The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 402 The fifth way to become the root

In the empty cave, the white humanoid expressed interest in the human being in front of him for the first time.

Being able to find the special space where He was and making a proposal that He couldn't refuse was enough to make Him curious.

How did this man know so many secrets about the village and the "villagers"?

These secrets may only be understood by Gengen Kaidan who lives in the village, and there are no big talkers among Gengen Kaidan, so what is his source of information?

"How do you do it?" A strange voice came from under the veil, which seemed to be human but not human. It seemed to be mixed with countless human voices, and even an electronic sound, but if you look carefully, it sounded seamless.

"Before that, I want to ask something." Aze said with a slight smile. He seemed to be able to see through the white humanoid's psychology of wanting to save human beings. He also knew that the white humanoid did not kill, so he began to push further, "But this is not I'm just trying to show off, I just want to confirm whether our ideas are the same and what level your wishes will reach. You know, human power is too weak in front of the ancient gods."

"Ask." The white humanoid did not refuse, and he did not care about Aze's explanations.

"Most of the ancient gods who entered the village treat humans with disregard and contempt, but you are different from them. I want to know whether it is because of your interest or something else?" Aze asked his first question. one question.

"Interested?" The white humanoid repeated Aze's words, and then slowly shook his head, "No, it's not just a whim. I was once a human being, so I can't sit back and watch a large number of human beings die without being indifferent."

"Okay, I understand." Aze's face was calm and calm, but his heart was in turmoil.

Weird stories about the origins of mankind!

Although he had long heard that humans had done such a thing last season and even the previous season, when a real humanoid origin ghost story appeared in front of Aze, it was still difficult for him to control the shock in his heart.

This is not the result of being transformed by some special being to become a source of ghost stories. Such things are not uncommon. As an intelligent creature that has evolved as an earth species, "human beings" are naturally the best containers. It can even be said that there are many root ghost stories. Source", so it is often used for special experiments.

Transforming a human being into the same type of Gen Kaitan as himself, and controlling this human being, is equivalent to improving his ability to rule, and the container of human beings becomes an aid to the "growth" of Gen Kaitan.

However, this kind of humanoid source ghost talk that is controlled by other sources is ultimately one level lower than the normal source ghost talk. In Aze's case, he calls this kind of humanoid source ghost "Ghost", and this name has also been used by many people. Recognized by veteran players, they gradually began to call this humanoid origin "ghost".

A source monster is supposed to be an existence that can freely control the "rules". If even the shape of the body cannot be stabilized, and even the existence itself needs to be attached to other source monsters, then it is only a superficial source.

It is equivalent to skin and flesh with only roots, no bones, and no spirit.

Immortal, but eternally painful.

And now standing in front of Aze is a root monster who truly has free will. This is a creature that stands at the top of the evolution of life, and it contains the species "human" in its evolutionary chain.

How could this not make Azze excited?

From the moment he entered the world of Kaitan, he realized that humans without power in this world are pitiful, and all creatures under the root are pitiful because they have no ability to resist.

Only the root, only the root, and after achieving the root can he do what he wants to do, and what he needs to do.

Therefore, Aze's interest in the white human form suddenly became more intense, and he wanted to know the answers to many questions.

What is His origin?

A former player?

Or a master who has achieved immortality?

And how people become the source of ghost stories.

In Kaitan World, players who have reached T1 level can gain a certain say in the Kaitan World player group.

Of course, except for Aze, because he often does some funny things that make people and gods angry, he has long been expelled from T1 players. Even some T1 players who are truly evil-doers have a better reputation than him.

What do a group of T1 level players talk about when they meet occasionally?

Of course it is a grand scene above T1.

But even these T1 level players still don’t know how to become a source of monsters.

T1 seems to be the player's limit.

After all, not even the Kaidan world itself can do anything about the source of Kaidan. The most it can do is let them stay somewhere comfortably, hoping that players can solve them.

The player's power is originally a product of the Kaitan world and should not be able to reach its origin.

There have always been rumors of true human roots, but this has never been seen.

From this point of view, T1 players are divided into "yes faction" and "no faction". Aze is a staunch "yes faction". He believes that people can reach the source of strange talk by their own strength, and they must be able to achieve it.

To this end, he has compiled a number of theoretical methods that need to be verified through his own research.

Each root ghost story has its own unique rules and capabilities. There may be similarities, but they are definitely not the same.

If one could master some kind of special power, or become a special concept, it might be possible to achieve the origin of the strange story, but in Aze's research, he gradually discovered that this was not a path that humans could take.

Power is almost innate. Some roots are born, and some roots are acquired. However, without exception, their powers are all born like this.

Even if you are weak or strong, you are born with them. Unlike players in the Kaitan world, these abilities are acquired.

The second is to make a gradient jump as a player in the Kaitan World, but Aze knows that this approach is also difficult, because this season is still in the early stages, and root-level promotion treasures will almost never appear at this stage.

A century is a season, and now that we're at the beginning of the century, it's obviously the beginning of the season.

In the early stages of the season, it is difficult for monsters to escape the control of the monster world. Only a very small number of monsters can appear in reality, so there is a high probability that the world will be peaceful, and there will be no treasures beyond T1.

Even at the end of the season, there is only a small chance that such treasures will appear in the world, and they often represent ominous things.

So it seems, this is the best of times and the worst of times.

Then, as a human player, you get an assistant from Root Kaitan and replace the opponent.

It is not uncommon to be favored and assisted by the source, at least Aze knows a lot about it, but such favor is often the attitude of the superior towards the inferior, so it is unheard of to replace the source and gain the power of the other party.

