The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 436 The possibility of drawing prisons and dimensionality reduction strikes

Am I turning into a circle?

Yu Liang thought to himself that after experiencing so many ghost stories dungeons, he already knew clearly that special changes in the body during the dungeon stage would most likely not be a good thing.

This special change is likely to be brought into the real world. For example, he now has white hair. People who are familiar with him subconsciously think that he is quite fashionable. They know whether to dye his hair like a grandma's white hair is unintentional. When Zhong mentioned this, Xu Cixi and others reacted.

Oh, it turns out that it’s not the writers who follow the trend, but the copy.

The current Yu Liang appears in this copy as the two-dimensional part of "Yu Liang". Judging from this situation, the two-dimensional part and the three-dimensional part have a high degree of overlap.

In reality, he is a human, so in Flatland he becomes a "paper man", and he is a "paper man" based on the three-dimensional state as a template.

At this time, Yu Liang can clearly feel that he seems to have become "rounder" and "blunter", which means that his aggressiveness has been reduced, his wisdom has improved, and it is easier to integrate into the upper class of Flatland.


In the end, he can use his profound knowledge to turn himself into a circle?

Really become the ruler of this flat country?

As long as it can be successfully disguised as a circle, the information about the entire Flat Country can be easily collected, and the main mission can be easily completed.

But is this really a good thing?

With his two-dimensional shape changed, what will he look like after completing the pioneering book and returning to reality?

The two-dimensional part is a circle, so when you return to the three-dimensional reality, it will become...

A ball?

Yu Liang fantasized about that scene and suddenly felt a little scared. At the same time, he initially realized how disgusting this copy of Flatland was.

As players, they cannot complete the main mission without looking for information. Once they look for information, they passively absorb knowledge and increase their wisdom.

Under the action of the compensatory mechanism, wisdom represents smoothness, and their bodies will change to another stage, and it is not difficult to judge from Regiel's words that this is almost an irreversible situation.

Once a figure possesses intelligence, it is difficult to get rid of it completely in a short period of time except for amnesia.

Yu Liang opened his eyes, looked at everything in the darkness, and thought to himself that he could think of three ways to deal with this compensatory mechanism in a short period of time.

The first is to wait for others to solve the main plot and protect your own safety. Anyway, you can go back sooner or later.

The second is to find your other two teammates and discuss the scale of information exploration. It is best for one person to solve one stage of the main task and only master the "knowledge" of one stage.

Divide a rounding process into three parts, and each person bears a part of the wisdom. In this way, maybe everyone just becomes a little rounder, and it is no big deal.

After returning to reality, at most lose some weight.

The third method is to use Xu Cixi's hypnotic ability to "seal" part of his memory to see if he can change from a "round" back to a normal "paper man" in this state.

For now, he still focuses on collecting information. So far, the exotic customs of this two-dimensional world still make him feel very interesting.

It's a very special world view, and this strange feeling was even more prevalent when I was exploring the flesh-and-blood planet.

Things on the flesh and blood planet can still find some prototypes on the earth, but this flat country seems too abstract, almost all are line segments that cannot form an intuitive impression in the mind.

From the current point of view, Regiel should have no ill intentions towards him, otherwise she would not rest in the same room with him and show such trust.

Yu Liang stroked and searched for his body. His hands were similar to sharp corners, but the apex was not sharp, but in terms of attack power, there was definitely some.

The angles of other things in this room are not all obtuse. If you insist on looking, you can still find lethal weapons.

As a result, Lei Jier was not worried, and neither was her mother. This made Yu Liang feel a little uncomfortable. It felt like a trap no matter how he looked at it. He insisted on not sleeping, for fear that some graphics would come and knock him out in the middle of the night. into specimen.

Later, I couldn't hold it anymore and wanted to take a rest, so I asked several created characters to take turns keeping watch.

There was nothing to say or anything to do all night, and when I woke up it was already dawn. Judging from the slightly bright environment, it seemed that there was also a "sun" here, and the brightness was different at each moment.

