The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 621 Yuliang City, the Home of Birth

This city...

It's so fucking weird!

The adventurer who entered the dream appeared in an alley. He has been touring the city for about three minutes now. It can be said that he was shocked.

When it comes to dreams, the words that come to mind are nothing more than "dream", "disorder", "abnormal", etc., and the adventurer has seen all these things here.

It can be said that even if he has undertaken countless adventures, he has never seen such a weird city that can make him exclaim at least ten times per minute on average.

This city is full of Yu Liang, literally all Yu Liang.

At first, the adventurer thought that it was due to the special ability of the dream that affected his cognition and made him replace some monsters with the familiar image of Yu Liang, but after catching several players and asking them, he really realized that this city was made up of Yu Liang.

It's not that the rabbit-shaped god has affected the players' cognition, but that the rabbit-shaped god actually built a large city with Yu Liang as the theme.

Not to say that there will be no successors, but at least it can be regarded as unprecedented.

In just three minutes, the adventurer had seen the weirdness of this city. It can be said that the operation of the entire city depends entirely on a special creature called "Yu Liang".

Although I know that this understanding is somewhat disrespectful to a writer friend, to be honest, "Yu Liang" is really a special creature, and it is not roughly integrated with the city dream, but an organic combination of the two, constructing an extremely harmonious ecological environment.

Special teleportation anchor points are arranged in every corner of the city. Through these anchor points, players can teleport at will, but the premise is that players must manually open the corresponding teleportation anchor point first, and leave their own pheromones on the teleportation anchor point before they can open the teleportation function of the anchor point.

I believe that every player who has played an open world game will be very familiar with this, and the process of opening a teleportation anchor point is simply "exploring the map".

Each teleportation anchor point is carefully made into a statue image of Yu Liang with a strange glow, about four meters high, and the expression of Yu Liang on each statue is different, either vicious or cunning, or cruel or perverted.

In short, judging from the statue of Yu Liang at the teleportation anchor, this is an out-and-out scumbag, and his status is basically equivalent to DIO.

The entire city is divided into dozens of areas of different sizes by teleportation anchors of different colors. The types of "Yu Liang" produced in each area are also different. There are weaker bunny boys Yu Liang who can only scream and run away, and there are also those Yu Liang giants with extremely high combat power.

By the way, according to the wanted orders placed on the streets and alleys, the players here have to capture Yu Liang and submit tasks every day in exchange for corresponding food and other rewards.

The adventurer didn't quite understand why players still need to eat in the dream, but he had just come in for less than two minutes, so he was not very hungry and didn't need to get any food from the rabbit god.

In these three minutes, the adventurer basically followed a player who caught a medium-sized Yu Liang in the city. He wanted to see how this player submitted the task.

The player dragged Yu Liang, who was motionless like a dead dog, to the side of a teleportation anchor point, placed Yu Liang in front of the statue, then raised the hammer in front of the statue and smashed the lower body of the Yu Liang statue with all his strength.

The four-meter-tall body, the lower body is just within the reach of an adult swinging the hammer, so in the somewhat painful eyes of the adventurer, the stone lower body shattered with the hammer.

After doing all this, the player began to wait, and saw a slender black snake drilled out from the broken lower body of the statue. It has a swift speed and agile posture, and quickly wrapped around the medium-sized Yu Liang corpse in front of the statue, and then opened its bloody mouth and bit it.

The adventurer didn't understand why a snake would bite Yu Liang to eat him, but he had already recognized that the black snake that came out from Yu Liang's crotch was a snake-eating snake.

No, to be precise, it is the same kind of snake-eating snake.

So the daily task of the players in this city is to capture these various forms of Yu Liang and feed them to the snakes in the teleportation anchor?

Such a city setting...

It's a bit interesting, huh?

Looking at the snakes happily eating Yu Liang, the adventurer couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Not to mention, this can be regarded as an alternative "eating its flesh, sleeping on its skin, drinking its blood, pulling out its tendons and bones". I don't know what Yu Liang did to the rabbit-shaped god to cause such a big resentment in such a root ghost story.

However, the adventurer will not care about this for the time being. He just wants to find out more about the situation in this city so that he can bring more accurate information out of the dream.

Well, don't say, this city is really well built, with a kind of beauty that combines medieval architecture with modern architecture. The highway passes through the center of the church, the rockery and fountains lie across the zebra crossing on the sidewalk, and the two white castles are located on both sides of the 100-meter-high building, just like the gray hair on Mr. Gaolou's temples, swaying in the wind.

