The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 236 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Now that he knew that the enemy hadn't chased him, he ran out for such a long distance, so he could take a short break to restore some physical strength to his body and be able to cope with the next situation well.

The body remained vigilant, Xuan Zang rested there for a few minutes, and after the condition inside his body got better, he continued on his way.


He stepped on the branch and continued on the road. The wind blew his bangs back, making him look very elegant.



A fire burst out a spark, and the few people sitting around the fire did not speak.

The Uchiha Huo brothers leaned together, Yan was wiping his kunai with a cloth, and his eyes were calm.

Several people have been on their way for a day, and it is now night, and the temperature difference between day and night has increased, so they have to make a fire to maintain the temperature.

"someone is coming!"

Hyuga shield opened his eyes and looked in one direction.

After a fire is lit, it is like a lighthouse at night, illuminating the way for others to move forward.

So Hyuga Shield will check the surrounding situation with his eyes every quarter of an hour.


Everyone immediately stood up and took out their weapons. Zhiwei waved his hands even more. A bunch of bugs wrapped the flames and extinguished the flames in the blink of an eye.

"Wait! It seems to be Xuan Zang!"

Hyuga Shield took a closer look and found that Chakra was very familiar, and the others were relieved, especially the Uchiha Huo brothers, who made no secret of the joy on their faces.


Xuan Zang stepped on the branch. He saw a bright light in the distance, and the chakra fluctuations of Zhiwei and others, so he rushed towards here.

Sure enough, when he walked closer, he found that it was them, the speed was even more impressive, and he was in front of them in a blink of an eye.

"team leader!"

Uchiha Huo was the first to see Xuan Zang's walking figure, and the blue and white afterimage fell in front of him after he called out.

"Well, are you all okay!"

Xuan Zang nodded and looked around, except for the Hyuga Ninja who was shot into the soul by Terumi Mei using ninjutsu at first, everyone else was here.

"We should ask you if there is anything wrong."

Zhiwei walked over and looked at Xuan Zang intact.

"Fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I would not be there today when I met Shuiying."

Xuan Zang smiled slightly.

"It's fine if it's okay. You're also very tired. Go take a rest. There's still some food over there."

Zhiwei patted Xuan Zang's shoulder with his hand, and signaled Xuan Zang to eat something to rest.


Silent all night, Xuan Zang lay there to rest, while the others took turns to watch the night in pairs.

The next day, after a long time, the group finally broke away from the sphere of influence of the bear country and returned to the sphere of the fire country.

Hurrying up, several people successfully returned to the camp before dinner.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, Xuan Zang and others heard bad news.

Early this morning, Yakura and Oshamaru had a contest, and Oshamaru was injured by Yakura. The current situation is unknown.

"It's still too late!"

Xuan Zang frowned and followed Zhiwei and the others towards the tent where Tsunade was.

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