The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 545 The Root Nemesis “Sword”

Chapter 545 The root nemesis—“Sword”

"The route I marked is the last time we passed through the bookmaker's territory." Xu Cixi took out a paper map and showed it in front of everyone. She knew that someone must have forgotten the route.

"Is this the safe zone?" Li Huachao glanced at it and pointed at the key point of the route. There was a large area of ​​light green painted there, which probably meant it was marked as a safe zone.

"Well, as long as we get here, we'll basically be fine." An Buchen nodded.

"Safe zone, speaking of which, how do you judge this safe zone? Are you sure there is really a safe zone in Wangcheng?" Li Huachao thought of the bone monster just now. He is now more dangerous to Wangcheng. He had a deep understanding, "Is it possible that there is some source of ghost stories hidden in the dark that you have not discovered? What if more people gather there this time and trigger his murderous pattern?"

"She mentioned this in the last meeting." Yu Liang glanced at Gouzi, "Because the source of the safe zone is hidden in the sewer, they have made a thorough analysis and confirmed that the guy will not reach the ground. Come up."

"This way..." Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen looked awakened at the same time, as if they had just learned the news.

"Well, such a source ghost talk is extremely safe for us. Because of the characteristics of the source ghost talk, he will not allow other source ghost stories to appear in his territory, even if he is just entrenched in the underground world." Aze continued After that, I would like to remind you, "But you need to pay attention this time. If there are source ghost stories within the third ring in his territory, it may not be an absolute safe zone."

"Of course, I will make a judgment." Xu Cixi agreed.

"So what should we do next?" Li Huachao asked curiously.

"Based on the last question someone asked, it can be judged that the bookmaker will wander on a fixed route in the territory. We only need to wait at the place where we met him last time." Xu Cixi pointed to a point on the route. , "The bookmaker's territory is not very big, so if you are lucky, you won't have to wait long to see him."

When he mentioned good luck, Lu Baoshen straightened his back again and looked proud.

On the other side, Yu Liang has already put on his glasses. The lens on the left side of the glasses is the prosthetic eye brought from Cyber ​​City. With the help of artificial intelligence "Grell", he can process information faster than normal.

Of course, this map already existed in the glasses. It was easy to look through it, and he also noticed a point marked by Xu Cixi.

According to the label, the point on the route represents the location where Xu Cixi's team encountered the booksmith.

Although this was a coincidence, Yu Liang felt that this might infer something.

"Glaier, call up the original map of Wangcheng and find this point at the same time." Yu Liang gave the order.

"Okay, Mr. Writer." Greer marked the legend the moment he answered.

"Catering, pharmacies, training institutions...bookstores." Yu Liang found the more sensitive keywords.

"Graer, mark all the bookstores and libraries in the Forgotten City area and draw a route." Yu Liang continued, and Greer quickly informed him of the route.

He lowered his head and looked at his hand. The virtual imaging of his glasses immediately showed a three-dimensional territory map on his hand, and the route he had just researched immediately appeared.

"I'll go, high-tech, Yu Liang." The adventurer shouted.

"I got it from Cyber ​​City." Yu Liang smiled, "I guess the bookmaker's patrol route may be these bookstores. He may borrow books and read them over and over again, and then return them and borrow them again the next time he passes by the bookstore. Books, reading.”

He continued: "If we follow this route in the opposite direction, we will probably be able to find the bookmaker faster."

"If this were not the case, wouldn't it be easy to miss it?" The perfumer still preferred the safety of the original plan.

"Some people stay behind, and some people go look for it. If there is any news, just contact him directly." Aze could understand what Yu Liang was thinking.

"By the way, let Hua Niang come out, and I will take you into the universe together." Yu Liang thought of something and said to Li Huachao.

Hua Niang is also a monster creature, and Li Huachao with Hua Niang will become a T1 root hunter, which will reduce the favorability of other root ghosts.

"Okay." Li Huachao had no choice but to separate Hua Niang.

Aze had seen this move before, so he wasn't too surprised.

"By the way, we have entered the bookmaker's territory. Let me look at my map." The adventurer used his own ability to condense a map.

In the Forgotten City, he cannot directly obtain the map of the entire Forgotten City because it is too deeply affected by the source of the ghost story. He can only obtain the map of the area without reaching a source of the ghost story.

