The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 523 It’s broken, the Seven Deadly Sins are coming!

Second sister?

The sudden appearance of a female voice in the universe shocked all the created characters. They were very unfamiliar with the voice, and it took them two seconds to realize who it was.

By the way, it’s a female writer!

She is the female writer created by Yu Liang in the second copy!

Among these people, Li Huachao reacted the fastest. He heard the origin of this female voice, and immediately put on a flattering tone and said: "No, no, no, how can it be the second sister? We are based on strength. For the sake of seniority, you should be the eldest sister. Don’t think we call you old, eldest sister will always be young and beautiful. This is just an honorific title I give you.”

Listening to the words of the female writer, she probably mistakenly believed that the relationships in the universe are in the order of creation. In this way, Li Huachao should be the boss, and she was the second to create, so she is the second sister, but Li Huachao did not dare to be this woman. The boss of writers, he was immediately complimentary.

When he was creating female writers, he followed them, so he naturally knew what kind of opportunities Yu Liang left for female writers. Maybe the female writers now have the same level of strength as Gengen Guitaan, why don't you hurry up and support them?

Li Huachao had no intention of fighting against such a guy who was obviously outside the norm. He wanted to separate himself from Lu Mingzhe into a king, but the female writer didn't care.

Since the female writer did not die in the mirror spirit or the mirror world, it means that the other party has obtained extremely terrifying power, which is beyond his ability at this moment.

Although he is said to be a root hunter, he is not really asked to hunt for a root, right?

If so, he would just feel crazy.

"What you say is very interesting." The female writer did not show any disgust with Li Huachao's little brains. Instead, she said it more gently, like a gentle and intimate elder sister.

Judging from her tone, she was quite easy to get along with, which also made everyone in the universe breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously.

Indeed, every creative character who enters the universe will have heard of Yu Liang's crazy actions at some point, and will also have a natural respect for female writers.

If, as imagined, the female writer really succeeded in replacing Jing Ling as a half-step root monster as a T3, then her achievements would definitely be the highest among those present.

Although some of the created characters were dissatisfied with each other, they still admired him in the face of this real strong man.

Of course, both Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe hold the same view that professional strength is not really strong, but operational strength is.

Being able to bring out 200% of the original profession's strength is the strong person they admire. And the female writer who entered the universe at this moment actually used the account number of T3 Yu Liang to achieve such a record. She must be the strongest among the strong. By.

You know, Yu Liang in the T3 period could still create such powerful people to help out, so Yu Liang's operational level is actually average, while the female writer did not have any help from the hunter gambler fairy, but her achievements were not Taller than Yu Liang...

How could they not be admired?

In the final analysis, Yu Liang just provided an idea and opportunity, just like you can now predict the next economic trend at the wine table. For example, the prospects of artificial intelligence are extremely broad, and it will definitely achieve great things, but What practical uses does it have?

Even if artificial intelligence is really successful, what does it have to do with you?

Of course, the help Yu Liang provided was not just talk at the wine table. He also gave the female writer some practical assistance, but it was relatively limited.

And Lu Mingzhe felt that the female writer's mood became very good under this compliment, and he had to sigh in his heart.

How else to say that Huagouzi is a rare attractor?

Facing someone who is obviously more powerful than him, it's so sweet to take a bite out of his sister. The most outrageous thing is that both "Zhi" and the female writer seem to fall in love with this.


It sounds like this is indeed the case. The eldest sister usually likes the type of sports student like Li Huachao.

With a sweet mouth and a good figure, rewards are indispensable.

"Learn more." Thinking of this, Lu Mingzhe couldn't help but said to Lu Baoshen in the internal voice between his brothers.

"What are you learning? Flattery?" Lu Baoshen was stunned when he heard this, and then said sternly, "I am a gambler who has always been upright and loves freedom in my life!"

"Go away." Lu Mingzhe was speechless.

"Okay." Lu Baoshen closed his microphone.

"Sister, drink tea." Li Huachao entered the kitchen and quickly boiled a pot of water with the character "Zhuo". Then he took the pot of water to the living room and found the precious tea that he had picked up from the adventurer's farmhouse. Cake, break it apart and throw it into a tea cup for soaking.

"You..." This ruthless behavior of peeling corns made An Buchen have the urge to curse, but she was extremely well-behaved and in the end she held back and did not say anything.

