The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 390 Why is there a male version of you here?

Due to its own particularity, the village has a connection with the imaginary space in a certain virtual concept. The imaginary life forms in another world obviously think that the real space is fictitious and does not conform to the natural principles of their world. Since studying mathematics requires the use of real number mathematical formulas, we created such a fictional world of real numbers.

Perhaps in fact, the creatures in the two spaces will think that the other is a fictional space, and may even think that this is the result of some strange power, until they actually have some kind of wonderful connection.

Summary of the imaginary number space, the so-called real number formulas are fictitious, so they will choose to verify the correctness of these formulas with creatures in the real number space at the first time to explore more content.

For example, the question that Yu Liang just solved was just a simple Pythagorean theorem, and he followed the question to construct a simple triangle using stone bars of corresponding proportions, verifying the correctness of this formula.

This helps the imaginary life forms, so they attach special imaginary energy shields to the players.

Yu Liang and others don't know what the purpose of these imaginary life forms is to study the real space. Maybe they are studying another time for invasion?

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Yu Liang said that it has nothing to do with him for the time being. It is unreasonable to worry about this. It is better to get a real imaginary number shield to increase the chance of surviving in the village.

All the players present also thought so. Even in the most troublesome situation, there was still a tall person who could bear it when it collapsed that day.

They just want to get an imaginary number shield and survive. What's wrong with them?

Even Yu Liang himself answered the questions calmly. He didn't think that he would be the tall man who stood up to the sky. Aren't there still old players or even old players from last season?


Last season?

But it is a pity that the upper limit of holding this kind of imaginary number shield is one. As long as you have such an imaginary number shield on you, no matter how you answer the questions, it will not increase.

So in order to avoid waste and to collect as much information about the imaginary number space as possible, a group of people quickly searched the surrounding area for the locations of these puzzles.

This is an alternative resource, so even if it takes almost an hour to find the imaginary number puzzle, it's worth it.

After a simple search and recording, several players finally met in this old house without zombies. They marked the remaining imaginary number puzzles within a radius of several hundred meters on a simple map.

"There are about 6 usable imaginary number puzzles left around here."

Each of them has obtained a shield from the imaginary number space, and there are still six imaginary number puzzles found in case of emergencies.

This feeling is a bit like playing some asymmetric confrontation games. Every board that can knock out the butcher is a scarce resource, which cannot be used indiscriminately or not used.

However, Yu Liang glanced at the players present and recorded all the positions of these imaginary number puzzles.

In fact, it's just data on the surface, because each player only mentioned the location of an imaginary number puzzle, and there were no surprises.

Like Yu Liang, he found two imaginary number puzzles, and then hid one for himself, so the same is probably true for others.

It's not that people are divided. In a temporarily formed team, this situation is normal, and everyone will have some legitimate selfishness.

"With this thing, I can feel more at ease. It may not be useful when encountering source monsters, but it is easy to deal with some T1T2 level monster creatures." Xiao Hei smiled relaxedly when he saw this. This kind of shield can be regarded as It solves the urgent need of these players.

"Well, now you can go to the wordless monument in the center of the village. After all, it is the core area of ​​the village and a place that cannot be avoided." Yu Liang suggested.

If it was an hour ago, he would have definitely chosen to wander around the outer areas of the village for a while, trying to collect more information, and then enter the center of the village when he was ready and confident, but now he has completely changed his mind.

The density of ghost stories in this village is really too high, and the difficulty of each kind of ghost story is not low. If you wander around in a circle, you may waste many days, and you may die on the way, so you should go straight to the topic. a little better.

In the current team, Yu Liang's words are unquestionable, and Yu Liang has not said anything to explain his thoughts to each player.

"Indeed, the density of ghost stories in this place is too high. It is not a good thing to take your time." The psychological counselor agreed. For extremely powerful players, this village may be full of treasures, but for players who have encountered the plane For him, who couldn't even use the professional skills of Fangguatan, this place was no different from a nightmare.

As a T2 player, there is usually no problem with self-protection, but this situation is obviously far out of his comfort zone.

The remaining people also had no objection. After simply identifying the direction, they were ready to rush towards the small square in the center of the village. At this time, Xiao Hei stopped everyone again.

