The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 676: The future of Yu Liang, a strange story

The current time is 1:55 pm, and the node in five minutes is exactly 2 pm, which is probably the most yang time of the day.

Yu Liang's time was limited, and Tongren An Buchen's time was also limited, so the two of them stopped worrying about each other's identities and communicated in the simplest and most direct words.

The time of falling into the water determines the timeline traveled after falling into the water.

This setting is more in line with Yu Liang's current understanding.

He fell into the water twice, and the two experiences were completely different. It seemed that he did not travel through the timeline after the first fall into the water. He was still in the original timeline, but this fall into the water caused a huge problem in his cognition. .

It wasn't until he met Aze's version of "Yu Liang" after falling into the water for the second time, and through the real anchor defined by Aze, that he finally regained some judgment about his true self.

After falling into the water for the second time, he truly traveled through the timeline and came into contact with the current situation before "Yu Liang" for the first time.

If the time of falling into the water is used to define this kind of shuttle, it actually makes sense. Different times lead to different results. This explanation can convince Yu Liang.

However, the one who still had other doubts was Li Huachao. When she met An Buchen, the bucket man, she made it clear that she should be careful about those who fell into the water, which naturally included Li Huachao. But from his subsequent performance, he felt that Li Huachao was actually is normal.

On the contrary, An Buchen, the barrel man, is very abnormal and has many contradictions in his words.

"Which three Yu Liang are you referring to?" Although Yu Liang had already thought of the answer, he still wanted to ask because he was worried that the other party would get effective information from his inquiry and fabricate new lies based on it.

"It's you in the future, you in the next three time periods." Tongren An Buchen's answer was not vague. It seemed that such a clear answer could dispel some of Yu Liang's doubts.

And Yu Liang raised a new question, and his words were very sharp: "You sent all three Yu Liang to the timelines belonging to Yuanshen and Consciousness God. This means that two hours ago, four hours ago, and six hours ago Are you here and have you seen them? During these six hours, there was someone in my room. Didn't they notice your arrival? And you just said that you escaped while the power of the barrel man's roots weakened? The one who came to me out of control... seems to be a bit inappropriate. "

"I got the message left by my future self. She pointed out that the roots of the Barrel Man will be weakened after a period of time, and I need to find you at this point in time to give instructions." Barrel Man An Buchen answered this question, " The Barrel Man roots were really weakened, so I knew what she said was true, so here I am.”

Yu Liang looked into her eyes. The color in those eyes was still clear. He could see no trace of lying, and he could not find any obvious logical loopholes in this explanation.

"You may not trust me, but you should trust yourself, right?" An Buchen, the bucket man, saw Yu Liang's hesitation. She pointed behind Yu Liang and continued, "The future me said that you did not They won’t stay in that timeline for long, and they will definitely complete their return within two hours, so they will appear in this bathroom at this time to give hints to those who come after.”

As if to confirm An Buchen's statement, the sound of the bathroom door being opened came from behind Yu Liang, and then two Yu Liang squeezed in one after another.

An Buchen, the barrel man, glanced at the time and further explained: "I have received information from the future three times, and the information brought is getting more and more accurate, enough for me to make a perfect prediction this time."

"What time is it here now?"

"What timeline are you from, Yu Liang?"

The two Yu Liang seemed to be unable to see each other. They could only see Yu Liang and Tongren An Buchen in the bathroom, so they asked Yu Liang questions almost at the same time.

However, this problem was completely different, which caused Yu Liang in the bathroom to have some doubts.

"What time is it here now?"

The answer to this question can let the Yu Liang from the future know that the Yu Liang in the bathroom came from a few hours ago, and he can determine how many hours ago the Yu Liang in the "current time and space" was.

This is a very effective question. One question is enough for "Yu Liang" to learn a lot about the situation and give targeted suggestions.

Another Yu Liang asked, "Which timeline are you from, Yu Liang?" This question made Yu Liang frown at this moment.