And Yu Liang also figured out one thing through this night.

Regiel seemed to have no intention of harming him, and had no intention of making him a specimen for the time being.

Thinking about it, his birth point was in the prison. In that place, Rachel and her mother were the absolute controllers. It was very easy to harm him. There was no need to wait until he entered the room at night to start.

As for why Regiel lived in the same room with him...

Have you ever had the experience of living in the same room as your favorite pet as a child?

For Regiel, the concepts of the two are similar.

There is a big difference between the Paper Man and the normal graphics of Flatland. The difference is much higher than the actual racial difference. They are basically equivalent to two different animals.

Yu Liang didn't have too many opinions on the status of "pet". For him, it was enough to be able to temporarily ensure his own safety. There was no point in being obsessed with this concept.

Once he has a rough idea of ​​what's going on in this country, he will leave Regiel without hesitation. After all, he is not the other's property.

"Good morning, Mr. Kirito." Rachel yawned and left the wall she was leaning on, then walked to the half-closed window and fully opened the line to let in the daylight.

Suddenly, the whole room became brighter, and the lines that appeared in front of Yu Liang became clearer.

"Please allow me to perform the morning ritual of touching you." Rachel walked to Yu Liang's side and said to herself. Then she stroked Yu Liang up and down. The more she touched, the more satisfied she became. "Very good. The angle of your tip has increased by half a degree, and the straight lines on your body are no longer straight and have begun to have curved features.”

"Congratulations, Mr. Kirito." Regiel expressed heartfelt praise and blessings, "You have completed a full half-degree change in just one night. You know, among those ignorant triangular classes, this often takes two days. It took three generations of graphics efforts to do it.”

"Thank you for the compliment." Yu Liang could feel that everything she said was not an exaggeration.

Yesterday, Regiel imparted some knowledge to him, but merely imparting it cannot increase wisdom, it must create understanding.

It seems that the understanding of those triangles is indeed relatively low, but the difference between triangles and polygons is not that big, and it is not as big as the difference between monkeys and humans.

"Am I an observer during class?" Yu Liang asked, he needed to use this information to judge the danger.

"Of course." Regiel said with a smile, "Today's courses are all related to 'Graphics Upgrading'. Students need to bring the products after the upgrade is completed and the teacher will give guidance."

"Normally speaking, the upgraded graphics are all 'irregular graphics'. In our country, irregular graphics have no legal status. Most of the so-called irregular graphics will be made into specimens and stored in personal storage. In the locker, we can visit and appreciate it during the parents' open day." Then Rachel added, "But you are different. You are a 'paper man' with amnesia, not an irregular shape. You have a legal identity. Just find a time to go to the city hall to apply for a temporary graphic permit.”

"Okay, thank you, I will be very grateful for your help." Yu Liang felt a little more relieved.

"It doesn't matter." Regiel said with a smile, "This is the first time I have seen the existence of Paper Man. I believe your appearance will definitely shock them. My teacher and my classmates will all surround you. Let’s discuss it for three days and three nights.”

Next, Yu Liang followed Rachel to do some simple washing and tidying up. Fifteen minutes later, the two of them appeared outside the small villa of Rachel's family.

Women in the two-dimensional world are also very concerned about their body shape and appearance, especially Regiel, who is a minor noble.

First, you need to wash your whole body with water, and then apply fragrant loose powder to make your body slightly softer and reduce "aggression" to a certain extent.

Here, feminine women are favored by more graphics.

Then bring perfume and portable bells. Perfume naturally gives other graphics a wonderful experience of getting along with each other, while portable bells are special bells made by some skilled craftsmen under the guidance of musicians. They will emit pleasant sounds with the movement of the graphics. Beautiful sound.

These sounds can also create synaesthesia in the surrounding graphics, allowing you to see beautiful pictures and improve the comfort of getting along.

The portable bell is not only an indispensable luxury decoration in the upper class, but also an alarm bell to ensure your own safety while traveling.

