The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 635 The perfect strategy starts from now!

Look the same?

Is it an illusion?

Some doubts flashed through Yu Liang's mind. The human eye is still not clear enough to compare two things, but this is not just his personal feeling, but the result of the comparison through the artificial intelligence in the glasses.

After automatic analysis, the AI ​​told him that his nose was almost exactly the same as the noses of these faceless strange "humans", which at least showed that these strange humans had changes that he did not understand.

Some strange "humans" are or have grown facial features that originally belonged to "Yu Liang"?

Does this prove that he is walking on the right path?

Yu Liang thought of this and felt a little happy.

When the strange "humans" showed "similar to Yu Liang's" features, it was to some extent a confirmation of the success of his plan.

Because the current strange "humans" have no future, and their past is also bound to a non-existent "strategist", so they appear in the form of faceless people.

When the faceless man's face showed some "Yu Liang-like" features, was it a confirmation that "Yu Liang" was gradually becoming a strategist?

The "cause" conditions were met, triggering the "effect", this is the theory of trigger theory.

However, what puzzled Yu Liang was that the trigger theory seemed to be unable to proceed step by step, right?

The result appeared in one go. Even if most of the "cause" was completed, as long as the last 1% of the conditions were not met, the result would not move towards the "effect" of the trigger theory.

Now, Yu Liang was sure that he had not completed all the "cause", but the "effect" had already begun to show...

Why is this?

Because the quality of the "humans" in the ghost story is higher, which can confirm something that is about to happen?

"Why do these 'humans' have noses on their faces?" The adventurer noticed the faces of those "humans" in the ghost story and was immediately surprised.

Xu Cixi glanced at Yu Liang and noticed that the nose was very similar to Yu Liang's.

Aze also touched his chin and thought: "This nose is a bit like Yu Liang, right?"

After saying this, the rest of the team also noticed this and looked at Yu Liang at the same time.

"Are they going to imitate you? Replace you? Or is your identity the same as the priest?" The magician asked curiously. This scene was beyond his expectation.

But he would not doubt Yu Liang's identity because of this. Just like the priest is a "human" in the strange story but still stands firmly on the side of the Sea City Alliance, Yu Liang will definitely not stand on the enemy side.

Have you ever seen a ruthless traitor who led the enemy to drop a nuclear bomb on his home, and dropped three or four at a time?

"Well... I don't think it has that smell. Even if I completely become Yu Liang, I still can't imitate Yu Liang's... writer smell." The adventurer carefully distinguished, and he still didn't think the two were similar just from a nose.

Yu Liang said loudly: "No, this proves that the path I chose is right. I am becoming a 'captor', and they are becoming me."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, everyone's face changed, and their emotions inevitably fluctuated.

Yu Liang is becoming a "captor"?

The "human" of the ghost story has begun to change towards Yu Liang, which means that Yu Liang is on the right path...

But what did Yu Liang do?

Didn't we enter the city of oblivion together?

Why is Yu Liang suddenly going to win?

Looking back at the whole process of entering the city of oblivion, first Yu Liang inexplicably helped Zhong Chen obtain the root bone, then Li Huachao married the root ghost story, and then the moon root who came from nowhere became his housekeeper, and after successfully driving away an old root ghost story rabbit-shaped god, he went straight to solve the big incident...

It's only been a few days, can so many things be done quietly?

Even the magician felt confused. He thought that his efficiency in doing things after leaving the Sea City Alliance was already super high, but he didn't expect that there were still strong people in the Sea City Alliance.

After listening to Yu Liang's concise statement, Aze only had the familiar melody echoing in his mind: "All the attackers are becoming more and more alive~"

Soon, he figured out what Yu Liang had done based on theories like "trigger theory", so he quickly said to the illusionist in the internal voice, in an excited tone: "What did I say? Should I bet on Yu Liang? What level is the magician? What level is Yu Liang? Blackie, talk!!!"

Illusionist: "..."

Please don't escalate idol behavior to fans, thank you.