Which timeline am I from Yu Liang?

If you listen to this meaning, will an event similar to "time and space turbulence" occur in the future?

Are Yu Liang from various time and space lines starting to infiltrate?

"It is now 1:57 pm. I am Yu Liang from the main timeline. How many hours in the future are you from?" Yu Liang answered their questions in turn, and then was eager to get news from these Yu Liang's mouths.

When meeting one's self from the future, the most important purpose is to dig out as much important information as possible from the other person's mouth and make important changes to one's own timeline.

There is a strange talk about "people who obey time". If you really obey, it will be all over. This is obviously giving you the opportunity to understand the future and change the future. You just need to be careful not to reveal your secret in front of the Lord of Time and Space.

"Two hours ago... In this case, I should have just met you. You have already met this An Buchen. She is right. The next fall into the water will indeed travel to the timeline where the consciousness of the soul is, specifically. You can ask them about the situation after traveling through time. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to use even a little bit of Ke Ren's rule ability in that time and space." Yu Liang said seriously two hours later, telling the current Yu Liang, "That timeline. A very perfect balance has been formed, and once the power of the barrel man's roots is strengthened, it will lead to unexpected consequences. "

"In this case, I should be you six hours later." Another Yu Liang informed Yu Liang of the most critical information he had, "Don't try to 'execute' the root of Barrel Man in the line of consciousness. His state is far worse than You see better. Now it seems that only the 'other' line has the strength of the first 'execution'. Don't have any idea about the origin of the barrel man until you find the 'other' timeline."

Having said this, six hours later, Yu Liang looked down at An Buchen, the barrel man in the bathtub, hesitated, and finally said: "There are also these characters who have long been transformed into barrel men. They may indeed be the roots of barrel men. The product, but it is also your product. It is the product of the fusion of the faded characteristics of the two existences, 'Yu Liang' and 'Tong Ren'."

After hearing this, Yu Liang was silent for a moment, and then turned his attention to the barrel man's version of An Buchen.

Bucket Man An Buchen was also silent for a moment, and then said, "I won't call you daddy."

I didn't tell you to scream. This sudden cold complaint is indeed very fairy-like.

Are these created characters really the product of "Yu Liang" and "Bucket Man"?

Like the kind of product produced by the Rat Lord God?

When will I be able to produce at the same level...

Yu Liang looked at Tongren An Buchen's body, which had both the characteristics of "Yu Liang" and the characteristics of "Tongren", and felt a chill deep in his heart for a moment.

Damn it, could there be a hidden version of "Yu Liang" who was locked up and forced to produce it on the territory where the barrel man originated?


At least your image as the barrel man must be female, otherwise it would be too disgusting.

But having said that, since there is An Buchen, the barrel man, there should be other versions of the created character, right?

"In most cases, they can be trusted, but when you and the barrel source appear at the same time, they may not be able to stand firmly on your side." Yu Liang continued six hours later. While saying this, he kept looking outside at something, looking a little nervous, "I shouldn't have returned to this cruise ship, but I have to tell you this important information. You can't be like me on this cruise ship." Trying to seal the origin of the Barrel Man in the Consciousness Line will not help, and you have to be careful that the Barrel Man's origin escapes from the main timeline and enters other timelines. He has such ability."

"Yu Liang" seemed to have seen something, his face changed with shock, and he quickly finished the following words: "You can go to other timelines to execute the 'Barrel Man Root', and he can also appear in other timelines to help 'himself' escape from prison , everything is based on the key node of 'falling into the water', but the good news is that you and Him are on the same starting line. Before the 'end day' comes, whoever has completed more will have an advantage."

"End Day? What is that?" Yu Liang heard a new term and asked.

In the future, Yu Liang continued: "The cruise ship will travel along the established route and will eventually arrive at the dock. That point in time is the end of everything. Whether you are ready or not, the time and space line will definitely close, ushering in a 'Yu Liang' and 'Bucket' man's decisive battle."

