After Zhou Yuan refined two first-grade elixirs, Bai Yunxiu's voice called for dinner.

"Brother Zhou, you can go out to eat now!"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yuan quickly stood up, left his small courtyard, and followed Bai Yunxiu to their courtyard.

Bai Qinggang had a dark face and was not happy about Zhou Yuan coming to eat, but he didn't say anything.

To say that the food was really good, including spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables, spiritual meat, four dishes and one soup, Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Miss Bai is good at craftsmanship. Whoever marries you in the future will definitely be lucky!"

Zhou Yuan praised him while eating.

When Bai Yunxiu heard this, his face turned red instantly. No matter how he heard this, it seemed that there was something else in it.

Bai Qinggang's face darkened again, and then he said in a cold voice: "Boy, don't try to trick my daughter, or I'll deal with you!"

When Bai Yunxiu heard this, she couldn't help but stamp her feet, blushed and said, "Daddy!"

When Zhou Yuan heard this, he was speechless for a moment. I just said, "Well, I didn't have such an idea at all!"

But looking at the blushing Bai Yunxiu, Zhou Yuan secretly sighed in his heart, she is indeed beautiful.

Then Zhou Yuan glanced at the Black Butcher and secretly cursed in his heart again.

"Your wife couldn't have secretly followed someone else, otherwise it would be impossible for your genes to give birth to such a beautiful daughter."

Zhou Yuan naturally did not dare to say this, otherwise the black butcher would definitely go crazy.

The black butcher is the landlord, he can't afford to offend!

Although the meal was a bit boring, Zhou Yuan enjoyed it so much that he even finished the soup in the end.

Bai Yunxiu was so happy that she couldn't help but have a smile on her face, while Black Butcher's face turned even darker!

In the next three days, Zhou Yuan killed four pigs every day and gradually integrated into the spirit exorcists. His cultivation and longevity were constantly increasing.

Every day when Zhou Yuan came back, he would sell a spirit beast to Bai Yunxiu, which made Bai Yunxiu look at Zhou Yuan with admiration.

You know, there are many casual cultivators in Qinglin City, and they often go out to hunt spiritual beasts, but they often find nothing.

"Brother Zhou, I suggest you find a store in Qinglin City and sell something. Although you may not make much money, at least it is safe!"

Bai Yunxiu smiled and spoke to Zhou Yuan with a very sincere attitude.

When Zhou Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but nodded. He was embarrassed to tell the other party that these spiritual beasts had been killed before.

"What Miss Bai said is true. I think so too. I'll start searching in a few days to see if I can find a suitable one!"

Zhou Yuan said with a smile. It was naturally impossible for him to tell Bai Yunxiu that he had become a spirit exorcist.

If the Black Butcher knew about this, he would probably kick him out directly.

The status of spirit exorcists in Qinglin City is not high. Many people are extremely disgusted with spirit exorcists because these people are surrounded by strong death energy.

In fact, Zhou Yuan was also very surprised, why was the Black Butcher not at home in the evening?

But now he is not very familiar with the Black Butcher, and Zhou Yuan is too embarrassed to ask.

During dinner in the evening, the Black Butcher came back, and Zhou Yuan saw a look of exhaustion on the latter's face.

The three of them ate in silence, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was quite dull.

Halfway through the meal, the Black Butcher said, "Boy Zhou, don't go out of the city during this time. It's very dangerous outside!"

When Zhou Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned and didn't understand what the Black Butcher meant by this. But he didn't have to leave the city, so he couldn't help but nod.

"Thank you, Senior Bai, for reminding me. I'm going to walk around the city these days to see if there's anything suitable!"

The Black Butcher couldn't help but nodded when he heard Zhou Yuan's words, and then stopped talking.

After eating, Zhou Yuan returned to his small courtyard and frowned slightly. He felt as if something big was going to happen in Qinglin City.

But then Zhou Yuan thought that there were several Jindan Daoist people in Qinglin City, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. If the sky fell, there would be tall people holding it up.

Zhou Yuan didn't know much about Qinglin City itself, so he didn't bother to think about it and closed his eyes to practice.

At this moment, the small sword in Zhou Yuan's dantian buzzed and vibrated. The resentment that had been condensed on Zhou Yuan's body poured into the small sword in Zhou Yuan's dantian like a tide. As the sword buzzed and vibrated, it seemed that There is just a hint of black gas.

This was not the first time this happened, and Zhou Yuan didn’t know whether it was good or bad.

Although your longevity will decrease every time you kill a pig, it will increase even more and will have no impact on your longevity.

But these remaining grievances will still condense around Zhou Yuan.

If this goes on for a long time, Zhou Yuan will inevitably be affected by resentment, resulting in all kinds of resentful emotions.

But fortunately, the first small foundation-building sword in Zhou Yuan's body can actually absorb these resentments, which actually did Zhou Yuan a big favor.

Early the next morning, Zhou Yuan arrived at the 'Past Life' prison and felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere here.

When Li Rui saw Zhou Yuan, he called Zhou Yuan over, and then said: "Zhou Yuan, starting from today, more than ten cells must be vacated every day. The more, the better!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned and instantly remembered the words of the Black Butcher last night, telling him not to leave the city for the next few days.

"Okay, Commander!"

Zhou Yuan agreed directly without asking why.

Li Rui took out a pill and gave it to Zhou Yuan's hand, and then said: "This is the Qi and Blood Pill. From now on, you can come to me to get one every day until you return to normal. There are more pigs to be killed today. Free up all the prison cells after No. 981 for me!"

Zhou Yuan took the Qi and Blood Pill from Li Rui and was secretly surprised. He was going to kill nearly twenty people.

But Zhou Yuan knew that he had no reason to refuse, and he could not refuse, so he agreed directly.

Looking at Zhou Yuan's back, Li Rui sighed and could only find a way to compensate Zhou Yuan later. There was an old monster at the peak of the foundation building realm in there.

This kind of person has the greatest resentment, and the exorcists are unwilling to get involved.

Zhou Yuan was extremely happy. He originally wanted to kill more, but he had no reason before.

Now it's good, he has sufficient reasons, so don't mention how happy he is.

Zhou Yuan didn't know if there were any big fish in there. If there were, he might have a chance to condense the second foundation building seed today.

Zhou Yuan, who was in a good mood, quickly came to No. 999, which was also the last one.

Zhou Yuan was already crazy at this moment. He just met two people with the eighth level of Qi Refining and four people with the seventh level of Qi Refining!

Even if the worst one was at the third level of Qi Refining, and there was only one, he was already crazy.

Looking at the crazy jumping cultivation value and life span, Zhou Yuan opened the door of the last prison cell without any hesitation and entered it.

As soon as the door was opened, Zhou Yuan frowned. He could smell a strong musty smell. It must have been a long time since anyone cleaned it!

Moreover, judging from the thick dust on top, no one had entered this cell for a long time.

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