The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 547 You are the root, but the root is not you.

"Five people, five questions."

The bookmaker looked at the people who were thinking. He stretched out his hand, and five fingers immediately grew out of his round palm.

"Five people?" Yu Liang looked back and his eyes stayed on four of them.

The adventurer, Xu Cixi, Aze, the perfumer, and himself, it seems that they are the only pure "people" that the bookmaker calls people who can ask questions.

"Five people? There are obviously more than a dozen of us." The adventurer immediately said that there were more than five people here. He could vaguely guess why, but he still wanted to raise the issue.

What if I could convince the bookmaker?

A few more words will earn you ten questions in vain, and if you don't ask them, they will be in vain.

"No, they are him, but they are not him." The bookmaker pointed to the crowd and said something specious.

Yu Liang looked along his fingers and realized what the bookmaker's words meant.

The hunter, the gambler, the little fairy, they are all writers, but the secretary, the dreamer, they are not themselves.


A simple sentence made Yu Liang realize something. In the past, he only had doubts, but now it is basically clear.

Creating a character is part of the writer, and can be considered the embodiment of a writer's ideas.

People cannot imagine things beyond imagination. The characters written by the writer may not have the same personality as the writer, but they are definitely a part of the writer.

For example, if the character is irritable, then the words and deeds designed by the writer for the irritable character are what the writer understands "irritable" people will do, so they are part of the writer's ideological world.

If that's the case, are Li Huachao and the Gambler part of my ideological world?

Well, I don't have such out-of-the-box thinking, nor do I have such an abstract character.

Yu Liang immediately denied and refused in his heart, but the sudden realization deep in his heart reminded him again——

Stop struggling. In fact, you have already thought of it, right?

In the end, he could only sigh, and another problem that had been in his head was solved.

Comparing the two professions of writer and actor, one will definitely be confused about the expression of profession.

The writer creates the character in his novel, and the character is a new thing. So why under normal circumstances can the writer only switch characters but not summon them?

The actor plays a character and completely immerses himself in the design of the character. Logically speaking, he should treat it as part of his personality and use the character's abilities in a switching manner rather than summoning them.

From this point of view, writers should be summoned to create characters, and actors should switch personality clones. This is in line with the normal design ideas of ghost stories.

The reality is exactly the opposite.

Now, Yu Liang had an epiphany.

Because the created characters are part of the writer's thinking, they cannot appear in the world independently of the writer. This is probably why the created characters always approach the writer spontaneously.

Writers are complete as long as they are in their presence.

An actor is different. He is only responsible for playing a role. This role is something created by others and essentially has nothing to do with him. Therefore, after completing a high degree of imitation, he can materialize it and become another person around him.

They have the same face as Aze, but there is nothing similar inside. Just like Li Huachao and the others look different from Yu Liang, but there are many similarities inside.

This is probably the real reason why the two professions are designed in this way.

From the bookmaker's words, Yu Liang has gained a lot. This is not just a simple explanation of doubts. He can feel that this may become an idea for promotion as a writer.

The current writer is only T2, but he is very much looking forward to the changes when he is promoted to T1.

After all, the usefulness of the ability [Copy Source] that was promoted to T2 is really hard to see, and it does not significantly improve his strength.

Perhaps it is not very useful under normal circumstances. The simulation of the source ghost story requires the writer to have the same ability as the source to be more useful.


Similar to the ability of a priest?

Use a root ghost story as a battery to output the root ability named [God]?

"Okay, in that case..." The adventurer thought for a moment and looked at the position of Xu Cixi and the perfumer. He had his own questions to ask, but in this situation it seems that the answer to rescuing the priest is more important. Some.

"I'll do it first." The perfumer took the initiative to stand up. She actually had nothing to ask. This time she entered the City of Forgetfulness...

Originally, she should be able to play her own role, but standing next to adventurers, writers, and actors, she looks like a bastard.

Now let's just use her question opportunity to clarify the problem about the "sword" and find a way to rescue the priest, which can be regarded as making a small contribution.

"Okay little girl." The bookmaker turned to the perfumer and looked at her with a smile.

Judging from our encounters so far, the Bookmaker is indeed one of the rare Genkaitans who is friendly to humans.

Yu Liang felt that the bookmaker was most likely a human being, just like a mathematician, so he was so friendly to humans.

"I want to know everything you know about the origin of the sword-shaped ghost nearby." The perfumer is not stupid, and her question is very interesting.

