The Ball at Your Feet

: 129 The New Teacher

Ronaldinho's words really made Zhao Yaning a little excited. How many people don't want to play like a genius? Zhao Yaning didn't know if he really had a genius like Ronaldinho said, but he was pretty sure that he wanted to be that genius.

It's just that although this question sounds very reasonable, but Zhao Yaning seems to have to ask Coach Petit or Coach Deschamps to determine whether this matter is true. Although Ronaldinho's skills are very good, after all, Ronaldinho's professionalism is really doubtful.

Although these words he said were very helpful, they were not very helpful either. Zhao Yaning still wanted to discuss some technical issues with Ronaldinho.

These words made Xiao Luo a little impatient, but he still answered many of Zhao Yaning's questions.

Unlike the movements Petty taught Zhao Yaning, many of Ronaldinho's movements are not standard movements, and some can even be said to be bizarre movements, which gave Zhao Yaning a lot of special enlightenment.

Many of Ronaldinho's actions were difficult for Zhao Yaning to understand before. For example, he and Zidane are the only players in the world who are accustomed to touching the ball with various parts of their bodies. They are also one of the few players who are able to control the speed changes during high-speed travel, and add fake shaking to the speed change to make it difficult. People who are more ornamental. Moreover, his shooting, passing, and various techniques are unique. In addition, his playing method that relies on flexibility and explosive power is very similar to Zhao Yaning. Let’s talk about the technique with him. Zhao Yaning's technological progress is of inestimable help.

But after talking for a while, Zhao Yaning couldn't help but persuade him, "I think training is still very useful. If you participate in more training, your level may be higher."

"It's too much trouble, that kind of thing is too tiring, and progress is not great, I don't like it." Ronaldinho shook his head, ignoring Zhao Yaning's persuasion, "And I am not for fun, I want to make a record. "

A record? Zhao Yaning's eyelids twitched, he really couldn't think of how Ronaldinho had such a weird idea.

"My brother helped me contact a friend of his. He is engaged in an acting career in Brazil, and he wants to give me a record." Ronaldinho was a little proud when he spoke, but he was also a little dissatisfied, "Yes. Some are too cumbersome, and their efficiency is a little too poor."

Zhao Yaning hesitated for a while before asking, "Did you cheat someone?"

Although Zhao Yaning doesn't know what a real musician is like, he knows that he can't do any job well.

What's more, he also knows a real Alizee who sings for a living.

After seeing Alizee that day, he and Alizee had a lot of contacts, only to realize that Alizee was a very nice girl.

After Zhao Yaning had a drink with her, she often contacted Zhao Yaning by phone and computer. Although I haven't come to Monaco very much, the contact between the two people has indeed increased.

It’s just this kind of connection. Most of them are making a few jokes, telling a few jokes, or talking about what’s new, or talking about the news, or, Alizee will talk about her new song, and Zhao Yaning will talk about herself. Although it’s all about the training of the chicken and the duck, each time the talk is over, both of them are very happy.

But it was this strange mode of communication that made Zhao Yaning feel very comfortable.

Of course, it is different from Beibei's concern for him. Beibei is a caring girlfriend. She is always asking Zhao Yaning: what clothes she wears, what she eats, what her life is like, whether she is in trouble... Beibei seems to never care about other things, just cares about Zhao Yaning very much. this person. She doesn't care about football. Every time Zhao Yaning finishes the game, she only cares about whether Zhao Yaning is injured, tired, and if she loses her temper with others. She didn't care about Zhao Yaning's money and honor either. For her, those things seemed to be worth mentioning.

But Zhao Yaning hopes to talk to people about football. He kept holding some words in his heart and didn't know who to talk to. He is a good-tempered person. Even if he is unhappy about many things, he will not say anything on the spot. Instead, he can bear it. After a long time, he has accumulated a lot of troubles everywhere. He has a lot of grievances, and he doesn’t know who to blame. . The teammates are very close, but the teammates have treated him very well, and his troubles should not be used to trouble others. Only to understand him, but Zhao Yaning always feels that Zhang Yuan knows too well about certain things, a guy with sophisticated affections, after chatting with him, although he can know what to do, but he feels even more uncomfortable.

