The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 532 The complete hunter is activated!

Chapter 528 The complete body of the hunter is activated!

With the flash of blue light, Li Huachao randomly appeared in the bird viewing garden of the zoo.

It was already dark now. He looked at the stars in the sky and identified the direction.

At night...

My second and third brothers should be near the staff dormitory, that is, at that location.

Li Huachao made a quick judgment, and then pulled the mantis cub and Li Huaniang out of the monster column and placed them in front of him.

"Is this a bird park? I remember that a little further over there is the myna territory, and those little things are quite interesting." Hua Niang also had memories of the zoo, so she thought of those chatty starlings.

"Yes, let's go directly to the staff dormitory. Old Toad and Elephant should be there." Li Huachao made a decision and said at the same time, "There are other cubs there... No, it's other mantises."

The Zaizi probably heard Li Huachao calling his name, so he withdrew his gaze to observe the surroundings, trotted to Li Huachao's side, and rubbed his head on Li Huachao's shoulder.

"Tch." Li Huaniang, who witnessed all this, curled her lips in disdain, and then secretly looked at Zai Zi's back with fiery eyes.

The two of them and the cub soon found their way out of the bird park and headed to the staff dormitory in the quiet night.

If "Zhi" was still there, the nights in the zoo would never be so peaceful. Even if Li Huachao was a hunter and had a natural suppression power over the strange animals hiding in the dark, there might still be some special strange events.

Now, "Zhi" has long since left the zoo, and Tuyou is in charge of all the zoo's affairs. Naturally, there won't be any strange creatures attacking people.

In the atmosphere of a spring outing, Li Huachao and others quickly arrived near the staff dormitory. As soon as they arrived, Li Huachao noticed a piece of "night" standing up from the night.

It is several stories high and has a special illusion about it.

"Big brother?" As the third brother, Xiang recognized the hunter Li Huachao among the two, and what surprised him was that the other person in the group seemed to be a hunter as well.

Are all hunters in pairs these days?

"Third brother." Li Huachao chuckled, "I haven't been here for a long time. This time I came in to have a look and play."

"Indeed, we almost thought you had forgotten this place." Xiang's voice seems to come from the void, but when you hear it clearly, you feel that it seems to be speaking in your ears.

At this time, a room on the third floor of the employee dormitory opened, and an oversized toad man stuck his head out and looked down. The moment it discovered Li Huachao, it had already appeared in front of Li Huachao, showing a kind and friendly expression. Smile: "Yeah, you're here."

Then, it reached out and touched Zai Zi's head. At the same time, it looked at the flower girl who looked similar to Li Huachao and had exactly the same breath. He hesitated and said, "Is this your and Zai Zi's daughter?"

Zizi instinctively turned her head to avoid the toad's hand, but she still felt the feeling of being touched by something on her head. So she looked up and saw a section of the toad's claw retreating into the void and returning to the toad man's body. physically.

"Damn old toad, you've been itchy since I haven't taken care of you for a few days, haven't you?" After hearing the toad's definition of herself, Hua Niang couldn't hold back her bad temper. A knife appeared in her hand, and several numbers flashed in her breath. Dao Hanmang cut directly into the toad's body, tearing it into pieces.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that the toad's body is not cut with the knife, but separated by itself. The moment before each knife ray strikes, the toad's body automatically separates against the knife ray, and eventually falls apart. , dissipated into the void.

Later, Toad regrouped next to Li Huachao, and at the same time he was amazed: "Wait, this is you too? Can you still turn into a woman?"

"Almost, we don't distinguish each other." Li Hua went up and patted Li Huaniang's shoulder, and hugged her, showing with practical actions that this person was definitely one of his own, but he thought about it again and added, "Except for the bastard, Everything can be shared.”

Hua Niang glanced at him sideways and was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

"Okay, come in first. Let's talk about anything if you come in. There are many people here who miss you." Toad said with a smile, and welcomed Li Huachao into the staff dormitory.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Li Huachao saw a door open at the end of the corridor, and a horse's face emerged from it, with excitement on its face.

It ran towards Li Huachao at the lead, and at the same time it neighed with joy: "Father of the Rainbow!"

