The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 651: Bucket Man Doesn’t Care About Death

Is it the Yuanshen influencing me again?

The "Yu Liang face" made of stardust appeared in Yu Liang's mind, and he couldn't help but feel funny.

Obviously, this Yuanshen had long been eager for Yu Liang to release him, but he still spoke in that arrogant manner, with an attitude of "hurry up and beg me", "I will save you if you beg me", and "even if you beg me to save you, you will have to pay a lot of price".

What made Yu Liang feel the most uncomfortable was that this Yuanshen couldn't lie to him, that is, the "inspiration" thrown by the Yuanshen in order to seduce him to surrender was all true.

Those were all benefits given by the Yuanshen himself, and in fact, they did provide Yu Liang with a lot of effective ideas and made outstanding contributions to fighting the root cause of the barrel man.

From the state of the Yuanshen, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a tsundere female ghost.

Oh no, among the many Yu Liangs in this world, there is actually a female ghost Yu Liang, which makes Yu Liang feel very strange.

There are really all kinds of Yu Liangs in the forest.

Indeed, now he has no stamp column, and cannot contact "zhi". Without the forced number change of "zhi", he cannot use the ability of "huan" belonging to the Yuanshen Yu Liang rule, and the word symbol "Dahuan" cannot be used.

In order to perfectly cooperate with the "live" character, it seems that it is really necessary to use the "Dahuan" word symbol, because only this word symbol is pure "death".

Normally, there is a fatal factor for human death, such as organ failure, excessive blood loss, or something else.

But "Dahuan" is different, it just calmly narrates "death" itself.

Yu Liang has tried many methods, and it is almost impossible to kill it without affecting the basic structure of the barrel man. Their vitality is more tenacious than cockroaches.

Perhaps it is this tenacious vitality that the players several years ago could not fight against such strange creatures, and they were infected one by one and became barrel men.

"In this case, we have to check the goods first, right? If "Dahuan" can't save these barrel men, then I will lose a lot?" Yu Liang said to the Yuanshen in his heart.

Strictly speaking, he was not chatting with anyone, because his soul did not speak at all just now, but something similar to memory was directly implanted in his brain, that's all.

However, Yu Liang knew that his soul must have heard this sentence and would respond in time.

"Put the character 'big' on your hand, and the power of 'illusion' will appear immediately."

Such a voice appeared in Yu Liang's heart, and he did not refuse, but took out a "big" character from the [extreme luxury] column of the paper man.

When there was no money-keeping ghost guarding him, he would try his best to have different types of characters in the [extreme luxury] column of the paper man, so that he would not delay things if he encountered any situation.

The "big" character appeared in Yu Liang's hand, and the barrel man Xiao Si just looked at Yu Liang with a slightly dull look. He had lost too much energy in the experiment just now, and now he had no strength to do anything extra.

However, there was no regret or resentment in his heart, only a great emotion of sacrificing himself to achieve the whole island.

For him, believing in the powerful human in front of him was the greatest effort.

He didn't know whether the other party was the GM administrator, but he knew that under normal circumstances, there would not be such a powerful human in this copy, at least a guy who had been behind the scenes would not allow such a human to appear.

And Yu Liang still appeared, which was a symbol of hope.

This island, what it needs most now is such hope, and Xiao Si is willing to give everything for this hope.

He didn't know what others thought, but he himself didn't want to be a barrel man for a long time.

Barrel man, huh, this kind of peaceful life as a monster is not what he wants, he just has no choice.

Indeed, he had no choice since a guy bit his body and resurrected him. He couldn't show any self-destructive thoughts in front of these friends in the past. He knew they would be sad and would become more desperate.

When the first barrel man who committed suicide because he couldn't stand the monster identity and the monster desire deep in his heart appeared, the harmonious pastoral life on this island would disappear in an instant, and the breath of despair would always be shrouded here.

Xiao Si, who often wanders among different barrel men, is very clear about this matter. He doesn't want to make his former friends sad and desperate, so now is a good opportunity.

If he succeeds, he will become a human and bring them hope; if he fails, he will choose death, and this kind of death will not bring despair, which is what he wants.