"Wait a minute, I'll activate a group skill." Xiao Hei seemed to have made some kind of determination, and activated a stamp from the stamp column.

In fact, when he first entered the village, he felt that he might consume this rare seal, but he had not completely made up his mind at that time, so naturally he would not hide anything now.

[Blessing of the Thief God]: With you as the center, friendly units within a radius of ten meters will receive the "Blessing of the Thief God", which temporarily blocks the perception of friendly units in the area by creatures of the following levels. You can turn the stamp on or off at any time within sixty minutes. This stamp can only be used once.

Purple light appeared on Xiao Hei's body, rippled like water waves, and gradually enveloped everyone present.

This stamp is a consumable stamp and can only be used once. The process of obtaining it is extremely difficult, but at the same time the effect is extremely powerful. Using it in this village where there are many strange stories is considered to be good steel used on the blade.

"Within sixty minutes, even the root monsters will not be able to sense our existence. Let's go and speed up." Xiao Hei said to the others present, and then took the lead and ran to the front. His occupation is "player" ”, the probability of triggering key tasks is much higher than others.

After entering the wordless monument area, it will definitely trigger tasks related to leaving the village.

Within an hour, a way out of the village must be found, as well as clues about the origin of this strange story!

After hearing Xiao Hei's words, the group immediately understood the current situation, so they accelerated their pace and rushed to the area where the village was located.

Due to the special blessing effect, everyone present did not trigger any strange stories on the way, and they were just rushing on their way.

Not long after, several people arrived at the area mentioned by the heart-stealing monster.

The place seems to be shrouded in a light layer of mist, but it does not affect the line of sight, at least within a few dozen meters.

A small circular central square surrounded by some strange buildings.

To the east is a bone house made of the bones of some huge beast with ventilation on all sides. The bone house is connected to a brand-new large villa. Everywhere in the villa is shining with bright light. Next, there is a dilapidated thatched house. The four walls were built with dilapidated adobe bricks, and there were some scrawled graffiti on them, and there seemed to be writing on them.

There is also a paper house in the northeast corner that can accommodate many people, like a sacrifice burned to the dead.

"The new house, the old house, and the paper house are all here." Yu Liang said softly.

"It's okay. This seal of mine blocks all perceptions. What you say will not be heard by those strange creatures." Xiao Hei saw Yu Liang's caution and said immediately.

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded and asked, "What about touch? If I touch those weird creatures, will they feel it?"

Xiao Hei shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I don't recommend trying it. Our current state is just sneaking, not disappearing. If we are discovered by strange creatures, we can be easily hit by using AOE."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded when he heard the words. He had also played Hearthstone, so he could naturally hear what the player Xiao Hei meant by "stealth" and "disappear".

"Wait a minute, is the monument in front of me the wordless monument with rules?" The female athlete is in better physical condition, so she first saw the gray stone monument shrouded in light white mist, and then saw the looming figure standing in the white mist. Two figures, "monsters, in human form."

"Go up and have a look." Xiao Hei said quickly, and his footsteps immediately spread towards there, with everyone following closely behind.

As the distance between the two sides narrowed, they could see clearly what was standing next to the stone monument.

They were two people, one tall and one short, one male and one female. They were both wearing tight black clothes. The styles of the clothes were almost identical. They looked like killers trained by some secret organization.

However, they were not wearing masks, so all hidden players could see their faces.


Almost unanimous.

The woman's face is softer, while the man's face has harder lines. Other than that, there is not much difference in the appearance of the two people.

"Is this... some kind of yin and yang evil?" The female athlete subconsciously thought of the evil products she had seen in horror Hong Kong movies when she was a child.

Her statement was quickly denied by Xiao Hei: "No, you guys, look carefully at that man. He seems to be the killer in Cyber ​​City! But he is not wearing a mask now."

His discovery was also approved and echoed by most people present, except Yu Liang and Zhong Chen.

Yu Liang: "???"

Zhong Chen blinked, looked at Li Huachao and then at Yu Liang, as if he didn't understand why two Li Huachao appeared.

As for Yu Liang, he was also full of question marks. This scene was really beyond his understanding.

I can understand Li Huachao here, but what is going on with this woman?