"Let's control those two strange talk 'humans' first, the mission is important." Yu Liang did not give these people time to think, and immediately ordered the Moon Butler to catch the two strange talk "humans" and transfer the memory of the "Book of Sand" into them.

At the same time, the Moon Butler also took advantage of Xu Cixi's heart anchor to cover the entire Peace Community with night, allowing the body of the Smiling Moon to descend into the community.

Such an action naturally caused a violent commotion in this peaceful community. The auras of several root ghost stories burst out from different directions, directly approaching the location of the crowd.

On the floors of the community, hundreds of ghost story humans crawled out of their rooms and stood densely in the corridor of the community like sardines, staring at Yu Liang and others below with their non-existent eyes on their faces.

And these ghost story humans have only one facial feature on their faces, that is, the nose that is exactly the same as Yu Liang's.

"Mani?" Yu Liang looked at Butler Moon, feeling a little confused about Butler Moon's behavior.

The Moon Butler frowned slightly and assigned those weird "human beings" to kneel down towards the moon in the sky and provide faith value.

"This place is a bit strange. We seem to be being targeted by something. I need to gain the power of faith and be ready to go back at any time." Butler Moon answered Yu Liang's doubts, "But there seems to be no problem. This is not an empty city plan. There are enough weird 'human beings' here."

Yu Liang looked at the people who were lined up in the corridor and looked down. He thought for no reason in his mind of the "House Calling" activity of the 100-day countdown in the senior year of high school. At that time, the sophomores and junior high school students stood like this, right? ?

The only difference is that the ghost talk about "human beings" only brings a sense of weirdness and no passion at all.

At this time, Xu Cixi also completed the hypnosis of the two strange "human beings" and followed everyone into the dimensional portal opened by the magician.

A group of little paper figures wanted to open the portal and follow him on their own, but soon they surrounded Yu Liang because they didn't know where the landing point was, and began to ask questions.

Yu Liang had no time to communicate with them, so he quickly took them back to the universe and followed the others to the third stronghold.

The moment he entered the dimensional portal, a black singularity appeared in the peaceful community. Those strange "human beings" did not show even a trace of fear at the appearance of the black singularity. They just stopped and stood quietly. Waiting quietly for this to happen.

The black singularity expanded and gradually swallowed up everything in the community. The big hand with the aura of destruction smoothed the place and restored it to its most original appearance.

Yu Liang and others got out of the dimensional portal. According to the magician's instructions, they had destroyed two strongholds of the strange "human beings", and this was the third stronghold.

However, what was different from their imagination was that the situation in this stronghold was somewhat special.

I saw the weird "human beings" surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside. It was obviously a sea of ​​people, but they stood motionless.

After Yu Liang and others arrived, a road opened up, leading directly to the conference table not far away.

At the other end of the long conference table, a strange "human" in a suit and tie sat there.

There was nothing on his face except his nose, but Yu Liang could still see a smile on it.

It's just that this kind of smile is stiff and official, and too fake.

"Magician?" The adventurer was frightened by the teleported scene. He immediately put on a fighting stance and stood ready, while looking back in the direction of the magician.

Why did this magician bring them to this place?

The magician also looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. He frowned, and set the target of his attack to be the strange "human beings" on the distant conference table. He whispered: "It was predicted, these strange "human beings" "I've been waiting here for a long time. I don't know what method was used to change the location of my portal."

"In that case, let's go up and talk to them." Yu Liang looked at this posture and naturally knew that the strategy team was prepared, so he walked in the front and sat directly at the end of the long conference table, looking at The weird stories at the end "human beings" collide.

"Humans" don't take nonsense when talking about ghosts. From the scout's investigation and the sudden attack in the "Eye of Sand" incident, it is enough to see that they are a group of resolute guys.

If you want to lure them to this place and then kill them, you can attack now. There is no need to waste time setting up a posture here.

Yu Liang glanced at the biting snake beside him and felt a little more relaxed.

With the Snake Snake around, Xu Cixi would definitely use Moon Butler's Heart Anchor, and Moon Butler had vaguely sensed something was wrong at the last stronghold and absorbed some power of faith in advance.

