The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 682 I did not wake up alone

After leaving the computer room, Yu Liang had basically obtained the information he wanted to collect in this timeline, and also received the help clearly expressed by the soul Yu Liang.

Everything is moving in a better direction. The top priority now is to find a way to the timeline where "Zhi" is located, and gradually execute the root of the barrel man from the "Zhi" version of Yu Liang, liberate the root of the strange story of each timeline, and start the decisive battle before the end day two days later.

Sitting in the black aircraft, Yu Liang planned the follow-up for himself, and was also thinking about another problem.

Strange story "People who obey time".

The time flow in the soul timeline is very slow. If you stay here for a few days, it may only be two hours outside. He still has a chance to complete this strange story.

It is known that Yu Liang two hours later is ready to use his own timeline to explore the way for the current Yu Liang, but his action will not be too fast, because Yu Liang six hours later once said that he encountered the pirate barrel man.

Ideally, two hours later, Yu Liang should be at the opportunity to encounter the pirate barrel man, and if there is no accident, Yu Liang himself can also encounter this batch of pirate barrel men.

In other words, if we find the location where this group of pirates barrel men and Yu Liang fought, we will be able to complete the next freeze-frame with a high probability.

It's not too late to do these things when we return to the main timeline. Now there is still time to go deep into the cruise ship to take a good look at what is in the captain's room.

What clues will the consciousness Yu Liang, who has not been in contact with me too much, leave for me?

With such doubts, Yu Liang came to the cruise ship. He had noticed before that this cruise ship was built into a place similar to a scenic spot. Men and women on the ship were dressed in strange costumes and shuttled between the amusement facilities, indulging and squandering their youth.

This is a way to fight against the barrel man's root [pollution] ability, using an endless entertainment similar to "nipple fun" to suppress mental erosion.

The itinerary of the barrel man and the human is arranged so full that they have no time to listen to the crazy muttering of the barrel man's root in their ears.

And looking at this scene, Yu Liang had a vision in his heart:

Such a scene is no different from the so-called indulgence day on the cruise ship.

Somehow, the cruise ships and the cruise ships once again corresponded across time and space. If so, it was because of the same purpose.

The cameras along the way nodded to Yu Liang, and his identity information had been recorded in the highest authority by the main brain, so neither the security gate nor the security guards could stop Yu Liang's steps. He walked towards the depths of the cruise ship, and the noisy sounds of play were far away from his ears, as if they were ringing in the sky.

"Identity detection has been completed. Welcome, Mr. Yu Liang." The door of the captain's room sounded a mechanical electronic sound when Yu Liang arrived, and then it was completely open to him.

Yu Liang walked into the captain's room, and the lights inside were naturally turned on. The layout here was different from the outside, and it basically restored the appearance of the captain's room in the main timeline.

No, it can't be said to be restored. This is how it should be here, but the cruise ship outside the captain's room in this timeline has undergone corresponding high-tech transformation.

The computer was placed on the desk in the middle of the captain's room, but Yu Liang did not open it directly, but instead flipped through the paper documents in the captain's room.

The whole city has completely entered the electronic age. Such well-preserved papers may only appear in museums, but there are a lot of documents piled up in the captain's room, scattered on various cabinets and bookshelves. If it weren't for the thick dust, Yu Liang would have thought that someone was still handling affairs here in recent days.

"This is where the original consciousness Yu Liang handled affairs and worked." The AI ​​Yu Liang in the glasses issued a voice prompt, "After his death, I no longer have the authority to enter here and turn on the computer. Logically speaking, he should have left something for you."

Yu Liang nodded and quickly searched in this captain's room. It is very likely that there are the wisdom results of the consciousness Yu Liang for many years.

Strictly speaking, the consciousness Yu Liang is the Yu Liang who is closest to Yu Liang's origin, while the soul Yu Liang is closer to an emotionless decision-making machine.

However, after a search, Yu Liang did not find any useful clues. Most of the documents here are old archives or copies of contracts related to the "cruise ship" project. Some are "reconstruction and development of cruise ships", some are "economic accounts of cruise ships", etc. Yu Liang looked at a headache.

But it's not that there is nothing interesting to find. Anyway, Yu Liang found a small paper notebook with some records of life by the consciousness Yu Liang.

The paper diary may be the only information in the world that cannot be directly read by the electronic biological soul Yu Liang. There may be some contents that the soul is not clear about, but unfortunately, more than ten years after the death of the consciousness Yu Liang, the diary was still seen by the soul Yu Liang in the glasses.