How come he looks so similar to his dog?

Is it possible that Li Huachao has been able to reproduce on its own?

That would be a real disaster for the world of ghost stories!

Li Huachao and Hua Niang, who were standing next to the wordless monument, were completely unaware of the presence of Yu Liang and others. After a fierce battle, they finally tied, so they could only sit down and talk honestly.

"In this case, let's talk about our own affairs. I call you Hua Nan, and you call me..." The female version of Li Huachao hesitated for a moment, forgetting what Hua Nan wanted to call her just now.

"Hua Niang." Li Huachao simply added. Although he failed to beat Hua Niang, his mouth was still extremely tough. "Sooner or later, you will understand that I am the real Li Huachao, and you are just a clone similar to that She's just a hamster girl's product."

"Are you referring to the other Xu Cixi? Huh, it's obviously you. My memory won't lie to me. It's me who has been following Yu Liang in his wars. You are just a person who was born because of the wordless monument. It's just the male version of me." Hua Niang didn't admit defeat in words, and in fact she wouldn't admit defeat in her heart, because that was how it was in her memory.

"Wait, wait until I find a way out, and I will take you to see Yu Liang!" Li Huachao snorted coldly.

"Meet Yu Liang? See... no, let's talk about it then." Hua Niang was about to agree, but then she thought of something, and her face changed and she immediately refused.

And this seemed to activate Li Huachao's arrogant mask. He immediately pointed at Hua Niang and shouted: "Look, look, you six-eared macaque, when it comes time to see Tathagata Buddha, you feel guilty and don't dare to go. !”

"You should know why I don't dare to go." Hua Niang rolled her eyes at Li Huachao with a look of disdain on her lips.

Such behavior is indeed a bit indecent on a pretty woman's face, but for some reason it is very suitable to appear on her face, and can even be said to be very charming.

At this moment, Li Huachao was stunned. He was stunned for two seconds before the meaning of Hua Niang's words emerged in his mind. He immediately thought of a certain big hooked wolf-faced monkey, and his arrogance suddenly dissipated.

Indeed, it would be awkward to see Yu Liang if he hadn't accomplished anything big.

How should this be said in the universe?

As the first martial arts champion in the universe, he had been running to Cyber ​​City for so many days without doing anything but catching Yu Liang for fun, and ended up falling into the villain's trick.

Yes, Aze was born as an actor!

He must end his shame with the actor's blood!

Li Huachao gritted her teeth, and then suddenly found that the Hua Niang beside her was also gritting her teeth. They seemed to be thinking of the same hateful guy.

Yu Liang, who was in the dark, guessed the whole process from the brief conversation between the two Li Huachao.

It looks like...

Li Huachao triggered strange stories under this wordless monument, and a female version of Li Huachao was born. This female version of Li Huachao has exactly the same abilities as the normal Li Huachao, and even the memory is exactly the same. She has the memory of this copy, and also has the same memory. Some memories from before.

It can be said that except for some slight differences in gender and body, there is no difference between the two Li Hua Dynasties.

If you put it this way...

Yu Liang's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a way to deal with Li Huachao.

It seems interesting.

"Cancel the effect of my blessing. Don't cancel it. I have something to do." Yu Liang turned around and said to the little gangster.

When Xiao Hei heard this, he canceled Yu Liang's invisibility. He could cancel or add this invisibility at any time within this hour.

Yu Liang reappeared and stood behind the stone monument. He walked slowly to the stone monument and looked at the two Li Huachao in front of the stone monument with wide eyes. He was surprised: "Li Huachao?"

"Huh?" The two Li Huachaos responded in unison.

However, the first thing Yu Liang looked at was Hua Niang. He walked to Hua Niang, glanced at her body with a scrutinizing look, and asked with a half-smile: "You're not hurt, are you? Saibo The number one killer in the city?"

"No..." Hua Niang's eyes were wandering, like a dog seeing its owner after the house was demolished, and she didn't dare to look directly into his owner's eyes.

"Forget it, I'll take care of you then, and..." Yu Liang's eyes turned and fell on the stunned Li Huachao on the other side, "Why is there a male version of you here? Did you trigger any strange stories?"

Li Huachao: "!!??"

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