The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 519 The writer took the wrong path

I am Yu Liang.

The four simple words stunned the woman. She did not expect such a thing to happen.

In an instant, the Yin Qi in his body surged again, filling the entire room.

Through the Yin Qi covering the room, she quickly collected all the details in the bedroom, and then came up with the result.

During the time between the two times she entered "Yu Liang's" bedroom, no one or strange creature entered the room.

In other words, the text on this computer screen appears on its own, not written here by other creatures.

a computer……

Do you have such handwriting on yourself?

The woman's mind subconsciously thought of "Yu Liang" who was already in the world of double mirrors, so she turned her head and looked at the mirror on the table.

A scene from the double mirror world immediately appeared in the mirror. At this point in time, "Yu Liang" was lying on the bed with a pillow as tall as his body, and in the metal dog cage at the end of the bed, there was a woman wearing only red underwear. Lie down on the ground and rest.

It wasn't "Yu Liang" who did it.

After witnessing such a scene, the woman immediately realized this and looked at the word document with a strange look in her eyes.

Is there a possibility that this is another Yu Liang?


The woman's memory quickly emerged, the guy who had briefly stayed in the mirror, the guy who created "the Lord".

"Lord, what happened? Did Yu Liang's behavior make you unhappy? I can get rid of him now." Cain also saw the image of Yu Liang that just appeared in the mirror, so he suggested.

He knew that this guy was the owner of this house, but he didn't like this guy. From the first moment he saw "Yu Liang", he realized deeply that he didn't like "Yu Liang".

Reason, there is no reason.

Perhaps the Lord knows why, but the Lord will not say.

Now, he wants to kill "Yu Liang", whether for the Lord or for himself.

"No need." The woman shook her head.

Whether she likes it or not, "Yu Liang" is the only connection between this copy and the real world, and she will not and does not want to cut off this connection.

In this single-player dungeon called "Prison Mirror", everything is fixed, such as Xiao Ran and the small town.

Only "Yu Liang" is different. His name and appearance were generated after the player Yu Liang entered the instance.

It's like a brand-new stand-alone game that can run automatically after disconnecting from the network. One world is completely blocked, and the first player to open the game and create a character is the first time this world comes into contact with the outside world.

This connection is tenuous, but it is her only hope of escape.

Without Yu Liang, the final connection with reality would be severed, and she would have no choice but to wait.

Wait for a root ghost story to be born again in the prison mirror copy, wait for the prison mirror copy to change its appearance to welcome a new batch of players, and then follow a certain player to leave here.

Yes, she never wanted to stay here.

Everything here is controllable, and she is the absolute master, thus gaining absolute boredom.

She wants maximum pleasure because the world can no longer satisfy her.

In her view, every dungeon is a challenge that belongs to the root ghost story, and the winner will get the opportunity to go to the "real world" of a higher-level competition.

No, it’s not that the winner gets the chance to enter the real world, but the one who enters the real world is the winner.

This kind of winning or losing has nothing to do with the strength of Gengen Kaitan itself. Instead, it has something to do with Gengen Kaitan's own operating level.

Go to reality, enter a higher-level competition, fight with beings of the same level, and compete with a super long historical span as a unit of time. The winner controls the season, and the loser loses consciousness or "dies" and returns to the dungeon. Started over again, and once again mixed in low-level competitions.

This is what she understands about the relationship between the copy and the source of the ghost stories.

The dungeon is the competition ground, the real world is a more advanced competition ground, and the Kaitan World is the organizer of this competition.

As for the players...

They are both spectators and witnesses. Most players are spectators, a small number of players are witnesses, and a very small number of players can participate in the game by relying on the source of ghost stories.

However, at this moment, she "triggered" the event of being purchased. No, maybe she was "triggered." She didn't know exactly where she was now.

The presence and behavior of players will trigger strange events at certain moments, and this triggering has nothing to do with cause and effect or time and space.

Correspondingly, the root ghost talk is "triggered". Only in this matter, the root ghost talk is in a passive state.

