The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 644 The day also understands the darkness of the night

Game bug?

No, bugs are harmful to players, and game features are beneficial to players.

Now we have discovered that the game feature is that machines actually have spirits, because they can give birth to children.

Just like the heavy machine gun in front of us, although it can only give birth to a few parts at a time, similar to the ten mothers giving birth to a baby, some people have hands and some people have feet, and finally they are combined into a rare sweet treasure.

Yu Liang first issued an order to leave the biogas farm, and then quickly started to study this game feature with the money ghost.

The literal description of the repair tool is "repair", but in essence it is to restore an item to a usable state.

In reality, the difference between the two is not too big, and basically everyone can understand it, but for a game that relies on programs to run, the difference between them is huge.

Designing a repair process will undoubtedly waste more energy for maintenance. In order to simplify the process, restoring a scrapped item to a brand new state is naturally the most efficient way for programmers.

However, Yu Liang did not expect that the copy of this strange world actually did the same.

According to such repair tools, it is possible to achieve self-proliferation of mechanical products.

Yu Liang tried to disassemble the bone machine gun into two parts, one side is three quarters, consisting of airbags, gun body, ammunition belt and other parts, and the other side is one quarter, consisting of barrels and some hanging parts.

First, he did not destroy the one quarter part, but directly repaired the three quarters part. The result of the repair was a prompt box [Cannot be repaired, the device is not damaged].

This means that simple disassembly cannot trigger the "repair" process, and it needs to be destroyed.

So next, he tried to destroy the one quarter part, and then repair the three quarters part to test whether there is a fixed connection between its parts.

[Repair successful]

After getting such a result, Yu Liang basically had a number. He now has two brand new bone machine guns, two barrels and some scattered parts.

With these two bone machine guns as the parent and mother, he can get the parts of the bone machine gun through this simple "disassembly-destruction-repair" process.

Originally, the bone machine guns of the Flesh and Blood Planet were more integrated. Each bone machine gun could only be disassembled into a few parts. In most cases, they were debugged and manufactured by hand grinding.

Compared with modern industry, they are like pieces of art.

Yu Liang has a standard business mindset. He hates such works of art. Therefore, with the joint efforts of Dr. Octagon and Caoying scientists, the bone machine gun actively learned modern assembly line production and divided the Caoying series of firearms into parts, so as to produce more efficiently.

At this moment, such efforts have paid off. He can use these two bone machine guns for breeding experiments.

Destroying a quarter is just a conservative approach. Next, Yu Liang tried the bone machine gun again to see the limit of the repair tools.

After a simple adjustment, he got the best optimization plan.

Split the bone machine gun into two, just add one more part to one part, and then repair it to restore it directly to a bone machine gun.

In other words, one bone machine gun plus two parts and two repair tools can get two bone machine guns.

How efficient!

Why do we have to set up factories in reality to produce various parts?

Wouldn't it be better to move the factories directly to this copy?

How many factories can be set up in such a vast ocean?

Yu Liang couldn't hide his joy. He now truly understood the connotation of "technology is the first productive force", and he will truly liberate productivity through such great inventions.

Otherwise, how can we say that people's entrepreneurs are the pillars of the country!

After a simple attempt, Yu Liang got four bone machine guns, but at the same time, there was also bad news, that is, the maintenance tools were all used up, and he lacked the most critical raw materials for the proliferation of bone machine guns.

"The maintenance tools fell out of the sea airdrop, and the sea airdrop is basically delivered according to the current stage of the player." Yu Liang started thinking, which he discovered a few days ago.

At the beginning, he only had a raft, so the daily airdrop must include a bottle of water and bread to maintain the most basic dietary needs of the player at this stage.

After obtaining the ship, he registered the crew in his personal page. The upper limit of crew registration for a "Basic II Sailboat" is 12, so there will be 12 basic diets in the airdrops distributed every day, which include not only water and bread, but also meat and fruits.

It is impossible to keep the ship running normally with only twelve crew members. After all, normal crew members cannot work day and night, and they must be rotated. This setting that leads to a shortage of food resources is also a way to encourage players to explore islands and plunder resources.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Yu Liang. His crew members are all paper people or ghosts. They don't eat, eat snakes to feed themselves, and grass babies can photosynthesize. It means that Yu Liang has a share of food for twelve people, so there is no need to worry about it.

Different ships distribute different foods, which means that the theme of the "raft stage" is "survival", while the theme of the "sailboat stage" becomes a sailing adventure. The copy has a completely different attitude towards these two stages.

In the raft stage, in addition to the necessary water and food, the airdrop will also include scattered resource packs and the simplest items, such as parasols and the like. The synthesis formula of such umbrellas is also very simple, and Yu Liang can synthesize them at that time.

This shows that other items distributed are also linked to the player's stage and are things that can be obtained through one's own strength at the current stage.

In short, repair tools are props that he can synthesize through the workbench at this moment, as long as he has the formula.

Mass production of maintenance tools is not an unrealistic fantasy, but something that can be achieved at this stage!

With this thought, Yu Liang looked back at the heavy artillery with several paper figures standing there, and the beautiful fantasy in his heart was suddenly shattered.

It seems that heavy artillery is not a particularly interesting thing. I will play with this thing after I mass-produce the bone machine gun.

By then, maybe heavy artillery can also be mass-produced through "repair tools."

However, Yu Liang thought about it carefully and found that this heavy cannon had far fewer parts than the bone machine gun and could not be disassembled. Moreover, the barrel occupied most of the volume, so using "repair tools" might not be very effective.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to generate this kind of barrel, and the barrel needs to be divided, which requires more manpower to do, is not easy to do, is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and is far less powerful than a bone machine gun. Save worry with your production planning.

Forget it, it’s of no use, let’s talk about it later.

Yu Liang's interest quickly disappeared completely, and he turned to studying the synthesis formula of repair tools.

Through the existing synthesis formulas, the AI ​​in the glasses has collected some basic ideas about synthesis in the copy. Through speculation and active experiments, this can greatly help Yu Liang find a way to synthesize repair tools.

Even with the help of AI, it still took Yu Liang nearly a day to successfully find a synthesis method.

Glue is synthesized from fish bones in the ocean, a little clay, and pure water. Glue and cloth are synthesized to create tape. Only tape and smelted wrought iron can be used to create repair tools.

After obtaining the most critical components, Yu Liang handed over these tasks to the paper man and assigned several paper men to deal with this assembly line. The manufactured bone machine gun was installed by the Cao Ying mecha.

After doing this, he found the heavy cannon abandoned in the warehouse with fresh maintenance tools, disassembled all parts except the barrel, and tried to use the maintenance tools to generate parts.

[This item is too complex and requires an "advanced repair tool\

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