The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 413 Undertaker, I’m here to negotiate terms.

Is this the freeze frame nine hours later?

Yu Liang's eyes stayed on the frozen picture. He was stunned for a moment, and then frowned slightly.

He also remembered that in the fifth hour in the future, the toad god and the white human form went to sleep together, and before that, they blinded him.

Just now, he thought it was another bad joke, such as making up his third blindness achievement record or something, but he didn't expect that it was because the toad-shaped god had a back-up plan.

Even if he falls asleep with the white human form, He can still come to him through this reincarnation method and replace his eyes with His eyes.

I just don’t know what the result of this eye replacement is. Is it using his body to escape from the copy or is it simply parasitism?

Or is it seizing one's body?

Of course, Yu Liang felt that it was impossible to seize the body, because he still had a source of ghost talk about "Zhi". According to the timeline, nine hours after the stop-motion animation appeared, the decisive battle between "Zhi" and the "villagers" ended. On this occasion, "Zhi"'s five-minute appearance has not yet completely ended.

At this time, if the toad-shaped god wants to seize him, he must first ask whether the "zhi" in him agrees. A source of ghost talk with a sleeping body is obviously unable to compete with a source ghost talk with full firepower.

As long as the toad-shaped god is not stupid, he will naturally not have any evil thoughts.

These strange events are the current timeline that can be controlled. Thanks to this seal, Yu Liang no longer needs to use [Xiyuan] to simulate a battle between a "villager" and "Zhi", but he is left with one use of resources. .

The [Copy Source] in this copy can be saved and used to imitate the toad god or the white human form. As for the "villagers"...

If nothing unexpected happens, He will enter the Writer's Universe. Do you still need [Copy Source]?

Yu Liang re-examined the timeline and tried to move the events on the timeline, so he received a new prompt.

[Note: After the past timeline is changed, the subsequent future timeline will undergo the same amount of changes and evolution. You will not be able to continue to change the future timeline in this case. 】

"This means that if the past has changed too much, the future timeline will change accordingly. At that time, I will no longer be able to change the future timeline?" Yu Liang said, which was more in line with his expectations.

If no amount of changes in the past can affect the future, wouldn't he use this seal in vain?

The person who finally completed the source ghost story must be Aze, so does he still need to go to all the trouble to change the timeline?

Just like the purpose of traveling back in time is obviously to change the future. If you were told in advance that you cannot change the future, how many people would be willing to take the risk and go back to the past?

But in this case, the first operation of the timeline is very important, because it almost determines the entire future direction.

Yu Liang took a long breath and went over the goals he wanted to achieve in his mind.

The first is the ownership of these Cybermen. After being transformed into ghosts, they become special creatures similar to players, and have intelligence that is not weaker than that of humans (except for the Sese ghosts of Li Huachao).

They are intelligent and have advanced technology, so they will be a good helper.

The second is Cyber ​​City. What Yu Liang said to the white humanoid was not a lie to him. He really wanted to get this Cyber ​​City. Otherwise, where would these Cybermen be placed?

There are also white humanoids and "villagers". They are basically bound to the Cybermen, so don't worry.

The key to solving all this lies in the "root mystery".

This root cause of the ghost story must be solved by him, so that Cyber ​​City can become a scene card in the writer's universe. This requires competing with Aze for contribution points.

At the end of every dungeon that completes the story of the source, there will be a list of exploration degrees of the main mission. This list compares the exploration degrees. The exploration degrees of Yu Liang and Aze should be similar, because Yu Liang has already obtained the exploration degree from Aze. They understand the ins and outs of the copy, but the contribution levels are definitely very different.

Yu Liang must ensure that he has a higher contribution rate in order to complete the root ghost story and obtain Cyber ​​City.

It is not easy to catch up with the current Aze. Now it seems that almost everything in the entire dungeon was facilitated by Aze. Whether it is the acquisition of information or the practice of tasks, they are closely related to Aze. If you want to replace the other party No easy task.

By the way, in addition to the above goals, Yu Liang thought of the Toad-shaped God again.

It's best to cooperate with the toad god, otherwise it will be difficult to complete the freeze frame, and he doesn't want to be blinded again.

To a certain extent, Yu Liangting hopes that Hua Niang can be preserved. A female version of Li Huachao that is exactly the same as Er Ha will really improve the combat power of the writer's universe.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang took another look at the clip of the Toad-shaped God, focusing on the scenes of the Toad-shaped God sleeping with the white humanoid, hoping to find some clues from these scenes to determine what the Toad-shaped God wanted to do. .