Just like the adventurer's feeling about dreams, this place is full of fantasy (weirdness), disorder and abnormality.

And various Yu Liangs are scattered in various areas, and the players along the way also show a very busy state, feeling like office workers.

The adventurer walked on the road and felt that he was out of place. He had always been bold and reckless, but now he couldn't fit into this chaotic world.

He looked up at the fountain statue on the zebra crossing. It seemed to be a peeing little Yu Liang, probably wanting to imitate Xiao Yulian who urinated to extinguish the fuse of explosives.

However, the face of this peeing little Yu Liang was not as innocent and cute as Xiao Yulian, but had a special facial expression of the Fanma family. With the water mist that burst out from time to time, it often sprayed pedestrians, and the statue of the peeing little Yu Liang looked even more perverted.

The adventurer lowered his head again and hurriedly crossed the zebra crossing. He felt that this dream world was too absurd. The absurd aesthetics made him, a rebellious person, a little unacceptable.

Looking at the stage square built on a huge cradle in the distance and the many Yu Liangs dancing the pole version of Subject 3 on the square, the adventurer could only sigh in his heart that etiquette and music were broken.

It was really etiquette and music.

But what about those players squatting under the stage waiting for something?

Watching a group of perverted versions of Yu Liang dancing on poles?

No way, buddy, you have such a strong taste?

Wait, something is wrong. These players all look ready to go. Combined with the many busy players I saw before, they are definitely not just watching the performance, because they are not so "idle".

As if to verify the adventurer's idea, the Yu Liangs on the stage finished dancing a song, and without wiping the sweat off their bodies, they immediately went diving under the stage.

This is a common activity in bars, discos or open-air music festivals. Generally, after the atmosphere is heated up, the singers jump down and let the audience catch their bodies.

If it is a young and beautiful female singer, the probability of being caught is very high, and she must land steadily under the crowd of countless small hands; but if it is a thick and sturdy male singer, it is very likely to trigger an audience void, and he will fall hard.

Now Yu Liang seemed to belong to the former, because he was also caught by dozens of small hands, and then pulled apart violently.

In just a moment, Yu Liang, who was just jumping on the stage, was torn into pieces, and was divided into several parts by these small hands. For a moment, blood splattered and flesh and bones were separated, just like jumping into a ferocious piranha school.

"Wow, what's going on? Do you think Yu Liang is the King of Chu?" The adventurer watched with relish from a distance. His instinct told him that the Yu Liang who jumped down must be of a very high level, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people crowding here to grab him.

And his interest in adventure also rose, and he immediately ran forward to wait for the next Yu Liang to enter the water.

Speaking of which, he now entered this dungeon through a special method, and naturally he could complete some tasks through legitimate channels.

Before, he noticed that these players got not only food but also some other gadgets from the teleportation anchor when delivering goods.

Some players who didn't catch more Yu Liangs could only eat Yu Liangs to fill their stomachs, while players who caught a large number of Yu Liangs no longer had to eat the unpalatable Yu Liang meat and could exchange for various delicious foods.

Of course, the adventurer was more concerned about the prizes other than food, which meant that catching Yu Liangs could not only satisfy his appetite, but also give him more rewards.

The adventurer was very curious about this special reward, so he squeezed into the crowd without hesitation.

Unlike what he imagined, he had not experienced any bullying in this Yu Liang city so far.

For example, there were no bandits waiting for players to hand in tasks near the teleportation anchor point, and there were no players targeting those who were lucky enough to grab Yu Liang's limbs under the stage.

This was definitely not because the players participating in this dungeon had high moral qualities. The moral qualities of people all over the world were similar. Only the sense of responsibility of the state's violent agencies was the cornerstone of social morality.

So this city also had violent agencies to maintain public order?

The adventurer's eyes searched the city, and he really saw a special rabbit dummy.

These rabbit dummies were patrolling in neat uniforms, but they were not patrolling on the streets, but in the sky.

The rabbit people here were guys with wings. Judging from their aura, they were not easy to deal with.

At least the adventurer had no intention of provoking them now. He just wanted to get more "Yu Liang" through legitimate means.