It's just a pity that according to her speculation, there are not many players who can detect this "triggered fatalism", let alone find the rules and use the "trigger" to make profits for themselves or even restrain the source of the strange talk. .

After all, most human beings only have the ability to "cope" and not have the ability to "create". This is the tragedy of human beings.

The only thing that makes her curious now is whether she was "triggered" by something or was "triggered" by something as a strange story.

This was crucial to her, but she had no way of knowing the answer yet.

In terms of identity, she is a writer created by a player, more similar to a "player"; and in terms of ability, she is now infinitely similar to the source of Kaitan rather than a player.

Will the answer to the question be on this computer?

She doesn't know, but what she does know is that she will never allow herself to become a "commodity".

It was difficult for ordinary things to kill her completely, so she didn't need to worry about anything. She just typed a question on the computer document.

"Who are you Yu Liang?"

Since the other party claims to be "Yu Liang", there is a high probability that he has some understanding of "Yu Liang".

No matter how bad it is, at least something in this "Yu Liang's" family has become a spirit.

She only needs to induce the other party a little and let the other party tell more information, and she will be able to judge the situation.

Everything in this copy will be under her control. She has this confidence, and she must have this confidence.

On the other hand, in a small house on the outskirts of Hexagonal City in the two-dimensional world, the adventurer decoded the information obtained word by word and turned it into a language that ordinary people can understand.

"What are you, Yu Liang?" he said.

"You got a response so soon?" Yu Liang was a little surprised. They just typed out the text message and they received a response...

I always feel like I've been cheated.

Before that, he found the adventurer and wanted to ask him to help him go to the circular city, recruit some graphics to help mark the words with color, and then tell some things to the female writer who might come to seek the truth.

If we can get help from the other party, the whole strange story incident will be solved easily.

Unexpectedly, the adventurer gave Yu Liang a big surprise at this time.

The adventurer obtained a large amount of information flow in the recycle bin. He originally thought that these things might not be of much use, but now Yu Liang happened to need to convey some information to the three-dimensional world.

These information flows, when properly combined, can issue instructions to control the computer. In the case of surveillance, some things that harm the computer will certainly not be possible, but if you want to open Word and enter some words, it will naturally be fine. question.

After getting the information he wanted to know from the adventurer, Yu Liang felt a lot more relaxed. The war in Flat Country was not over yet. He thought that his next work would not be too smooth, but it turned out not to be too smooth. .

In this copy, the adventurer made a great contribution.

So Yu Liang quickly typed the four words "I am Yu Liang" on the public screen.

He didn't know much about the family conditions of "Yu Liang" in the real world in the prison mirror copy, but he was sure of one thing.

At this time, the person who can appear in "Yu Liang"'s house must be someone who wants to find "Yu Liang", or simply the female writer herself.

As long as the other party sees the text on the computer screen, it will be easy to handle. Yu Liang can judge how to find the female writer through the other party based on the other party's identity, and at the same time let the female writer achieve her own goal.

The information obtained at this time made Yu Liangliang happy. There was a big problem with the other party's question.

"Who are you Yu Liang?" This question means that the other party knows that there are two so-called "Yu Liang", one is the player Yu Liang, and the other is the outside Yu Liang.

At the same time, this also rules out the possibility of the desktop pet releasing news about the source of monsters, because the desktop pet most likely does not know that there are two Yu Liangs, otherwise it will specifically point this out when assigning tasks to adventurers.

What He wants is "Yu Liang", not Yu Liang.

"What's next?" the adventurer asked Yu Liang excitedly. He had a feeling that he was doing something big, but he didn't know exactly what big thing he was doing.

Yu Liang thought for a while and decided to check the password first. He wanted to first confirm whether the person in front of the computer was a female writer.

"You replied, 'Pawn Yu Liang'." Yu Liang wanted the chess piece.

Strictly speaking, the decision to throw the T3 gradient female writer into a copy of the prison mirror was very cruel to her.

Although Yu Liang prepared a backup plan and had the possibility of trapping Jingling to death, he left after all and was not sure whether he killed Jingling.

In the end, only a "pawn" piece was left behind, giving the female writer a chance to kill the mirror spirit.