At this time, Yu Liang naturally didn't know the background story of this island. He just played the "Dahuan" word symbol in his hand and took the life of the barrel man Xiao Si.

As his breathing stopped, Xiao Si fell down without any signs. He lay on the operating table, and he didn't even have time to close his eyes. His six limbs became soft and drooped weakly on the edge of the operating table.

Yu Liang did not hesitate. He immediately played another "live" character towards the barrel man Xiao Si, and hoped in his heart that the barrel man who woke up again could turn back into a human form.

If not, he wanted to try to change the body of the barrel man.

The paper man can use [false accusation] to create the most sloppy human body. If the main organs in the barrel man's body are transplanted into this body, it may barely survive, but it will be weaker than the original body.

Of course, if the alien profession is a physical warrior, there may not be much difference in combat power.

The enhancement of the alien profession to the player is not bound to the body, but to the account. Once another person uses your account, the bonus of the alien profession will also be given to the other person.

Of course, this account binding is very fixed. Yu Liang has only known that "Zhi" has the ability to switch accounts and squeeze out the original owner, but this is not possible for all players. At least it needs to be a player that "Zhi" is very familiar with.

Yu Liang has been with her for so long, so there is naturally no problem, but if it is someone else, then the problem is bigger.

And "Zhi" has not developed this ability, because for her, accounts other than Yu Liang are really not attractive.

Even the founding seats were the same. No matter how strong they were, they were not as strong as the root rules she had already mastered. Moreover, the rule power used by the founding seats was often not inherent in the alienated profession, which meant that "Zhi" could not use the rule power of other players by hacking accounts.

Then there was no need to hack accounts. As a root ghost story, Miss "Zhi" was very arrogant.

Anyway, she was too lazy to get familiar with other players and then squeeze them offline. Instead of doing such boring things, she might as well change to Yu Liang's account directly and send a "Jie Lue" word symbol to seal the player she wanted to target. Wouldn't it be easier?

When the "live" character was completely immersed in the body of the barrel man Xiao Si, the eyes of the barrel head suddenly opened, and a pair of eyes that were so flexible that they moved quickly, scanned the entire room, and then suddenly closed, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"Awake? Did you feel anything strange after your resurrection?" Yu Liang asked as a matter of routine, and then handed over a piece of paper and a pen. He knew that the barrel man Xiao Si couldn't speak now.

"I have received the long-lost 'reason'."

A leisurely sigh sounded inside the room, and immediately made Yu Liang feel numb on his scalp.

This is an unknown existence.

The barrel man Xiao Si used ventriloquism to speak in a low voice. He still kept his eyes tightly closed and did not open his mouth. Only a low voice came out of the barrel: "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations~ Although I can't see who you are, I really want to congratulate you. You are the second person to discover the 'secret'."

"People are normal, but barrel men are abnormal. They only need 'repairs' to return to normal. The answer is on the puzzle, but I forgot about it, and the stupid players also forgot about it."

The voice sighed again, and a reverberating laugh came out of the barrel. The shrill sound echoed in the barrel, but it did not gradually dissipate, but became louder.

Finally, it said: "If you came in ten years... or twenty years ago, the result would definitely satisfy you. You are on the right path. I know that you will find the real solution within three days at most without too many experiments."

"It's a pity, it's too late. Someone has used this loophole. What's more regrettable is that he is too weak. He didn't think he was too weak. HiHi——" The voice in the barrel laughed in an exaggerated tone, "So I made a modification. All the barrel people who have completed the repair will hand in their "reason."

The barrel said in an expectant tone: "Then now, I will show you the problem that forced me and the copy to perish together. You are lucky and will feel the same despair as him, but will you perform better than him?"

This voice is full of teasing, just like a perverted host of some perverted variety show. It doesn't care about other things. It only cares about whether it can show the program effect it needs.

When Yu Liang heard such words, his heart inevitably sank. He realized that things were not good.

Using "live" characters to transform barrel men, this method has been used a long time ago. At that time, the players really used this method to have a great impact on the origin of barrel men, but in the end, because the leader's own strength was too weak, he did not succeed.

Yu Liang suspected that this candidate was Xue Wubin.

