The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 270 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

A rough voice with strong impatience.

"Keep your voice down, just do your own thing!"

Another voice sounded.

"Hey, don't you just have a good dad?!"

The rough voice became quieter, but still a little unconvinced.

Xuan Zang listened attentively, and there was no information worthy of his attention. It was just who died. They seemed to be searching for the murderer.

Holding his breath, Xuan Zang saw only two people through the gap in the leaves, but in his perception, there were a lot of chakras of different sizes not far away.

So he decided to wait and see the situation.

Holding the knife at his waist, Xuan Zang looked at the enemy's eyes, revealing a bit of bloodthirsty.


When the two Yan Ren heard the sound, an animal jumped out of the grass beside them, causing them to instantly draw out their weapons.

As soon as the animal jumped out and saw two humans, they were equally frightened, and they immediately speeded up and ran in the other direction.


The two Yan Shinobu also let out a long sigh of relief.

"Let's go, there is nothing unusual here, first meet with them, and then go to the next place, it's really unlucky, it's such a thing!"

One of the ninja waved his hand, retracted the weapon, and then turned around.

The other ninja also retracted the weapon and turned around.

It's now!

Xuan Zang hid on the branch beside them, his eyes narrowed.

As soon as he has thoughts in his mind, his body moves.

It must be decided quickly, so that no one else can notice it!

With a foot on the branch, Xuan Zang landed on the two enemies.

Damn it!


The two Iwanin didn't respond at all, they were both stabbed through the back by Xuan Zang, and then crushed their hearts.

This time the attack on Xuan Zang did not use a knife, but used two-handed Chidori.

With a knife in one hand and Chidori in the other, Xuan Zang cannot guarantee to kill the enemy at the same time. The weight of the sword and the hand are completely different.

Although there may only be a gap of less than a second with the knife, it may be that this second will cause another enemy to send a signal for help.

Therefore, in order to cut off all this, Xuan Zang directly used his hands Chidori.

Zizi's electric current sounded, and the two enemies were drawn with all their strength, and they gave out an unwilling growl helplessly, but the transmission range was limited to a few meters.

After killing the two of them, Xuan Zang took the Chakra along the way, removed the Chidori, and drew his hand back at the same time.

Regardless of the blood on his hands, Xuan Zang jumped and headed in the other direction.

Although the Chidori’s were released quickly and collected quickly, Xuan Zang decided to put a little distance first and then settle it slowly.

"Hey, is there anything on your side?"

Just as Xuan Zang walked with his front feet, a voice came.

"Huh? There is a situation!"

Before the ninja got here, he smelled the familiar smell of blood in his nose, and he quickly called his companions and approached quickly at the same time.

Falling beside the two corpses, the ninja's face was very ugly, and his already dark skin became even darker.

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