"Are you talking to me in the future? There is another Yu Liang besides me in this bathroom...and only one Yu Liang is here?" Two hours later, Yu Liang heard Yu Liang's question now and asked if he had any questions about the current situation. I was thinking, "I can't see Yu Liang in the future in my timeline... Does this mean that the past has been changed, a gap has appeared between us, and everything has become false?"

"Yu Liang didn't come four hours later. He must have been blocked somewhere due to an accident." Now Yu Liang understood Yu Liang's soliloquy two hours later and responded at the same time, "You have to be careful. May the next news come to me, I have changed now, the cruise ship did not fall."

"Yes, I was probably targeted by the pirate barrel men around the four-hour mark and was unable to return to the cruise ship in time." Yu Liang six hours later communicated with Yu Liang now.

The current situation is very interesting. "Yu Liang now", "Yu Liang two hours later" and "Yu Liang six hours later" are all gathered together, but the two Yu Liang from the future cannot meet each other and can only pass through Yu Liang now. Yu Liang can judge what another Yu Liang is saying based on the content of his words.

However, what is even more interesting is that the three of them can communicate almost without any barriers.

"That is to say, you will encounter pirates within two hours." Yu Liang pointed at himself two hours later and said, and then he understood the meaning of the other party's previous sentence, "Because I have made a major change in the timeline here. The changes have caused the three similar timelines of all of you to become illusory."

When he first met his future self two hours later, he was looking for Yu Liang in the future. This meant that he had seen his future self at that time, but he could not see his future self now.

From his point of view, he can no longer receive messages from the future, which essentially means that the ghost story has failed.

He was eliminated from the "direct participants" of Kaitan and changed from "player" to "NPC", so the only real player left is now Yu Liang.

From now on, "Present Yu Liang" is the only entity in this line, and "Future Yu Liang" has really become something similar to "Ghost Talk and Shadow".

Because of the addition of the "Mad King" and the creator "Yu Niang" in the story line here, there has been a huge difference from the future timeline. This difference makes the future Yu Liang truly become a pure ghost story, and It's not just "Future Yuliang".

Does the end of the storyline have such a profound impact on the main timeline?

At this time, Yu Liang also gave his own judgment: "In this case, I will try my best to try another answer, take a path first, and then inform you of the situation."

He looked at the current Yu Liang, with only calmness in his eyes, neither firm nor wavering, as if he was stating what he should do: "I will approach the dock in a straight line and look for other timelines." Accurate entry time, if unsuccessful, I will choose to go into the water at five o'clock on the hour to search, and try my best to return to the cruise ship at six o'clock to give you the answer."

He chuckled, and then continued: "If I don't appear in these key rooms of the cruise ship in two hours, it means that I am dead and this path is wrong."

"You are committing suicide." Yu Liang understood what he wanted to do in the future.

Now that you have learned that you have completely evolved into a special "weird creature", you should make good use of your future characteristics to pave the way for your past self. If there is a fork in the road like this, you only need to step into it without hesitation. That's it.

The future will tell this real Yu Liang what his answer is.

"For the victory of the main timeline, isn't it?" Two hours later, Yu Liang pretended to be relaxed and said these words from the octagon or the shadow Yu Liang.

No matter what Yu Liang is, no matter what kind of Yu Liang he is, the final goal is only this one thing.

For the victory of the main timeline.

"I have to go. Those barrel men noticed my boat and they turned back again." Six hours later, Yu Liang kept looking outside the bathroom. "It's a pity. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to show up again." , I will try to leave instructions for you, we are one, you should be able to understand what I mean."

After saying this, Yu Liang jumped into the bathtub six hours later without hesitation. From the visual effect, it was like he sank directly into the body of Tongren An Buchen.

It's a pity that there was not even a little splash of water.

At this moment, Yu Liang also realized a problem.

Next to Yu Liang six hours later...

There is no one left.

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