Then, Li Huachao raised his eyes to look at Sister "Zhi" who was playing a game, decisively prepared another cup, and poured another cup for Sister "Zhi".

In the end, he chose to exit Yu Liang's body at any time and let the eldest sister taste the cup of tea.

Of course, Li Huachao also had his own considerations. He was not afraid of the female writer seizing Yu Liang because he came to his sister "zhi" specially.

Next to "Zhi", a pure source of strange stories, female writers probably can't afford to make any waves.

After all, "Zhi" is living in Yu Liang's shadow. If Yu Liang is really going to have trouble under her nose, should she still hang out?

You know, what Sister "Zhi" cares about most is face. As a root ghost with lofty ambitions, she has to protect her face.

Otherwise, by humbly apologizing to the many big bosses of the source ghost talk in Forgotten City, we might lose more than half of our enemies.

Children are ignorant and play with the (table) turned over.

Sure enough, through Yu Liang's eyes, Li Huachao could clearly feel that sister Zhi's speed of operating the handle seemed to have slowed down.

Just now she was in the midst of an exciting fight against monsters, but now she was sorting out her inventory and adding skill points.

This shows that "Zhi" has focused part of his attention on his side.

Although it is not clear why a root ghost talk cannot even do two things at once and feels quite clumsy, Li Huachao is still very grateful to sister "Zhi" for her concern.

"Would you like tea?" The female writer did not refuse. She took over Yu Liang's body, then picked up the teacup and took a sip.

With her level, she could naturally tell that Li Huachao was completely wasting these tea leaves, but she didn't care about these things.

She is not an elegant person, and she is very satisfied if she can taste something from the real world.

After staying in the prison mirror copy for so long, she finally had a chance to experience the real world.

As for the "Zhi" on the other side, she also took a sip from the tea cup handed to her by Li Huachao, then silently spit it back, and then took out a bottle of Coke from the box next to her.

She tasted that this kind of tea was very noble, and the aroma alone made her feel comfortable, but in comparison, she still preferred drinking Coke.

"Zhi" looked down, condensed a few ice cubes and threw them in.

As the source of the strange story, she originally hid at home and played games simply because Yu Liang had limited financial resources and could not take her out to play. But now, she seems to be enjoying this kind of life.


There didn't seem to be much to see.

"I won't drink your tea in vain." The female writer put down the tea cup and gave Li Huachao two choices, "I can give you a piece of useful information, or I can spend some energy to strengthen this body. Which one do you choose?" item?"

"I choose..." Li Huachao thought for a while and immediately said with a smile, "Can I choose both? As compensation, I can also do something for you. As long as it is within Yu Liang's ability, we will do it. "

"Okay." The female writer couldn't help but smile. She had never seen a guy in the Prison Mirror copy who dared to be so aggressive, but she didn't hate him, at least not yet.

She has a special emotion for Li Huachao.

When she was created by Yu Liang, she received Yu Liang's memories at that time. As the first character created by Yu Liang, Li Huachao was the one she was most familiar with.

"What help does sister need from me?" Li Huachao asked diligently. Anyway, in this state, she couldn't hear what he said, so she naturally had no worries.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I need to adapt to real life for a while." She could feel that she had actually come to reality, which was equivalent to officially entering the high-level competition.

Then, she raised her eyes and looked at "Zhi" lying on the sofa, and said, "I'm going to use my ability."

This sentence was said to Li Huachao, and at the same time it was said to "Zhi".

The female writer stretched out her hand, and a rich pure yin energy emerged from the palm of her hand. It followed her thoughts and entered Yu Liang's body, nourishing this relatively healthy body.

After more than half a year of running on behalf of Wangwang, Yu Liang's body has got rid of its sub-healthy state and has barely reached the passing line of health. Now it can just withstand the baptism of more Yin Qi.

"Interesting." The female writer looked at her hands. She used to know that Yin Qi was bound to the soul rather than the body, but this feeling of relying on other people's bodies to use Yin Qi was strange.

Yin energy is not stored in the body, but in a higher dimensional space.

That space was like a safe opened for her alone, storing her power.

The source of this power tends to be idealistic, bound to her spirit, not to her body.

She can naturally understand this setting, because the body is too fragile for the power of the root monster.