With the template of the T1 gradient alienation profession, the adventurer's strength was not comparable to those players who were waiting for Yu Liang to dive in the audience, so in the next five minutes, he easily grabbed a whole Yu Liang.

Yes, a whole Yu Liang, not sharing the fragments of Yu Liang with others, but getting a whole fragile Yu Liang.

The adventurer could feel the envy in the eyes of other players, but still no player tried to snatch what he had in his hand.

Obviously, there were indeed rabbit people managing this place, at least the players did not dare to snatch the Yu Liang that others had already obtained.

Not to mention, this rabbit-shaped god manages it very clearly. This dungeon "Yu Liang City" is more interesting than most dungeons. At least adventurers think it's quite interesting to catch all kinds of Yu Liang here.

Yu Liang himself may not think so.

The adventurer quickly found a nearby anchor point and used a hammer to smash the Yu Liang statue like the last person did, releasing the snake inside.

For some reason, when he smashed Yu Liang's crotch, the adventurer felt a special sense of pleasure, but he knew very well that he didn't feel the pleasure because he smashed Yu Liang.

Who would feel happy because of smashing someone else's balls?

So this kind of pleasure is the special emotion that the rabbit god imposes on the players?

I seem to be able to understand more how much the rabbit god hates Yu Liang.

The adventurer shrugged and watched the snake in front of him completely eat the Yu Liang he offered.

For some reason, when looking at this snake, the adventurer suddenly felt a feeling similar to "fear".

There was no reason, but there was an indelible fear of this snake.

The adventurer tried to overcome it, but just like a person who hates coriander by nature, it seemed to be something engraved in his genes and would not be transferred because of his personal will.

Fortunately, the snake quickly retracted into the Yu Liang statue, and the crotch of the Yu Liang statue returned to its original state, and the adventurer also received a reward prompt on his personal page.

[23 dream points have been obtained, which can be used to exchange for food and other rewards. Please choose and purchase in the Rabbit God Special Mall]


Rabbit God Special Mall?

Online mall?

It is not an offline mall like a grocery store...


Is it really difficult to do business in a physical store?

The adventurer instinctively felt that something was wrong, but this feeling soon dissipated in front of the dazzling array of goods.

Quality Wagyu and seafood set meals are all cooked by super chefs.

Handsome men and beautiful women, one-night stands, are all wonderful enjoyments that can be chosen.

In addition to this special spiritual enjoyment, there are also some small props and so on. It is not all-inclusive, but there are also many categories.

Judging from some of the goods, the adventurer felt that these things were not obtained by the Rabbit God from regular channels, but more like the relics of players who died in the dungeon. They were recovered by the rabbit people and then placed in the mall.

Among these many goods, the adventurer saw something that was considered very scarce.


Blessing of the Rabbit God

Effect: All Quality +1, Seasonal Purchase Limit (0/3)

Remarks: You will be blessed by the Rabbit God, go ahead and kill more evil Yu Liang!

Dream Points: 50

"Seasonal Purchase Limit? Does it mean that you can be blessed three times every season?" The adventurer touched his chin, wanting it a little.

Catch a few Yu Liangs and you can get a high increase of all quality +3, which is a big temptation for any player.

The adventurer continued to look, and then saw two similar props.


Rabbit God Doll

Effect: When you are in danger, throw the Rabbit God Doll, it will help you drive away the dangerous evil Yu Liang!

Dream Points: 10


Yu Liang Doll

Effect: When you are in danger, throw the Yu Liang doll, and the danger will first fall on the evil Yu Liang doll!

Dream Points: 10

Uh, very good, it can be seen that it is a very rabbit-shaped effect explanation.

At this time, the ten-minute agreed time is up, and the adventurer only feels a flash in front of his eyes, and when he opens his eyes, he is already in the cell.

"How is it? What did you see in there?" Yu Liang, who was beside the tent, asked immediately.

The adventurer stared at Yu Liang in front of him in a daze. He had seen too many Yu Liangs in there, and now he suddenly saw a real one, and he had a special dreamy feeling.

For some reason, the adventurer's eyes unconsciously moved to Yu Liang's crotch, and the special stimulation in his mind made him want to be an egg breaker again.

But he still had enough concentration, so he shook his head, looked at Yu Liang again, and said thoughtfully: "I was thinking, if I take you back to hand in the task, how many dream points will the Rabbit God give me."

Suddenly I realized that there are 29 days in this month, and I have to update one more day. I am speechless^_^

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