The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 409 The strange story behind carrying the banner

"Has the big event you mentioned happened at the beginning of the season?" Yu Liang asked, with a vague guess in his heart.

It's more of a tendency than a guess. He hopes it has already happened, because this means that the next big event will be twenty years from now, and he doesn't have to worry about what will happen twenty years from now.

There were so many ghost stories about the Forgotten City before, and it looked like the end of the world. Maybe it can be regarded as a major event that happened at the beginning of the season?

"Of course... no." Aze looked at Yu Liang with a little pity, "You must have thought of those things in ██, right? It was just a regional disaster, far away from the world It's still far from a major disaster event. However, the incident in ██ ended inexplicably in the end. The cost was a city, but at least several surrounding provinces were saved."

Yu Liang couldn't hear what city Aze was talking about. The real place names were automatically blocked by coding, but he could probably guess that the other party was talking about Wangcheng.

As for why the disaster ended inexplicably, the answer to all this can be found in Yu Liang, but Yu Liang would not take the initiative to mention this issue.

Of course, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

"Forget it, keep talking." Yu Liang did not consider this issue for the time being. World-class disasters were beyond his reach now. If he worried about it now, it would always feel like it was unfounded.

"Okay." Aze nodded, "I just said that each copy space exists independently, but they are all inseparable from reality, because most of the copies were originally copied or copied from reality. It is the transplanted content, which serves as a place for the source of Kaidan. In a sense, it is not that the Kaidan world has sealed them, but that they have reached a consensus with the Kaitan world."

"What consensus?" Yu Liang asked. He could still understand the previous sentence. Half of the copies he encountered so far were prototypes of certain places in reality, such as zoos and peace communities.

"Reality is not safe." Aze said, with a subtle expression on his face, "Yes, reality is not safe for those seemingly omnipotent source monsters."

"What else can threaten their existence?" Yu Liang was curious, aren't these ghost stories about immortality and immortality?

"Them themselves." Aze replied, "Among the lineup of root ghost stories, some are the incarnations of abstract things, such as 'god', such as 'wind', such as 'war', and some are special life forms, such as ' Time-series life forms', such as 'imaginary number life forms', such as 'singularity life forms', etc."

He continued to explain: "Take an abstract concept as an example. A wisp of wind gave birth to consciousness and controlled the rules of 'wind'. It is almost immortal. It represents all 'winds', so at this time it is the most powerful." Don’t you want something to happen?”

This question was a bit risky. Yu Liang frowned and thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Another wisp of wind gave birth to consciousness?"

"Yes." Aze said with a smile. It was interesting to talk about these things with smart people. It was unlike the previous communication with that idiot beekeeper, which was a nightmare-like game experience.

"I'm not sure if this is correct, but in reality there is indeed an invisible rule of 'later is better than now'. The 'root consciousness' born later is inherently stronger than the one born first, and the 'later wave' is often easily and completely suppressed. Live in the 'front wave'." Aze continued, "It can be said that as long as the root ghost story is in reality, there is this risk, but this is related to the characteristics of the root itself, and the probability may be greater or less. These The source monsters are indeed immortal, but their consciousness may undergo self-renewal and lead to destruction.”

"So for Root Monster, existing in the real world is a risky thing? So they choose to move to the dungeon to survive?" Yu Liang further explained Aze's words.

"That's pretty much it." Aze said, "As for some of the root ghost stories that remain in reality, it may be because they were not born with self-consciousness, so they have no idea of ​​self-protection. There are also some root ghost stories that choose to enter a deep sleep state. They also had no consciousness at that time, so no new consciousness would be born. Well... there are also some root ghost stories that have created a domain space similar to a copy, and the effect of staying in it is similar."

After Aze's background supplement, Yu Liang roughly knew the specific status of the ghost stories about the origins of Wangcheng.

Later, Aze began to tell Yu Liang about the situation of this dungeon: "Logically speaking, this dungeon can only have one source of ghost stories, and that is the 'villager', which is the source of fantasy ghosts. But a long time ago, In order to avoid some kind of disaster, a group of root monsters broke the restrictions of Cyber ​​City and hid in this dungeon. Such an unbalanced move also triggered the protection mechanism of the dungeon, and a new root ghost story was born in the consciousness of the Cybermen. , He has the ability to force other roots to sleep, so he sleeps with the 'villagers', while other ghosts of the roots reached an agreement with him and took refuge in the villagers' dreams."