At this time, the toad-shaped god in the picture is hiding in the darkness of the underground dojo, hiding at the junction of reality and virtuality in Cyber ​​City.

Lu Baoshen, on the other hand, took out the goblin hook gun decisively under An Buchen's hint, giving the toad-shaped god a little goblin shock.

When the toad-shaped god was pulled out of the netherworld by the goblin hook gun, it could be seen that the entire toad was in a dazed state, as if he had never thought that he would see such a day again.

At this time, the eyes of the toad-shaped god suddenly began to twitch, and two eyes exuding a purple-black aura emerged from them, and then glanced at Yu Liang.

Well, I glanced at Yu Liang.

He was looking at Yu Liang outside the timeline.

At this moment, Yu Liang felt trembling in his mind, as if he was being stared at by some kind of man-eating murderer, but the other person showed no interest in him and seemed to glance at him casually, that's all.

Can He see me?

He can see me!

Does He know it's me who's up to something?

Is the instinct of the root ghost story so terrifying?

You know, he is outside the timeline now and is a creature transcending the three-dimensional state, while the toad-shaped god is still in the three-dimensional space...

No, who can determine what kind of environment a source of ghost stories is in?

The toad-shaped god in this three-dimensional space might just be a projection, or it might be that he doesn't exist in the cyber city in the three-dimensional world at all.

In short, He can see.

Yu Liang didn't know how this would change his plan. He was just deeply aware that this toad-shaped god was probably one of the most terrifying source of ghost stories in the entire Cyber ​​City.

He is the founding creature of the Jiuyin Sect, and the only ancient god who noticed from clues that someone was planning to drive the Origin Ghost Story into Cyber ​​City. At the same time, he took the initiative to find the "stone tablet" and wanted to help him break up the village together.

He created Hua Niang and induced all these things to happen. If "Zhi" gave Yu Liang the impression of an arrogant and naturally evil naughty child, then the Toad-shaped God was a cunning fox.

This guy is definitely on the same level as the rabbit-shaped god. If it weren't for the white humanoid's forced sleep ability, I'm afraid it would cause them countless troubles!

Yu Liang quickly came to the beginning of the timeline. He originally wanted to use other means to deal with the toad-shaped god, thereby saving the ability of the white humanoid, so that he could try to take the white humanoid with him, but now he changed his mind .

The toad-shaped god must sleep. He doesn't want to face such a person, otherwise it may be the biggest failure of his action!

He stood on the timeline, with a special color in his eyes.

It feels like rearranging the time and order of the plot...

Just like being a writer.

After completing the creation of the protagonist and character design, the writer cannot control how the protagonist will react. Otherwise, if an optimistic and cheerful protagonist suddenly becomes sad, such a plot is tantamount to Lin Daiyu uprooting a weeping willow. Destroyed the character.

And can writers do nothing?

Of course not, he can manipulate the order of events and accidental factors, so that he can induce his protagonist to go to the ending he wants to see, and create an interesting enough plot.

Just like now.

At this moment, Yu Liang is controlling the occurrence of events, and the Lu Baoshen he created can control accidental factors. If the two are combined...

Maybe he is a real writer.

Nine hours ago, Yu Liang and others entered the village to solve the strange story about the flat house.

Eight hours ago, Yu Liang reached an agreement to cooperate with the white humanoid.

At the same time, they encountered Li Huachao and Hua Niang, and eventually the village was destroyed and countless ghost stories escaped.

Seven hours ago, Yu Liang and the dungeon players escaped into the "Meet" grocery store to trade grass babies.

At the same time, Yu Liang reunited with the created character, captured Aze, and reached cooperation. The "Knowledge and Truth God" campaign began in advance under Yu Liang's arrangement.

In the original timeline, the progress of the five-hour communication campaign was 25%. Yu Liang, who was outside the timeline, accelerated the process to twice the time and then "copied" and "pasted" the event.

In other words, the communication campaign achieved a “fourfold” increase in efficiency within the original five hours, and the entire ghost communication campaign was completed to the final step in five hours.

The last step is to spread the word to all the followers within the Jiuyin Sect.

The final decisive battle was advanced by five hours under Yu Liang's operation, and the time point of the decisive battle was "now" in the new timeline.

"Huh?" After completing these operations, Yu Liang suddenly noticed that he could no longer continue the operations, and the future after "now" on the timeline became gray.

Because I changed so much of the past, has the future timeline become confusing and impossible to follow?

He looked at the only picture in the next nine hours, which was the "final act" picture. In the picture, there were still small houses built by architects. "Yu Liang" opened a pair of eyes covered by a toad-shaped god and looked straight into it. Staring out of the screen.