From the information faintly revealed in the voice, it almost used a suicidal method to suppress Xue Wubin's counterattack, and now, it is going to use this suicide attack again.

However, just like Yu Liang's judgment of it, the first time it used this method was forced, but now it is just too bored.

The reason is naturally that it no longer needs something, it has grown up completely.

Just like an unfinished house is the whole life of a young couple, but it may be just a small wrong investment for the developer.

In this case, the identity of the voice in the barrel is very clear.

The origin of the barrel man.

Through the modification of the copy a long time ago, he received the "reason" that the barrel man automatically offered after the repair was completed, and thus realized the existence of the current Yu Liang.

But just as He said, He was not looking forward to Yu Liang's death, but to Yu Liang's performance.

Before Yu Liang could react, the body of the barrel man Xiao Si began to expand like an inflated balloon, and even his head showed an extremely irregular deformation.

"Let's go!" Yu Liang realized something from this change. He quickly pulled the snake, and the snake that was activated instantly led him out of the room and rose to a high altitude to avoid.

"Boom--" The body of the barrel man Xiao Si blew the whole house to pieces, and blood, body fluids and some other fragments were scattered everywhere.

It was not until an hour later that Yu Liang realized that he had done something very wrong. He should have let the snake swallow it when Xiao Si exploded, instead of leaving the room to escape the explosion.

The splattered blood stained the barrel people not far from the house. They all came to watch following the news of the GM's appearance.

Next, Yu Liang in the sky witnessed an extremely bloody and brutal picture. With the mentality of a researcher, he forced himself to watch and record the changes and characteristics of these barrel people.

The blood and body fluids from the barrel man Xiao Si will infect other barrel men, turning them into similar infected people within 10 seconds (assuming they have not been torn to pieces).

The infected barrel men will greatly release the killing desire and sexual desire deep in their hearts, and all the evil will be manifested in their words and deeds without disguise.

The barrel men don't care about death, they only care about killing and abuse itself.

Under the influence of extremely violent emotions, they will use the weapons in their hands to hurt other normal barrel men first, and then have fun on their bodies and play with all the holes.

Whether it is wounds or seven orifices, it is the same for the barrel men.

The barrel men don't care about happiness, they only care about killing and abuse itself.

Regardless of gender or occasion, it is a complete carnival with blood.

Chasing and fighting have become the theme of this island, and the crazy virus is spreading wantonly.

At the beginning, Yu Liang in the sky still had the idea of ​​stopping them, and the snake was forced to use the long-range attack that he was not good at to bring down lightning to kill those barrel men.

However, the infected barrel men seemed to have improved their resistance. The attacks of the snake bites could not kill them immediately. At most, they could only make them lose their mobility, and then they would laugh wildly and accept the slaughter of other infected barrel men.

Such attacks also attracted the attention of the barrel men on the ground. They began to pick up the intestines or other fragments that were everywhere and threw them to the snake bites in the sky, trying to infect the snake bites.

In this case, Yu Liang could only save himself first and avoid these crazy barrel men first.

He didn't know whether the infection of these bloods would be effective on his strange creatures, and he didn't dare to gamble, so he quickly returned to his ship.

Only by pulling up an intertwined long-range firepower network on the ship could he avoid contact with these mutated barrel men, and the heavy-tasting scenes in the barrel man town had already put Yu Liang on the verge of vomiting.

His psychological tolerance was very good, but the bloody and sour smells and painful wails mixed together were not comparable to the simple visual impact.

The island was ablaze with flames and the bloody smell spread for several kilometers. Some infected people had already chased to the side of the ship and were torn to pieces by the firepower of heavy machine guns, while some barrel people seemed to have expected it. They rushed to the vast sea facing the blood-red beach and spread out with screams.

The only thing to be thankful for was that Yu Liang, who tried to clean up the barrel people as much as possible, found that his creation candidate list was full.

As the barrel people's origin said, the barrel people were humans in another state, a damaged human being, and killing them would also give him the opportunity to create.

Another thing made Yu Liang have a vague worry. He thought that the barrel people's origin was not a guy who would deliberately let him go for his own fun and show effect.

The barrel people's origin didn't care about his death, so what did He care about?

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