The Bald Monk in the City

Chapter 263: Ring and bamboo leaves

When Aisha Bodor woke up, she awakened several teammates who were sleeping soundly on the snow wolf.

After thanking Yi Qiu and adding friends on the comprehensive network, several members of the small race team left through the comprehensive network with a tired expression.

While Yi Qiu was chewing the magic berry, while using his consciousness to flip the exchange item information.

Because the relevant exchange information is too complicated, Yi Qiu just read it roughly.

So far, he has not found a relevant advanced career that fits him well.

However, among a large number of exchange items, he found an accessory that satisfies him:

Ring of Withering Mercy

Item level: 10

Quality: light gold

Type: Ring

Durability: 9/9

Weight: 0.09kg

Special effects:

1. Natural tranquility: When the character is in a natural environment, the character will get an extra 100% life recovery speed increase.

2. Pity backtracking: When the character is seriously injured, the character will return to the state before the character was seriously injured and attacked, and the poisoning and bleeding effects of severe or lower level will be removed.

3. Withering and withering (on/off): In the open state, when the character attacks an enemy in close proximity, there is a 5% probability that a withering force will be cast into the enemy's body.

The enemy needs to make an erosion check (based on the difference of perception between the two parties), and if the check fails, it will be infected by withering power.

Each time the enemy is infected with Blight, he will suffer 5% of his current health damage, his movement speed and neural reflexes will be reduced by 10%, and the Blight and Blight state will be superimposed.

When the enemy's body is filled with 10 layers of withered and withered state, the enemy will enter the autumn leaves broken state. Every 1 second, the enemy needs to make a withering check (based on the enemy's comprehensive attributes). If the check fails, it will enter the withered state (duration is based on the enemy level) .

In the dead state, the enemy's body will be transformed into wooden tissue, unable to move, unable to attack and cast spells.

In this state, the enemy gets an extra +1 natural armor and an extra 50% fire weakness damage, and each attack may cause the enemy to enter a state of physical damage.

Each time the body damage is superimposed, the enemy needs to take damage of the maximum health of the number of body damage * 10% after exiting the dead state.

ps: Dispelling magic has a probability of dispelling the dead state, and dispelling petrification is invalid for the enemy entering the dead state.

Exchange price: 600 points natural contribution value

Yi Qiu has more than 200 natural contribution points at this time, although this value can already be exchanged for a lot of good equipment.

But as far as Yi Qiu is concerned, he doesn't lack those relatively rare equipment.

Even the purple equipment of level 10 had already been sacrificed for Yi Qiu.

So the only thing Yi Qiu is interested in now is the level 10 light gold and above quality equipment.

However, among the natural carnival redemption equipment, the highest quality is light gold, and the higher equipment is estimated to be able to be seen in the equipment with the legendary authority.

Before Yi Qiu tried to click on items related to the legendary profession, but there was a prompt that "the relevant authority is insufficient".

So he estimated that there are still a small part of truly rare equipment and occupations, only legendary characters can exchange.

Compared with the exchange items in the Cod Arena, there is a certain limit, and most of the exchange items in the natural carnival are unlimited.

Except for some advanced information that can only supply a limited number of people to transfer jobs, most items can be exchanged indefinitely.

The natural carnival will last 100 years in total, so Yi Qiu is not in a hurry.

Sometimes it’s enough to clean up daily tasks and wait for a large-scale impact of polluting organisms next month.

But in the end, Yi Qiu exchanged the 20-odd odds into some magic bamboo leaves.

Essence plant-Huanguang bamboo leaves:

Quality: blue

Type: Material

Description: These are the leaves of some refined plants-Huaguang bamboo, which have certain alchemical purposes and can also be used for some special cooking.

Exchange price: 1 natural contribution value/1 ounce

Yi Qiu had obtained a formula of bamboo leaf tea that could restore energy a long time ago, but after many experiments, he found that ordinary bamboo leaf tea made from bamboo leaves did not have this effect.

Although as his Qi practice entered the second stage, the recovery speed of Qi increased.

But for large-scale battles, the speed of Qi recovery is still a problem.

After all, whether it is casting a spell or using a monk's skills, it requires gas.

Only when the monk is transcendent and enters the sacred, the qi consumption problem can really be solved.

Prior to this, corresponding mitigation can only be achieved through various methods.

After redeeming a full 20 ounces of Huanguang bamboo leaves, Yi Qiu used his consciousness to open the event page of the Nature Carnival.

Because it took 24 hours to guard the joint points, Yi Qiu was able to teleport away for free at this time.

"Do you want to send away?"


"Successful consuming the number of free teleports today, the characters are being teleported to leave..."



The familiar feeling of dizziness...

When Yi Qiu opened his eyes, the goal was the air floating with dust and wool.

Obviously, he has returned to his room in Orange City.

After thinking about it, Yi Qiu took out his mobile phone from his backpack, and he was going to check how much time had passed.

Because when he left Toskie through the event page before, he discovered a very strange thing: He has been in Toskie for nearly 2 days, but the event time has only passed by less than 1 day.

Yi Qiu clicked on the phone to connect to the Internet and refreshed the time. Judging from the time displayed on the screen, 16 hours have passed since the day he went to Toschi.

And judging from his time in Toschi, the time flow ratio between the two is roughly 1:2.

To put it simply, In the past 1 day in the material world, Toschi has passed 2 days.

But when Yi Qiu clicked on the Nature Carnival event page on the Comprehensive Internet again, he found that the event time still showed that only less than one day had passed.

From this point of view, the time of activity is based on the time of the material world, which means that after 100 years of the material world, Toschi's time of activity will end.

From here, we can probably see that the expected resolution time of the Earth Mother God for the disaster that swept Toschi was almost two hundred years after Toschi's time.

In terms of the average lifespan of human beings, it is at least throughout the entire life of two generations.

In other words, if the disaster of polluting organisms can be solved, there will be two generations of Toschi people, who will be shrouded in the haze of polluting organisms from life to death.

In the bedroom, Yi Qiu took out a piece of soft white sand that had been stored for a long time from the backpack.

Then I flicked it gently with my finger, and the power of the excited flame burned the front end of the smoke body into ashes, but the back also burned with the fleeting high temperature...

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