Since some graphics have sharp angles, and their visual distance judgment ability is always problematic, and they often accidentally damage other graphics, this kind of portable bell is a very necessary decoration.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing can generally only be afforded by merchant class quadrilaterals and noble pentagons and above.

"Okay, Mr. Kirito, now you can learn from me, buckle yourself on the round car, and let it lead us. Our speed will be very fast." Regiel grabbed Yu Liang's hand and let him feel it. The feeling of being hitched to a round cart.

Even in Yu Liang's understanding, this round car is a very strange thing.

In front of it is a large irregular figure, connected to the car body at the back, and the passengers are tied behind the car.

Most of the irregular figures are deformed children with low IQ. Their status is basically the same as that of oxen and horses. At this moment, just like oxen and horses, they make a living by pulling carts with brute force.

However, this kind of car is completely different from what Yu Liang imagined. There is no such thing as "height" in the two-dimensional world, so the car does not move forward by wheels, but by the power of irregular shapes.

The speed of the round car is not too fast, it just takes less effort than moving by yourself. It seems that there is no need to exist.

To put it bluntly, this is like the large sedan carried by eighteen people that appeared in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Its existence is not for more convenient transportation, it is just a symbol.

If a noble loses even the basic symbols of nobility, then they can no longer be considered a noble.

"This round car doesn't seem to be very fast, and it's not too labor-saving." Yu Liang commented, and he was indeed right.

Since they were tied to the car, the shaking of the car body would eventually be transmitted to them, so Yu Liang had to rely on the side of the car tightly, otherwise he would be in danger of being thrown out.

In fact, the ropes that tied them were used for this purpose.

"Yes." Regiel said with some regret, "In the past, the round cars could use the carriages, and we only needed to stay in the carriages. However, because some illegal elements combined the carriages with the painting prisons and abducted many polygonal children, That kind of carriage is banned.”

She further explained: "You know, the figures that enter the prison have little resistance and are not easily discovered by the surrounding figures. The existence of this kind of carriage will become very dangerous."

Yu Liang nodded, which solved one of his doubts, but following this question, he could also ask the thing he wanted to know most: "What exactly is a painting prison and how is it generated?"

"Draw a prison?" Regiel seemed a little hesitant, "This is relatively advanced knowledge, but the operation method is not too difficult. Even those inferior triangles can be learned by rote memorization, so this kind of knowledge is spread wantonly. Often causes an increase in crime in an area..."

"Don't worry, I won't spread it randomly." Yu Liang heard what Regiel meant and immediately assured her.

"Okay, then." Regiel nodded, "If you draw a trap, it is actually a special trap. After the layout is completed, the graphics in it can be trapped. You can even further set up the trap, such as a trap within a trap. This way You can scale down the graphics in it.”


"Yes, drawing the prison will automatically limit the size of the figure. Generally, after three or four layers of drawing, the figure trapped in it will become very small and lose all resistance. This is how you are at that time, but we understand I opened the prison and released you." Regiel continued to explain.

Yu Liang thought of the situation at that time and suddenly understood.

No wonder Regiel and her mother's voices were so loud. This was because his body had been shrunk heavily by the drawings.

It seems that this drawing technique even involves the power of space?

The graphics can be scaled down and down again until there is no threat at all.

"So how to do it?" Yu Liang asked.

So Regiel replied: "You need to use a special ringtone to place your consciousness in a mysterious place, and then draw a closed area through the power of induction. Note that this closed area is almost the same as the graphics that need to be stored. It fits well, at least the first level of painting is like this."

"Draw an area?" Yu Liang noticed the meaning carefully, "Is it from a higher dimension?"

Just like drawing with a pen on paper, both the hand and the pen are one dimension higher than the painting.

This painting prison seems to be related to high dimensions!

Yu Liang became excited all of a sudden. For other players, it was just a new clue, but for him it was not the case at all.

If his three-dimensional vision can be restored, his passive stamp will take effect and he will automatically return to the state of a three-dimensional person.

After entering the third dimension, we will deal with the tasks of Flatland...

Isn't it just a dimensionality reduction attack? (End of chapter)

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