If you directly ask how to save the priest, the bookmaker may answer that she doesn't know, and something will happen to her. But if you ask the bookmaker everything she knows about the sword, it is impossible for the bookmaker to answer that she doesn't know.

Because "Sword"'s territory is adjacent to the bookmaker's, I may not know much about it, but I definitely know some basic things.

As long as the bookmaker can speak, the bookmaker's law of obliteration will not be triggered.

The question asks about all understandings. If the booksmith knows how to rescue the things sealed by the "sword", he will also say it.

"Are you talking about the sword located in the southeast?" The bookmaker thought, and gave his answer while thinking, "That was an antique that escaped from the museum when the city first fell into chaos, but It’s not named in the museum, it’s an unnamed bronze sword.”

"The Nameless Sword has the ability to suppress other Source Monsters, but it will not actively seek out other Source Monsters. It will only trigger a counterattack when the Source Monster or its power enters within seven meters of it. The Nameless Sword will fight with it. We will not stop until the source of the ghost stories is suppressed."

"If a sword is not enough to suppress the source monster, it will backtrack. Each time it backtracks, it will copy itself and increase the number of individuals until it can suppress the source monster. For example, if a powerful source monster makes it go back six times, then Seven swords will appear, the first six swords will seal and suppress the root ghost story, and the seventh sword will become the current body of the 'sword'."

"In fact, through analysis, the core ability of the 'sword' should be to summon another self from other time and space. Such a core ability can only be possessed by the sword in this time and space. Because in several years, the sword in this time and space has never been used by other people. The sword of time and space has been taken away, and it can be considered that the sword of current time and space is the main body."

"Faced with the Root Sword, which has the ability to infinitely retrace and copy, most of the Root Ghost Stories have no way of dealing with the sword. Once noticed, they are likely to be tricked and completely sealed until the sword itself is destroyed or sealed."

"A considerable number of root monsters have countermeasures. As long as you understand the sword's ability to control enemies, you can still divide your body even if you are locked by the sword, store your consciousness in a part of your body, and achieve a 'gecko's tail-cutting' style escape method. "

"On the other hand, the characteristic of the 'sword' is that it is one-on-one. It will not actively give up its attack target before suppressing it or completely driving away the previous target."

"Using this characteristic, you can counter the sword to a certain extent. One side can deal with it, and the other side can find an opportunity to block its ability."

"If you want to ask how to block the sword's ability, some root ghost stories themselves have the ability to suppress it. On the other hand, the sword itself can be used to block the sword's ability."

"You only need to hit the first sword until the traceback is triggered, and then use the second sword that appears to forcibly control one of them to pierce the other. This will seal the root sword for a long time, thereby releasing all those bound by the sword. Target."

"However, it should be noted that there is only one chance to attack the second sword. Once it fails, more backtracking will be triggered continuously. Several swords will appear in an instant, which can block the original target in a very short period of time. , and then aim the spearhead at another target who has taken action against the sword."

Soon, the bookmaker answered the perfumer's question completely, explaining all the characteristics of the Root Sword clearly, and these words made everyone present fall into thinking.

The Sword of Origin has the ability to summon swords from other time and space to assist in the battle. It can be said that there is basically no possibility of losing in a duel.

Any being that is targeted, especially the root monster, can only survive by cutting off its tail to escape the sword's perception range, otherwise it will end up being nailed to the ground.

From the setting point of view, the Sword of the Root can be regarded as a special attack on the Root Kaitan.

The bookmaker also gave a solution, which is to first let a creature attract the attention of the sword and hit the second sword, and then let another creature forcibly control the second sword and penetrate the body of the first sword. middle.

Use the sword's ability to seal the sword, thereby freeing those beings nailed to the ground by the sword.

It's an interesting solution, but everyone knows that there are big problems with this method.

First of all, there is only one chance. If you fail to seize it, the sword will backtrack multiple times in a row, take down the first target in one go, and then go back to deal with the second target.

For this sword that can be infinitely cloned, there is no guarantee that it can afford even the source of ghost talk.

The second and most critical point is that once the priest is rescued, the dozen root ghost stories suppressed by the sword will also escape instantly, which will be a fatal blow to the Haicheng Alliance.

Sword's territory is so small. Once more than a dozen strange rumors about their origins come out, they may spread to a large area nearby in an instant. No team in the Haicheng Alliance can guarantee their absolute survival.