"Before this, the history of Cyber ​​City was constantly reincarnating. History was suspended here. Technology and knowledge were also stagnant. Therefore, after so many years, their technology has not made any breakthroughs. The exploration and exploration of ghost people The research has yielded no results." Aze continued, "After the roots entered the village, the history of Cyber ​​City began to change at a slow speed, but due to the system left over from the past, knowledge still could not be spread. Technology is at a standstill."

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded silently. He thought of the clues that the architect had found from players in the pioneering version. The two complemented each other, and Aze probably did not deceive.

"You should already know the outline of my original plan, so I won't go into details. You also know what happened later. The village suddenly exploded and all the ghost stories escaped, so I made a new plan." Aze A confident smile appeared on his face.

Logically speaking, the explosion in the village should directly deal the most critical and fatal blow to his plan, but now Yu Liang did not see any loss or frustration on Aze's face, but instead there was a sense of fighting spirit. A feeling of high spirits.

The more frustrated he was, the happier he became. It seemed that he was already used to unexpected situations happening in the middle of the execution of the plan.

"Tell me about it." Yu Liang listened attentively. He had no obvious dislike for a guy like Aze who "had endless fun fighting against the sky."

"I found the source of ghost stories from back then. He can put the 'villagers' back to sleep. Before that, I need to spread the ghost stories to everyone. Wait until all Cybermen become similar to 'players' stuff, and then seal the 'villagers' and complete the source of the ghost story, so that we can leave together." Aze stood up from the chair and opened his hands as if to embrace the entire Cyber ​​City.

Yu Liang raised his eyes and looked at Aze. Aze didn't look like he was embracing the entire Cyber ​​City, but rather like he was embracing the prison.

"You mean, as long as the villagers are sealed, the source of the ghost story is completed?" Yu Liang raised his eyebrows and said, "But... it's not consistent with common sense."

He continued: "Before we came, the villagers were asleep. After we left, the villagers were still asleep. It can be said that we did nothing, but does this count as completing the root ghost story?"

"Of course... it's not that simple." Aze shrugged, "You probably don't know yet, right? The main reason why the villagers woke up is that a new source of ghost stories was born in the village-'Stone Tablet', whose will caused the destruction of the village , the root was released. So it’s not like we did nothing, we sort of ‘disintegrated’ the plans for the stele.”

"Is that so?" Yu Liang couldn't help but glance at Li Huachao beside him. Speaking of which, the culprit for the destruction of the village was actually the stone tablet?

Isn’t Li Huachao a Class A war criminal?

This was somewhat unacceptable to him.

On the contrary, Li Huachao's eyes widened, and the look in his eyes changed when he looked at Aze. He stopped talking several times, as if he wanted to ask something, but was afraid that the keen Aze would find any clues from his questions. .

"Yes." Aze stretched out his hand towards Yu Liang, "Now that you know my plan, it is almost the same as what you promised Li Huachao at that time. Are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"I have only one question. After bringing so many cyber players back to reality, what are you going to do?" Yu Liang asked the most critical question.

Just like the decision he made in his heart a long time ago, if Aze is the hero who saves Wangcheng, then he will definitely help him with all his strength; if Aze just wants to get the source of the ghost stories, and does not care about Wangcheng and Cyber He would not accept it if a person's life or death depended on it.

"What are you going to do?" Aze sat back down again, crossed his legs, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "I will lead the Cybermen to expand the territory in the Forgotten City. I will give the Forgotten City a new look and rebuild it. Another 'village', driving those origin stories out of human territory."

"Huh? Why did Wangcheng's origin ghost talk enter the village by himself?" Yu Liang touched his nose. This answer was considered to be the correct password for him, but just like the loophole he thought of before, he didn't think Wangcheng The source of the strange story is willing to take the initiative to enter the village.