The speed of the horse was unimaginably fast. When Li Huachao realized that the opponent was the rainbow pony, the knife in his hand suddenly appeared, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

So it's you, Ponyboy, I've always wanted to catch you before.

The Rainbow Pony also noticed the changes in Li Huachao, so it kept the joy on its face and took a detour about five meters in front of Li Huachao. It snorted and turned around and ran away. It seemed that it didn't dare to take advantage of itself. Bet your life on the kindness of the Rainbow Godfather.

"It seems like they are still very enthusiastic about you." The second brother Li Chan naturally understood the grudges between My Little Pony and Li Huachao, so he said cheerfully.

"You were too kind before, you should have stuffed the cut things back." Li Huachao snorted coldly, but in the end he did not put the hunting mark on the rainbow pony's head.

With his current level, he will definitely be able to catch up with My Little Pony after merging with Hua Niang, but Li Huachao is the more nostalgic type.

All the grievances and grievances happened at that time. Regardless of whether he has vented out or not, he will not stay angry and will forget it after a while. Therefore, he can definitely be with the Skeleton King in the staff dormitory or the prison mirror copy now. The sea of ​​flesh and other seven deadly sins talk calmly.

Unfortunately, it was hard to tell whether these strange creatures were willing to talk to him calmly, so after receiving Yu Liang's instructions to move freely, he quickly hid in the zoo on the pretext of helping the cub find himself.

No matter how awesome your female writer is, you can't directly inject the seven deadly sins into Yu Liang's small universe, right?

If it is really injected, without the female writer's off-site assistance, it is difficult to say the outcome of this battle. After all, the zoo can be regarded as a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Is it possible that some people really think that the second brother Li Chan and the third brother Li Xiang are just decorations?

The main reason why they are willing to respect the hunter as their eldest brother is not because they are afraid of the hunter, but because they are afraid of the "other" sister behind the hunter.

Not to mention that there is Sister Tuyou supporting the show.

Although he doesn't know what level Tuyou is now, Li Huachao feels that she should be much stronger than before. As for whether she is stronger than him now...

Hard to say.

Li Huachao puffed up his chest proudly. He was already a dignified T1 root hunter.

"Rabbit is sleeping upstairs. Do you need help waking her up?" Toad looked at Li Huachao.

"No need, I came here mainly for her. Those mantis girls upstairs should still be there, right?" Li Huachao pointed to the mantis cubs beside him.

"Of course, they are very friendly strange creatures. We usually don't care about them and they won't hurt anyone." The toad looked at the mantis cub with a gentle smile on his face.

The kindest monsters in the entire zoo may be these identical mantises. Li Huachao quickly took his cub to the third floor, where he saw more mantises.

The current cub had fast-moving lines on his body, so he could easily be distinguished from the mantises. Li Huachao looked at the mantises filling the corridor, then looked at the cub beside him, and gave the order without any hesitation.

"Come on, cubs, eat them!" Li Huachao did not think carefully about the origin of the mantis women, nor was he too lazy to think about the relationship between these mantis women and the current cubs. He made all judgments based on instinct.

Eat, just eat with your cheeks turned away. If you eat all these mantises, you might be able to get promoted.

After receiving Li Huachao's order, the Mantis woman rushed forward and began to devour these former kindred spirits without any hesitation.

Since she has been upgraded to the T2 gradient and successfully transformed into Yin Qi, it is not a problem to deal with these cubs who only have the T3 gradient. It takes almost two or three seconds to completely devour a mantis.

Probably because the other mantis subconsciously regarded the cub as their own kind, so even if the cub rushed up to devour them, they did not react at all. They just watched blankly as the cub opened its terrifying mouth and completely enveloped them. Swallow it.

Li Huachao watched Zai Zi eating the same kind of food like a buffet, and couldn't help feeling that Zai Zi had such a big appetite, and then guessed that Zai Zi might have been a prime minister in his previous life.

About ten minutes later, Zai Zi ate all the remaining mantises in the corridor, and then returned to Li Huachao. After thinking briefly, Zai Zi pulled Li Huachao's hand, and then pointed to a room on the third floor.