There are quite a few whimsical little fools who have tried it, but such unnatural things often fail miserably.

Unless you can get help from a root monster on an equal footing, or even from the perspective of a superior human being, this is almost impossible.

Aze's plan in this copy is the third one, and it seems almost impossible now.

Finally, it was the fourth way he thought of.

Also the way he only thought of it, because it was so crazy.

That's how easy it is to become a source ghost, become a ghost, obtain the same level of rule ability, and then in turn destroy your superior source and gain unique free will.

Unfortunately, there is no way for Aze to practice it so far.

Now, the white humanoid in front of him seems to be able to provide him with a new method, perhaps the fifth method that is the root of human achievement, and it is a method that can be successfully verified by examples.

"Can I know how you changed from a human to what you are now?" Aze's breathing was slightly rapid, and he knew that the answer from the white humanoid mouth might be the answer he dreamed of.

"If it were just me... I have become the hope of mankind." The white humanoid hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "Before eternity, the Cyber ​​City in front of you already existed, but from that time on it It is already like this, history, time, or anything else does not exist here, there is only endless reincarnation, destruction and rebirth."

"Sounds like... this is history." Aze's eyes moved, feeling that what the white humanoid said did not make sense.

Just like the rise and fall of ancient dynasties, destruction and rebirth are the inevitable laws of development in history, right?

Reincarnation again and again, isn’t this history?

"No, it's not the same. In every destruction and rebirth, all creatures are the same, without any difference." The white humanoid shook his head, and then told an even weirder fact, "And, all humans remember, Remember what you did every day, remember what happened in the next second in the future, but they cannot change, they can only go through endless reincarnations like puppets."

"Compared to life, this is more like an endless torture and punishment." The white humanoid said, "And the initiator of all this is the native ancient god of this city. We call him - sorry, as a human being You are cursed not to be able to hear His name, just know that you can call Him 'Village'."

Aze nodded. He probably knew what it felt like. Maybe it was no different from him now, so he then asked: "So in this case, you appeared with the hope of mankind?"

"Maybe." The white human figure lowered his head and said, "There are two ways to alleviate human suffering. One is to make all humans in Cyber ​​City lose their memory and not remember any information about reincarnation. In this way, people can be more calm. Face your own life; the second is to drag the 'villagers' into a dream."

"You chose the second option." Aze matched what the white humanoid said with the information he had.

"My ability is very special." The white humanoid did not choose to hide it. "I can put any ancient god into sleep one-on-one, and I will also sleep for a long time. The dream created by me can also accommodate more monsters. .At the end of that reincarnation, the villagers even attracted countless ancient gods who took refuge. That did make Cyber ​​City jump out of reincarnation, but it was just jumping from one hell to another, so the villagers and I fell into a deep sleep. At the same time, the dreamland was opened up to accommodate those ancient gods, giving them a place of refuge."

"Escape." Aze swallowed. The guy who can make so many root-level monsters escape and take refuge...

What could it be?

"Yes, I don't know much about those ancient gods, but we reached an agreement, so I fell into a deep sleep for a long time, until now." The white humanoid said helplessly, "While the villagers were sleeping, a Unicom game appeared in Cyber ​​City. The 'passages' between Bo and the village, they might be called passages."

"I know, Ghost Man." Aze nodded again, now more and more information was matching up.

The white humanoid's regular ability can be said to be extremely powerful, or it can be said to be extremely weak.

It is powerful enough to imprison any source of Kaitan indefinitely, but so weak that it cannot even save a large number of humans who died tragically at the hands of T1 level Kaitan creatures.

Very strange ability.

The ghost man is the product of the villagers' slumber. His subconscious is communicating with the outside world, and the "substance" produced by this communication is fragrant silver. In reality, it has evolved into various ghost stories.

Countless creators of ghost stories will enter the village unintentionally, and they will become a certain kind of sample and a learning object for something.

"You just said what happened next. The stone tablet where we concluded the agreement became a new god at the level of an ancient god, and it didn't want to stay in the dream. I don't know what his ability is, but in fact The future is evolving according to what he expected." The white humanoid said helplessly, "In addition, some ancient gods have waited for such a long time, and they feel that the thing that threatens them no longer exists, so they also gave birth to leaving. The thoughts of the village are the root cause of this disaster."

"Is that so?" Aze blinked. He seemed to have learned from his personality clone...

Is the root cause of all the turmoil because his personality clone revealed the location of the killer Li Huachao to Cyber ​​City?

Forget it, thinking about it, it's unlikely that it's because of such an inexplicable little thing. It would be more reasonable to have the root cause of the weird story being manipulated.

"I have answered all your questions. Next, I hope to hear the answer I want to hear from your mouth." The white humanoid figure flashed and came to Aze in an instant, "If not, I'm sorry. I would not allow another creature to have such a clear understanding of what I am made of and what I am.”

"Of course." Aze breathed a long sigh of relief, knowing that now was the time for the test.

After all, the white human form is a source monster. No source monster will allow deception and disrespect from humans, even if it is full of good intentions towards humans.

"I can take all the Cybermen away to a more interesting world. Leave this city to these so-called ancient gods and monsters, and let's go to a more beautiful new world."

Aze smiled brightly, showing his white teeth.

"And you, you no longer need to sacrifice yourself to sleep indefinitely. You can stand beside me and watch the 'humanity' I lead to create the future you want."

Is there a new hope for becoming "human"?

Even if he could do such a thing, it would be meaningless, because he didn't want to obtain such a useless rule ability.

Need to choose a better way to achieve the root cause.

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