He had just seen it in the Land of Bones. Apart from the Land of Bones, the Forgotten City was shrouded in fog, and the situation in the Land of Bones could be seen clearly with the naked eye, so the map was basically useless.

"Yes, according to the map, there is only one bookmaker in this area." The adventurer showed the map to everyone, but he did not say too much, "But if it is the same as the Land of Bones, If the origin of the ghost story is suppressed underground, then I won’t be able to see it.”

"It's okay, that's enough. Even if there are ghost stories with roots that are suppressed underground by the bookmaker, it's okay. Anyway, the bookmaker's attitude towards human beings is pretty good." Aze didn't care.

There are only two areas on the adventurer's map that are bright, one is the Land of Bones when they came, and the other is the current bookmaker's territory.

The bookmaker's territory is marked by several books stacked on top of each other, which to some extent hints at the ownership of the current territory, which is also a source of reassurance for everyone.

There is also a favorability indicator under the book's logo. According to the display, the bookmaker's favorability towards the adventurer at this time is "60", a degree higher than the average of "50".

"The favorability is 60, which means that the bookmaker will not actively attack us and will provide a small amount of help." The adventurer knew the specific meaning of each favorability degree. "It also confirms one thing, that is, the bookmaker has discovered We are.”

There was some solemnity on his face: "This bookmaker has a very wide range of perception. When we entered the Land of Bones earlier, the favorability of Bones was a question mark for a long time..."

"Huh?" The adventurer seemed to have discovered something and exclaimed in surprise, "Why did Bones' favorability drop to -20? I've never seen a source of ghost stories drop so low."

Everyone: "..."

Should we say it or not, do we still need to ask why our favorability is low?

"It looks like we have to take a detour when we come back." The adventurer said helplessly.

At this time, Aze noticed something was wrong with the icon of the Land of Bones. He pointed at the logo and asked: "Does the sign of the bones you saw in front of you also have mushrooms like this growing on it?"

"Of course not, otherwise I would know that the fungus is under the land of bones." The adventurer took a glance and judged the reason, "It must be because without my mediation, the bones have been completely suppressed...Eh? If suppressed, it should only be It's better to show the bones, it seems like the two of them have merged."

"Fusion?" Li Huachao looked at Yu Liang, "Can the source ghost story still be fused?"

"I don't know." Yu Liang didn't understand either. He asked the little raccoon in his heart and looked at Aze beside him.

"I have only heard of such a thing, but I have never actually seen it." Aze shook his head, "It can be seen as a way to resolve the battle between the root ghost stories, but one party must compromise. It’s a rare situation that can lead to such an ending.”

He frowned slightly: "It is conceivable that the fusion of bones and spores will have some terrible consequences. They are likely to counterattack and invade the City of Forgetfulness."

"Forget it, let's leave it alone." Yu Liang didn't get the information he wanted from the raccoon. There were many strange stories about the origin of "Zhi"'s acquaintance, but there were few who were not hostile at all, and she was a newly born type. , I still don’t understand many things.

If she had known how to fuse with the Root Kaidan, she would have taken the initiative to fuse with the Moon Kaidan in the shadow.

However, Yu Liang just thought about this kind of thing. The source monsters are equal, and the "one" after the fusion may not be towards him, so this may not necessarily be a good thing for him.

Everyone moved forward along the route marked by Yu Liang. Along the way, they only saw the ruins of Forgotten City. There was no life in the bookmaker's territory, only the same traces left by time.

There is neither transformation nor creation of strange creatures, only the forced elimination of all possible creatures. So is this the living environment that the bookmaker likes?

"Xu Cixi, let me take a look at the map." Suddenly, Aze's expression changed, and he asked Xu Cixi for the detailed map of Wangcheng.

Xu Cixi didn't reply, just handed over the map.

Aze quickly opened the map, his eyes stayed on the outskirts of Forgotten City, and he showed a thoughtful expression.

"What's wrong?" Yu Liang noticed something was wrong with Aze. Thinking about it carefully, the secretary beside Aze seemed to be a little uneasy from the moment he started on the road.

Aze restrained his thoughts very well, but the secretary did not, which meant that something might have happened to their internal channel.

"The people from the Haicheng Alliance followed, and they were divided into four groups, beekeepers, lawyers, programmers and priests." Aze briefly explained what he learned from several other personality clones, "Magic The teacher disappeared, presumably choosing to act alone, as he always did, while the coach followed the group of lawyers."