As long as there's room for backtracking, it's not too bad.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Yu Liang." The strange "human" at the conference table said mechanically and quickly, "I am a member of the strategy team, numbered 003, and I am the person in charge with the current number closest to 1."

"Tell me what to do." Yu Liang liked this guy's character of not beating around the bush, so he also played a straight shot.

However, the number "003" still surprised Yu Liang a little. He knew that the other party was a member of the strategy team and a strange "human", not a human like "S1".

In other words, there are still "001" and "002" among the members of the strategy team, and they have disappeared.

At this time, the adventurer whispered: "003? Is there a 007?"

This was a very quiet sentence, but it was still caught by someone in the crowd, so he took a step forward and looked at the adventurer: "I am a member of the strategy team, number 007, what can I do? instruct?"

The adventurer opened his mouth, and finally said quietly: "No."

So "007" returned to his queue quite quickly.

"Just 5 minutes ago, we were still in a state of 'nothing', and within 5 minutes, the third candidate appeared." Strategy Team 003 said, "It's you, Mr. Yu Liang, so we Modified the way I deal with you.”

"The candidates...refer to the 'Raider' candidates, right? Am I the third one? Who are the remaining two...?" Yu Liang asked immediately when he saw that 003 seemed to be easy to talk to.

"The first candidate is S1, and the second one is Mr. Magician behind you. However, these two have not succeeded in breaking through themselves in their past experiences and have temporarily lost their identity as candidates." 003 answered truthfully. , "In the past experience, S1 successfully assembled the 'eyes', 'nose' and 'mouth' on the face of the strategy team, while Mr. Magician assembled the 'mouth' and 'ears' on the face."

003 continued: "Currently, you are the one with the lowest progress, but unlike them, they have basically lost their chance, and you still have a direction to work towards."

Hearing this, the magician looked at 003 blankly. He judged from 003's words which piece of his memory was missing.

During that lost time, he became a candidate for the strategy team, but ultimately failed, so he lost his memory along with it and returned to Haicheng.

On the other side, the hypnotist on the team's voice channel was full of momentum: "Did you hear that! The magician ranks second in history! Yu Liang, a mere rookie, is also coming to compete for the second place in history, right? Who is better now? ? Bai Zi speaks!"

Aze: "..."

The Great Speech Spell is activated!

"It seems that I have been chosen by you." Yu Liang laughed self-deprecatingly, "In this case, you still haven't evacuated them from the previous stronghold. Why?"

"As different beings, we have different understandings of life. Their disappearance is not death, but brings us closer to our own end." 003 explained, "If the resentment in your hearts can be dissipated a little, Then their disappearance makes sense."

Yu Liang remained silent. He would not comment on such behavior, but the words of the strategy team also made him understand something deeply.

Humans and Kaidan "humans" are definitely different things.

For the strange "human beings", there is only one thing they really want to do, and all living and non-living things that may stand in the way of this thing will become their attack targets.

They were like guns, shooting down anyone who stood in their way without hesitation.

"What should I do? Or what do you want me to do?" Yu Liang then asked, "A ceasefire?"

"Conquer the copy." 003 answered quickly. He looked at Yu Liangdao and said, "We will not take any acts of war against human beings who have candidate status."

"The copy... If you guessed correctly, it's the copy about the barrel man and the dock, right?" Yu Liang sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to avoid it, but the candidate's name was directly attached to it. On his head...

It is conceivable that the Bucket Man copy is one of the "causes" for completing the strategy. If he refuses, the candidate's identity may disappear directly.

Without candidate status, he appeared in the lair of the strange "human"...

I'm afraid not even Moon Butler can save him.

Having figured out all this, Yu Liang no longer dwells on this matter, but mobilizes the sleepy Li Huachao and other created characters in his heart:

"Okay, you have a new mission."

"Destroy as much as you can."

"lurking, storming, plundering, deceiving, torturing mentality, destroying stable order, bringing anger and curses."

"Use the method you are good at and work with me to conquer the next dungeon perfectly."

The Forget City Scroll is almost over, and now it’s time to transition to the Barrel Man dungeon~

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