The other party may resent him because of the situation at that time, and his mention of the "pawn" chess piece now is an attempt to awaken the humanity of the female writer.

Secondly, the pawn implicitly meant to lower his stature. Yu Liang really wanted something from the other party now. He had no choice but to speak in a better tone.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I hope female writers will read a little bit of his.

In front of the computer, she looked at the word "pawn" and actually laughed out loud.

"Why are you in the computer?"

She typed out her next question.

Through "Pawn", a secret known only to her and writer Yu Liang, she has confirmed the other party's identity.

Her intuition told her that the purchase was related to the guy trapped in the computer in front of her.

Yu Liang had left here after completing the prison mirror copy mission. This was certain because she had never felt Yu Liang's breath before.

And now Yu Liang appears again in the Prison Mirror copy, and also appears in the computer...

This shows that there is a special connection between the prison mirror copy and the copy that Yu Liang entered.

It is impossible for the Monster World to rest on its laurels in such a short period of time. The main body of the Prison Mirror World will never become new copy material, but the situation is different now.

The main body of the new copy was placed in the computer.

The player enters the computer and becomes a program trapped in the computer. This copy setting is quite novel and interesting.

I was purchased, and when I came to the computer in "Yu Liang"'s room, I got news from the player Yu Liang. Such a coherent plot development would definitely be impossible if no one had planned it.

Player Yu Liang obviously wants to attract her here, and then get rid of her to help with something.

Now Yu Liang is trapped in the computer and cannot affect the real world, and he clearly knows the real world, which means that he has other methods of observing the real world.

Such as a camera.

She raised her eyes to look in the direction of the camera, but found that the computer's camera had long been removed, and it had been removed very skillfully. She didn't know what to do with it.

That's another way of observing.

She thought of the last time she came to "Yu Liang"'s house. She felt a faint sense of voyeurism in front of the computer screen, so she tried to drag out the source of the sense of voyeurism.

Later, she failed, but this strange power, which was different from the prison mirror copy, was also kept in her heart, so she could think of it immediately when she encountered an accident.

She looked at the computer screen that had been silent for a long time and understood that it was not easy for Yu Liang to send messages, so she got straight to the point: "Tell me what you need my help with. Of course, you need to pay some price."

When talking with Yu Liang now, she did not maintain a high profile like the usual "lord", but regarded Yu Liang as an equal to herself.

In any case, the other party is a player who created herself, and also gave herself the opportunity to become the source of Kaitan. She will not dictate to him just because of her current status, otherwise she will feel weird.

Judging from the current situation, the Yu Liang in front of him is definitely a leader among players, but this may not be the case among "writers".

She had reviewed Yu Liang's memories countless times, and she had walked a completely different path from Yu Liang's, so she realized something.

Yu Liang has taken the wrong path.

The meaning of the profession of a writer is by no means to play in the category of "player" and indulge in creating characters. In the end, the power you control is only the power given by the world of ghost stories.

[Universe] is a very strange ability, and writers who possess [Universe] actually have the ability to transform from "players" to "weird stories".

Players can only be spectators or containers of this game, but cannot be players.

This is the biggest drawback.

Cain, who was beside her, felt an inexplicable sense of crisis, and even his face became serious.

My boss was chatting with a certain Yu Liang on the computer, and the other person even made me laugh!

God, as long as he could remember, he had almost never seen a mainstream person smile like this...

This difference frightened Cain extremely, and the thoughts in his mind became a mess.

In the computer, before the adventurer could type out the answer to the previous question, the next sentence from the female writer came. He translated it quickly, and then looked at Yu Liang: "What should I do?"

"Of course I agree to her, no matter what the request is, I will agree to her." Yu Liang and the female writer both confirmed each other's identities, so there was no obstacle to communication.

The good news is that the female writer seemed very talkative and smart enough to realize what he was trying to do so quickly.

It's comfortable to talk to smart people.

"Bring 'Yu Liang' to this computer, and you will get what you want."

This is the reply given by Yu Liang. He also knows what the female writer wants.

It's nothing more than leaving this prison mirror copy and going to a wider world.

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