"You mean there are more mantises there?" Li Huachao realized Zaizi's thoughts and was a little surprised.

Now Zai Zi can actually judge what he wants to do through his instructions, and then think through association to give him instructions.

For a single-celled organism like Zai Zi, this is something very incredible.

Did he have such an IQ after entering T2 or was it because he had eaten enough mantises here?

Li Huachao didn't know the reason. He nodded at Zai Zi and then followed Zai Zi to the door of the room.

Zaizi looked back at Li Huachao, and then slammed towards the door with all his strength. In just one move, the door was completely opened, revealing the scene inside.

Although Li Huachao had moved many mantises back and forth to tame Room 225, he had never entered the room where the mantises originated.

The interior layout of the room is very ordinary, no different from other rooms I have seen in the past. There are four beds in total, and there is a humanoid creature sleeping on each bed. They are each covered with quilts, looking very peaceful.

There are posters posted on the wall next to each bed. The content on the posters is different, but it can be seen that they depict the same thing.


It's a very special kind of cockroach.

The cockroach on the first poster is very big, as big as a room. Judging from the appearance on the poster, it is a cockroach that has been alienated in body.

The cockroaches on the second poster are much smaller than normal cockroaches. Secondly, there are so many cockroaches in the poster. They are so densely packed that they are like a sea tide that seems to flood a city. Looking directly at it can make people feel dense fear.

The cockroach on the third poster is blue, showing ghost-like characteristics, and it is taking advantage of the night to get into the heads of sleeping humans.

It does not penetrate into the brain through the seven orifices of a person, but penetrates into the brain with a feeling similar to walking through a wall.

The cockroach in the fourth poster shows obvious mechanical characteristics and looks like a technological product.

"These...are the four directions of evolution?" Li Huachao looked at the posters and had a guess in his mind, "Is it to let the cub choose one of them to devour, and then he can evolve in a specific field?"

Enlargement, splitting, spiritual body, and mechanization are obviously four evolutionary directions, and they should be incompatible.

Li Huachao walked to the bed and looked carefully at the mantises lying on the bed. The four mantises were all sleeping, and their faces showed the characteristics of mutation according to the poster.

One is so big that even the bed cannot fit in it; one has a body made up of hundreds of densely packed little mantises, which gives it an extremely weird feeling; one has an insubstantial spirit body; one is mechanized.

"Have you ever been to this room before? There are four kinds of mantises here...what's the situation?" Li Huachao looked back at Toad. The situation in this room made him feel very strange.

Why do you choose rewards as soon as you enter the room?

Could it be that cleaning up the mantises outside is a kind of trial?

Being able to eat all the mantises, does this mean that the current cub has enough strength and has the opportunity to evolve again?

"Zai Zi, do you know what's going on?" Li Huachao asked the question back to Zai Zi, thinking that Zai Zi might understand something.

"Well..." Zaizi walked around the room and stayed next to each mantis for a while. She seemed to understand what to do and showed a thoughtful expression.

Finally, she came to the giant mantis, lay on the ground beside her and compared their sizes, then quickly climbed to Li Huachao's side and tried to carry Li Huachao on her back.

After some comparison, she quickly came up with the result.

My current body is not good.

Bigger body, good.

Mantis turned back to look at Li Huachao, her eyes very firm: "Oh!"

"Have you made your choice? Okay." Li Huachao was slightly startled and immediately understood what Zaizi meant.

He is not quick at understanding other people's thoughts, but he understands his own pet cub's thoughts very clearly.

Zai Zi's meaning is very simple. For a long time in the past, hunters carried pets on their backs to fight. In the future, it would be better to let her fight on Li Huachao's back.

"Hmm." Zaizi received Li Huachao's instructions, went up and lifted the quilt of the giant mantis woman, and then swallowed it clean.

Just as she lifted the quilt of the giant mantis, the mantises on the other three beds slowly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

After a while, Li Huachao sat on the mantis cub's back with a knife in both hands, high-spirited.

Zaizi straightened her back and held Li Huachao's butt back with both hands, to prevent Li Huachao from sliding off her back, with an extremely solemn expression.

Complete hunter with mount, activated!

This is what a normal hunter should be like!

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