As for the parents, let alone. It’s enough for the parents to worry about the son staying outside and not going home all year round. Where else can the parents be more upset?

Beibei should have been the one who listened to him. But Beibei couldn't understand this. When she excitedly told her about the joy of scoring a goal, or a beautiful person in the game, she always cared about whether there was a muscle strain. Such words made Zhao Yaning feel disappointed.

Moreover, Beibei's words made his sense of accomplishment really unsatisfactory.

And after getting in touch with Alizee, he also heard Alizee complain about the exhaustion of practicing singing and the trouble of writing songs, so he also knew that singing is not that simple.

But his question made Xiao Luo shook his head, "How is it possible, how can my brother lie to me?"

"It's also possible that your brother was deceived. This kind of thing sounds too fake..." Zhao Yaning still felt that absenting from training for such unreliable things is very unworthy. "I heard people say, music It also requires formal practice, and the practice is very tiring..."

"You know someone who sings?" Ronaldinho heard the same thing right away, "Help me ask about the record. What to practice is not important to me. I am a genius. I am very good in this respect. talented."

Your talent should be on the football field. Zhao Yaning couldn't help but say something in his heart.

"If you are willing to help me, I can help you with everything in football. If you say it, I still have a lot of unique skills that are great. You have never seen it before."

Xiao Luo smiled and shook his head. He knew how to make this person listen to him.

These words made Zhao Yaning gritted his teeth and nodded fiercely.


After returning to his home, Zhao Yaning put on his glasses and entered his system. He hopes to get some better cards this time. The last time he exchanged jerseys with Drogba, he got a card of'Lin Daiyu in the penalty area'. Zhao Yaning couldn't tell where Drogba looked like Lin Daiyu, and he didn't know what Lin Daiyu had to do with his shooting ability +1.

But what he knows is that shooting ability +1 is irrelevant to him, anyway, his shooting skills are not good. He hopes to be able to strengthen his strengths so that he can play better.

After this game, he exchanged jerseys with Ronaldinho, and his performance in the game was considered good. He also hopes that Ronaldinho's jersey can bring him to his satisfaction.

‘You got a blue star card, green dancer, flexibility +3.’

It's actually flexible.

Zhao Yaning's flexibility has always been very good, but he has not made much progress after hard training. And this time, with just such a star card, his flexibility has gone from 15 to 18, which surprised him, and was also very excited-if this continues, his progress will definitely be very fast.

"The flexibility of 18 is not lost to some gymnasts, right?" Zhao Yaning was a little excited, "Does that mean that I will be able to play like Ronaldinho in the future?"

"I suggest you don't think about it." Juninho smiled on the side. "He is a product of God and unique. To achieve that, you still have a long way to And there are some things that can’t be changed. For example, if his limbs are slender, and if he has enough flexibility and flexibility, he will be able to do the most stretched and beautiful enough. But your natural limbs are not that long, even if you are flexible It’s high, and I can’t feel that way.” Anelka saw it more clearly, and he said Zhao Yaning’s true thoughts: Zhao Yaning is not envious of Ronaldinho’s abilities, what he envied is Ronaldinho’s on the court. This kind of omnipotent feeling, and the kind of beauty like a dance.

But there are pros and cons, and nothing will be perfect. Zhao Yaning is an Asian. The yellow limbs are inherently short. It is much harder to kick out the stretchiness of Zidane and Ronaldinho. However, it is precisely because of the advantages of the yellow race that he has an advantage that other players can hardly match: a person with a height of 180cm has a center of gravity as low as a person with a height of 170cm. I don't know how much defense can help him break through, with speed and Being flexible while not losing strength is also one of the inevitable elements of his success.

"But you are still thinking about how to continue to study technical movements. At best, coach Petit has shown you a path. You are on the right path, but you are the only one who understands yourself. You have to play more than yourself. Use your brain."

"Yes, the key is to think and practice more on your own." Zhao Yaning nodded.

"Who said that?" A voice on the side interrupted Zhao Yaning, "How can you practice such things as technical movements? This thing can only be obtained by your own talents."

This lazy voice made Zhao Yaning turn his head in surprise, "Ronnie?"

Ronaldinho stood on the sidelines with a grin, showing his two rows of big teeth, "Hello, from today, I will teach you how to play football."

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