"Then why did these strange rumors in Cyber ​​City enter by themselves?" Aze asked rhetorically.

"To...avoid some kind of disaster?" Yu Liang still remembered what Aze said just now.

"Yes, that's right, you have a good memory." Aze showed a bright smile with white teeth. Then his smile disappeared instantly, his face became serious, and his eyes showed a look of expectation, " Just repeat the disaster.”

"Do you know what kind of disaster that is?" Yu Liang immediately became curious. According to this, Aze's plan may succeed.

Replaying the past disaster made the ghosts in Forgotten City fearful, and they took the initiative to hide in the villagers' dreams.

In this case, Wangcheng will be able to see the light of day again!

"This cannot be discussed for the time being." Aze shrugged, "This is related to my deepest secret. You only need to know that the disaster that drove the source of ghost stories into the villages of Cyber ​​City was also man-made. Yes, that’s fine.”

He thought for a while and then changed his words: "No, saying it was man-made is not accurate enough. The more accurate statement should be..."

"Human fraud."

Aze's smile became a little mysterious. It was obvious that he had a lot of information that Yu Liang didn't know.

Artificial fraud?

So, then the previous "disaster" was also based on deception?

And let them hide in this place willingly for so many years...

The courage and resourcefulness of human beings are a bit unbelievable.

"It is precisely because of this that a certain source of ghost talk from back then sensed some clues, so he also participated in the escape plan of the 'Stone Tablet'. Now I already know who he is. Well, it's under the ground over there." Aze nonchalantly pointed in a direction, where the Jiuyin Sect was located.

Yu Liang also understood that everything would make more sense in this way, so he had already made a decision in his heart: "So what do you need me to do for you? Your plan doesn't seem to reserve my place, and I don't There’s nothing I can do to help.”

"No, you do." Aze clapped his hands, and a white mist-like humanoid appeared next to him. "He told me that there is an ancient god hidden in you, which is the source of ghost stories. My plan We still need someone to carry the banner, and if we don’t have Roots Guitan in charge, we won’t have any ability to resist accidents.”


Yu Liang looked at the white human figure next to Aze, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Naturally, he recognized it instantly. The person following Aze must be the source of the ghost talk!

Aze has actually "conquered" a source of ghost stories?

"Can't He carry the banner?" Yu Liang asked subconsciously.

"I want to, but I'm sorry, but I can't." Aze was a little helpless, "He is the ancient god who can force the roots to fall into sleep, but at the same time, he doesn't have many other abilities. I need someone who can do it. The source of the battle is a strange story.”

Yu Liang thought thoughtfully. From the looks of it, Aze and the other party were only in a cooperative relationship, and this guy had a very good character, otherwise he wouldn't have come to help Aze.

If this was the case, he felt that it was still necessary for him to participate, so he asked "Zhi" from the bottom of his heart: "How about it, do you want to come out and carry the banner?"

"Of course, I am at odds with those guys in Wangcheng!"

The little raccoon's voice sounded immediately, and then he changed his words: "She, it's her who is at odds with those guys."


It sounds nice, but actually you are still a little worried about those guys finding you, right?

Now that you have the opportunity to put all the roots of Forgotten City into the village, you naturally want it.

"Don't slander Your Excellency in your mind at will. Your Excellency does this not because you are afraid of those guys, but because you want to beat up the drowned dog!" The raccoon screamed again, which made Yu Liang suspect that it was imitating it. The tone of "of" at this moment.

"Okay, okay, I know." Yu Liang kept nodding, ah, yes, yes.

"But there's one more thing. You can't complete the source ghost story mission in this dungeon, otherwise there will be endless troubles." The little raccoon reminded solemnly, "Cyber ​​City, which is full of roots, enters your universe. This is definitely not a good thing. , it’s the same for you as it is for me.”

"Okay." Yu Liang listened this time.

There is a source of ghosts sealed in the shadow of "Zhi". He is so cautious. If he packs up Cyber ​​City and takes it away...

If there are strange stories about the origin of a city, isn’t that the end of it?

My roommate sent me a picture. My book was listed in a certain book. The reason was misogyny and male coercion... Now it’s on the list.

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