it.

Although they knew that this village would not be that simple, they couldn't just wander aimlessly all the time, so they finally chose to enter the house and explore.

Indeed, there was no danger in the house.

Except for the bathroom.

When the surgeon thought that there might be some clues hidden in the toilet tank, he walked into the bathroom. There was nothing strange in the bathroom until he reached into the toilet tank.

A human head suddenly popped up from the middle of the toilet. It bit off the surgeon's head and then sang happily, continuously playing a rap song synthesized by electronic sounds.

The incident happened so suddenly that everyone present had no time to react. The surgeon had put on protective gear before stretching out his hand. He slapped himself with the character "imperial" and at the same time used his professional ability to ceramicize the surface of his hand to make it look hard. And durable.

However, the head in the toilet seems to have a rule-level ability, and it has the effect of killing anyone approaching it with one hit.

At the moment of death, Yu Liang truly realized the horror of the village.

If he wanted to enter the bathroom, he would be the one who died.

There is no room for maneuver.

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