There is no point in binding power to the body unless the body of the root monster is so powerful that it cannot be destroyed.

Therefore, she made a reasonable guess that most of the power of the root monster is stored in a special space, like a bank with countless safes. When the root monster wants to use its power, it can be obtained from the bank's Feel free to use it in the safe.

While thinking of this setting, deep in her heart she wanted to enter this so-called bank to see if she could open someone else's safe, would she be able to steal someone else's safe? The power in the safe?

Unfortunately, it is just a fantasy after all.

The yin energy enters the body and circulates for several days, improving the various skills of Yu Liang's body. Even her safe does not have a lot of this kind of pure energy, which is a treatment that is not available in the Seven Deadly Sins.

While improving the body, this part of Yin Qi will stay in Yu Liang's body, which may be able to save his life at a critical moment.

But it is a pity that Yin Qi cannot deeply transform the player's body into a monster. Otherwise, the female writer would not mind turning Yu Liang into a monster and then taking it into her own universe.

On the contrary, if Tiangang is drawn into the universe, it might be possible to get rid of the interesting bug of the hunter.

This situation would be interesting.

"Huh?" "Zhi" on the side was a little curious about the energy released by "Yu Liang" at this moment, so she hooked her fingers, and a subtle ray of Yin Qi was pulled into her hand.

The Yin Qi showed extremely obvious resistance when it came into contact with her shadow. The two did not blend in and were quickly exhausted.

This power also made "Zhi"'s face become a little serious, because at this moment she realized that the woman residing in Yu Liang's universe was dangerous.

The opponent is already able to use the power of the Root Kaidan level. To explain it in the words of the game, this means that he can use divine power, but he has not yet condensed his godhead.

It is a pity that her own situation is completely opposite to that of the female writer. She has her own godhead since she was born, but she is not yet able to flexibly control the divine power. It was not until Yu Liang turned her into a human form that she truly became a root ghost story and entered the growth stage. .

For such a female writer, Yu Liang could not keep her and had no reason to keep her.

"Zhi" made a judgment in her heart and felt a sense of joy inexplicably. She knew that the female writer would leave Yu Liang sooner or later.

No, it's not sooner or later, it might be in the past two days. After all, she used this energy to give Yu Liang a backup, and she obviously wanted to leave.

Hum, recognize the appearance.

"Thank you, sister." Li Huachao knew that the female writer had benefited Yu Liang, so she immediately thanked her sweetly.

"As for the information..." the female writer took out the printed manuscripts of the novels that she took from "Yu Liang"'s study, "I found this from that Yu Liang. What he wrote seems to have a magical power. .”

When she said this, the female writer frowned slightly. No matter from which point of view, "Yu Liang" was just an ordinary person, without any ability to resist in the face of ghost stories.

But strangely, he never seems to be panicked by strange stories, and he always looks like that.

"Now he has been stored in Yu Liang's universe along with the copy. You may be able to find him, but please note that he is now talking to a special root monster. It is not that easy to see him. "The female writer said, giving a somewhat vague answer, "He... seems to be a key part of Yu Liang's 'trigger' conditions, but I still don't know the cause and effect of the whole thing."

"Okay, I will tell you." Li Huachao wrote down what the female writer said, but he didn't take it to heart. He couldn't understand it anyway.

The other creative characters have heard it, so just leave this kind of thing to them.

On the other side, the female writer seemed to have thought of something, and a playful smile appeared on her face: "By the way, they have always wanted to see you again."

"Sea of ​​flesh? That coin?" Li Huachao replied subconsciously, and then felt a little strange, "Wait a minute, isn't it going back to the original position? How does it know me?"

"The main body of the Seven Deadly Sins is Yin Qi, and Yin Qi is part of the root, and the root is the measure of memory." The female writer talked about a setting that Li Huachao had a vague impression of.

"Okay, why are you looking for me?" Li Huachaoshang had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter.

The female writer thought of some of the seven deadly sins and replied: "Pole dancing."

Li Huachao: "..."

Damn it, I seem to have a bad feeling.

"Sister...sister, what level are they at now?" Li Huachao suddenly stuttered.

"I raised them very well." The female writer said with a smile.

Li Huachao's heart sank when he thought of what he had done to them.

send. (End of chapter)

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