The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 514 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

[Thousand Birds Sharp Spear] Under Wan Snake's expression of astonishment, he pierced the end of its tail fiercely and nailed it to the ground.

"Roar!! Damn it!"

Wan Snake roared furiously, and bloodshot eyes appeared.

"Now, have you figured out your status now?"

Wan Snake has the intention to kill the enemy, but is powerless.

Xuan Zang's electric current had a paralyzing attribute, which caused its movement to be greatly stagnated.

There was a crackling, and another burst of electricity flashed past.

Xuan Zang watched Ten Thousand Snake and did not speak for a long time, but the killing intent in his eyes was still rising, so stepping on Ten Thousand Snake's body, the [Chidori Flow] erupted directly from the bottom of the foot (cgcf).


Wan She closed her mouth tightly and did not continue to roar incompetently.

Due to the effect of electric current, it has now lost the ability to fight back, so it has decided to be awkward for the time being.

"Now, let me ask you, ten thousand snakes!"

Xuan Zang clicked on the hard scale armor of Ten Thousand Snakes on his right foot, with a playful tone.

"what do you want!"

Wan She's voice was full of air, but there was some fear.

This young man who had never seen it gave it an unmatched feeling, but as a sacred psychic beast, it had its own pride, and it was impossible to be defeated at once.

Moreover, as a representative of the extremely evil psychic beast, it also has its own abacus in its heart, temporarily forbearing, can create a favorable counterattack environment for it in the future!

"As a psychic beast, I naturally hope that you can fulfill your due obligations! If you are good, you will naturally not be lost. The premise is that you must perfectly execute the orders I have given!"

Xuan Zang looked at Wan She who was in a "soft" state, and walked slowly to Wan She's slightly raised head.

He also knew in his heart that Wan She's current attitude was only succumbing to his own strength, and he had to show it.

And as long as you wait for a moment and show yourself weak, this snake with a bad personality will definitely bite back! .

However, will Xuan Zang have such a time? If he is really mixed enough that even ten thousand snakes can resist him, he will definitely die in shame!

So, no matter what the reason for Wan Snake's temporary bowing to himself, as long as this effect is achieved.

"no problem!"

Wanshen kept his eyes calm, cast his eyeballs up, and looked at Xuan Zang who was standing on his head.

"Nothing else-right, then I'm going back?"

Wan She understood the situation and knew that Xuan Zang was very strong, so he didn't plan to fight.

"Don't worry!"

Xuan Zang sat down, rubbing his right hand on the scale armor.

Although Wan Snake's armor looks very delicate, it is really hard and feels like metal.

"My name is Uchiha Genzo, you can call me Genzo in the future, this is a self-introduction!"

Xuan Zang continued to speak, ignoring the strange look of Ten Thousand Snakes.

And Wan Snake, the eyes are indeed very weird, because it has never encountered a human who introduced itself to it in this way.

Even the Dashewan of the year, it was a long time after getting along, and they gradually became familiar with each other, and the relationship between the two was still more profitable, and each took what he needed.

But Xuan Zang's current self-introduction seemed very formal, just like the acquaintance of friends.

"I am Ten Thousand Snakes, you already knew it, I won't introduce it!"

Wan She pondered for a moment, feeling that Xuan Zang hadn't spoken for a long time, as if he was waiting for something, so he also used Xuan Zang's just-speaking mode and replied.

"Well, thank you, for calling you for the first time, don't be offended!"

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