Even if these dozen source monsters don't want to deal with Haicheng players, the collision of each other's rules is unconscious, just like dozens of tons of explosives piled together, almost exploding at one point.

In order to rescue the priest, it is obviously not worth it to take on all the players and cause further instability in the city.

Several people looked at each other and saw the hesitation in each other's eyes. For a moment, no one spoke.

"Oh, the swordsman saw the coach. I'll tell him directly. It's his business to choose." Aze broke the silence and chose to kick the ball to the coach.

If the coach really wants to save the priest, he still needs to find a helper from a beekeeper, a programmer, or a magician.

In other words, two of the current four founding seats must agree to perform this task.

Since these two have agreed, others may not be able to stop them.

And judging from Azer's understanding of the coach, the coach will not do anything that endangers collective safety.

After Aze said these words, the others did not show any intention to refuse, so he no longer cared about this issue and instead proposed himself to the bookmaker.

Now, he needs to ask his own questions.

"God of omniscience, my next question is relatively private. Can I ask it alone?" Aze looked at the bookmaker with a smile.

"Of course." The bookmaker agreed happily. The two hands in his eyes suddenly stretched out, hugged Aze's body, and then disappeared from the place with a strange talk.

The next second, Aze and the bookmaker reappeared. Judging from the thoughtful expression on Aze's face, he had already asked the questions he wanted to ask.

Then he noticed the gazes of Yu Liang and the others, and the thoughts on his face immediately disappeared, and he changed into a smile and thanked the bookmaker: "Thank you for your answer, God of omniscience."

"You're welcome." The bookmaker also smiled, and then turned his attention to the remaining three people, "Then, your problem is..."

Yu Liang glanced at Aze. He was a little curious about Aze's question. The answer to the question might contain the purpose of Aze's visit to Wangcheng.

Unfortunately, Aze didn't seem to intend to tell them.

And he also started to sift through his mind. He had thought about what to ask the bookmaker a long time ago, but he was still hesitant until now.

The "Yu Liang" who appears in the prison mirror copy can write the copy of what he has experienced. The secret of this guy is very important.

The second is the four-dimensional part he created for himself in Cyber ​​City. This guy who is equivalent to the root ghost story is also crucial.

Finally, there are his own soul and consciousness, the villagers and the white humanoid. Their situation is also very concerning.

The first question may be able to go straight to the origin of the Kaitan world, and the latter two questions may allow Yu Liang to gain absolute support from the new Kaitan, and even control the Kaidan.

It's quite hard to decide if you think about it carefully.

Yu Liang glanced at Aze again, and then noticed that Aze turned his face and chose not to look at him.



You especially don’t tell me that you have read my script now, and you can talk to the book writer about your own problems alone, and you can just peek at my questions, right?

What a birth.

Yu Liang was also helpless about Aze's rogue behavior, but he didn't think it would be a good idea to offend the bookmaker by delaying the question for an hour before asking the bookmaker.

With Aze's "assistance", Yu Liang immediately asked his question. He didn't bother to cover it up and didn't care whether others would hear it.

"Please tell me everything you know about my Yuanshen and Consciousness. You should understand what they refer to."

If the booksmith knows, he will tell the villagers and the white humanoid. If he doesn't know, he will tell the corresponding explanations of "Yuanshen" and "Consciousness" in the Taoist Scriptures. In short, it is impossible to trigger the obliteration law, and the problem is very safe.

"Of course. First of all, you can rest assured that they are your Yuan Shen and Consciousness, not other parts of you. Secondly, it is not easy for you to see Yuan Shen and Consciousness because they are already alone. Be two things.”

"Abandon all the power from other sources in the body and enter the dream, and you can see the original soul and consciousness in the spirit. This method will be better understood by the Taoist nuns around you."

"The causal conditions have been triggered, and the calculation of personal causality is beyond my ability, so I can only tell you their abilities."

"The Consciousness God can choose any existence with self-awareness or collective consciousness to fall into deep sleep, and your consciousness will sleep with it, because that is your Consciousness God."

"After the consciousness is asleep, the person who controls the body is your soul. It is an existence that relies entirely on spirituality. He will have the kind of power you know, absolutely powerful power."

"Dream? Imagination? The embodiment of fantasy? Or something else. You don't need to understand it, you just need to know that it is the most suitable ability for a writer."

"You are the source of human form, but the source is not you."

"Proceed with caution."

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