The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 605 This is war, Mr. Yu Liang.

As the magician analyzed the content, everyone present felt like they had been fooled.

Well, there is a strange "human being" in the founding chair, which is basically the same as having a mole in the founding chair. Then after going through a werewolf showdown hidden in the dark, you tell us about this strange "human being" in the founding chair. In fact, it was the S1 that was devoured by Xue Wubin.

It's hard to hold on, isn't it?

"There are ghost stories about 'human beings' in the Founding Seat. This sentence was said by [God] in my last copy." The priest replied, explaining clearly to Yu Liang, "When the root ghost stories in each copy are solved , that is, in the last few minutes, [God] claimed to be the closest to 'heaven', and the divine power was also the most powerful. However, at this time, His combat ability is no longer of much use. I can ask Find answers to some questions.”

After finishing speaking, he added: "God can basically give absolutely correct answers to the questions asked during this period. There has never been any mistakes in the past, so we are convinced. Of course, this time, strictly speaking, , [God] still made no mistakes.”

Indeed, it must be strictly speaking. After all, no one thought that the insider was talking about "Xue Wubin and S1", not even Xu Cixi.

Yu Liang glanced at Xu Cixi. Hearing the name "Xue Wubin" again, Xu Cixi didn't express much and seemed to be able to accept all the results.

For her, after so many years, there is only one result left to look forward to.

At this time, a crazy-sharp voice suddenly came from Aze's tent, and a figure tore open the tent and came out. In a few seconds, he was in front of the magician: "Oh my God, I Dear Mr. Magician, I am your most loyal fan, please kick my ass with your shiny leather shoes!"


After taking a closer look, it turned out to be the phantom sleep master A Ze.

Every time this guy comes out, his lines make him feel extremely weird.

Later, the dreamer took out a handful of huge peanuts from the inventory, and half-knelt down in front of the magician with an excited expression: "This is the fruit grown on the head of the peanut grass baby I cultivated. It has unparalleled The rich aroma of peanuts is a gift I specially prepared for you to express my congratulations on your arrival."

Peanut straw babies?

Yu Liang looked at the peanuts, each of which was as big as the palm of his hand, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Okay, okay, Aze, you will do this kind of thing after you buy my Cao Ying, right?

Use it to grow the most delicious peanuts in the world?

At this time, the main body Aze also chased out, and while chasing him, he yelled: "When did you learn to open locks? And you blacksmith, you are such a waste, you actually opened the five-turn anti-theft lock for this guy Already?"

"People rely on their hands for food~" the blacksmith's long voice came from the tent.

On the other side, the magician looked at the somewhat chaotic scene and simply told everyone what happened to him: "I don't know what happened. The strange 'human' stronghold in the Forgotten City is already empty. They are too late." After packing up their belongings, they all left the stronghold. It seemed that they should have returned to the deepest part of Forgotten City. By the way, I also found the location of several docks. There were traces left by the Barrel Man nearby, but I haven't found them yet. Know what’s going on.”

He glanced at Aze, the hypnotist who was still half-kneeling on the ground, holding up peanuts. His nose twitched slightly, capturing the rich aroma of peanuts flowing in the air.

So the magician took the peanuts, probably wanting to pat the dreamer on the shoulder, but now that the dreamer was half-kneeling on the ground, he couldn't pat his shoulder, so he patted the dreamer on the head: "Okay, thank you for the peanuts, I'm leaving."

The dimensional gate flashed away, taking away the magician's figure and the hope in Aze's heart.

His pace gradually slowed down, and finally he came to the Dream Sleep Master who was crying with joy, his eyes full of disgust.

Worse, the illusionist who has been praised by the magician is even less capable of doing business. He can already imagine what will happen next.

I guess I want to steal money to buy grass babies from Yu Liang, and then borrow people from some alliance of beekeepers to help cultivate and plant peanut grass babies, and create the largest peanut garden in Haicheng...

You might as well stop calling me a hypnotist and call me a gardener instead.

Aze was puzzled, why would the Illusionist become omnipotent when it comes to this magician?

He also knows how to open a five-turn anti-theft lock and cultivate peanut grass babies. No wonder he couldn't see anyone in the past.

After a brief farce, Aze dragged the sleeping master by the collar behind his neck and took him away. The sleeping master seemed to still want to struggle, but Aze just kicked him over without thinking, and the sleeping master became quiet. few.