"The coach follows the lawyer?" Xu Cixi was a little surprised. According to the original plan, the coach should also act alone. The constraints of his teammates would prevent him from exerting his own strength.

Faced with Xu Cixi's question, Aze touched his nose with embarrassment: "Maybe it's to protect the lawyer team. After all, there are not many high-end combat forces in this team."

Xu Cixi was also astute and immediately understood Aze's hidden meaning.

If it were to protect the lawyer, the coach would choose to go to the lawyer when making a plan. However, the current situation has indeed changed temporarily. The difference between the two is naturally Aze in front of him.

It is estimated that Aze's personality clone saw that there was no founding chairman on the lawyer's side, so he made two waves of wool, which directly made the coach unable to hold back, and personally took charge to fight against Aze.

"It's almost the same as before. They didn't look for the wrong way. Basically, they went their own routes. Due to some pressure, my personality clones dispersed into two teams and entered the 'Mathematics' and 'Sword' world first. Territory." Aze roughly stated what he had learned. "The appearance of the Land of Bones was no accident. Both 'Mathematics' and 'Sword' were invaded by sources within the Forgotten City. The priests and beekeepers were killed and injured. A lot."

As soon as the word "extremely many" came out, Xu Cixi's heart suddenly tightened. She was probably the one who knew the founder's abilities best among the players present except Aze.

Are there still a lot of casualties when the beekeeper and the priest lead the team?

What exactly happened in the territories of the other two root monsters?

"My personality clones fled into the territory of the Root Kaidan first. There were few of them and they hid immediately, so they did not become the target of the Kaitan." Aze continued, with a sense of joy in his words, " The Haicheng Alliance’s large forces are not so lucky.”

"'Mathematics' has been completely suppressed and replaced by the rabbit-shaped god." Aze's mouth said this name that was familiar to Yu Liang.

"Rabbit-shaped god, oh, rabbit-shaped god." Yu Liang nodded, silently marking the "mathematics" area on the Forget City map in red, symbolizing extreme danger.

You can't go to this place even if you kill yourself.

But it turns out to be "mathematics" again. Is this strange origin story related to the "mathematician" who escaped into the four-dimensional space before?

Yu Liang thought of this instinctively. He could vaguely feel that the timeline did not match up, but to be honest, the concept of time and space in the weird world cannot be simply judged by the concept of human timeline.

Out of an intuition, he believed that the "mathematics" Xu Cixi and others referred to were the "four-dimensional mathematicians" at that time.

"You seem to know Him better?" Aze looked at Yu Liang.

"Almost, the rabbit-shaped god's ability is related to dreams, but I definitely don't want to meet him again. I offended him badly in a dungeon." Yu Liang said that he was powerless.

"Indeed, He pulled many players into the dream, and many players died as a result. Since it happened in the dream, I am not very clear about the specific situation." Aze said helplessly.

He went on to talk about another source monster that really made him feel a little scared: "'Sword' is a sword-shaped physical source monster. It has the ability to move at high speed and has extremely high attack power. No one can stop its sprint. . The 'Sword' was attacked by the source monsters within the third ring, but the result was different from what we imagined. He was not suppressed, but unlocked the second form." Aze described what the swordsman saw, " Under the attack of another ghost source, the sword was completely suppressed and sealed, and then two identical swords fell from the sky."

"He was divided?" The adventurer was surprised.

"No, it can't be said to be a split." Aze shook his head, "Because the actual combat power they displayed was just two source monsters. There was no difference between them. Even the auras showed two source monsters."

"So the two swords suppressed the ghost?" Xu Cixi asked.

Aze said: "Yes, one of the swords nailed the ghost to death, directly suppressing his ability and sealing it on the ground, while the other sword still exists."

"Does it have a strong ability to suppress the source ghost talk? It sounds like the nemesis of the source ghost talk." Yu Liang guessed the regular ability of the "sword".

In comparison, the white humanoid figure in Cyber ​​City is simply trash!

It has to be replaced one by one, and I don’t have the strength yet.

"Yes, the swordsmen and the others discovered a secret sword tomb. There, more than a dozen identical swords were pierced into the ground, and each sword sealed a source of ghost stories." Aze said something that even he felt in his heart. Shocking fact, "Unfortunately, it was too late when he discovered this. The priest used root-level power to fight against the 'sword'."

"So the priest was nailed to the ground."

Aze said slowly.

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