【It has been five years since I came to this timeline. With the cruise ship as the foundation, we quickly built our own city.

Sure enough, the cooperation between me and the soul is invincible, although I spend most of my time in deep sleep, buying time for the development of the city, haha.

People who are asleep always lose their sensitivity to time. If the surrounding environment has not changed dramatically, I always think that entering this timeline is a week ago.

For some unnecessary necessity, I decided to record some things to prove that I did exist in this world, and I don't want that guy to see it, he is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

Just like twin brothers, there will be secrets. Yu Liang, who opened this diary, you should understand this feeling, right?

So, take off your glasses and put them outside the captain's room. 】

"Uh." After reading this, Yu Liang couldn't help but glance at the AI ​​Yu Liang in the lower left corner of his vision. Seeing him shrug, he said that he had no opinion, and then he sent the glasses outside the captain's room and locked the door of the captain's room tightly.

Just like the idea just now, the consciousness Yu Liang is closer to the normal Yu Liang, and there are still many differences between him and the Yuan Shen. Maybe he only wants these ideas to be known by the normal Yu Liang who comes to the captain's room several years later.


Okay, I believe that after saying this, that guy will definitely not think about peeking again. Even if he is extremely curious, he will never ask again, because "the Yuan Shen is a perfect existence beyond the world", he probably said so.

Although I want to hide it from my soul, I may not write anything particularly important. After all, you know, there is actually no secret between me and my soul, and I don’t wake up for many days throughout the year.


This is my third awakening. According to my soul, the root of the barrel man cannot break through his ban within a week, which means that I can move freely in this city for another week.

There is nothing special today. The only thing worth writing about is that I met a girl who looks very much like Xu Cixi. Because of the resemblance at first glance, I followed the suspension train for seven stops. Unfortunately, I still lost her in the crowd in the end.

Okay, it doesn’t matter if I lose her or not. There will be no result between us. It’s just that I just happened to have nothing to do on the first day of awakening. If you really want to know her news, my soul must have it, right?


I met her again today. Unlike last time, this time she took the initiative to walk towards me because of the paper book in my hand and the pen clipped on the book.

In this era, except for literary men and pretentious men, no one carries paper books on the suspension train anymore, so she became curious about me. In a simple exchange, she confirmed that I was the former, but unfortunately, I was both.

In this city, there are not many people who can have self-control in the era of high-intensity and stimulating entertainment, and there are even fewer people who can return to the world of quiet reading. We are all the same alternative.

Today is not a working day, but she still took me to where she works. It is a cafe, a cafe without screen equipment, a quiet cafe with only books and mahogany tables and chairs.

This is her cafe.

I began to doubt her authenticity.

If everything is a coincidence made by Yuanshen, I will knock his head off myself.


It has nothing to do with Yuanshen.

It is a very simple test method, because Yuanshen cannot lie to "Yu Liang", and I am also "Yu Liang", so he has no way to escape my questions, Le.

Her name is Xue Qing.

We spent a pleasant afternoon, literature, music and painting, our topics were always far from ordinary people, fortunately I was the memory complex of the Yuanshen, the knowledge he mastered was equivalent to what I mastered, so in her eyes I was an extremely knowledgeable natural person (unmodified primitive human).

It was very interesting, she actually said that she liked my calligraphy, I looked at my cursive writing, and I was a little amused.

Well, in this era, can my handwriting be considered very good?

I had the urge to practice calligraphy. In this short week of awakening time, I actually wanted to waste my energy on practicing calligraphy. I guess I was confused after sleeping for a long time.


I never thought that there would be a girl who was so compatible with me. In just two days, we have become each other's confidants. She can read my thoughts from a micro-expression of mine, and I can understand her mood from the insignificant details.

I was like a tourist who had just arrived, led by her to visit various scenic spots in the city that were not particularly beautiful.

Unfortunately, the tallest silver building is still not as spectacular as the small garden on the roof of the coffee shop. The aesthetic taste of the soul Yu Liang is really limited.

However, two days later, I felt fear again.

What was I afraid of?

Fear of her existence, fear of my existence.

Reason still told me that there should not be such a person in this city. Her appearance was too coincidental, as coincidental as if someone had typed out a cliché love story on the keyboard, and everything was a special arrangement.

I realized that I might have become a cliché character under the keyboard.

I did not wake up alone, there was another person who woke up with me.

(PS: Actually, this idea does not need to be written out, but I want you to see it more clearly, understand, kid.)

Yu Liang: "..." (End of this chapter)

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