"There seems to be some movement in those weird talk about 'human beings'. Please pay attention." Yu Liang thought for a while and gave instructions.

I hope this guy still remembers his promise to be responsible for the security work of the entire Haicheng Alliance safety zone.

Aze didn't look back, he just stretched out his left hand and waved it to indicate that he was clear.

"Pay attention to what?" The beekeeper noticed the words in Yu Liang's words.

"This guy has mastered the word symbols. I asked him to be responsible for the security of the safe zone, but I don't leave it all to him. I will also arrange for strange creatures to search." Yu Liang replied, "unconsciously" referring to Aze The news of mastering the word symbols was revealed.

This is a matter of opinion between people. It requires competition. Let these guys see the progress of the top students in the class first. Maybe it will enhance everyone's competitiveness?

Sure enough, when Yu Liang told this incident, the founding chairs present were a little confused. They all said goodbye, and then retreated to their own territory to continue studying the glyphs.

Now in the Haicheng Alliance, only Yu Liang has mastered the glyphs. The second person who has mastered the glyphs is Aze, the ultimate villain who has been wanted by the Haicheng Alliance for a long time.

It really makes people feel a little bit confused.

Among the people who dispersed, Yu Liang found the adventurer and asked him to help him pull out the character cards in his universe. He was going to assign work to various work stations.

The adventurer did not refuse. He just opened the box at Yu Liang and whispered quietly: "It's broken. I seem to have discovered something incredible."

"What's the matter?" Yu Liang felt that the character card in his head seemed to be loose.

The adventurer grabbed the character card, and just swung it back and forth twice before pulling the character card out. It came out like a piece of cake, blue light appeared one after another around him, and familiar faces such as Li Huachao appeared one by one.

"Hey, why does this grip feel better? With a gentle pull, everything comes out. It's much easier than before." The adventurer sighed with emotion.

Yu Liang looked at the adventurer, then at the created characters around him, and suddenly realized something in his heart.

It seems that when promoting the T1 gradient, [Universe] is followed by a line "Optimize the operating feel", right?

No wonder I didn’t feel any feel optimization. Did you optimize the feeling of opening the Adventurer box?

Okay, okay, Guitan World, you know how to optimize.

Yu Liang was a little helpless, and then he looked at Li Huachao, who without hesitation searched for a nearby sewer and started digging into the ground, and was speechless for a moment.

"I'm going to find Li Huaniang for breeding, so there's no need to leave dinner for me!" Li Huachao's whirring voice came from the sewer, and there was even a faint feeling of echo.

"Forget it, ignore him, what did you just want to say?" Yu Liang thought for a while, they have nothing to do for the time being. The rabbit-shaped god's territory is not too close to here, and there is definitely no way to set off today. So he planned to talk about it in two days, and now let Li Huaniang and Li Huachao do their own research.

The adventurer looked at Li Hua's back towards the park and felt a little envious for a moment, but he soon came back to his senses and answered Yu Liang's question: "By the way, what I want to say is..."

A mysterious look appeared on his face, and then he said secretly: "I seem to be able to condense the word symbols with the stolen root power."

Yu Liang took a step back, looked at the adventurer and then at the steward Mani next to him. He was a little surprised by the news: "You can use the power of the root to condense the talisman?"

"Yes, these powers seem to be things in my body. I just need to select the temporary inventory when using the character." The adventurer said softly, and then scratched his head, "But the consumption is a bit large, generally speaking All root powers taken from a root ghost story can only be released once."

After finishing speaking, he added: "The power of the roots of the bones can be released twice."

"Then you are a mobile lexicon?" Yu Liang's voice revealed excitement, which can be regarded as absolutely good news.

Adventurers are naturally their own people, and with the emergence of the "word symbols" in the version update, the strength of adventurers has increased to an epic level.

If it can help adventurers extract more root power next, it will be of great benefit to the entire Haicheng Alliance.

"No, no, no, don't think so well." The adventurer sighed and looked at Yu Liang, "Whether the word talisman can be used is all based on guessing, because I don't know the root of the root power at all. What exactly are words?”

Yu Liang thought for a while and understood the adventurer's current predicament.

Indeed, it is impossible to use word symbols when everything is unknown. If adventurers can only blindly type word symbols, the deterrent effect will be much lower.