The small houses made by the architect are not difficult to make. Now remember the arrangement of these small houses and let him reproduce the scene later.

As for the eyes of the toad god...

I'm afraid he will have to negotiate to get it, but he can't let the toad-shaped god see his true identity.

To a certain extent, he must obtain these eyes now, otherwise he will be punished by a certain entity if the timeline goes backwards.

If the Toad-shaped God knew this important detail, I'm afraid the negotiation would be very unfavorable.

After roughly settling the situation in his mind, Yu Liang looked at the current time node again, chose to exit the four-dimensional state, and returned to reality.

He opened his eyes again, and the scene around him changed rapidly. When his consciousness returned, Yu Liang noticed that he was near the Jiuyin Sect dojo again, but now he was standing on the ground, and in front of him was the underground passage leading to the Jiuyin Sect. The largest entrance to the vaginal field.

Behind him are dozens of players, and around him are more than a dozen Aze, as well as the characters he created, all surrounding him.

More importantly, a white humanoid figure is also located beside him.

"The change in the timeline has taken effect." Yu Liang noticed the white humanoid figure and immediately made a judgment in his mind.

Under his influence, the sequence of events changed, so the content of the timeline became that he found the white humanoid in advance and reached cooperation with the white humanoid.

According to this logic, the content of their cooperation should be to expel all source ghost stories from Cyber ​​City.

First of all, it is necessary to use Li Huachao and Hua Niang to destroy the village and release all the source ghost stories first.

Later, he met up with Lu Baoshen and others. They were all together, which was convenient for Yu Liang.

He found Aze through Lu Baoshen, led the cooperation and started his plan in advance, and greatly increased the speed of the spread of ghosts by means that Aze could not understand.

Under such a process of events, the leader of all events from beginning to end became Yu Liang himself. It was he who connected these processes and arranged the follow-up, ensuring that the spread of ghosts was extremely smooth.

At the same time, his source of information changed. It was no longer Aze, but a white humanoid. Yu Liang even announced some details of the copy to Aze that the other party did not know in the past.

This resulted in his contribution in this part being slightly higher than Aze's.

At this moment, according to Yu Liang's plan, his contribution should be lower than Aze's.

The contribution of "God of Knowledge and Truth" is about 73 Kai, Aze Qi Yu Liang San, while the contribution of "Explosive Village" and "White Humanoid Cooperation" becomes 91 Kai, Yu Liang Jiu Aze Yi.

The total amount of contribution of the former should be much higher, so there is still a gap in the current contribution of the two.

However, this is only the beginning, because Aze's greatest contribution is the "God of Knowledge and Truth", and the next decisive battle is completely led by Yu Liang.

"Lu Baoshen, use the goblin hook to catch the toad-shaped god." Yu Liang turned his head and said to Lu Baoshen. At the same time, he looked at the white humanoid, "When the toad-shaped god appears, please be ready to accompany him at any time. Go to sleep and leave the rest to me. When you wake up again, you will see a brand new Cyber ​​City and Cybermen."

Since the Toad-shaped God can be caught early, the players and Cybermen present do not need to sacrifice. The Jiuyin Sect without the Toad-shaped God cannot resist them.

The white humanoid nodded but said nothing.

He has become accustomed to sleeping. It seems that His destiny is to sleep.

It has become his instinct to sacrifice himself for peace.

Lu Baoshen quickly activated his highest fortune, then opened the goblin hook gun and started spinning around like a master.

It wasn't until he couldn't tell the direction that he was spinning that the goblin hook gun suddenly shot out and plunged straight into the endless void.

During this process, Aze watched Lu Baoshen the whole time. He was very curious about this guy's abilities. It seemed that he caught him through this thing?

Are you going to use this thing to catch the toad-shaped god next?

It is really……

That's outrageous.

Soon, a toad-shaped chaotic thing was pulled out of the void. His image was not terrifying, but his aura made most of the players and Cybermen present feel timid. Take a step back.

At this moment, Yu Liang opened his hand to signal Lu Baoshen to slow down the progress of retracting the hook. Before the hook was completely retracted, the claws restraining the toad-shaped god would not be released, and the toad-shaped god would not be able to harm them.

Taking advantage of these few seconds, he must reach a consensus with the Toad God, otherwise he would have to send the Toad God to sleep for the sake of safety.

Not retreating but advancing, Yu Liang took a step forward: "Undertaker, I'm here to negotiate terms."

Beside him, a white humanoid took a step forward, his body glowing with white light. He only needed one command to activate his abilities and fall asleep with the toad-shaped god.

I will almost finish this volume tomorrow~

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