The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 226: And more...

After advanced unarmed attacks, Yi Qiu's control over unarmed attacks appeared to be easy.

   Although there is no obvious gain for actual combat, it is indeed a lot more convenient for material world activities.

   With the improvement of Yi Qiu's level, his unarmed injuries are already very considerable.

   Even if he doesn't open the eight-door dungeon and is comfortable in size, to withstand his full punch, it is not much easier than encountering a car accident.

   If you can't freely control the strength of your hands, it will make Yi Qiu very troublesome when encountering some situations.

   Just like the guys he stunned before, if there is no such control, it is estimated that he can only harvest their corpses, and if there is a crit attack, it is estimated that the difficulty of collecting the corpses will be more difficult.

"Woke up?"

   Yi Qiu looked at the thin guy in the middle, and from Yi Qiu's observation, he should be the higher-ranking one among the four.

Moreover, the red light on his body is relatively strong. Although I don’t know if the law he violated can reach the point of death penalty, for Yi Qiu, the red light on his body is enough for Yi Qiu to sacrifice him without any psychological pressure. Up.

   Hearing Yi Qiu's voice, Rotten Tooth Li's body twitched unnaturally, and the fluke that had been hidden in his heart disappeared.

   Rotten Yali feels that things have reached a very dangerous point. He was still thinking about whether he would be killed before, but now he was thinking about whether he would be eaten...

   After all, Yi Qiu, whose expression on his four arms does not have any fluctuations, seems to be more inclined to the monsters recognized by Rotten Tooth...

   So the dangerous perverts that lingered in his mind, such as Hannibal and Old Jigsaw, were replaced by the more localized human ogres such as the Blue-haired Lion Monster and the Dapeng Monster.

   Among them, Yi Qiu's four arms gave Rotten Teeth a more direct guidance.

   Rotten Teeth Li closed his eyes tightly, and big beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead.

   He did not dare to speak, for fear of attracting Yi Qiu's attention.

   Now there are 4 people here. Looking at Yi Qiu's appearance, it's not like I can eat 4 people at once.

   As long as he is not eaten by the first one, there is hope.

   Rotten Tooth was running his brain frantically, and he was thinking about how to save himself.

   It's better to die than to live, not to mention that it is time for him to be proud of the spring breeze.


   At this moment, an immature wolf howl came from a distance.

   Rotten Teeth Li's heart sank suddenly, not very good, this bald monster looks similar to ordinary people, and it is estimated that his appetite is not much greater.

   You might be full if you eat one person. If you add a wolf, you might eat another one.

   The probability of being eaten suddenly increased from one-fourth to one-half, dying...



   Yi Qiu watched that the white wolf he picked up was wandering around in the decaying city, while Zen Master Shi Quan was following it.

   After seeing Yi Qiu, the white wolf suddenly ran over.

   For biological cubs, how to quickly distinguish existences that can provide themselves with food and goodwill, and to sell cuteness in a targeted manner, is the ability to have considerable evolutionary advantages.

   However, sometimes there are accidents, such as cats...

   Yi Qiu picked up the white wolf and touched its soft white hair.

   Although the time hasn’t been long, the white wolf has grown up a bit. After a few days, when its claws mature, let it go hunting in the woods.

   Yesterday, because he was busy investigating the loan company, Yi Qiu didn't buy rabbits. However, when passing by the pet store, Yi Qiu took a look at it by the way. There were still many rabbit cubs for sale.

   After solving this wave, Yi Qiu is going to buy 10 of them and throw them in the forest to see the effect.


   At this moment, the fat man who was badly injured by Yi Qiu with his fist came back from his coma.

  'S injuries coupled with the rough **** of the rope, when he woke up, he suddenly felt that he might as well faint.

   After the pattern on the retina gradually changed from blurry to clear, looking at the four arms of Yi Qiu presented on his retina, the fat man was also a little confused for a while.

   But he didn't close his eyes like Rotten Fang Li, but looked at Yi Qiu quite calmly.

   From Ma Tsai to now, Fatty Liang has not been afraid of monsters and ghosts, because the human heart is countless times more horrible and dark than this.

   He has never publicized how much blood he has on his hands from the horse killing to where he is now, but most of his younger brothers know that his hands are not so clean.

   A clean hand cannot get out of the horse.

   "Who is your boss?"

   Yi Qiu said to Fatty Liang.

   "Du Huadiao, he controls the usury in this area."

   To Yi Qiu's surprise, Fatty Liang answered his question decisively.

   "Do you know where he is now?"

   Yi Qiu touched the soft white sand from the backpack, then took a sip with the lighter in his third hand in front of Fatty Liang and the dizzy rotten tooth.

   Liang Liang's face seemed to twitch. Probably Yi Qiu's style of painting made him feel that his worldview has suffered an unprecedented shock.

   "I don't know, his whereabouts are only known to a few senior managers, and there is a WeChat group between them."

   Liang Fatty replied honestly.

   If it were not for the rich red light overflowing from his body, UU reading would look like an honest man.

   "The one next to me seems to be, maybe he knows it."

   Liang Fatty pretended to say unconsciously.

   "Fatty man, **** you!"

   Rotten Tooth cursed viciously in his heart, but felt that when Yi Qiu stared at him with cold eyes, Rotten Tooth knew that it would be dangerous to pretend to be dizzy.

   "Where did the boss go today, I didn't say in the group, but if there is no accident, he should be in Sister K's bar."

   Rotten Teeth Li opened his eyes helplessly, smiled awkwardly at Yi Qiu, and then spoke.

   Secretly, his mind was turning wildly, he was thinking about what Yi Qiu would do to find their boss, and then whether he could find some life from it.

   The two younger brothers have also woken up one after another, but they are more unbearable than the rotten teeth.

   The vicious appearance of Yi Qiu who was going to cut Yi Qiu with a machete, has now been completely destroyed by the incontinent liquid.

   "Sister K's bar?"

   Yi Qiu exhaled a mouthful of white smoke, and said to the rotten tooth plum in the smoke.

   "Yes, I can't find it on the map. Sister K rented a factory to remodel it, and ordinary people can't get in. Do you know Dongshi Town? Sister K's bar is in..."

   Rotten Teeth Li said while scanning Fatty Liang with his peripheral vision. He knew that even if Fatty Liang survived this time, if Fatty Liang did not die, he would not end well.

   So, he grinned open his mouth with rotten teeth:

   "I'm not familiar with that side. I just listened to the big guys in the WeChat group saying that Fatty Liang was taken, and he is familiar."

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