At most, it just allows him to store some known literal root power here for emergencies.

It would be impossible for adventurers to take the opportunity to search for the power of other source ghost stories in Forgotten City to release a large number of word symbols.

"The characters represented by sister 'zhi' are 'ying', 'lue' and 'hua'. You can prepare a 'buo' character and form 'buoying' to clear and offset the power of a character." Yu Liang said simply He revealed the details and told the adventurer how to use the word "bubble".

With the power Miss "Zhi" left behind from the adventurer, she can only use one "word symbol" at most, so forget about offensive intentions. Leaving a "bubble" symbol for self-protection is the best result. .

At the same moment when Yu Liang was communicating with the adventurer, the housekeeper suddenly raised his head. He looked at the sky, his eyes narrowed as usual, but the corners of his mouth did not smile as usual.

In just an instant, thirty different auras suddenly appeared from around the Sea City Alliance camp, and a wave of fear-based emotions instantly swept through the entire camp.

"Forbidden words*13——"

At the same moment, the same voice sounded at thirteen locations around the camp.

Like thirteen stones falling into a dark pool of death, black ripples rippled at thirteen locations. The collision intensified the agitation and resonance of energy, and even greater energy swept towards the surroundings with the camp as the center. past.

Symbols are the highest priority attack. When the enemy comes, knock down their symbols as soon as possible. This is what Aze can do, and it is also the only thing that these thirteen Azes can do.

There are not many people in the Haicheng Alliance who can use word symbols, and even fewer after subtracting thirteen Aze, so there is no problem with Aze's choice. The only problem is that after removing the word symbols, Haicheng Alliance The strength of one party is still not comparable to the sudden attack of the strange "human beings".

The mobilization speed of the strange "human beings" was much faster than he imagined, and their methods of hiding themselves and their determination to kill completely exceeded Yu Liang's expectations.

According to the agreement between Kaidan "Humanity" and Forgotten City Root Kaidan, a source power of this scale will definitely offend the public, but they don't seem to care.

After simply throwing out two scouts, they gathered to attack without stopping.

No, that might not be a scout at all, but a human guide, just to confirm whether the Haicheng Alliance is still in this position.

The magician was right when he said that there was no one in the strange "human" stronghold. The only thing wrong was that they did not gather deeper into Forgotten City, but went straight to the safe zone of the Haicheng Alliance.

Right in front of Yu Liang, everything he saw was slowly decomposing, gradually turning into powder, and then completely dying.

At the same moment, the sky once again raised the curtain and entered the dark night sky.

The butler's figure disappeared from Yu Liang's side. He appeared in the sky in the form of a moon, and looked directly at the players who had not yet been completely reduced to ashes with his sinister and cunning smile.

This is faith.

Due to the missing body parts, the players could no longer control their bodies independently, but they still knelt down and kowtowed to the moon in the night sky.

Kowling is something that every human being must learn.

From ancient times to the present, regardless of life or death.

There are already corpses among the players, but they are still kowtowing to the smiling moon hanging in the sky.

The corpses were piled neatly, kowtowing to the moon.

The surrounding scenery began to rotate, flowing around the absolute center point of the world. They devoured each other and finally entered the absolute center point.

Until everything returns to its original point and is shrunk into a singularity that seems to be the Big Bang of the universe.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Thirty root auras disappeared at the same time, as if they had never appeared.

Except for the moon in the singularity and the power of his faith.

In the space where time stood still, the power of faith exploded, and the singularity began to spin rapidly, spitting out everything swallowed up and restoring everything to its original state.

It wasn't until Yu Liang stood on the ground again that he opened his eyes and looked at Butler Moon beside him.

The feeling just now was extremely strange, as if time had slowed down a hundred times, but at the same time it seemed as if it had sped up a hundred times. In the blink of an eye, he was standing here again.

The familiar line from the adventurer came: "It's broken, I seem to have discovered something incredible."

"We have all died once, but you retraced it all?" Yu Liang's brain, which was still slow just now, started to work with a vengeance at this moment, and he immediately figured out everything that happened in just a few seconds.

"Yes, we still have three minutes." Butler Moon nodded, with a smile on his face, seemingly satisfied with Yu Liang's rapid recovery.

He continued: "This is war, Mr. Yu Liang."

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