The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 221: Introverted

   "After meditation practice, your qi has improved a bit."

   "Your breath is currently: 00."

   "Your meditation practice has entered the next stage, and your Qi recovery speed has been improved."

   "Your life energy has been restrained. When fighting related detection spells and spell-like abilities, the opponent needs to take an additional 2 difficulty check."

   With the information starting to refresh on the retina, Yi Qiu could feel the pain gradually receding, as if the deep cold like extreme winter before was just a thin dream in spring.

   But when Yi Qiu withdrew from the practice of meditation, the faint pain from his body clearly reflected that everything before it was not an illusion.

   Yi Qiu got out of bed, the cold remnants made Yi Qiu's activities a little stagnant.

  Mind and body are inseparable twins, closely linked together, yet they have separate places.

   Even what Yi Qiu experienced before was just a real illusion in his sea of ​​consciousness.

   But for the body, it still gives real feedback.

  Yi Qiu didn't study this in depth. In another area of ​​psionic energy, there is a group of people who specialize in this area. They are called Psionists.

  They explored the mystery of the soul and developed many curious psionic spells.

   Yi Qiu remembered that when they watched the news at the Multiverse Trading Center, they seemed to have made a big news.

   It is said that based on the inspiration provided by the Mind Reaver in the underground world of the plane of Faerun, they have researched something similar to the LAN of mind.

   But at this stage, it can only provide self-confidence among Psionists.

   Yi Qiu felt that something in his body had been converged in. He opened the door, and it was already early morning.

   Turning on the light in the living room, Yi Qiu stood in front of the toilet door and looked at himself.

   That daunting life field seemed to disappear, and he looked ordinary now.

   Well, except for the shiny bald head...

   Yi Qiu walked to the balcony, everything was shrouded in darkness, and in a while, the star that provided light and heat to hundreds of millions of lives would rise from the east.


   Yi Qiu turned his head and looked. The orange cat was squatting on the balcony, looking at him with its piercing eyes.

   For tabby cats, night is their most active time, because at this time mice begin to come out for food one after another.

   Because the community where Yi Qiu is located is a relatively old-fashioned building, occasionally some fat rats can be seen, and they can freely enter and exit any floor along the pipeline.

   This is also the reason why some residents choose to keep a cat. After all, the rattle sometimes makes it difficult to sleep.

   The orange cat squatted on the balcony with its gleaming eyes, keenly observing the surrounding movement, and the hunter gene hidden in its blood was about to move.

   For creatures such as birds and mice, cats are the most terrifying predators.

   Yi Qiu touched its head, and then went back to sleep.

   Although today's meditation practice did not reach the time for Yi Qiu's daily meditation practice, but the energy consumed by breaking through to 00 o'clock made Yi Qiu no longer able to meditate.



   The next day


   There was a knock on the door, and the teasing orange cat Yi Qiu got up and opened the door.

   No accident, his cousin was at the door, and the one standing behind her carrying the box was probably her classmate.

  Because of Yi Qiu's house, in addition to the master bedroom, there is also a relatively narrow side bedroom.

   Later, because there was no one living there, it stayed idle.

  Yi Qiu piled up some of the books left over from school before, and now it’s time to get a bottle of soda when he is full of money...

   "This is Mi Wei I told you."

   cousin pointed at the beautiful girl behind her and said to Yi Qiu.

   Due to the continuous harassment of the loan company, in the strange eyes of her classmates, Mi Wei wanted to move out of the school.

   But short-term rental houses nearby are not easy to find, and they can only be rented for one year at the beginning.

   For Mi Wei, who just paid the so-called loan company another sum of money, she couldn't afford it.

   At first, she borrowed 500 on the app of a self-proclaimed Zhizhang Caijie Microfinance Co., Ltd. on the recommendation of a friend who had known her for a long time.

   As a result, when I was about to repay the loan in the second month, I was told that I needed to pay 8750.

  Mi Wei was naturally unwilling, and ignored it after paying back the principal of 500.

   Since the next day, she has been bombarded by phone calls, and each time she has a different number.

  At the same time, all the contacts in her mobile phone received the relevant text messages.

   Obviously, this made Mi Wei feel very broken.

  Miwei felt very helpless, and she was even more tormented in the strange eyes of her classmates, so she planned to move out.

  Miwei has found many rental companies, but they have not been able to negotiate.

   Because the roommates of Mi Wei and cousin Yi Qiu were former high school classmates, they helped find them.

   Then, my cousin remembered that there seemed to be an idle room on Yi Qiu's side.

   This kind of narrow side sleeper without air conditioning.

   It is difficult to rent out for the abundant housing nearby.

   In other words, I can’t rent at all

To go.

   After all, apart from some two people who are used for sex, the main reason for renting is air conditioning.

   Normal University has a very fine tradition, that is, the dormitory does not have air conditioning.

   It is said that it is to temper the students' but not because they are reluctant to spend money (crossed out).

   Air-conditioning was installed in the dormitory next to the university. Until Yi Qiu graduated, the Normal University still carried out its traditional beliefs for many years.

   When my grandfather was still there, he helped Yi Qiu to get through, but he ended up without a problem.

   With the idea of ​​helping Yi Qiu solve some of the economic problems, and then maybe solving the single problem, my cousin contacted Yi Qiu directly.

   Of course, she only talked about Mi Wei's specific situation on the phone, and hoped that Yi Qiu could help.

   The rent for a house near Yiqiu is about 800-200 a month. According to the negotiation result between my cousin and Mi Wei, it is finally set at 500 a month, and the payment is 3 months at a time.

"Hello there."

   Yi Qiu smiled at Mi Wei. It seemed that she was a little badly energetic, which might be caused by poor rest.

"Hello there."

   Mi Wei grinned reluctantly at Yi Qiu. Recently, the loan company made her very haggard.

   She tried to report to the police, but was notified that it was an economic dispute, and asked her to apply for a legal solution.

   But obviously for Mi Wei, who has not yet entered the society, this is another unfamiliar field, which makes her panic and uneasy.

   "Would you like some apple pie?"

   Yi Qiu touched her bald head, smiled at Mi Wei and said.

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